package CPANPLUS::inc; =head1 NAME CPANPLUS::inc =head1 DESCRIPTION OBSOLETE =cut sub original_perl5opt { $ENV{PERL5OPT} }; sub original_perl5lib { $ENV{PERL5LIB} }; sub original_inc { @INC }; 1; __END__ use strict; use vars qw[$DEBUG $VERSION $ENABLE_INC_HOOK %LIMIT $QUIET]; use File::Spec (); use Config (); ### 5.6.1. nags about require + bareword otherwise ### use lib (); $QUIET = 0; $DEBUG = 0; %LIMIT = (); =pod =head1 NAME CPANPLUS::inc - runtime inclusion of privately bundled modules =head1 SYNOPSIS ### set up CPANPLUS::inc to do its thing ### BEGIN { use CPANPLUS::inc }; ### enable debugging ### use CPANPLUS::inc qw[DEBUG]; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module enables the use of the bundled modules in the C directory of this package. These modules are bundled to make sure C is able to bootstrap itself. It will do the following things: =over 4 =item Put a coderef at the beginning of C<@INC> This allows us to decide which module to load, and where to find it. For details on what we do, see the C section below. Also see the C section. =item Add the full path to the C directory to C<$ENV{PERL5LIB>. This allows us to find our bundled modules even if we spawn off a new process. Although it's not able to do the selective loading as the coderef in C<@INC> could, it's a good fallback. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->inc_path() Returns the full path to the C directory. =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->my_path() Returns the full path to be added to C<@INC> to load C from. =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->installer_path() Returns the full path to the C directory. =cut { my $ext = '.pm'; my $file = (join '/', split '::', __PACKAGE__) . $ext; ### os specific file path, if you're not on unix my $osfile = File::Spec->catfile( split('::', __PACKAGE__) ) . $ext; ### this returns a unixy path, compensate if you're on non-unix my $path = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catfile( split '/', $INC{$file} ) ); ### don't forget to quotemeta; win32 paths are special my $qm_osfile = quotemeta $osfile; my $path_to_me = $path; $path_to_me =~ s/$qm_osfile$//i; my $path_to_inc = $path; $path_to_inc =~ s/$ext$//i; my $path_to_installers = File::Spec->catdir( $path_to_inc, 'installers' ); sub inc_path { return $path_to_inc } sub my_path { return $path_to_me } sub installer_path { return $path_to_installers } } =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5lib Returns the value of $ENV{PERL5LIB} the way it was when C got loaded. =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt Returns the value of $ENV{PERL5OPT} the way it was when C got loaded. =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc Returns the value of @INC the way it was when C got loaded. =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->limited_perl5opt(@modules); Returns a string you can assign to C<$ENV{PERL5OPT}> to have a limited include facility from C. It will roughly look like: -I/path/to/cpanplus/inc -MCPANPLUS::inc=module1,module2 =cut { my $org_opt = $ENV{PERL5OPT}; my $org_lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB}; my @org_inc = @INC; sub original_perl5opt { $org_opt || ''}; sub original_perl5lib { $org_lib || ''}; sub original_inc { @org_inc, __PACKAGE__->my_path }; sub limited_perl5opt { my $pkg = shift; my $lim = join ',', @_ or return; ### -Icp::inc -Mcp::inc=mod1,mod2,mod3 my $opt = '-I' . __PACKAGE__->my_path . ' ' . '-M' . __PACKAGE__ . "=$lim"; $opt .= $Config::Config{'path_sep'} . CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt if CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt; return $opt; } } =head2 CPANPLUS::inc->interesting_modules() Returns a hashref with modules we're interested in, and the minimum version we need to find. It would looks something like this: { File::Fetch => 0.06, IPC::Cmd => 0.22, .... } =cut { my $map = { ### used to have 0.80, but not it was never released by coral ### 0.79 *should* be good enough for now... asked coral to ### release 0.80 on 10/3/2006 'IPC::Run' => '0.79', 'File::Fetch' => '0.07', #'File::Spec' => '0.82', # can't, need it ourselves... 