This is a live mirror of the Perl 5 development currently hosted at
tick off release 5.27.6
[perl5.git] /
... / ...
2use strict;
3use warnings;
4use Config;
5use constant{IS_CROSS => defined $Config::Config{usecrosscompile} ? 1 : 0,
6 IS_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32',
7 IS_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS',
8 IS_UNIX => $^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'VMS',
11my @ext_dirs = qw(cpan dist ext);
12my $ext_dirs_re = '(?:' . join('|', @ext_dirs) . ')';
14# This script acts as a simple interface for building extensions.
16# It's actually a cut and shut of the Unix version ext/utils/makeext and the
17# Windows version win32/ hence the two invocation styles.
19# On Unix, it primarily used by the perl Makefile one extension at a time:
21# d_dummy $(dynamic_ext): miniperl preplibrary FORCE
22# @$(RUN) ./miniperl --target=dynamic $@ MAKE=$(MAKE) LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL)
24# On Windows or VMS,
25# If '--static' is specified, static extensions will be built.
26# If '--dynamic' is specified, dynamic extensions will be built.
27# If '--nonxs' is specified, nonxs extensions will be built.
28# If '--dynaloader' is specified, DynaLoader will be built.
29# If '--all' is specified, all extensions will be built.
31# "MAKE=make [-make_opts]" --dir=directory [--target=target] [--static|--dynamic|--all] +ext2 !ext1
33# E.g.
35# "MAKE=nmake -nologo" --dir=..\ext
37# "MAKE=nmake -nologo" --dir=..\ext --target=clean
39# MAKE=dmake --dir=..\ext
41# MAKE=dmake --dir=..\ext --target=clean
43# Will skip building extensions which are marked with an '!' char.
44# Mostly because they still not ported to specified platform.
46# If any extensions are listed with a '+' char then only those
47# extensions will be built, but only if they aren't countermanded
48# by an '!ext' and are appropriate to the type of building being done.
49# An extensions follows the format of Foo/Bar, which would be extension Foo::Bar
51# It may be deleted in a later release of perl so try to
52# avoid using it for other purposes.
54my (%excl, %incl, %opts, @extspec, @pass_through, $verbose);
56foreach (@ARGV) {
57 if (/^!(.*)$/) {
58 $excl{$1} = 1;
59 } elsif (/^\+(.*)$/) {
60 $incl{$1} = 1;
61 } elsif (/^--verbose$/ or /^-v$/) {
62 $verbose = 1;
63 } elsif (/^--([\w\-]+)$/) {
64 $opts{$1} = 1;
65 } elsif (/^--([\w\-]+)=(.*)$/) {
66 push @{$opts{$1}}, $2;
67 } elsif (/=/) {
68 push @pass_through, $_;
69 } elsif (length) {
70 push @extspec, $_;
71 }
74my $static = $opts{static} || $opts{all};
75my $dynamic = $opts{dynamic} || $opts{all};
76my $nonxs = $opts{nonxs} || $opts{all};
77my $dynaloader = $opts{dynaloader} || $opts{all};
79# The Perl Makefile.SH will expand all extensions to
80# lib/auto/X/X.a (or lib/auto/X/Y/Y.a if nested)
81# A user wishing to run make_ext might use
82# X (or X/Y or X::Y if nested)
84# canonise into X/Y form (pname)
86foreach (@extspec) {
87 if (s{^lib/auto/}{}) {
88 # Remove lib/auto prefix and /*.* suffix
89 s{/[^/]+\.[^/]+$}{};
90 } elsif (s{^$ext_dirs_re/}{}) {
91 # Remove ext/ prefix and /pm_to_blib suffix
92 s{/pm_to_blib$}{};
93 # Targets are given as files on disk, but the extension spec is still
94 # written using /s for each ::
95 tr!-!/!;
96 } elsif (s{::}{\/}g) {
97 # Convert :: to /
98 } else {
99 s/\..*o//;
100 }
103my $makecmd = shift @pass_through; # Should be something like MAKE=make
104unshift @pass_through, 'PERL_CORE=1';
106my @dirs = @{$opts{dir} || \@ext_dirs};
107my $target = $opts{target}[0];
108$target = 'all' unless defined $target;
110# Previously, $make was taken from However, the user might
111# instead be running a possibly incompatible make. This might happen if
112# the user types "gmake" instead of a plain "make", for example. The
113# correct current value of MAKE will come through from the main perl
114# makefile as MAKE=/whatever/make in $makecmd. We'll be cautious in
115# case third party users of this script (are there any?) don't have the
116# MAKE=$(MAKE) argument, which was added after 5.004_03.
