package Encode; use strict; our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; our $DEBUG = 0; require DynaLoader; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); # Public, encouraged API is exported by default our @EXPORT = qw ( encode decode encode_utf8 decode_utf8 find_encoding encodings ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( define_encoding from_to is_utf8 is_8bit is_16bit utf8_upgrade utf8_downgrade _utf8_on _utf8_off ); bootstrap Encode (); # Documentation moved after __END__ for speed - NI-S use Carp; our $ON_EBCDIC = (ord("A") == 193); use Encode::Alias; # Make a %Encoding package variable to allow a certain amount of cheating our %Encoding; our %ExtModule = ( viscii => 'Encode/', 'koi8-r' => 'Encode/', cp1047 => 'Encode/', cp37 => 'Encode/', 'posix-bc' => 'Encode/', symbol => 'Encode/', dingbats => 'Encode/', ); for my $k (2..11,13..16){ $ExtModule{"iso-8859-$k"} = 'Encode/'; } for my $k (1250..1258){ $ExtModule{"cp$k"} = 'Encode/'; } unless ($ON_EBCDIC) { # CJK added to autoload unless EBCDIC env %ExtModule =( %ExtModule, 'euc-cn' => 'Encode/', gb2312 => 'Encode/', gb12345 => 'Encode/', gbk => 'Encode/', cp936 => 'Encode/', 'iso-ir-165' => 'Encode/', 'euc-jp' => 'Encode/', 'iso-2022-jp' => 'Encode/', 'iso-2022-jp-1' => 'Encode/', '7bit-jis' => 'Encode/', shiftjis => 'Encode/', macjapan => 'Encode/', cp932 => 'Encode/', 'euc-kr' => 'Encode/', ksc5601 => 'Encode/', cp949 => 'Encode/', big5 => 'Encode/', 'big5-hkscs' => 'Encode/', cp950 => 'Encode/', gb18030 => 'Encode/', big5plus => 'Encode/', 'euc-tw' => 'Encode/', ); } for my $k (qw(centeuro croatian cyrillic dingbats greek iceland roman rumanian sami thai turkish ukraine)) { $ExtModule{"mac$k"} = 'Encode/'; } sub encodings { my $class = shift; my @modules = (@_ and $_[0] eq ":all") ? values %ExtModule : @_; for my $m (@modules) { $DEBUG and warn "about to require $m;"; eval { require $m; }; } return map({$_->[0]} sort({$a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} map({[$_, lc $_]} grep({ $_ ne 'Internal' } keys %Encoding)))); } sub define_encoding { my $obj = shift; my $name = shift; $Encoding{$name} = $obj; my $lc = lc($name); define_alias($lc => $obj) unless $lc eq $name; while (@_) { my $alias = shift; define_alias($alias,$obj); } return $obj; } sub getEncoding { my ($class,$name,$skip_external) = @_; my $enc; if (ref($name) && $name->can('new_sequence')) { return $name; } my $lc = lc $name; if (exists $Encoding{$name}) { return $Encoding{$name}; } if (exists $Encoding{$lc}) { return $Encoding{$lc}; } my $oc = $class->find_alias($name); return $oc if defined $oc; $oc = $class->find_alias($lc) if $lc ne $name; return $oc if defined $oc; if (!$skip_external and exists $ExtModule{$lc}) { eval{ require $ExtModule{$lc}; }; return $Encoding{$name} if exists $Encoding{$name}; } return; } sub find_encoding { my ($name,$skip_external) = @_; return __PACKAGE__->getEncoding($name,$skip_external); } sub encode { my ($name,$string,$check) = @_; my $enc = find_encoding($name); croak("Unknown encoding '$name'") unless defined $enc; my $octets = $enc->encode($string,$check); return undef if ($check && length($string)); return $octets; } sub decode { my ($name,$octets,$check) = @_; my $enc = find_encoding($name); croak("Unknown encoding '$name'") unless defined $enc; my $string = $enc->decode($octets,$check); $_[1] = $octets if $check; return $string; } sub from_to { my ($string,$from,$to,$check) = @_; my $f = find_encoding($from); croak("Unknown encoding '$from'") unless defined $f; my $t = find_encoding($to); croak("Unknown encoding '$to'") unless defined $t; my $uni = $f->decode($string,$check); return undef if ($check && length($string)); $string = $t->encode($uni,$check); return undef if ($check && length($uni)); return length($_[0] = $string); } sub encode_utf8 { my ($str) = @_; utf8::encode($str); return $str; } sub decode_utf8 { my ($str) = @_; return undef unless utf8::decode($str); return $str; } require Encode::Encoding; require Encode::XS; require Encode::Internal; require Encode::Unicode; require Encode::utf8; require Encode::10646_1; require Encode::ucs2_le; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Encode - character encodings =head1 SYNOPSIS use Encode; =head2 Table of Contents Encode consists of a collection of modules which details are too big to fit in one document. This POD itself explains the top-level APIs and general topics at a glance. For other topics and more details, see the PODs below; Name Description -------------------------------------------------------- Encode::Alias Alias defintions to encodings Encode::Encoding Encode Implementation Base Class Encode::Supported List of Supported Encodings Encode::CN Simplified Chinese Encodings Encode::JP Japanese Encodings Encode::KR Korean Encodings Encode::TW Traditional Chinese Encodings -------------------------------------------------------- =head1 DESCRIPTION The C module provides the interfaces between Perl's strings and the rest of the system. Perl strings are sequences of B. The repertoire of characters that Perl can represent is at least that defined by the Unicode Consortium. On most platforms the ordinal values of the characters (as returned by C) is the "Unicode codepoint" for the character (the exceptions are those platforms where the legacy encoding is some variant of EBCDIC rather than a super-set of ASCII - see L). Traditionally computer data has been moved around in 8-bit chunks often called "bytes". These chunks are also known as "octets" in networking standards. Perl is widely used to manipulate data of many types - not only strings of characters representing human or computer languages but also "binary" data being the machines representation of numbers, pixels in an image - or just about anything. When Perl is processing "binary data" the programmer wants Perl to process "sequences of bytes". This is not a problem for Perl - as a byte has 256 possible values it easily fits in Perl's much larger "logical character". =head2 TERMINOLOGY =over 4 =item * I: a character in the range 0..(2**32-1) (or more). (What Perl's strings are made of.) =item * I: a character in the range 0..255 (A special case of a Perl character.) =item * I: 8 bits of data, with ordinal values 0..255 (Term for bytes passed to or from a non-Perl context, e.g. disk file.) =back The marker [INTERNAL] marks Internal Implementation Details, in general meant only for those who think they know what they are doing, and such details may change in future releases. =head1 PERL ENCODING API =over 4 =item $bytes = encode(ENCODING, $string[, CHECK]) Encodes string from Perl's internal form into I and returns a sequence of octets. ENCODING can be either a canonical name or alias. For encoding names and aliases, see L. For CHECK see L. For example to convert (internally UTF-8 encoded) Unicode string to iso-8859-1 (also known as Latin1), $octets = encode("iso-8859-1", $unicode); =item $string = decode(ENCODING, $bytes[, CHECK]) Decode sequence of octets assumed to be in I into Perl's internal form and returns the resulting string. as in encode(), ENCODING can be either a canonical name or alias. For encoding names and aliases, see L. For CHECK see L. For example to convert ISO-8859-1 data to UTF-8: $utf8 = decode("iso-8859-1", $latin1); =item from_to($string, FROM_ENCODING, TO_ENCODING[, CHECK]) Convert B the data between two encodings. How did the data in $string originally get to be in FROM_ENCODING? Either using encode() or through PerlIO: See L. For encoding names and aliases, see L. For CHECK see L. For example to convert ISO-8859-1 data to UTF-8: from_to($data, "iso-8859-1", "utf-8"); and to convert it back: from_to($data, "utf-8", "iso-8859-1"); Note that because the conversion happens in place, the data to be converted cannot be a string constant, it must be a scalar variable. =back =head2 Listing available encodings use Encode; @list = Encode->encodings(); Returns a list of the canonical names of the available encodings that are loaded. To get a list of all available encodings including the ones that are not loaded yet, say @all_encodings = Encode->encodings(":all"); Or you can give the name of specific module. @with_jp = Encode->encodings("Encode/"); Note in this case you have to say C<"Encode/"> instead of C<"Encode::JP">. To find which encodings are supported by this package in details, see L. =head2 Defining Aliases To add new alias to a given encoding, Use; use Encode; use Encode::Alias; define_alias(newName => ENCODING); After that, newName can be to be used as am alias for ENCODING. ENCODING may be either the name of an encoding or and I See L on details. =head1 Encoding and IO It is very common to want to do encoding transformations when reading or writing files, network connections, pipes etc. If Perl is configured to use the new 'perlio' IO system then C provides a "layer" (See L) which can transform data as it is read or written. Here is how the blind poet would modernise the encoding: use Encode; open(my $iliad,'<:encoding(iso-8859-7)','iliad.greek'); open(my $utf8,'>:utf8','iliad.utf8'); my @epic = <$iliad>; print $utf8 @epic; close($utf8); close($illiad); In addition the new IO system can also be configured to read/write UTF-8 encoded characters (as noted above this is efficient): open(my $fh,'>:utf8','anything'); print $fh "Any \x{0021} string \N{SMILEY FACE}\n"; Either of the above forms of "layer" specifications can be made the default for a lexical scope with the C pragma. See L. Once a handle is open is layers can be altered using C. Without any such configuration, or if Perl itself is built using system's own IO, then write operations assume that file handle accepts only I and will C if a character larger than 255 is written to the handle. When reading, each octet from the handle becomes a byte-in-a-character. Note that this default is the same behaviour as bytes-only languages (including Perl before v5.6) would have, and is sufficient to handle native 8-bit encodings e.g. iso-8859-1, EBCDIC etc. and any legacy mechanisms for handling other encodings and binary data. In other cases it is the programs responsibility to transform characters into bytes using the API above before doing writes, and to transform the bytes read from a handle into characters before doing "character operations" (e.g. C, C, ...). You can also use PerlIO to convert larger amounts of data you don't want to bring into memory. For example to convert between ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) and UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC in EBCDIC machines): open(F, "<:encoding(iso-8859-1)", "data.txt") or die $!; open(G, ">:utf8", "data.utf") or die $!; while () { print G } # Could also do "print G " but that would pull # the whole file into memory just to write it out again. More examples: open(my $f, "<:encoding(cp1252)") open(my $g, ">:encoding(iso-8859-2)") open(my $h, ">:encoding(latin9)") # iso-8859-15 See L for more information. See also L for how to change the default encoding of the data in your script. =head1 Handling Malformed Data If CHECK is not set, C is returned. If the data is supposed to be UTF-8, an optional lexical warning (category utf8) is given. If CHECK is true but not a code reference, dies. It would desirable to have a way to indicate that transform should use the encodings "replacement character" - no such mechanism is defined yet. It is also planned to allow I to be a code reference. This is not yet implemented as there are design issues with what its arguments should be and how it returns its results. =over 4 =item Scheme 1 Passed remaining fragment of string being processed. Modifies it in place to remove bytes/characters it can understand and returns a string used to represent them. e.g. sub fixup { my $ch = substr($_[0],0,1,''); return sprintf("\x{%02X}",ord($ch); } This scheme is close to how underlying C code for Encode works, but gives the fixup routine very little context. =item Scheme 2 Passed original string, and an index into it of the problem area, and output string so far. Appends what it will to output string and returns new index into original string. For example: sub fixup { # my ($s,$i,$d) = @_; my $ch = substr($_[0],$_[1],1); $_[2] .= sprintf("\x{%02X}",ord($ch); return $_[1]+1; } This scheme gives maximal control to the fixup routine but is more complicated to code, and may need internals of Encode to be tweaked to keep original string intact. =item Other Schemes Hybrids of above. Multiple return values rather than in-place modifications. Index into the string could be C allowing C. =back =head2 UTF-8 / utf8 The Unicode consortium defines the UTF-8 standard as a way of encoding the entire Unicode repertoire as sequences of octets. This encoding is expected to become very widespread. Perl can use this form internally to represent strings, so conversions to and from this form are particularly efficient (as octets in memory do not have to change, just the meta-data that tells Perl how to treat them). =over 4 =item $bytes = encode_utf8($string); The characters that comprise string are encoded in Perl's superset of UTF-8 and the resulting octets returned as a sequence of bytes. All possible characters have a UTF-8 representation so this function cannot fail. =item $string = decode_utf8($bytes [, CHECK]); The sequence of octets represented by $bytes is decoded from UTF-8 into a sequence of logical characters. Not all sequences of octets form valid UTF-8 encodings, so it is possible for this call to fail. For CHECK see L. =back =head1 Defining Encodings To define a new encoding, use: use Encode qw(define_alias); define_encoding($object, 'canonicalName' [, alias...]); I will be associated with I<$object>. The object should provide the interface described in L If more than two arguments are provided then additional arguments are taken as aliases for I<$object> as for C. =head1 Messing with Perl's Internals The following API uses parts of Perl's internals in the current implementation. As such they are efficient, but may change. =over 4 =item is_utf8(STRING [, CHECK]) [INTERNAL] Test whether the UTF-8 flag is turned on in the STRING. If CHECK is true, also checks the data in STRING for being well-formed UTF-8. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. =item _utf8_on(STRING) [INTERNAL] Turn on the UTF-8 flag in STRING. The data in STRING is B checked for being well-formed UTF-8. Do not use unless you B that the STRING is well-formed UTF-8. Returns the previous state of the UTF-8 flag (so please don't test the return value as I success or failure), or C if STRING is not a string. =item _utf8_off(STRING) [INTERNAL] Turn off the UTF-8 flag in STRING. Do not use frivolously. Returns the previous state of the UTF-8 flag (so please don't test the return value as I success or failure), or C if STRING is not a string. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, the Perl Unicode Mailing List Eperl-unicode@perl.orgE =cut