/* * gcc long pointer support code for HPPA. * Copyright 1998, DIS International, Ltd. * This code is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify * it under the same terms as Perl itself. (Relicensed for Perl in * in April 2002 by Mark Klein.) */ typedef struct { int spaceid; unsigned int offset; } LONGPOINTER, longpointer; /* * gcc long pointer support code for HPPA. * Copyright 1998, DIS International, Ltd. * This code is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify * it under the same terms as Perl itself. (Relicensed for Perl in * in April 2002 by Mark Klein.) */ int __perl_mpe_getspaceid(void *source) { int val; /* * Given the short pointer, determine it's space ID. */ /* * The colons separate output from input parameters. In this case, * the output of the instruction (output indicated by the "=" in the * constraint) is to a memory location (indicated by the "m"). The * input constraint indicates that the source to the instruction * is a register reference (indicated by the "r"). * The general format is: * asm("" : : : ); * where and are: * "" () * is the PA-RISC instruction in template fmt. * indicates those registers clobbered by the instruction * and provides hints to the optimizer. * * Refer to the gcc documentation or http://www.dis.com/gnu/gcc_toc.html */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " comiclr,= 0,%1,%%r28\n" "\t ldsid (%%r0,%1),%%r28\n" "\t stw %%r28, %0" : "=m" (val) // Output to val : "r" (source) // Source must be gen reg : "%r28"); // Clobbers %r28 return (val); }; LONGPOINTER __perl_mpe_longaddr(void *source) { LONGPOINTER lptr; /* * Return the long pointer for the address in sr5 space. */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " comiclr,= 0,%2,%%r28\n" "\t ldsid (%%r0,%2),%%r28\n" "\t stw %%r28, %0\n" "\t stw %2, %1" : "=m" (lptr.spaceid), "=m" (lptr.offset) // Store to lptr : "r" (source) // Source must be gen reg : "%r28"); // Clobbers %r28 return (lptr); }; LONGPOINTER __perl_mpe_addtopointer(LONGPOINTER source, // %r26 == source offset // %r25 == source space int len) // %r24 == length in bytes { /* * Increment a longpointer. */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " copy %0,%%r28\n" // copy space to r28 "\t add %1,%2,%%r29" // Increment the pointer : // No output : "r" (source.spaceid), // Source address "r" (source.offset), "r" (len) // Length : "%r28", // Clobbers "%r29"); }; void __perl_mpe_longmove(int len, // %r26 == byte length LONGPOINTER source, // %r23 == source space, %r24 == off LONGPOINTER target) // sp-#56 == target space, sp-#52== off { /* * Move data between two buffers in long pointer space. */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " .import $$lr_unk_unk_long,MILLICODE\n" "\t mtsp %0,%%sr1\n" // copy source space to sr1 "\t copy %1,%%r26\n" // load source offset to r26 "\t copy %4,%%r24\n" // load length to r24 "\t copy %3,%%r25\n" // load target offset to r25 "\t bl $$lr_unk_unk_long,%%r31\n" // start branch to millicode "\t mtsp %2,%%sr2" // copy target space to sr2 : // No output : "r" (source.spaceid), // Source address "r" (source.offset), "r" (target.spaceid), // Target address "r" (target.offset), "r" (len) // Byte length : "%r1", // Clobbers "%r24", "%r25", "%r26", "%r31"); }; int __perl_mpe_longpeek(LONGPOINTER source) { /* * Fetch the int in long pointer space. */ unsigned int val; __asm__ __volatile__ ( " mtsp %1, %%sr1\n" "\t copy %2, %%r28\n" "\t ldw 0(%%sr1, %%r28), %%r28\n" "\t stw %%r28, %0" : "=m" (val) // Output val : "r" (source.spaceid), // Source space ID "r" (source.offset) // Source offset : "%r28"); // Clobbers %r28 return (val); }; void __perl_mpe_longpoke(LONGPOINTER target, // %r25 == spaceid, %r26 == offset unsigned int val) // %r24 == value { /* * Store the val into long pointer space. */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " mtsp %0,%%sr1\n" "\t copy %1, %%r28\n" "\t stw %2, 0(%%sr1, %%r28)" : // No output : "r" (target.spaceid), // Target space ID "r" (target.offset), // Target offset "r" (val) // Value to store : "%r28" // Clobbers %r28 ); // Copy space to %sr1 }; void __perl_mpe_move_fast(int len, // %r26 == byte length void *source, // %r25 == source addr void *target) // %r24 == target addr { /* * Move using short pointers. */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( " .import $$lr_unk_unk,MILLICODE\n" "\t copy %1, %%r26\n" // Move source addr into pos "\t copy %2, %%r25\n" // Move target addr into pos "\t bl $$lr_unk_unk,%%r31\n" // Start branch to millicode "\t copy %0, %%r24" // Move length into position : // No output : "r" (len), // Byte length "r" (source), // Source address "r" (target) // Target address : "%r24", // Clobbers "%r25", "%r26", "%r31"); }; /* * ftruncate - set file size, BSD Style * * shortens or enlarges the file as neeeded * uses some undocumented locking call. It is known to work on SCO unix, * other vendors should try. * The #error directive prevents unsupported OSes * * ftruncate/truncate code by Mark Bixby. * This code is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify * it under the same terms as Perl itself. * */ #include #include #include #include #include extern void FCONTROL(short, short, longpointer); extern void PRINTFILEINFO(int); int ftruncate(int fd, long wantsize); int ftruncate(int fd, long wantsize) { int ccode_return,dummy=0; if (lseek(fd, wantsize, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return (-1); } FCONTROL(_mpe_fileno(fd),6,__perl_mpe_longaddr(&dummy)); /* Write new EOF */ if ((ccode_return=ccode()) != CCE) { fprintf(stderr,"MPE