@echo off @rem AUTHOR: apc @rem CREATED: Thu 18th Jan 2001 09:18:08 @rem LAST REVISED: 6th April 2001 @rem LAST REVISED: 22nd May 2002 @rem Batch file to set the path to Default Buildtype,NetWare SDK, CodeWarrior directories @rem This file calls buildtype with release as defualt,setnlmsdk.bat, setCodeWar.bat & setmpksdk.bat and MpkBuild with off as default REM If no parameters are passed, display usage if "%1" == "" goto Usage if "%1" == "/?" goto Usage if "%1" == "/h" goto Usage REM Display the current settings if "%1" == "/now" goto now REM If na is passed, don't set that parameter if "%1" == "na" goto skip_nlmsdk_msg :setnwsdk call setnlmsdk %1 goto skip_nlmsdk_nomsg :skip_nlmsdk_msg @echo Retaining NLMSDKBASE=%NLMSDKBASE% :skip_nlmsdk_nomsg if "%2" == "" goto err_exit if "%2" == "na" goto skip_cw_msg :setcodewar call setcodewar %2 goto skip_cw_nomsg :skip_cw_msg @echo Retaining CODEWAR=%CODEWAR% goto exit :skip_cw_nomsg goto exit :err_exit @echo Not Enough Parameters goto Usage :now @echo NLMSDKBASE=%NLMSDKBASE% @echo CODEWAR=%CODEWAR% goto exit :Usage @echo on @echo "Usage: setnwdef " @echo "Usage: setnwdef /now" - To display current setting @echo Pass na if you don't want to change a setting @echo Ex. setnwbld d:\ndk\nwsdk na @echo Ex. setnwbld na d:\codewar :exit