/* generate_uudmap.c: Create three .h files, whose names are specified as argv[1..3], but are usually uudmap.h, bitcount.h and mg_data.h. It uses mg_raw.h as input, plus it relies on the C compiler knowing the ord value of character literals under EBCDIC, to generate output tables on an order which are platform-specific. The outputs are: uudmap.h: The values which will populate PL_uumap[], as used by unpack('u'). bitcount.h The values which will populate PL_bitcount[]: this is a count of bits for each U8 value 0..255. (I'm not sure why this has to be generated - surely it's platform-independent - DAPM.) mg_data.h Takes the input from mg_raw.h and sorts by it magic char; the values will populate PL_magic_data[]: this is an array of per-magic U8 values containing an index into PL_magic_vtables[] plus two flags: PERL_MAGIC_READONLY_ACCEPTABLE PERL_MAGIC_VALUE_MAGIC Originally this program just generated uudmap.h However, when we later wanted to generate bitcount.h, it was easier to refactor it and keep the same name, than either alternative - rename it, or duplicate all of the Makefile logic for a second program. Ditto when mg_data.h was added. */ #include #include /* If it turns out that we need to make this conditional on config.sh derived values, it might be easier just to rip out the use of strerrer(). */ #include /* If a platform doesn't support errno.h, it's probably so strange that "hello world" won't port easily to it. */ #include struct mg_data_raw_t { unsigned char type; const char *value; const char *comment; }; static struct mg_data_raw_t mg_data_raw[] = { #ifdef WIN32 # include "..\mg_raw.h" #else # include "mg_raw.h" #endif {0, 0, 0} }; struct mg_data_t { const char *value; const char *comment; }; static struct mg_data_t mg_data[256]; static void format_mg_data(FILE *out, const void *thing, size_t count) { const struct mg_data_t *p = (const struct mg_data_t *)thing; while (1) { if (p->value) { fprintf(out, " %s\n %s", p->comment, p->value); } else { fputs(" 0", out); } ++p; if (!--count) break; fputs(",\n", out); } fputc('\n', out); } static void format_char_block(FILE *out, const void *thing, size_t count) { const char *block = (const char *)thing; fputs(" ", out); while (count--) { fprintf(out, "%d", *block); block++; if (count) { fputs(", ", out); if (!(count & 15)) { fputs("\n ", out); } } } fputc('\n', out); } static void output_to_file(const char *progname, const char *filename, void (format_function)(FILE *out, const void *thing, size_t count), const void *thing, size_t count, const char *header ) { FILE *const out = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!out) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not open '%s': %s\n", progname, filename, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } fprintf(out, "/* %s:\n", filename); fprintf(out, " * THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED DURING THE BUILD by: %s\n", progname); fprintf(out, " *\n%s\n*/\n{\n", header); format_function(out, thing, count); fputs("}\n", out); if (fclose(out)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not close '%s': %s\n", progname, filename, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } static const char PL_uuemap[] = "`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"; typedef unsigned char U8; /* This will ensure it is initialized to all zeros. */ static char PL_uudmap[256]; static char PL_bitcount[256]; int main(int argc, char **argv) { size_t i; int bits; struct mg_data_raw_t *p = mg_data_raw; if (argc < 4 || argv[1][0] == '\0' || argv[2][0] == '\0' || argv[3][0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s uudemap.h bitcount.h mg_data.h\n", argv[0]); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(PL_uuemap) - 1; ++i) PL_uudmap[(U8)PL_uuemap[i]] = (char)i; /* * Because ' ' and '`' map to the same value, * we need to decode them both the same. */ PL_uudmap[(U8)' '] = 0; output_to_file(argv[0], argv[1], &format_char_block, (const void *)PL_uudmap, sizeof(PL_uudmap), " * These values will populate PL_uumap[], as used by unpack('u')" ); for (bits = 1; bits < 256; bits++) { if (bits & 1) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 2) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 4) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 8) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 16) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 32) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 64) PL_bitcount[bits]++; if (bits & 128) PL_bitcount[bits]++; } output_to_file(argv[0], argv[2], &format_char_block, (const void *)PL_bitcount, sizeof(PL_bitcount), " * These values will populate PL_bitcount[]:\n" " * this is a count of bits for each U8 value 0..255" ); while (p->value) { mg_data[p->type].value = p->value; mg_data[p->type].comment = p->comment; ++p; } output_to_file(argv[0], argv[3], &format_mg_data, (const void *)mg_data, sizeof(mg_data)/sizeof(mg_data[0]), " * These values will populate PL_magic_data[]: this is an array of\n" " * per-magic U8 values containing an index into PL_magic_vtables[]\n" " * plus two flags:\n" " * PERL_MAGIC_READONLY_ACCEPTABLE\n" " * PERL_MAGIC_VALUE_MAGIC" ); return 0; }