#!/usr/bin/perl -w # A tool to build a perl release tarball # Very basic but functional - if you're on a unix system. # # If you're on Win32 then it should still work, but various Unix command-line # tools will need to be available somewhere. An obvious choice is to install # Cygwin and ensure its 'bin' folder is on the PATH in the shell where you run # this script. The Cygwin 'bin' folder needs to precede the Windows 'system32' # folder so that Cygwin's 'find' command is found in preference to the Windows # 'find' command. In addition to the commands installed by default, your Cygwin # installation will need to contain at least the 'cpio' and '7z' commands. # Finally, ensure that the 'awk', 'shasum' (if you have it) and '7z' commands # are copies of 'gawk.exe', 'sha1sum.exe' and 'lib\p7zip\7z.exe' respectively, # rather than the links to them that only work in a Cygwin bash shell which # they are by default. # # No matter how automated this gets, you'll always need to read # and re-read pumpkin.pod and release_managers_guide.pod to # check for things to be done at various stages of the process. # # Tim Bunce, June 1997 # Translation tables, so far only to 1047 my @a2e = ( # ASCII to EBCDIC CP 1047 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x37,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,0x16,0x05,0x15,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F, 0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x3C,0x3D,0x32,0x26,0x18,0x19,0x3F,0x27,0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F, 0x40,0x5A,0x7F,0x7B,0x5B,0x6C,0x50,0x7D,0x4D,0x5D,0x5C,0x4E,0x6B,0x60,0x4B,0x61, 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0x7A,0x5E,0x4C,0x7E,0x6E,0x6F, 0x7C,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6, 0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xAD,0xE0,0xBD,0x5F,0x6D, 0x79,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96, 0x97,0x98,0x99,0xA2,0xA3,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xC0,0x4F,0xD0,0xA1,0x07, 0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x06,0x17,0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x2B,0x2C,0x09,0x0A,0x1B, 0x30,0x31,0x1A,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x08,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,0x04,0x14,0x3E,0xFF, 0x41,0xAA,0x4A,0xB1,0x9F,0xB2,0x6A,0xB5,0xBB,0xB4,0x9A,0x8A,0xB0,0xCA,0xAF,0xBC, 0x90,0x8F,0xEA,0xFA,0xBE,0xA0,0xB6,0xB3,0x9D,0xDA,0x9B,0x8B,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xAB, 0x64,0x65,0x62,0x66,0x63,0x67,0x9E,0x68,0x74,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x78,0x75,0x76,0x77, 0xAC,0x69,0xED,0xEE,0xEB,0xEF,0xEC,0xBF,0x80,0xFD,0xFE,0xFB,0xFC,0xBA,0xAE,0x59, 0x44,0x45,0x42,0x46,0x43,0x47,0x9C,0x48,0x54,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x58,0x55,0x56,0x57, 0x8C,0x49,0xCD,0xCE,0xCB,0xCF,0xCC,0xE1,0x70,0xDD,0xDE,0xDB,0xDC,0x8D,0x8E,0xDF ); my @i8_2_e = ( # UTF-EBCDIC I8 to EBCDIC CP 1047 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x37,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,0x16,0x05,0x15,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F, 0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x3C,0x3D,0x32,0x26,0x18,0x19,0x3F,0x27,0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F, 0x40,0x5A,0x7F,0x7B,0x5B,0x6C,0x50,0x7D,0x4D,0x5D,0x5C,0x4E,0x6B,0x60,0x4B,0x61, 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0x7A,0x5E,0x4C,0x7E,0x6E,0x6F, 0x7C,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6, 0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xAD,0xE0,0xBD,0x5F,0x6D, 0x79,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96, 0x97,0x98,0x99,0xA2,0xA3,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xC0,0x4F,0xD0,0xA1,0x07, 0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x06,0x17,0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x2B,0x2C,0x09,0x0A,0x1B, 0x30,0x31,0x1A,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x08,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,0x04,0x14,0x3E,0xFF, 0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x4A,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56, 0x57,0x58,0x59,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69,0x6A,0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73, 0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x80,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F,0x90,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C, 