$! Test.Com - DCL driver for perl5 regression tests $! $! Version 1.1 4-Dec-1995 $! Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu $! $! A little basic setup $ On Error Then Goto wrapup $ olddef = F$Environment("Default") $ oldmsg = F$Environment("Message") $ If F$Search("t.dir").nes."" $ Then $ Set Default [.t] $ Else $ If F$TrnLNm("Perl_Root").nes."" $ Then $ Set Default Perl_Root:[t] $ Else $ Write Sys$Error "Can't find test directory" $ Exit 44 $ EndIf $ EndIf $ Set Message /NoFacility/NoSeverity/NoIdentification/NoText $! $ exe = ".Exe" $ If p1.nes."" Then exe = p1 $ If F$Extract(0,1,exe) .nes. "." $ Then $ Write Sys$Error "" $ Write Sys$Error "The first parameter passed to Test.Com must be the file type used for the" $ Write Sys$Error "images produced when you built Perl (i.e. "".Exe"", unless you edited" $ Write Sys$Error "Descrip.MMS or used the AXE=1 macro in the MM[SK] command line." $ Write Sys$Error "" $ Exit 44 $ EndIf $! $! "debug" perl if second parameter is nonblank $! $ dbg = "" $ ndbg = "" $ if p2.nes."" then dbg = "dbg" $ if p2.nes."" then ndbg = "ndbg" $! $! Pick up a copy of perl to use for the tests $ If F$Search("Perl.").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Perl.;* $ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]'ndbg'Perl'exe' []Perl. $! $! Pick up a copy of vmspipe.com to use for the tests $ If F$Search("VMSPIPE.COM").nes."" then Delete/Log/Noconfirm VMSPIPE.COM;* $ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]VMSPIPE.COM [] $! $! And do it $ Show Process/Accounting $ testdir = "Directory/NoHead/NoTrail/Column=1" $ PerlShr_filespec = f$parse("Sys$Disk:[-]''dbg'PerlShr''exe'") $ Define 'dbg'Perlshr 'PerlShr_filespec' $ if f$mode() .nes. "INTERACTIVE" then Define PERL_SKIP_TTY_TEST 1 $ MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "-I[-.lib]" - "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'" $ Deck/Dollar=$$END-OF-TEST$$ # # The bulk of the below code is scheduled for deletion. test.com # will shortly use t/TEST. # use Config; use File::Spec; $| = 1; # Let tests know they're running in the perl core. Useful for modules # which live dual lives on CPAN. $ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1; @ARGV = grep($_,@ARGV); # remove empty elements due to "''p1'" syntax if (lc($ARGV[0]) eq '-v') { $verbose = 1; shift; } chdir 't' if -f 't/TEST'; if ($ARGV[0] eq '') { foreach (<[.*]*.t>, <[-.ext...]*.t>, <[-.lib...]*.t>) { $_ = File::Spec->abs2rel($_); s/\[([a-z]+)/[.$1/; # hmm, abs2rel doesn't do subdirs of the cwd ($fname = $_) =~ s/.*\]//; push(@ARGV,$_); } } $bad = 0; $good = 0; $extra_skip = 0; $total = @ARGV; while ($test = shift) { if ($test =~ /^$/) { next; } $te = $test; chop($te); $te .= '.' x (40 - length($te)); open(script,"$test") || die "Can't run $test.\n"; $_ =