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.24', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple' => 0, 'Log::Message' => 0, 'Module::Load' => '0.10', 'Module::Load::Conditional' => '0.07', 'Params::Check' => '0.22', 'Term::UI' => '0.05', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.07', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.23', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.04', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.03', 'Module::CoreList' => '1.97', 'Module::Pluggable' => '2.4', 'Module::Loaded' => 0, #'Config::Auto' => 0, # not yet, not using it yet }; sub interesting_modules { return $map; } } =head1 INTERESTING MODULES C doesn't even bother to try find and find a module it's not interested in. A list of I can be obtained using the C method described above. Note that all subclassed modules of an C will also be attempted to be loaded, but a version will not be checked. When it however does encounter a module it is interested in, it will do the following things: =over 4 =item Loop over your @INC And for every directory it finds there (skipping all non directories -- see the C section), see if the module requested can be found there. =item Check the version on every suitable module found in @INC After a list of modules has been gathered, the version of each of them is checked to find the one with the highest version, and return that as the module to C. This enables us to use a recent enough version from our own bundled modules, but also to use a I module found in your path instead, if it is present. Thus having access to bugfixed versions as they are released. If for some reason no satisfactory version could be found, a warning will be emitted. See the C section for more details on how to find out exactly what C is doing. =back =cut { my $Loaded; my %Cache; ### returns the path to a certain module we found sub path_to { my $self = shift; my $mod = shift or return; ### find the directory my $path = $Cache{$mod}->[0][2] or return; ### probe them explicitly for a special file, because the ### dir we found the file in vs our own paths may point to the ### same location, but might not pass an 'eq' test. ### it's our inc-path return __PACKAGE__->inc_path if -e File::Spec->catfile( $path, '.inc' ); ### it's our installer path return __PACKAGE__->installer_path if -e File::Spec->catfile( $path, '.installers' ); ### it's just some dir... return $path; } ### just a debug method sub _show_cache { return \%Cache }; sub import { my $pkg = shift; ### filter DEBUG, and toggle the global map { $LIMIT{$_} = 1 } grep { /DEBUG/ ? ++$DEBUG && 0 : /QUIET/ ? ++$QUIET && 0 : 1 } @_; ### only load once ### return 1 if $Loaded++; ### first, add our own private dir to the end of @INC: { push @INC, __PACKAGE__->my_path, __PACKAGE__->inc_path, __PACKAGE__->installer_path; ### XXX stop doing this, there's no need for it anymore; ### none of the shell outs need to have this set anymore # ### add the path to this module to PERL5OPT in case # ### we spawn off some programs... # ### then add this module to be loaded in PERL5OPT... # { local $^W; # $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} .= $Config::Config{'path_sep'} # . __PACKAGE__->my_path # . $Config::Config{'path_sep'} # . __PACKAGE__->inc_path; # # $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} = '-M'. __PACKAGE__ . ' ' # . ($ENV{'PERL5OPT'} || ''); # } } ### next, find the highest version of a module that ### we care about. very basic check, but will ### have to do for now. lib->import( sub { my $path = pop(); # path to the pm my $module = $path or return; # copy of the path, to munge my @parts = split qr!\\|/!, $path; # dirs + file name; could be # win32 paths =/ my $file = pop @parts; # just the file name my $map = __PACKAGE__->interesting_modules; ### translate file name to module name ### could contain win32 paths delimiters $module =~ s!/|\\!::!g; $module =~ s/\.pm//i; my $check_version; my $try; ### does it look like a module we care about? my ($interesting) = grep { $module =~ /^$_/ } keys %$map; ++$try if $interesting; ### do we need to check the version too? ++$check_version if exists $map->{$module}; ### we don't care ### unless( $try ) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Not interested in '$module'\n" if $DEBUG; return; ### we're not allowed } elsif ( $try and keys %LIMIT ) { unless( grep { $module =~ /^$_/ } keys %LIMIT ) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Limits active, '$module' not allowed ". "to be loaded" if $DEBUG; return; } } ### found filehandles + versions ### my @found; DIR: for my $dir (@INC) { next DIR unless -d $dir; ### get the full path to the module ### my $pm = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, @parts, $file ); ### open the file if it exists ### if( -e $pm ) { my $fh; unless( open $fh, "$pm" ) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Could not open '$pm': $!