after 5.003_05: PERLLIB_PREFIX was not active if it matches an element of @INC as a whole. Do not need PERL_SBRK if crtdll-revision is >= 50. Use -Zsmall-conv if crtdll-revision is >= 50 (in static perl!). :7: warning: #warning requires We compile miniperl static. It cannot fork, thus there may be problems with pipes (since HAS_FORK is in place). Pipes are required by makemaker. We compile perl___.exe A.OUT and dynamic. It should be able to fork. If we can fork, we my_popen by popen unless "-|". Thus we write a cooky "-1" into the pid array to indicate this. Apparently we can fork, and we can load dynamic extensions now, though probably not simultaneously. *DB tests corrected for OS/2 one-user stat[2]. /bin/sh is intercepted and replaced by SH_PATH. Note that having '\\' in the command line of one-arg `system' would trigger call via shell. Segfault with system {'ls'} 'blah'; corrected. Documentation of OS/2-different features added to main PODs. New buitins in Cwd:: Cwd::current_drive Cwd::sys_chdir - leaves drive as it is. Cwd::change_drive Cwd::sys_is_absolute - has drive letter and is_rooted Cwd::sys_is_rooted - has leading [/\\] (maybe after a drive) Cwd::sys_is_relative - changes with current dir Cwd::sys_cwd - Interface to cwd from EMX. Cwd::sys_abspath(name, dir) - Really really odious function. Returns absolute name of file which would have 'name' if CWD were 'dir'. Dir defaults to the current dir. Cwd::extLibpath [type] - Get/set current value of extended Cwd::extLibpath_set - library search path. path [type] The optional last argument redirects to END-path if true, default is to search BEGIN-path. (Note that some of these may be moved to different libraries - eventually). Executables: perl - can fork, can dynalink (but not simultaneously) perl_ - can fork, cannot dynalink perl__ - same as perl___, but PM. perl___ - cannot fork, can dynalink. The build of the first one - perl - is rather convoluted, and requires a build of miniperl_. after 5.003_07: custom tmpfile and tmpname which may use $TMP, $TEMP. all the calls to OS/2 API wrapped so that it is safe to use them under DOS (may die(), though). Tested that popen works under DOS with modified PDKSH and RSX. File::Copy works under DOS. MakeMaker modified to work under DOS (perlmain.c.tmp and sh -c true). after 5.003_08: OS2::PrfDB exports symbols as documented; should work on OS/2 2.1 again. uses reliable signals when spawing. do not use popen() any more - no intermediate shell unless needed. after 5.003_11: Functions emx_{malloc,realloc,calloc,free} are exported from DLL. get_sysinfo() bugs corrected (flags were not used and wrongly defined). after 5.003_20: _isterm is substituted instead of isatty, s?random instead of srand. `register' disabled if -DDEBUGGING and not AOUT build: stupid SD386. 3-argument select() was stomping over memory. after 5.003_21: Can start scripts by executing 'dir/script' and ''. Form without extension will call shell only if the specified file exists (will not look on path) (to prohibit trying to run shell commands directly). - Needed by magic.t. after 5.003_27: ALTERNATE_SHEBANG="extproc " supported, thus options on this line are processed (possibly twice). -S is made legal on such a line. This -S -x is not needed any more. perl.dll may be used from non-EMX programs (via PERL_SYS_INIT - the caller should have valid variable "env" with environment). Known problems: $$ does not work - is 0, waitpid returns immediately, thus Perl cannot wait for completion of started programs. after 5.004_01: flock emulation added (disable by setting env PERL_USE_FLOCK=0), thanks to Rocco Caputo; RSX bug with missing waitpid circomvented; -S bug with full path with \ corrected. before 5.004_02: -S switch to perl enables a search with additional extensions .cmd, .btm, .bat, .pl as well. This means that if you have or mycmd.bat on