#!./perl -w # this script must be run by the current perl to get perl's version right # # Create a META.yml file in the current directory. Must be run from the # root directory of a perl source tree. use strict; use warnings; use lib "Porting"; use File::Basename qw( dirname ); BEGIN { # Get function prototypes require 'regen/regen_lib.pl'; } my $file = "META.yml"; my $new_file = "META.yml-new"; use Maintainers qw(%Modules get_module_files get_module_pat); my @CPAN = grep { $Modules{$_}{CPAN} } keys %Modules; my @files = ('lib/unicore/mktables', 'TestInit.pm', 'Porting/Maintainers.pm', 'Porting/perldelta_template.pod', map { get_module_files($_) } @CPAN); my @dirs = ('cpan', 'win32', grep { -d $_ && $_ !~ /^cpan/ } map { get_module_pat($_) } @CPAN); my %dirs; @dirs{@dirs} = (); @files = map { " - $_" } grep { my $d = $_; my $previous_d = ''; while(($d = dirname($d)) ne "."){ last if $d eq $previous_d; # safety valve last if exists $dirs{$d}; $previous_d = $d; } # if $d is "." it means we tried every parent dir of the file and none # of them were in the private list $d eq "." || $d eq $previous_d; } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @files; @dirs = map { " - $_" } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @dirs; my $fh = safer_open($new_file); local $" = "\n"; print $fh <<"EOI"; name: perl version: $] abstract: The Perl 5 language interpreter author: perl5-porters\@perl.org license: perl resources: homepage: http://www.perl.org/ bugtracker: http://rt.perl.org/perlbug/ license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ repository: http://perl5.git.perl.org/ distribution_type: core generated_by: $0 no_index: directory: @dirs file: @files EOI safer_close($fh); rename_if_different($new_file, $file);