117unless(defined $makecmd and $makecmd =~ /^MAKE=(.*)$/) {
118 die "$0: WARNING: Please include MAKE=\$(MAKE) in \@ARGV\n";
121# This isn't going to cope with anything fancy, such as spaces inside command
122# names, but neither did what it replaced. Once there is a use case that needs
123# it, please supply patches. Until then, I'm sticking to KISS
124my @make = split ' ', $1 || $Config{make} || $ENV{MAKE};
127if ($target eq '') {
128 die "make_ext: no make target specified (eg all or clean)\n";
129} elsif ($target !~ /^(?:all|clean|distclean|realclean|veryclean)$/) {
130 # we are strict about what make_ext is used for because we emulate these
131 # targets for simple modules:
132 die "$0: unknown make target '$target'\n";
135if (!@extspec and !$static and !$dynamic and !$nonxs and !$dynaloader) {
136 die "$0: no extension specified\n";
139my $perl;
140my %extra_passthrough;
142if (IS_WIN32) {
143 require Cwd;
144 require FindExt;
145 my $build = Cwd::getcwd();
146 $perl = $^X;
147 if ($perl =~ m#^\.\.#) {
148 my $here = $build;
149 $here =~ s{/}{\\}g;
150 $perl = "$here\\$perl";
151 }
152 (my $topdir = $perl) =~ s/\\[^\\]+$//;
153 # miniperl needs to find perlglob and pl2bat
154 $ENV{PATH} = "$topdir;$topdir\\win32\\bin;$ENV{PATH}";
155 my $pl2bat = "$topdir\\win32\\bin\\pl2bat";
156 unless (-f "$pl2bat.bat") {
157 my @args = ($perl, "-I$topdir\\lib", ("$") x 2);
158 print "@args\n" if $verbose;
159 system(@args) unless IS_CROSS;
160 }
162 print "In $build" if $verbose;
163 foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
164 chdir($dir) or die "Cannot cd to $dir: $!\n";
165 (my $ext = Cwd::getcwd()) =~ s{/}{\\}g;
166 FindExt::scan_ext($ext);
167 FindExt::set_static_extensions(split ' ', $Config{static_ext});
168 chdir $build
169 or die "Couldn't chdir to '$build': $!"; # restore our start directory
170 }
172 my @ext;
173 push @ext, FindExt::static_ext() if $static;
174 push @ext, FindExt::dynamic_ext() if $dynamic;
175 push @ext, FindExt::nonxs_ext() if $nonxs;
176 push @ext, 'DynaLoader' if $dynaloader;
178 foreach (sort @ext) {
179 if (%incl and !exists $incl{$_}) {
180 #warn "Skipping extension $_, not in inclusion list\n";
181 next;
182 }
183 if (exists $excl{$_}) {
184 warn "Skipping extension $_, not ported to current platform";
185 next;
186 }
187 push @extspec, $_;
188 if($_ ne 'DynaLoader' && FindExt::is_static($_)) {
189 push @{$extra_passthrough{$_}}, 'LINKTYPE=static';
190 }
191 }
193 chdir '..'
194 or die "Couldn't chdir to build directory: $!"; # now in the Perl build
196elsif (IS_VMS) {
197 $perl = $^X;
198 push @extspec, (split ' ', $Config{static_ext}) if $static;
199 push @extspec, (split ' ', $Config{dynamic_ext}) if $dynamic;
200 push @extspec, (split ' ', $Config{nonxs_ext}) if $nonxs;
201 push @extspec, 'DynaLoader' if $dynaloader;
205 # Cwd needs to be built before Encode recurses into subdirectories.
