============================================================================== Release of version 0.50 of NEXT ============================================================================== NAME NEXT - Pseudo class for method redispatch DESCRIPTION NEXT.pm adds a pseudoclass named C to any program that uses it. If a method C calls C<$self->NEXT::m()>, the call to C is redispatched as if the calling method had not originally been found. In other words, a call to C<$self->NEXT::m()> resumes the depth-first, left-to-right search of parent classes that resulted in the original call to C. Note that this is not the same thing as C<$self->SUPER::m()>, which begins a new dispatch that is restricted to searching the ancestors of the current class. C<$self->NEXT::m()> can backtrack past the current class -- to look for a suitable method in other ancestors of C<$self> -- whereas C<$self->SUPER::m()> cannot. A particularly interesting use of redispatch is in C'ed methods. If such a method determines that it is not able to handle a particular call, it may choose to redispatch that call, in the hope that some other C (above it, or to its left) might do better. The module also allows you to specify that multiply inherited methods should only be redispatched once, and what should happen if no redispatch is possible. AUTHOR Damian Conway (damian@conway.org) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. ============================================================================== CHANGES IN VERSION 0.50 - Added a $VERSION (oops!) - Fixed handling of diamond patterns (thanks Paul) - Added NEXT::ACTUAL to require existence of next method (thanks Paul) - Added NEXT::UNSEEN to avoid calling multiply inherited methods twice (thanks Paul) - Re-fixed setting of $AUTOLOAD in NEXT'd AUTOLOADS to be consistent with more useful SUPER:: behaviour - Corified tests ============================================================================== AVAILABILITY NEXT has been uploaded to the CPAN and is also available from: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~damian/CPAN/NEXT.tar.gz ==============================================================================