gv.c AOK Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA @ISA = qw(Fred); joe() Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s::%.*s() is deprecated sub Other::AUTOLOAD { 1 } sub Other::fred {} @ISA = qw(Other) ; fred() ; $# is no longer supported $* is no longer supported $a = ${"#"} ; $a = ${"*"} ; ${^ENCODING} is no longer supported. Name "main::a" used only once: possible typo Mandatory Warnings ALL TODO ------------------ Had to create %SVf unexpectedly [gv_fetchpv] Attempt to free unreferenced glob pointers [gp_free] __END__ # gv.c use warnings 'syntax' ; @ISA = qw(Fred); joe() EXPECT Can't locate package Fred for @main::ISA at - line 3. Undefined subroutine &main::joe called at - line 3. ######## # gv.c no warnings 'syntax' ; @ISA = qw(Fred); joe() EXPECT Undefined subroutine &main::joe called at - line 3. ######## # gv.c sub Other::AUTOLOAD { 1 } sub Other::fred {} @ISA = qw(Other) ; use warnings 'deprecated' ; fred() ; my $x = \&barney; (bless[])->barney; EXPECT Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method main::fred() is deprecated. This will be fatal in Perl 5.28 at - line 5. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); sub Oᕞʀ::AUTOLOAD { 1 } sub Oᕞʀ::fᕃƌ {} @ISA = qw(Oᕞʀ) ; use warnings 'deprecated' ; fᕃƌ() ; EXPECT Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method main::fᕃƌ() is deprecated. This will be fatal in Perl 5.28 at - line 7. ######## # gv.c $a = ${"#"}; $a = ${"*"}; no warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = ${"#"}; $a = ${"*"}; EXPECT $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 2. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 3. ######## # gv.c $a = ${#}; $a = ${*}; no warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = ${#}; $a = ${*}; EXPECT $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 2. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 3. ######## # gv.c $a = $#; $a = $*; $# = $a; $* = $a; $a = \$#; $a = \$*; no warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = $#; $a = $*; $# = $a; $* = $a; $a = \$#; $a = \$*; EXPECT $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 2. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 3. $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 4. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 5. $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 6. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 7. ######## # gv.c @a = @#; @a = @*; $a = $#; $a = $*; EXPECT $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 4. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 5. ######## # gv.c $a = $#; $a = $*; @a = @#; @a = @*; EXPECT $# is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 2. $* is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.30 at - line 3. ######## # gv.c $a = ${^ENCODING}; $a = ${^E_NCODING}; ${^ENCODING} = 1; ${^E_NCODING} = 1; # We pretend this variable never existed. EXPECT ${^ENCODING} is no longer supported. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.28 at - line 4. ######## # gv.c use warnings 'syntax' ; use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); package Y; @ISA = qw(Fred); joe() EXPECT Can't locate package Fred for @Y::ISA at - line 6. Undefined subroutine &Y::joe called at - line 6. ######## # gv.c use warnings; $x = 1; if ($x) { print $y; } $a++; # These two should $b++; # be exempt. $Foo::a++; $Foo::b++; EXPECT Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo at - line 5. Use of uninitialized value $y in print at - line 5. ######## # gv.c use warnings; $x = 1; if ($x) { $x++; print $y; } EXPECT Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo at - line 6. Use of uninitialized value $y in print at - line 6. ######## # gv.c use warnings; $x = 0; if ($x) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$x) { print $y; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo at - line 7. Use of uninitialized value $y in print at - line 7. ######## # gv.c use warnings; $x = 0; if ($x) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$x) { $x++; print $y; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo at - line 8. Use of uninitialized value $y in print at - line 8. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; $ㄒ = 1; if ($ㄒ) { print $ʎ; } EXPECT Name "main::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 7. Use of uninitialized value $ʎ in print at - line 7. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; $ㄒ = 1; if ($ㄒ) { $ㄒ++; print $ʎ; } EXPECT Name "main::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 8. Use of uninitialized value $ʎ in print at - line 8. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; $ㄒ = 0; if ($ㄒ) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$ㄒ) { print $ʎ; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "main::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 9. Use of uninitialized value $ʎ in print at - line 9. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; $ㄒ = 0; if ($ㄒ) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$ㄒ) { $ㄒ++; print $ʎ; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "main::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 10. Use of uninitialized value $ʎ in print at - line 10. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; package 팣칵ぇ; $ㄒ = 1; if ($ㄒ) { print $ʎ; } EXPECT Name "팣칵ぇ::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 8. Use of uninitialized value $팣칵ぇ::ʎ in print at - line 8. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; package 팣칵ぇ; $ㄒ = 1; if ($ㄒ) { $ㄒ++; print $ʎ; } EXPECT Name "팣칵ぇ::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 9. Use of uninitialized value $팣칵ぇ::ʎ in print at - line 9. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; package 팣칵ぇ; $ㄒ = 0; if ($ㄒ) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$ㄒ) { print $ʎ; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "팣칵ぇ::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 10. Use of uninitialized value $팣칵ぇ::ʎ in print at - line 10. ######## # gv.c use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); use warnings; package 팣칵ぇ; $ㄒ = 0; if ($ㄒ) { print "1\n"; } elsif (!$ㄒ) { $ㄒ++; print $ʎ; } else { print "0\n"; } EXPECT Name "팣칵ぇ::ʎ" used only once: possible typo at - line 11. Use of uninitialized value $팣칵ぇ::ʎ in print at - line 11.