206 # Pod::Simple needs to be built before Pod::Functions
207 # lib needs to be built before IO-Compress
208 # This seems to be the simplest way to ensure this ordering:
209 my (@first, @other);
210 foreach (@extspec) {
211 if ($_ eq 'Cwd' || $_ eq 'Pod/Simple' || $_ eq 'lib') {
212 push @first, $_;
213 } else {
214 push @other, $_;
215 }
216 }
217 @extspec = (@first, @other);
220if ($Config{osname} eq 'catamount' and @extspec) {
221 # Snowball's chance of building extensions.
222 die "This is $Config{osname}, not building $extspec[0], sorry.\n";
224$ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1;
226foreach my $spec (@extspec) {
227 my $mname = $spec;
228 $mname =~ s!/!::!g;
229 my $ext_pathname;
231 # Try new style ext/Data-Dumper/ first
232 my $copy = $spec;
233 $copy =~ tr!/!-!;
235 # List/Util.xs lives in Scalar-List-Utils, Cwd.xs lives in PathTools
236 $copy = 'Scalar-List-Utils' if $copy eq 'List-Util';
237 $copy = 'PathTools' if $copy eq 'Cwd';
239 foreach my $dir (@ext_dirs) {
240 if (-d "$dir/$copy") {
241 $ext_pathname = "$dir/$copy";
242 last;
243 }
244 }
246 if (!defined $ext_pathname) {
247 if (-d "ext/$spec") {
248 # Old style ext/Data/Dumper/
249 $ext_pathname = "ext/$spec";
250 } else {
251 warn "Can't find extension $spec in any of @ext_dirs";
252 next;
253 }
254 }
256 print "\tMaking $mname ($target)\n" if $verbose;
258 build_extension($ext_pathname, $perl, $mname, $target,
259 [@pass_through, @{$extra_passthrough{$spec} || []}]);
262sub build_extension {
263 my ($ext_dir, $perl, $mname, $target, $pass_through) = @_;
265 unless (chdir "$ext_dir") {
266 warn "Cannot cd to $ext_dir: $!";
267 return;
268 }
270 my $up = $ext_dir;
271 $up =~ s![^/]+!..!g;
273 $perl ||= "$up/miniperl";
274 my $return_dir = $up;
275 my $lib_dir = "$up/lib";
277 my ($makefile, $makefile_no_minus_f);
278 if (IS_VMS) {
279 $makefile = 'descrip.mms';
280 if ($target =~ /clean$/
281 && !-f $makefile
282 && -f "${makefile}_old") {
283 $makefile = "${makefile}_old";
284 }
285 } else {
286 $makefile = 'Makefile';
287 }
289 if (-f $makefile) {
290 $makefile_no_minus_f = 0;
291 open my $mfh, '<', $makefile or die "Cannot open $makefile: $!";
292 while (<$mfh>) {
293 # Plagiarised from CPAN::Distribution
294 last if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/;
295 next unless /^#\s+VERSION_FROM\s+=>\s+(.+)/;
296 my $vmod = eval $1;
297 my $oldv;
298 while (<$mfh>) {
299 next unless /^XS_VERSION = (\S+)/;
300 $oldv = $1;
301 last;
302 }
303 last unless defined $oldv;
304 require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
305 defined (my $newv = parse_version MM $vmod) or last;
306 if (version->parse($newv) ne $oldv) {
307 close $mfh or die "close $makefile: $!";
308 _unlink($makefile);
309 {
310 no warnings 'deprecated';
311 goto NO_MAKEFILE;
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 if (IS_CROSS) {
317 # If we're cross-compiling, it's possible that the host's
318 # Makefiles are around.
319 seek($mfh, 0, 0) or die "Cannot seek $makefile: $!";
321 my $cross_makefile;
322 while (<$mfh>) {
323 # XXX This might not be throughout enough.
324 # For example, it's possible to cause a false-positive
325 # if cross compiling on and for the Raspberry Pi,
326 # which is insane but plausible.