0x9D,0x9E,0x9F,0xA0,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAE,0xAF,0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6, 0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBE,0xBF,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF,0xDA,0xDB, 0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF,0xE1,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE ); use ExtUtils::Manifest qw(fullcheck); $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1; use Getopt::Std; $|=1; sub usage { die <; close PATCHLEVEL; my $patchlevel_h = join "", grep { /^#\s*define/ } @patchlevel_h; print $patchlevel_h; $revision = $1 if $patchlevel_h =~ /PERL_REVISION\s+(\d+)/; $patchlevel = $1 if $patchlevel_h =~ /PERL_VERSION\s+(\d+)/; $subversion = $1 if $patchlevel_h =~ /PERL_SUBVERSION\s+(\d+)/; die "Unable to parse patchlevel.h" unless $subversion >= 0; $vers = sprintf("%d.%d.%d", $revision, $patchlevel, $subversion); # fetch list of local patches my (@local_patches, @lpatch_tags, $lpatch_tags); @local_patches = grep { !/^\s*,?NULL/ && ! /,"uncommitted-changes"/ } grep { /^static.*local_patches/../^};/ } @patchlevel_h; @lpatch_tags = map { /^\s*,"(\w+)/ } @local_patches; $lpatch_tags = join "-", @lpatch_tags; $perl = "perl-$vers"; $reldir = "$perl"; $lpatch_tags = $opts{s} if defined $opts{s}; $reldir .= "-$lpatch_tags" if $lpatch_tags; print "\nMaking a release for $perl in $relroot/$reldir\n\n"; cleanup($relroot, $reldir) if $opts{c}; print "Cross-checking the MANIFEST...\n"; ($missfile, $missentry) = fullcheck(); @$missentry = grep {$_ !~ m!^\.(?:git|github|mailmap)! and $_ !~ m!(?:/|^)\.gitignore!} @$missentry; if (@$missfile ) { warn "Can't make a release with MANIFEST files missing:\n"; warn "\t".$_."\n" for (@$missfile); } if (@$missentry ) { warn "Can't make a release with files not listed in MANIFEST\n"; warn "\t".$_."\n" for (@$missentry); } if ("@$missentry" =~ m/\.orig\b/) { # Handy listing of find command and .orig files from patching work. # I tend to run 'xargs rm' and copy and paste the file list. my $cmd = "find . -name '*.orig' -print"; print "$cmd\n"; system($cmd); } die "Aborted.\n" if @$missentry or @$missfile; print "\n"; # VMS no longer has hardcoded version numbers descrip.mms print "Creating $relroot/$reldir release directory...\n"; die "$relroot/$reldir release directory already exists [consider using -c]\n" if -e "$relroot/$reldir"; die "$relroot/$reldir.tar.gz release file already exists [consider using -c]\n" if -e "$relroot/$reldir.tar.gz"; die "$relroot/$reldir.tar.xz release file already exists [consider using -c]\n" if $opts{x} && -e "$relroot/$reldir.tar.xz"; mkdir("$relroot/$reldir", 0755) or die "mkdir $relroot/$reldir: $!\n"; print "\n"; print "Copying files to release directory...\n"; # ExtUtils::Manifest maniread does not preserve the order $cmd = "awk '{print \$1}' MANIFEST | cpio -pdm $relroot/$reldir"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed"; print "\n"; chdir "$relroot/$reldir" or die $!; my @exe = map { my ($f) = split; glob($f) } grep { $_ !~ /\A#/ && $_ !~ /\A\s*\z/ } map { split "\n" } do { local (@ARGV, $/) = 'Porting/exec-bit.txt'; <> }; if ($opts{e}) { die "$0 must be run on an ASCII platform" if ord("A") != 65; print "Translating to EBCDIC...\n"; open my $mani_fh, "<", "MANIFEST" or die "Can't read copied MANIFEST: $!"; my @manifest = <$mani_fh>; # Slurp in whole thing before the file gets trashed close $mani_fh or die "Couldn't close MANIFEST: $!"; while (defined ($_ = shift @manifest)) { chomp; my $file = $_ =~ s/\s.*//r; # Rmv description to get just the file # name print STDERR "$file is binary\n" if -B $file; # Binary files aren't translated next if -B $file; # Binary files aren't translated local $/; # slurp mode open my $fh, "+<:raw", $file or die "Can't read copied $file: $!"; my $text = <$fh>; my $xlated = ""; if (! utf8::decode($text) || $text =~ / ^ [[:ascii:][:cntrl:]]* $ /x) { # Here, either $text isn't legal UTF-8; or it is, but it consists # entirely of one of the 160 ASCII and control characters whose # EBCDIC representation is the same whether UTF-EBCDIC or not. # This means we just translate byte-by-byte from Latin1 to EBCDIC. $xlated = ($text =~ s/(.)