#! /bin/sh #__USAGE #%C key library name ... # Crude cover for wlib to be compatible with ar # Supports the following key letters: # qcru # ru replace existing modules. u indicates only replace # those which are newer # c create the library (kinda moot) # q quickly append to the end. # #This is a crude cover, but it has proved sufficient for many #ports. Rather than attempt to implement subtleties of the #ar syntax, I simply create a new library under all #circumstances. # #Note that Watcom 10.6 supports ar directly, so this #cover is not necessary. # #Increased the record size to 32 to accomodate a large library #in the perl 5.003 distribution # #Submitted by Norton T. Allen (allen@huarp.harvard.edu) if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then use $0 exit 1 fi shift library=$1 shift wlib -p=32 -n $library `for i in $*; do echo "+$i \\c"; done`