PATH, perl -S mycmd will work. Perl will also look in the current directory first. Moreover, a bug with \; in PATH being non-separator is fixed. after 5.004_03: $^E tracks calls to CRT now. (May break if Perl masks some changes to errno?) $0 may be edited to longer lengths (at least under OS/2). OS2::REXX->loads looks in the OS/2-ish fashion too. after 5.004_04: Default perl.exe was built with a shorter stack than expected. Strip extensions DLLs too (unless debugging build). ./os2.c being RO could stop cp. When starting scripts, Perl will find them on path (using the same extensions as for -S command-line switch). If it finds magic `extproc ' or `#!' cookies, it will start the scripts directly. May use `cmd /c more <' as a pager. If a program could not be started, this might have been hidden. End of pipe was closed twice when `open'ing a pipeline. after 5.004_53: Minimal thread support added. One needs to manually move pthread.h after 5.004_64: Make DLL names different if thread-enabled. Emit more informative internal DLL descriptions. 5.004_72: Updated OS2::Process (v0.2) included. after 5.004_73: Fixed a bug with argv not NULL-terminated when starting scripts. Support all the forms of starting scripts. Support killing a child when receiving a signal during system() (in two stage, on first send the same signal, on the next send SIGKILL). Add the same logic for scripts as in pdksh, including stripping the path from #! line if needed, calling EXECSHELL or COMSPEC for magic-less scripts; Now pdksh is called only if one-arg system()/friends contains metachars, or if magic-line asks for sh, or there is no magic line and EXECSHELL is set to sh. Shell is supplied the original command line if possible. after 5.005_02: Can start PM programs from non-PM sessions by plain system() and friends. Can start DOS/Win programs. Can start fullscreen programs from non-fullscreen sessions too. In fact system(P_PM,...) was broken. We mangle the name of perl*.DLL, to allow coexistence of different versions of Perl executables on the system. Mangling of names of extension DLL is also changed, thus running two different versions of the executable with loaded extensions should not lead to conflicts (since extension-full-name and Perl-version mangling work in the same set ot 576 possible keys, this may lead to clashes). $^E was reset on the second read, and contained ".\r\n" at the end. after 5.005_53: Would segfault system()ing non-existing program; AOUT build was hosed; warning-test for getpriority() might lock the system hard on pre-fixpak22 configuration (calling getpriority() on non-existing process triggers a system-wide bug). PrfDB was using a bug in processing XSUBs returning U32. Variable $OS2::emx_rev implemented (string and numberic values are the same as C variables _emx_rev and _emx_vprt). Variable $OS2::emx_env implemented (same as C variable _emx_env). Variable $OS2::os_ver implemented (_osmajor + 0.001 * _osminor). Improved centralized management of HAB and HMQ. To get Perl's HAB, call perl_hab_GET(). (After the initial call one can use Perl_hab instead.) To require Perl's HMQ, call perl_hmq_GET(), to release it call perl_hmq_UNSET(), to obtain it between these calls use Perl_hmq. HMQ management is refcounted, and the program will morph itself into/from PM if required. If perl.h cannot be included, hab may be obtained by Perl_hab_GET(). New function OS2::Error(do_harderror,do_exception). Returns undef if it was not called yet, otherwise bit 1 is set if on previous call do_harderror was enabled, bit 2 is set if if on previous call do_exception was enabled. This function enables/disables error popups associated with hardware errors (Disk not ready etc.) and software exceptions. New function OS2::Errors2Drive(drive). Returns undef if it was not called yet, otherwise return false if Errors were not requested to be written to a hard drive, or the drive letter if this was requested. This function may redirect error popups associated with hardware errors (Disk not ready etc.) and software exceptions to the file POPUPLOG.OS2 at the root directory of the specified drive. Overrides OS2::Error() specified by individual programs. Given argument undef will disable redirection. Has global effect, persists after the application exits. New function OS2::SysInfo(). Returns a hash with system information. The keys of the hash are MAX_PATH_LENGTH, MAX_TEXT_SESSIONS, MAX_PM_SESSIONS, MAX_VDM_SESSIONS, BOOT_DRIVE, DYN_PRI_VARIATION, MAX_WAIT, MIN_SLICE, MAX_SLICE, PAGE_SIZE, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_REVISION, MS_COUNT, TIME_LOW, TIME_HIGH, TOTPHYSMEM, TOTRESMEM, TOTAVAILMEM, MAXPRMEM, MAXSHMEM, TIMER_INTERVAL, MAX_COMP_LENGTH, FOREGROUND_FS_SESSION, FOREGROUND_PROCESS New function OS2::BootDrive(force). Returns a letter without colon. New functions OS2::MorphPM(serve)/OS2::UnMorphPM(serve). Transforms the current application into a PM application and back. The argument true means that a real message loop is going to be performed. OS2::MorphPM() returns the PM message queue handle as an integer. New function OS2::Serve_Messages(force). Fake on-demand retrieval of outstanding PM messages. If force is false, will not dispatch messages if a real message loop is known to be present. Returns number of messages retrieved. Dies with "QUITing..." if WM_QUIT message is obtained. New function OS2::Process_Messages(force [, cnt]). Retrieval of PM messages until window creation/destruction. If force is false, will not dispatch messages if a real message loop is known to be present. Returns change in number of windows. If cnt is given, it is incremented by the number of messages retrieved. Dies with "QUITing..." if WM_QUIT message is obtained. after 5.005_54: Opening pipes from/to processes could fail if (un)appropriate combination of STDIN/STDOUT was closed. If the only shell-metachars of a command are ' 2>&1' at the end of a command, it is executed without calling the external shell. after 5.005_57: Make UDP sockets return correct caller address (OS2 API bug); Enable TCPIPV4 defines (works with Warp 3 IAK too?!); Force Unix-domain sockets to start with "/socket", convert '/' to '\' in the calls; Make C to treat $cmd as in C; Autopatch Configure; Find name and location of g[nu]patch.exe; Autocopy perl????.dll to t/ when testing; after 5.005_62: Extract a lightweight DLL access module OS2::DLL from OS2::REXX which would not load REXX runtime system; Allow compile with os2.h which loads os2tk.h instead of os2emx.h; Put the version of EMX CRTL into -D define; Use _setsyserror() to store last error of OS/2 API for $^E; New macro PERL_SYS_INIT3(argvp, argcp, envp); Make Dynaloader return info on the failing module after failed dl_open(); OS2::REXX test were done for interactive testing (were writing "ok" to stderr); system() and friends return -1 on failure (was 0xFF00); Put the full name of executable into $^X (alas, uppercased - but with /); t/io/fs.t was failing on HPFS386; Remove extra ';' from defines for MQ operations. pre 5.6.1: Resolved: "Bad free()" messages (e.g., from DB_File) with -Zomf build. The reason was: when an extension DLL was linked, the order of libraries was similar to this: f1.obj f2.obj libperl.lib -llibr1 -llibr2 (with C RTL implicitly after this). When libperl.lib overrides some C RTL functions, they are correctly resolved when mentioned in f1.obj and f2.obj. However, the resolution for libr1.lib and libr2.lib is implementation-dependent. With -Zomf linking the symbols are resolved for libr1.lib and libr2.lib *only if* they reside in .obj-file-sections of libperl.lib which were already "picked up" for symbols in f1.obj f2.obj. However, libperl.lib is an import library for a .DLL, so *each symbol in libperl.lib sits in its own pseudo-section*! Corollary: only those symbol from libperl.lib which were already mentioned in f1.obj f2.obj would be used for libr1.lib and libr2.lib. Example: if f1.obj f2.obj do not mention calloc() but libr1.lib and libr2.lib do, then .lib's will get calloc() of C RTL, not one of libperl.lib. Solution: create a small duplicate of libperl.lib with overriding symbols only. Put it *after* -llibr1 -llibr2 on the link line. Map strdup() and putenv() to Perl_strdup() and Perl_putenv() inside this library. Resolved: rmdir() and mkdir() do not accept trailing slashes. Wrappers are implemented. Resolved: when loading modules, FP mask may be erroneously changed by _DLLInitTerm() (e.g., TCP32IP). Solutions: a) dlopen() saves/restores the FP mask. b) When starting, reset FP mask to a sane value (if the DLL was compile-time linked). New functions in package OS2: unsigned _control87(unsigned new,unsigned mask) # as in EMX unsigned get_control87() # with default values good for handling exception mask: unsigned set_control87_em(new=MCW_EM,mask=MCW_EM) Needed to guard against other situations when the FP mask is stompted upon. Apparently, IBM used a compiler (for some period of time around '95?) which changes FP mask right and left... Resolved: $^X was always uppercased (cosmetic). Solution: use argv[0] if it differs from what the OS returns only in case. Resolved: when creating PM message queues, WinCancelShutdown() was not called even if the application said that it would not serve messages in this queue. Could result in PM refusing to shutdown. Solution: resolve WinCancelShutdown at run time, keep the refcount of who is going to serve the queue. Resolved: Perl_Deregister_MQ() segfaulted (pid/tid not initialized). Resolved: FillWinError() would not fetch the error. Solution: resolve WinGetLastError at run time, call it. Resolved: OS2::REXX would ignore arguments given to a Perl function imported into the REXX compartment via REXX_eval_with(). Resolved: OS2::REXX would treat arguments given to a Perl function imported into the REXX compartment via _register() as ASCIIZ strings inside of binary strings. Resolved: OS2::REXX did not document _register(). Resolved: OS2::REXX would not report the error to REXX if an error condition appeared during a call to Perl function from REXX compartment. As a result, the return string was not initialized. A complete example of a mini-application added to OS2::REXX. README.os2 updated to reflect the current state of Perl. pre 5.7.2: aout build: kid bootstrap_* were not associated with XS. bldlevel did not contain enough info. extLibpath* was failing on the call of the second type. Configure defines flushNULL now (EMX -Zomf bug broke autodetection). Configure did not find SIGBREAK. extLibpath supports LIBSTRICT, better error detection. crypt() used if present in -lcrypt or -lufc. dumb getpw*(), getgr*() etc. supported; as in EMX, but if no $ENV{PW_PASSWD}, the passwd field contains a string which cannot be returned by crypt() (for security reasons). The unwound recursion in detecting executable by script was using static buffers. Thus system('pod2text') would fail if the current directory contained an empty file named 'perl'. Put ordinals in the base DLL. Enable EXE-compression. Load time (ms): Without /e:2: 70.6; With /e:2: 75.3; Lxlite: 62.8 Size drops from 750K to 627K, with lxlite to 515K. lxlite /c:max gives 488K, but dumps core in t/TEST os2ish.h defines SYSLOG constants ==> Sys::Syslog works. Corrected warnings related to OS/2 code. At one place = was put instead of ==. Setting $^E should work. Force "SYS0dddd=0xbar: " to error messages and to dlerror(). ($^E == 2 printed SYS0002 itself, but 110 did not.) $OS2::nsyserror=0 switches off forcing SYSdddd on $^E. perl_.exe does not require PM dlls any more (symbols resolved at runtime on the as needed basis). OS2::Process: get/set: term size; codepages; screen's cursor; screen's contents reliable session name setting; process's parent pid, and the session id; switching to and enumeration of sessions window hierarchy inspection post a message to a window More robust getpriority() on older Warps. New C APIs for runtime loading of entry points from DLLs (useful for entry points not present on older versions of OS/2, or with DLLs not present on floppy-boot stripped down setups): CallORD(), DeclFuncByORD(), DeclVoidFuncByORD(), DeclOSFuncByORD(), DeclWinFuncByORD(), AssignFuncPByORD(). pre 5.7.3: Testing with PERL_TEST_NOVREXX=1 in environment makes tests noninteractive (VREXX test requires pressing a button on a dialog). New (ugly and voodooish) hack to work around a bug in EMX runtime architecture: EMX.DLL is *not* initialized from its _DLL_InitTerm() routine, but the initialization is postponed until immediately before main() is called by the principal executable (may be the initialization also happens during InitTerm of -Zso -Zsys DLLs?). The only reason I can see is to postpone the initialization until the "layout" structure is available, so the type of the executable is known. [Instead, one should have broken the initialization into two steps, with no-layout-known initialization ASAP, and the finishing touch done when "layout" is known.] It is due to this hack that -Zsys, -Zso etc. are needed so often. If during initialization of the Perl runtime environment we discover that EMX environment is not set up completely, this can be because of either our DLL being called from an uncompatible flavor of EMX executable, or from an unrelated-to-EMX.DLL (e.g., -Zsys or compiled with a different compiler) executable. In the first case only the CRTL is not completely initialized, in the other case EMX.DLL may be not initialized too. We detect which of these two situations takes place, then explicitly call the initialization entry points of EMX.DLL and of CRT. The large caveat is that the init-entry point of EMX.DLL also moves the stack pointer (another defect of EMX architecture, the init() and set_exception_handlers_on_stack() entry points should have been separated). Thus we need some inline-assembler to compensate for this, and need to remove the installed exception handler - it is useless anyway, since exception handlers need to be on the stack. [This one is on the stack, but will be overwritten on exit from the function.] We also install an extra hack to run our atexit() handlers on termination of the process (since the principal executable does not know about *this* CRTL, we need to do it ourselves - and longjmp() out of the chain of exception handlers at a proper moment :-(). The net result: Perl DLL can be now used with an arbitrary application. PERLREXX DLL is provided which makes Perl usable from any REXX-enabled application. New test targets added to test how well Perl DLL runs with different flavors of executables (see all_harness etc). To avoid waiting for the user button press, run with env PERL_TEST_NOVREXX=1. Another hack: on init of Perl runtime environment, the executable is tested for being an aout EMX executable. The test is the same done by gdb, so although this test is very voodoo, it should be pretty robust (the beginning of the executable code - at 0x10000 - is tested for a known bit pattern). The result is used to set $OS2::can_fork, which is eventually used to set $Config::Config{can_fork}. REXX::eval_REXX() made reenterable. ADDRESS PERLEVAL available for the run REXX code. PERLLASTERROR available. A .map file is created for the .dll. Now easier to debug the failures which do not happen with a debugging executable. Duplicate libperl.lib as perl.lib etc. to make Embed happier. File::Spec better adjusted to OS/2 (still does not support aa:/dir/). New module OS::Process::Const with necessary constants for the Perl calls which mimic OS/2 API calls. After @14577: $Config{pager} better (but needs work in the binary installer!). New API: OS2::DLLname([type], [\&sub]) New OS2::Process APIs: process_hwnd winTitle_set winTitle swTitle_set bothTitle_set hWindowPos hWindowPos_set DesktopWindow ActiveWindow_set EnableWindow EnableWindowUpdate IsWindowEnabled IsWindowVisible IsWindowShowing WindowPtr WindowULong WindowUShort SetWindowBits SetWindowPtr SetWindowULong SetWindowUShort MPFROMSHORT MPVOID MPFROMCHAR MPFROM2SHORT MPFROMSH2CH MPFROMLONG OS::Process::Const symbols exportable from OS::Process too. OS::Process: prototypes on subroutines which do not naturally take "vectors" as arguments (not backwards compatible!). New C API: SaveCroakWinError(), WinError_2_Perl_rc, DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE(), DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE_survive(), DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE_resetError_survive(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE_survive(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError_survive(); many new OS2 entry points conveniently available via wrappers which will do the necessary run-time dynalinking. After @15047: makes PerlIO preserve the binary/text mode of filehandles chosen by CRT library. (However, TTY handles still are not clean, since switching them to TERMIO mode and back changes the NL translation law at runtime, and PerlIO level does not know this.) After @18156: mkdir() rmdir() tolerate trailing slashes. "localized" morphing to PM when already morphed would unmorph at end. Convert \n to \r\n in REXX commands (Classic REXX would allow \r and \r\n, but not \n as line-ends). After @19053: Better detection of OS/2 in Configure scripts (if c:/ is not readable). Better Configure support for \\ inside cpp-emited # lineno "filename". Export pthread-support functions from threaded DLL. [older change] If perl5.def file is present, the new perl5.def has compatible ordinals. OS/2 code compiles with threads enabled; much more robust pthreads emulation (but some statics still present); survives fork(). New attributes supported with [f]stat() and chmod() archived is 0x1000000 = 0100000000 hidden is 0x2000000 = 0200000000 system is 0x4000000 = 0400000000 If extra flag 0x8000000 = 01000000000 is missing during chmod(), these 3 flags are ignored; this extra flag is set in the result of stat() [this provides backward compatibility, as well as transparency of stat()/ chmod() supporting DOSISH]. OS/2-specific modules use XSLoader now. Remove DLLs manually after failing build (link386 would not?!). Special-case stat()ing "/dev/nul" and "/dev/null" too. Update dlopen() and friends: preserve i387 flags, better error messages, support name==NULL (load for "this" DLL); OS2::DLL does not eval() generated functions, uses closes instead; new method wrapper_REXX() for DLL objects. After @19774: Use common typemap for OS2:: modules. New test file os2/perlrexx.cmd (should be run manually; does not it exit too early???). Export fork_with_resources(), croak_with_os2error() from DLL. usleep() availability put in %Config{}. Combine most (but not all!) statics into one struct. New load-on-demand C functions Dos32QueryHeaderInfo DosTmrQueryFreq DosTmrQueryTime WinQueryActiveDesktopPathname WinInvalidateRect WinCreateFrameControl WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo WinQueryClipbrdOwner WinQueryClipbrdViewer WinQueryClipbrdData WinOpenClipbrd WinCloseClipbrd WinSetClipbrdData WinSetClipbrdOwner WinSetClipbrdViewer WinEnumClipbrdFmts WinEmptyClipbrd WinAddAtom WinFindAtom WinDeleteAtom WinQueryAtomUsage WinQueryAtomName WinQueryAtomLength WinQuerySystemAtomTable WinCreateAtomTable WinDestroyAtomTable WinOpenWindowDC DevOpenDC DevQueryCaps DevCloseDC WinMessageBox WinMessageBox2 WinQuerySysValue WinSetSysValue WinAlarm WinFlashWindow WinLoadPointer WinQuerySysPointer Check "\\SEM32\\PMDRAG.SEM" before loading PM-specific DLLs. Handling of system {realname} was not correct in presence of exe-type deduction, #!-emulation etc. Use optimized PUSHTARG etc. XSUB convention. $^E stringification contains PMERR_INVALID_HWND, PMERR_INVALID_HMQ, PMERR_CALL_FROM_WRONG_THREAD, PMERR_NO_MSG_QUEUE, PMERR_NOT_IN_A_PM_SESSION if these errors are not in .MSG file (at least on Warp3fp42). PERLLIB_PREFIX augmented by PERLLIB_582_PREFIX, PERLLIB_58_PREFIX, PERLLIB_5_PREFIX (example for 5.8.2, the first one present is considered). New flag bit 0x2 for OS2::MorphPM(): immediately unmorph after creation of message queue. (De)Registring MQ preserves i386 flags. When die()ing inside OS2:: API, include $^E in the message. New function OS2::Timer(): returns Tmr-timer ticks (about 1MHz) since start of OS/2, converted to number of seconds (keep in mind that this timer uses a different crystal than the real-time clock; thus these values have only weak relationship to the wall clock time; behaviour with APM on is not defined). New function OS2::DevCap() [XXX Wrong usage message!!!] Usage: OS2::DevCap([WHAT, [HOW=0]]); the default for WHAT is the memory device context, WHAT should be a device context (as integer) if HOW==0 and a window handle (as integer) if HOW==1. Returns a hash with keys FAMILY IO_CAPS TECHNOLOGY DRIVER_VERSION WIDTH HEIGHT WIDTH_IN_CHARS HEIGHT_IN_CHARS HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION VERTICAL_RESOLUTION CHAR_WIDTH CHAR_HEIGHT SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT COLORS COLOR_PLANES COLOR_BITCOUNT COLOR_TABLE_SUPPORT MOUSE_BUTTONS FOREGROUND_MIX_SUPPORT BACKGROUND_MIX_SUPPORT VIO_LOADABLE_FONTS WINDOW_BYTE_ALIGNMENT BITMAP_FORMATS RASTER_CAPS MARKER_HEIGHT MARKER_WIDTH DEVICE_FONTS GRAPHICS_SUBSET GRAPHICS_VERSION GRAPHICS_VECTOR_SUBSET DEVICE_WINDOWING ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS PHYS_COLORS COLOR_INDEX GRAPHICS_CHAR_WIDTH GRAPHICS_CHAR_HEIGHT HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES VERTICAL_FONT_RES DEVICE_FONT_SIM LINEWIDTH_THICK DEVICE_POLYSET_POINTS New function OS2::SysValues(which = -1, hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP). If which != -1, returns the correspondg SysValue. Otherwise returns a hash with keys: SWAPBUTTON DBLCLKTIME CXDBLCLK CYDBLCLK CXSIZEBORDER CYSIZEBORDER ALARM 7 8 CURSORRATE FIRSTSCROLLRATE SCROLLRATE NUMBEREDLISTS WARNINGFREQ NOTEFREQ ERRORFREQ WARNINGDURATION NOTEDURATION ERRORDURATION 19 CXSCREEN CYSCREEN CXVSCROLL CYHSCROLL CYVSCROLLARROW CXHSCROLLARROW CXBORDER CYBORDER CXDLGFRAME CYDLGFRAME CYTITLEBAR CYVSLIDER CXHSLIDER CXMINMAXBUTTON CYMINMAXBUTTON CYMENU CXFULLSCREEN CYFULLSCREEN CXICON CYICON CXPOINTER CYPOINTER DEBUG CPOINTERBUTTONS POINTERLEVEL CURSORLEVEL TRACKRECTLEVEL CTIMERS MOUSEPRESENT CXALIGN CYALIGN DESKTOPWORKAREAYTOP DESKTOPWORKAREAYBOTTOM DESKTOPWORKAREAXRIGHT DESKTOPWORKAREAXLEFT 55 NOTRESERVED EXTRAKEYBEEP SETLIGHTS INSERTMODE 60 61 62 63 MENUROLLDOWNDELAY MENUROLLUPDELAY ALTMNEMONIC TASKLISTMOUSEACCESS CXICONTEXTWIDTH CICONTEXTLINES CHORDTIME CXCHORD CYCHORD CXMOTIONSTART CYMOTIONSTART BEGINDRAG ENDDRAG SINGLESELECT OPEN CONTEXTMENU CONTEXTHELP TEXTEDIT BEGINSELECT ENDSELECT BEGINDRAGKB ENDDRAGKB SELECTKB OPENKB CONTEXTMENUKB CONTEXTHELPKB TEXTEDITKB BEGINSELECTKB ENDSELECTKB ANIMATION ANIMATIONSPEED MONOICONS KBDALTERED PRINTSCREEN /* 97, the last one on one of the DDK header */ LOCKSTARTINPUT DYNAMICDRAG 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 New function OS2::SysValues_set(which, val, hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP). Support new keys NUMPROCESSORS MAXHPRMEM MAXHSHMEM MAXPROCESSES VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT INT10ENABLE from OS2::SysInfo(); support up to 10 unnamed