package Net::Config; require Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %NetConfig); use strict; @EXPORT = qw(%NetConfig); @ISA = qw(Exporter); # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # Below this line is auto-generated, *ANY* changes will be lost %NetConfig = ( # the followinf parameters are all lists of hosts for the # respective protocols. nntp_hosts => [], snpp_hosts => [], pop3_hosts => [], smtp_hosts => [], ph_hosts => [], daytime_hosts => [], time_hosts => [], # your internet domain inet_domain => undef, # If you have an ftp proxy firewall (not a http firewall) # then set this to the name of the firewall ftp_firewall => undef, # set if all connections done via the firewall should use # passive data connections ftp_ext_passive => 0, # set if all connections not done via the firewall should use # passive data connections ftp_int_passive => 0, # If set the make test will attempt to connect to the hosts above test_hosts => 0, # Used during Configure (which you are not using) to do # DNS lookups to ensure hosts exist test_exist => 0, ); 1;