ftruncate failed, ccode=%d, wantsize=%ld\n",ccode_return,wantsize); PRINTFILEINFO(_mpe_fileno(fd)); errno = ESYSERR; return (-1); } return (0); } /* wrapper for truncate(): truncate() is UNIX, not POSIX. This function requires ftruncate(). NAME truncate - SYNOPSIS #include int truncate(const char *pathname, off_t length); Returns: 0 if OK, -1 on error from: Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, p. 92 ERRORS EACCES EBADF EDQUOT (not POSIX) <- not implemented here EFAULT EINVAL EISDIR ELOOP (not POSIX) <- not implemented here ENAMETOOLONG ENOTDIR EROFS ETXTBSY (not POSIX) <- not implemented here from: HP-UX man page Compile directives: PRINT_ERROR - make this function print an error message to stderr */ #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE # define _POSIX_SOURCE #endif #include /* off_t, required by open() */ #include /* required by open() */ #include /* open() */ #include /* close() */ #include /* perror(), sprintf() */ int truncate(const char *pathname, off_t length) { int fd; #ifdef PRINT_ERROR char error_msg[80+1]; #endif if (length == 0) { if ( (fd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC)) < 0) { /* errno already set */ #ifdef PRINT_ERROR sprintf(error_msg, "truncate(): open(%s, O_WRONLY | OTRUNC)\0", pathname); perror(error_msg); #endif return -1; } } else { if ( (fd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY)) < 0) { /* errno already set */ #ifdef PRINT_ERROR sprintf(error_msg, "truncate(): open(%s, O_WRONLY)\0", pathname); perror(error_msg); #endif return -1; } if (ftruncate(fd, length) < 0) { /* errno already set */ #ifdef PRINT_ERROR perror("truncate(): ftruncate()"); #endif return -1; } } if (close(fd) < 0) { /* errno already set */ #ifdef PRINT_ERROR perror("truncate(): close()"); #endif return -1; } return 0; } /* truncate() */ /* wrapper for gettimeofday(): gettimeofday() is UNIX, not POSIX. gettimeofday() is a BSD function. NAME gettimeofday - SYNOPSIS #include int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tzp); DESCRIPTION This function returns seconds and microseconds since midnight January 1, 1970. The microseconds is actually only accurate to the millisecond. Note: To pick up the definitions of structs timeval and timezone from the include file, the directive _SOCKET_SOURCE must be used. RETURN VALUE A 0 return value indicates that the call succeeded. A -1 return value indicates an error occurred; errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS EFAULT not implemented Changes: 2-91 DR. Created. */ /* need _SOCKET_SOURCE to pick up structs timeval and timezone in time.h */ #ifndef _SOCKET_SOURCE # define _SOCKET_SOURCE #endif #include /* structs timeval & timezone, difftime(), localtime(), mktime(), time() */ #include /* gettimeofday() */ extern int TIMER(); /* * gettimeofday code by Mark Bixby. * This code is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify * it under the same terms as Perl itself. */ #ifdef __STDC__ int gettimeofday( struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tpz ) #else int gettimeofday( tp, tpz ) struct timeval *tp; struct timezone *tpz; #endif { static unsigned long basetime = 0; static int dsttime = 0; static int minuteswest = 0; static int oldtime = 0; register int newtime; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Setup a base from which all future time will be computed. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( basetime == 0 ) { time_t gmt_time; time_t loc_time; struct tm *loc_time_tm; gmt_time = time( NULL ); loc_time_tm = localtime( &gmt_time ) ; loc_time = mktime( loc_time_tm ); oldtime = TIMER(); basetime = (unsigned long) ( loc_time - (oldtime/1000) ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The calling process must be restarted if timezone or dst */ /* changes. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ minuteswest = (int) (difftime( loc_time, gmt_time ) / 60); dsttime = loc_time_tm->tm_isdst; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the new time value. The timer value rolls over every 24 days, */ /* so if the delta is negative, the basetime value is adjusted. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ newtime = TIMER(); if ( newtime < oldtime ) basetime += 2073600; oldtime = newtime; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the timestamp info. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tp->tv_sec = basetime + newtime/1000; tp->tv_usec = (newtime%1000) * 1000; /* only accurate to milli */ if (tpz) { tpz->tz_minuteswest = minuteswest; tpz->tz_dsttime = dsttime; } return 0; } /* gettimeofday() */ /* ** MPE_FCNTL -- shadow function for fcntl() ** ** MPE requires sfcntl() for sockets, and fcntl() for everything ** else. This shadow routine determines the descriptor type and ** makes the appropriate call. ** ** Parameters: ** same as fcntl(). ** ** Returns: ** same as fcntl(). */ #include #include int mpe_fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...) { int len, result; struct sockaddr sa; void *arg; va_list ap; va_start(ap, cmd); arg = va_arg(ap, void *); va_end(ap); len = sizeof sa; if (getsockname(fildes, &sa, &len) == -1) { if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) /* AF_UNIX socket */ return sfcntl(fildes, cmd, arg); if (errno == ENOTSOCK) /* file or pipe */ return fcntl(fildes, cmd, arg); /* unknown getsockname() failure */ return (-1); } else { /* AF_INET socket */ if ((result = sfcntl(fildes, cmd, arg)) != -1 && cmd == F_GETFL) result |= O_RDWR; /* fill in some missing flags */ return result; } }