\n" if $DEBUG; next DIR; } my $found; ### XXX stolen from module::load::conditional ### while (local $_ = <$fh> ) { ### the following regexp comes from the ### ExtUtils::MakeMaker documentation. if ( /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/ ) { ### this will eval the version in to $VERSION if it ### was declared as $VERSION in the module. ### else the result will be in $res. ### this is a fix on skud's Module::InstalledVersion local $VERSION; my $res = eval $_; ### default to '0.0' if there REALLY is no version ### all to satisfy warnings $found = $VERSION || $res || '0.0'; ### found what we came for last if $found; } } ### no version defined at all? ### $found ||= '0.0'; warn __PACKAGE__ .": Found match for '$module' in '$dir' " ."with version '$found'\n" if $DEBUG; ### reset the position of the filehandle ### seek $fh, 0, 0; ### store the found version + filehandle it came from ### push @found, [ $found, $fh, $dir, $pm ]; } } # done looping over all the dirs ### nothing found? ### unless (@found) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Unable to find any module named " . "'$module'\n" if $DEBUG; return; } ### find highest version ### or the one in the same dir as a base module already loaded ### or otherwise, the one not bundled ### or otherwise the newest my @sorted = sort { _vcmp($b->[0], $a->[0]) || ($Cache{$interesting} ?($b->[2] eq $Cache{$interesting}->[0][2]) <=> ($a->[2] eq $Cache{$interesting}->[0][2]) : 0 ) || (($a->[2] eq __PACKAGE__->inc_path) <=> ($b->[2] eq __PACKAGE__->inc_path)) || (-M $a->[3] <=> -M $b->[3]) } @found; warn __PACKAGE__ .": Best match for '$module' is found in " ."'$sorted[0][2]' with version '$sorted[0][0]'\n" if $DEBUG; if( $check_version and not (_vcmp($sorted[0][0], $map->{$module}) >= 0) ) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Cannot find high enough version for " ."'$module' -- need '$map->{$module}' but " ."only found '$sorted[0][0]'. Returning " ."highest found version but this may cause " ."problems\n" unless $QUIET; }; ### right, so that damn )#$(*@#)(*@#@ Module::Build makes ### assumptions about the environment (especially its own tests) ### and blows up badly if it's loaded via CP::inc :( ### so, if we find a newer version on disk (which would happen when ### upgrading or having upgraded, just pretend we didn't find it, ### let it be loaded via the 'normal' way. ### can't even load the *proper* one via our CP::inc, as it will ### get upset just over the fact it's loaded via a non-standard way if( $module =~ /^Module::Build/ and $sorted[0][2] ne __PACKAGE__->inc_path and $sorted[0][2] ne __PACKAGE__->installer_path ) { warn __PACKAGE__ .": Found newer version of 'Module::Build::*' " ."elsewhere in your path. Pretending to not " ."have found it\n" if $DEBUG; return; } ### store what we found for this module $Cache{$module} = \@sorted; ### best matching filehandle ### return $sorted[0][1]; } ); } } ### XXX copied from C::I::Utils, so there's no circular require here! sub _vcmp { my ($x, $y) = @_; s/_//g foreach $x, $y; return $x <=> $y; } =pod =head1 DEBUG Since this module does C to your search path, it might be nice sometimes to figure out what it's doing, if things don't work as expected. You can enable a debug trace by calling the module like this: use CPANPLUS::inc 'DEBUG'; This will show you what C is doing, which might look something like this: CPANPLUS::inc: Found match for 'Params::Check' in '/opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3' with version '0.07' CPANPLUS::inc: Found match for 'Params::Check' in '/my/private/lib/CPANPLUS/inc' with version '0.21' CPANPLUS::inc: Best match for 'Params::Check' is found in '/my/private/lib/CPANPLUS/inc' with version '0.21' =head1 CAVEATS This module has 2 major caveats, that could lead to unexpected behaviour. But currently I don't know how to fix them, Suggestions are much welcomed. =over 4 =item On multiple C calls, our coderef may not be the first in @INC If this happens, although unlikely in most situations and not happening when calling the shell directly, this could mean that a lower (too low) versioned module is loaded, which might cause failures in the application. =item Non-directories in @INC Non-directories are right now skipped by CPANPLUS::inc. They could of course lead us to newer versions of a module, but it's too tricky to verify if they would. Therefor they are skipped. In the worst case scenario we'll find the sufficing version bundled with CPANPLUS. =cut 1; # Local variables: # c-indentation-style: bsd # c-basic-offset: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: