#!/usr/bin/perl # given a perforce change number, output the equivalent git commit id # with -c, checks out the specified commit die "usage: $0 [-c|--checkout] [git-log-options] changenum" unless @ARGV; my $num = 1; my $checkout = 0; for (@ARGV) { m{^\d+$} && (($change,$_) = ($_,undef)); m{^-\d+$} && (($num,$_) = (-$_,undef)); $_ eq '-c' || $_ eq '--checkout' and $checkout = 1; } my $grep = "--grep=^p4raw-id:.*\@$change\$"; @ARGV = grep { defined } @ARGV; if ($checkout) { my $commit = qx(git rev-list -1 --all '$grep'); chomp $commit; die "no commit found" unless $commit; system(git => checkout => $commit); } else { if ( -t STDOUT or @ARGV ) { system(qw(git log), $grep, "-$num", "--all", @ARGV); } else { system(qw(git rev-list -1 --all), $grep); } }