327 # False positives are really not troublesome, though;
328 # all they mean is that the module gets rebuilt.
329 if (/^CC = \Q$Config{cc}\E/) {
330 $cross_makefile = 1;
331 last;
332 }
333 }
335 if (!$cross_makefile) {
336 print "Deleting non-Cross makefile\n";
337 close $mfh or die "close $makefile: $!";
338 _unlink($makefile);
339 }
340 }
341 } else {
342 $makefile_no_minus_f = 1;
343 }
345 if ($makefile_no_minus_f || !-f $makefile) {
347 if (!-f 'Makefile.PL') {
348 unless (just_pm_to_blib($target, $ext_dir, $mname, $return_dir)) {
349 # No problems returned, so it has faked everything for us. :-)
350 chdir $return_dir || die "Cannot cd to $return_dir: $!";
351 return;
352 }
354 print "\nCreating Makefile.PL in $ext_dir for $mname\n" if $verbose;
355 my ($fromname, $key, $value);
357 $key = 'ABSTRACT_FROM';
358 # We need to cope well with various possible layouts
359 my @dirs = split /::/, $mname;
360 my $leaf = pop @dirs;
361 my $leafname = "$";
362 my $pathname = join '/', @dirs, $leafname;
363 my @locations = ($leafname, $pathname, "lib/$pathname");
364 foreach (@locations) {
365 if (-f $_) {
366 $fromname = $_;
367 last;
368 }
369 }
371 unless ($fromname) {
372 die "For $mname tried @locations in $ext_dir but can't find source";
373 }
374 ($value = $fromname) =~ s/\.pm\z/.pod/;
375 $value = $fromname unless -e $value;
377 if ($mname eq 'Pod::Checker') {
378 # the abstract in the .pm file is unparseable by MM,
379 # so special-case it. We can't use the package's own
380 # Makefile.PL, as it doesn't handle the executable scripts
381 # right.
382 $key = 'ABSTRACT';
383 # this is copied from the CPAN Makefile.PL v 1.171
384 $value = 'Pod::Checker verifies POD documentation contents for compliance with the POD format specifications';
385 }
387 open my $fh, '>', 'Makefile.PL'
388 or die "Can't open Makefile.PL for writing: $!";
389 printf $fh <<'EOM', $0, $mname, $fromname, $key, $value;
390#-*- buffer-read-only: t -*-
392# This Makefile.PL was written by %s.
393# It will be deleted automatically by make realclean
395use strict;
396use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
398# This is what the .PL extracts to. Not the ultimate file that is installed.
399# (ie Win32 runs pl2bat after this)
401# Doing this here avoids all sort of quoting issues that would come from
402# attempting to write out perl source with literals to generate the arrays and
403# hash.
404my @temps = 'Makefile.PL';
405foreach (glob('scripts/pod*.PL')) {
406 # The various pod*.PL extractors change directory. Doing that with relative
407 # paths in @INC breaks. It seems the lesser of two evils to copy (to avoid)
408 # the chdir doing anything, than to attempt to convert lib paths to
409 # absolute, and potentially run into problems with quoting special
410 # characters in the path to our build dir (such as spaces)
411 require File::Copy;
413 my $temp = $_;
414 $temp =~ s!scripts/!!;
415 File::Copy::copy($_, $temp) or die "Can't copy $temp to $_: $!";
416 push @temps, $temp;
419my $script_ext = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '.com' : '';
420my %%pod_scripts;
421foreach (glob('pod*.PL')) {
422 my $script = $_;
423 s/.PL$/$script_ext/i;
424 $pod_scripts{$script} = $_;
426my @exe_files = values %%pod_scripts;
429 NAME => '%s',
430 VERSION_FROM => '%s',
431 %-13s => '%s',
432 realclean => { FILES => "@temps" },
433 (%%pod_scripts ? (
434 PL_FILES => \%%pod_scripts,
435 EXE_FILES => \@exe_files,
436 clean => { FILES => "@exe_files" },
437 ) : ()),
440# ex: set ro:
442 close $fh or die "Can't close Makefile.PL: $!";
443 # As described in commit 23525070d6c0e51f:
444 # Push the atime and mtime of generated Makefile.PLs back 4
445 # seconds. In certain circumstances ( on virtual machines ) the
446 # generated Makefile.PL can produce a Makefile that is older than
447 # the Makefile.PL. Altering the atime and mtime backwards by 4
448 # seconds seems to resolve the issue.
