If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you see. It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is specifically designed to be readable as is. =head1 Name Perl for WinCE =head1 Description This file gives the instructions for building Perl5.8 and above for WinCE. Please read and understand the terms under which this software is distributed. =head1 Build This section describes the steps to be performed to build PerlCE. You may find additional and newer information about building perl for WincE using following URL: http://perlce.sourceforge.net There should also be pre-built binaries there. =head2 Tools & SDK For compiling, you need following: =over 4 =item * Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools =item * Microsoft Visual C++ =item * Rainer Keuchel's celib-sources =item * Rainer Keuchel's console-sources =back Needed source files can be downloaded via: www.rainer-keuchel.de/wince/dirlist.html =head2 Make Please pay attention that starting from 5.8.0 miniperl *is* built and it facilitates in further building process. This means that in addition to compiler installation for mobile device you also need to have Microsoft Visual C++ installed as well. On the bright side, you do not need to edit any files from ./win32 subdirectory. Normally you only need to edit ./wince/compile.bat to reflect your system and run it. File ./wince/compile.bat is actually a wrapper to call nmake -f makefile.ce with appropriate parameters and it accepts extra parameters and forwards them to "nmake" command as additional arguments. You should pass target this way. Currently default target build all required perls, also there exists target 'dist' that prepares distribution file set. Other targets are currently in development stage. So, to prepare distribution you need to do following: =over 4 =item * go to ./wince subdirectory =item * edit file compile.bat =item * run compile.bat =item * run compile.bat dist =back Before you start, you need to build celib.dll and w32console. See instructions in these packages for building. =head1 Acknowledgements The port for Win32 was used as a reference. =head1 AUTHORS Rainer Keuchel (keuchel@netwave.de) Vadim Konovalov (vkonovalov@spb.lucent.com)