/chr $a2e[ord $1]/rsge); } else { # Here, $text is legal UTF-8, and the representation of some # character(s) in it it matters if is encoded in UTF-EBCDIC or not. # Also, the decode caused $text to now be viewed as UTF-8 characters # instead of the input bytes. We convert to UTF-EBCDIC. while ($text =~ m/(.)/gs) { my $ord = ord $1; if ($ord < 0xA0) { # UTF-EBCDIC invariant $xlated .= chr $a2e[$ord]; next; } # Get how many bytes (1 start + n continuations) its # representation is, and the start mark, which consists of the # upper n+1 bits being 1 my $start_mark; my $conts; if ($ord < 0x400) { $start_mark = 0xC0; $conts = 1; } elsif ($ord < 0x4000) { $start_mark = 0xE0; $conts = 2; } elsif ($ord < 0x40000) { $start_mark = 0xF0; $conts = 3; } elsif ($ord < 0x400000) { $start_mark = 0xF8; $conts = 4; } elsif ($ord < 0x4000000) { $start_mark = 0xFC; $conts = 5; } elsif ($ord < 0x40000000) { $start_mark = 0xFE; $conts = 6; } else { $start_mark = 0xFF; $conts = 13; } # Use the underlying I8 fundamentals to get each byte of the I8 # representation, then convert that to native with @i8_2_e my @i8; while ($conts-- > 0) { # First the continuations unshift @i8, chr($i8_2_e[0xA0 | ($ord & 0x1F)]); $ord >>= 5 } # Then the start byte unshift @i8, chr($i8_2_e[$start_mark | $ord]); $xlated .= join "", @i8; } } # End of loop through the file # Overwrite it with the translation truncate $fh, 0; seek $fh, 0, 0; print $fh $xlated; close $fh or die "Couldn't close $file: $!"; } } print "Setting file permissions...\n"; system("find . -type f -print | xargs chmod 0444"); system("find . -type d -print | xargs chmod 0755"); system("chmod +x @exe") == 0 or die "system: $!"; # MANIFEST may be resorted, so needs to be writable my @writables = qw( NetWare/config_H.wc NetWare/Makefile feature.h lib/feature.pm keywords.h keywords.c MANIFEST opcode.h opnames.h pp_proto.h proto.h embed.h embedvar.h overload.inc overload.h mg_vtable.h dist/Devel-PPPort/module2.c dist/Devel-PPPort/module3.c cpan/autodie/t/touch_me reentr.c reentr.h regcharclass.h regnodes.h warnings.h lib/warnings.pm win32/GNUmakefile win32/Makefile win32/config_H.gc win32/config_H.vc uconfig.h ); my $out = `chmod u+w @writables 2>&1`; if ($? != 0) { warn $out; if ($out =~ /no such file/i) { warn "Check that the files above still exist in the Perl core.\n"; warn "If not, remove them from \@writables in Porting/makerel\n"; } exit 1; } warn $out if $out; chdir ".." or die $!; exit if $opts{n}; my $src = (-e $perl) ? $perl : 'perl'; # 'perl' in maint branch my $output_7z; my $have_7z; if (! $opts{e}) { print "Checking if you have 7z...\n"; $output_7z = `7z 2>&1`; $have_7z = defined $output_7z && $output_7z =~ /7-Zip/; } print "Checking if you have advdef...\n"; my $output_advdef = `advdef --version 2>&1`; my $have_advdef = defined $output_advdef && $output_advdef =~ /advancecomp/; if (! $opts{e} && $have_7z) { print "Creating and compressing the tar.gz file with 7z...\n"; $cmd = "tar cf - $reldir | 7z a -tgzip -mx9 -bd -si $reldir.tar.gz"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed"; } else { print "Creating and compressing the tar.gz file...\n"; my $extra_opts = ""; if ($opts{e}) { print "(Using ustar format since is for an EBCDIC box)\n"; $extra_opts = ' --format=ustar'; } $cmd = "tar cf - $extra_opts $reldir | gzip --best > $reldir.tar.gz"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed"; if ($have_advdef) { print "Recompressing the tar.gz file with advdef...\n"; $cmd = "advdef -z -4 $reldir.tar.gz"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed"; } } if ($opts{x}) { print "Creating and compressing the tar.xz file with xz...\n"; $cmd = "tar cf - $reldir | xz -z -c > $reldir.tar.xz"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed"; } print "\n"; system("ls -ld $perl*"); print "\n"; my $null = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null'; for my $sha (qw(sha1 shasum sha1sum)) { if (`which $sha 2>$null`) { system("$sha $perl*.tar.*"); last; } } sub cleanup { my ( $relroot, $reldir ) = @_; require File::Path; my @cmds = ( [ qw{make distclean} ], [ qw{git clean -dxf} ], ); foreach my $cmd (@cmds) { print join( ' ', "Running:", @$cmd, "\n" ); system @$cmd; die "fail to run ".(join(' ', @$cmd) ) unless $? == 0; } if ( -d "$relroot/$reldir" ) { print "Removing directory $relroot/$reldir\n"; File::Path::rmtree("$relroot/$reldir"); } # always clean both my @files = ( "$relroot/$reldir.tar.gz", "$relroot/$reldir.tar.xz" ); foreach my $f ( @files ) { next unless -f $f; print "Removing file '$f'\n"; unlink($f); } return; } 1;