449 eval {
450 my $ftime = (stat('Makefile.PL'))[9] - 4;
451 utime $ftime, $ftime, 'Makefile.PL';
452 };
453 } elsif ($mname =~ /\A(?:Carp
454 |ExtUtils::CBuilder
455 |Safe
456 |Search::Dict)\z/x) {
457 # An explicit list of dual-life extensions that have a Makefile.PL
458 # for CPAN, but we have verified can also be built using the fakery.
459 my ($problem) = just_pm_to_blib($target, $ext_dir, $mname, $return_dir);
460 # We really need to sanity test that we can fake it.
461 # Otherwise "skips" will go undetected, and the build slow down for
462 # everyone, defeating the purpose.
463 if (defined $problem) {
464 if (-d "$return_dir/.git") {
465 # Get the list of files that git isn't ignoring:
466 my @files = `git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null`;
467 # on error (eg no git) we get nothing, but that's not a
468 # problem. The goal is to see if git thinks that the problem
469 # file is interesting, by getting a positive match with
470 # something git told us about, and if so bail out:
471 foreach (@files) {
472 chomp;
473 # We really need to sanity test that we can fake it.
474 # The intent is that this should only fail because
475 # you've just added a file to the dual-life dist that
476 # we can't handle. In which case you should either
477 # 1) remove the dist from the regex a few lines above.
478 # or
479 # 2) add the file to regex of "safe" filenames earlier
480 # in this function, that starts with ChangeLog
481 die "FATAL - $0 has $mname in the list of simple extensions, but it now contains file '$problem' which we can't handle"
482 if $problem eq $_;
483 }
484 # There's an unexpected file, but it seems to be something
485 # that git will ignore. So fall through to the regular
486 # Makefile.PL handling code below, on the assumption that
487 # we won't get here for a clean build.
488 }
489 warn "WARNING - $0 is building $mname using EU::MM, as it found file '$problem'";
490 } else {
491 # It faked everything for us.
492 chdir $return_dir || die "Cannot cd to $return_dir: $!";
493 return;
494 }
495 }
497 # We are going to have to use Makefile.PL:
498 print "\nRunning Makefile.PL in $ext_dir\n" if $verbose;
500 my @args = ("-I$lib_dir", 'Makefile.PL');
501 if (IS_VMS) {
502 my $libd = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($lib_dir);
503 push @args, "INST_LIB=$libd", "INST_ARCHLIB=$libd";
504 } else {
505 push @args, 'INSTALLDIRS=perl', 'INSTALLMAN1DIR=none',
506 'INSTALLMAN3DIR=none';
507 }
508 push @args, @$pass_through;
509 _quote_args(\@args) if IS_VMS;
510 print join(' ', $perl, @args), "\n" if $verbose;
511 my $code = do {
512 local $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} = 1;
513 system $perl, @args;
514 };
515 if($code != 0){
516 #make sure next build attempt/run of doesn't succeed
517 _unlink($makefile);
518 die "Unsuccessful Makefile.PL($ext_dir): code=$code";
519 }
521 # Right. The reason for this little hack is that we're sitting inside
522 # a program run by ./miniperl, but there are tasks we need to perform
523 # when the 'realclean', 'distclean' or 'veryclean' targets are run.
524 # Unfortunately, they can be run *after* 'clean', which deletes
525 # ./miniperl
526 # So we do our best to leave a set of instructions identical to what
527 # we would do if we are run directly as 'realclean' etc
528 # Whilst we're perfect, unfortunately the targets we call are not, as
529 # some of them rely on a $(PERL) for their own distclean targets.
530 # But this always used to be a problem with the old /bin/sh version of
531 # this.
532 if (IS_UNIX) {
533 foreach my $clean_target ('realclean', 'veryclean') {
534 fallback_cleanup($return_dir, $clean_target, <<"EOS");
535cd $ext_dir
536if test ! -f Makefile -a -f Makefile.old; then
537 echo "Note: Using Makefile.old"
538 make -f Makefile.old $clean_target MAKE='@make' @pass_through
540 if test ! -f Makefile ; then
541 echo "Warning: No Makefile!"
542 fi
543 @make $clean_target MAKE='@make' @pass_through
545cd $return_dir
547 }
548 }
549 }
551 if (not -f $makefile) {
552 print "Warning: No Makefile!\n";
553 }
555 if (IS_VMS) {
556 _quote_args($pass_through);
557 @$pass_through = (
558 "/DESCRIPTION=$makefile",
559 '/MACRO=(' . join(',',@$pass_through) . ')'
560 );
561 }
563 my @targ = ($target, @$pass_through);
564 print "Making $target in $ext_dir\n@make @targ\n" if $verbose;
565 local $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_QUIET} = 1;
566 my $code = system(@make, @targ);
567 if($code >> 8 != 0){ # probably cleaned itself, try again once more time
568 $code = system(@make, @targ);
569 }
570 die "Unsuccessful make($ext_dir): code=$code" if $code != 0;
572 chdir $return_dir || die "Cannot cd to $return_dir: $!";
575sub _quote_args {
576 my $args = shift; # must be array reference
578 # Do not quote qualifiers that begin with '/'.
579 map { if (!/^\//) {
580 $_ =~ s/\"/""/g; # escape C<"> by doubling
581 $_ = q(").$_.q(");
582 }
583 } @{$args}
584 ;
587#guarentee that a file is deleted or die, void _unlink($filename)
588#xxx replace with _unlink_or_rename from EU::Install?
589sub _unlink {
590 1 while unlink $_[0];
591 my $err = $!;
592 die "Can't unlink $_[0]: $err" if -f $_[0];
595# Figure out if this extension is simple enough that it would only use
596# ExtUtils::MakeMaker's pm_to_blib target. If we're confident that it would,
597# then do all the work ourselves (returning an empty list), else return the
598# name of a file that we identified as beyond our ability to handle.
600# While this is clearly quite a bit more work than just letting
601# ExtUtils::MakeMaker do it, and effectively is some code duplication, the time
602# savings are impressive.
604sub just_pm_to_blib {
605 my ($target, $ext_dir, $mname, $return_dir) = @_;
606 my ($has_lib, $has_top, $has_topdir);
607 my ($last) = $mname =~ /([^:]+)$/;
608 my ($first) = $mname =~ /^([^:]+)/;
610 my $pm_to_blib = IS_VMS ? 'pm_to_blib.ts' : 'pm_to_blib';
611 my $silent = defined $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} && $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /\b(s|silent|quiet)\b/;
613 foreach my $leaf (<*>) {
614 if (-d $leaf) {
615 $leaf =~ s/\.DIR\z//i
616 if IS_VMS;
617 next if $leaf =~ /\A(?:\.|\.\.|t|demo)\z/;
618 if ($leaf eq 'lib') {
619 ++$has_lib;
620 next;
621 }
622 if ($leaf eq $first) {
623 ++$has_topdir;
624 next;
625 }
626 }
627 return $leaf
628 unless -f _;
629 $leaf =~ s/\.\z//
630 if IS_VMS;
631 # Makefile.PL is "safe" to ignore because we will only be called for
632 # directories that hold a Makefile.PL if they are in the exception list.
633 next
634 if $leaf =~ /\A(ChangeLog
635 |Changes
637 |Makefile\.PL
639 |META\.yml
640 |\Q$pm_to_blib\E
642 |README\.patching
643 |README\.release
644 )\z/xi; # /i to deal with case munging systems.
645 if ($leaf eq "$") {
646 ++$has_top;
647 next;
648 }
649 return $leaf;
650 }
651 return 'no lib/'
652 unless $has_lib || $has_top;
653 die "Inconsistent module $mname has both lib/ and $first/"
654 if $has_lib && $has_topdir;
656 print "Running pm_to_blib for $ext_dir directly\n"
657 unless $silent;
659 my %pm;
660 if ($has_top) {
661 my $to = $mname =~ s!::!/!gr;
662 $pm{"$"} = "../../lib/$";
663 }
664 if ($has_lib || $has_topdir) {
665 # strictly ExtUtils::MakeMaker uses the pm_to_blib target to install
666 # .pm, pod and .pl files. We're just going to do it for .pm and .pod
667 # files, to avoid problems on case munging file systems. Specifically,
668 # _pm.PL which ExtUtils::MakeMaker should run munges to _PM.PL, and
669 # looks a lot like a regular (ie FOO.PL)
670 my @found;
671 require File::Find;
672 unless (eval {
673 File::Find::find({
674 no_chdir => 1,
675 wanted => sub {
676 return if -d $_;
677 # Bail out immediately with the problem file:
678 die \$_
679 unless -f _;
680 die \$_
681 unless /\A[^.]+\.(?:pm|pod)\z/i;
682 push @found, $_;
683 }
684 }, $has_lib ? 'lib' : $first);
685 1;
686 }) {
687 # Problem files aren't really errors:
688 return ${$@}
689 if ref $@ eq 'SCALAR';
690 # But anything else is:
691 die $@;
692 }
693 if ($has_lib) {
694 $pm{$_} = "../../$_"
695 foreach @found;
696 } else {
697 $pm{$_} = "../../lib/$_"
698 foreach @found;
699 }
700 }
701 # This is running under miniperl, so no autodie
702 if ($target eq 'all') {
703 my $need_update = 1;
704 if (-f $pm_to_blib) {
705 # avoid touching pm_to_blib unless there's something that
706 # needs updating, see #126710
707 $need_update = 0;
708 my $test_at = -M _;
709 while (my $from = each(%pm)) {
710 if (-M $from < $test_at) {
711 ++$need_update;
712 last;
713 }
714 }
715 keys %pm; # reset iterator
716 }
718 if ($need_update) {
719 local $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_QUIET} = 1;
720 require ExtUtils::Install;
721 ExtUtils::Install::pm_to_blib(\%pm, '../../lib/auto');
722 open my $fh, '>', $pm_to_blib
723 or die "Can't open '$pm_to_blib': $!";
724 print $fh "$0 has handled pm_to_blib directly\n";
725 close $fh
726 or die "Can't close '$pm_to_blib': $!";
727 if (IS_UNIX) {
728 # Fake the fallback cleanup
729 my $fallback
730 = join '', map {s!^\.\./\.\./!!; "rm -f $_\n"} sort values %pm;
731 foreach my $clean_target ('realclean', 'veryclean') {
732 fallback_cleanup($return_dir, $clean_target, $fallback);
733 }
734 }
735 }
736 } else {
737 # A clean target.
738 # For now, make the targets behave the same way as ExtUtils::MakeMaker
739 # does
740 _unlink($pm_to_blib);
741 unless ($target eq 'clean') {
742 # but cheat a bit, by relying on the top level Makefile clean target
743 # to take out our directory lib/auto/...
744 # (which it has to deal with, as cpan/foo/bar creates
745 # lib/auto/foo/bar, but the EU::MM rule will only
746 # rmdir lib/auto/foo/bar, leaving lib/auto/foo
747 _unlink($_)
748 foreach sort values %pm;
749 }
750 }
751 return;
754sub fallback_cleanup {
755 my ($dir, $clean_target, $contents) = @_;
756 my $file = "$dir/$";
757 open my $fh, '>>', $file or die "open $file: $!";
758 # Quite possible that we're being run in parallel here.
759 # Can't use Fcntl this early to get the LOCK_EX
760 flock $fh, 2 or warn "flock $file: $!";
761 print $fh $contents or die "print $file: $!";
762 close $fh or die "close $file: $!";