values after the last named one. New function OS2::SysInfoFor(id[,count=1]). [Wrong usage message!!!] New function OS2::Beep(freq = 440, ms = 100). New flags mod_name_C_function = 0x100, mod_name_HMODULE = 0x200 in addition to old mod_name_handle = 0, mod_name_shortname = 1, mod_name_full = 2 for OS2::DLLname(flag, cv); use an address (as integer) or module handle instead of cv. New function OS2::_headerInfo(req,size[,handle,[offset]]). New function OS2::libPath(); returns the value of LIBPATH. New function OS2::mytype(which=0) to query current process type: 0: type immediately after startup or last fork(); 1: type immediately after startup; 2: type before the first morphing; 3: type as set now in the header. New function OS2::mytype_set(type); New function OS2::incrMaxFHandles(delta = 0); returns updated value for the possible number of open file descriptors. Make check_emx_runtime() thread-safe. Fix float-to-string conversion in the range .0001..0.1 (would return in exponential notation, per gcvt()). Make fork(): a) preserve i387 flags; b) preverve the dynamically loaded (system) DLLs; c) preserve morphed status; Make sleep() work with time > 0xffffffff/1000. Implement usleep() via _sleep2(); make select() with num_files==0 thread-safe (via calling DosSleep()). OS2::Process::Const() manages (MB|MBID|CF|CFI|SPTR)_.* constants too. New (exported) functions from OS2::Process (some undocumented???): process_codepage_set TopLevel FocusWindow_set_keep_Zorder ActiveDesktopPathname InvalidateRect CreateFrameControl ClipbrdFmtInfo ClipbrdOwner ClipbrdViewer ClipbrdData OpenClipbrd CloseClipbrd ClipbrdData_set ClipbrdOwner_set ClipbrdViewer_set EnumClipbrdFmts EmptyClipbrd AddAtom FindAtom DeleteAtom AtomUsage AtomName AtomLength SystemAtomTable CreateAtomTable DestroyAtomTable _ClipbrdData_set ClipbrdText ClipbrdText_set _MessageBox MessageBox _MessageBox2 MessageBox2 LoadPointer SysPointer Alarm FlashWindow Do not use AUTOLOAD in OS2::DLL; moved to OS2::DLL::dll. New method OS2::DLL->module() (to replace botched ->new() method). New functions call20(), call20_p(), call20_rp3(), call20_rp3_p(), call20_Dos(), call20_Win(), call20_Win_0OK(), call20_Win_0OK_survive() in OS2::DLL to call C functions via pointers. After @20218: select() workaround broke build of x2p. New OS2::Process (exported, undocumented) functions: kbdChar kbdhChar kbdStatus _kbdStatus_set kbdhStatus kbdhStatus_set vioConfig viohConfig vioMode viohMode viohMode_set _vioMode_set _vioState _vioState_set vioFont vioFont_set Make CheckOS2Error() macro return the error code. New dynaloaded entry point DosReplaceModule(). New function OS2::replaceModule(target [, source [, backup]]). After @21211: Make Cwd::sys_abspath() default to '.' and taint the result. Fix os2_process*.t to work if the default for VIO windows is maximized. Fix to avoid non-existing PIDs for get_sysinfo() broke pid==0. Restore default mode for pipes to be TEXT mode. After @21379: New OS2::Process functions: __term_mirror_screen() __term_mirror() io_term(). Fix a.out build: special-case thread::shared, pick up all the build static libraries, not only those for top-level modules. Fix DLLname() test to work with the static build too. New dynaloaded entry point RexxRegisterSubcomExe(); make OS2::REXX use it so it is not linked with REXX*.DLLs any more. If system "./foo", and empty "./foo" and "./foo.exe" exist, argv[0] would be set to junk. Make perl2cmd convert .pl files and keep the command-line switches. Make XSLoader and Perl-specific parts of DynaLoader to die with static builds (new variable $OS2::is_static used); Move perlmain.obj to the DLL; export main() as dll_perlmain(); create a library libperl_dllmain to translate the exported symbol back to main(); link the executables with this library instead of perlmain.obj. Add /li to link386's options (line number info in the .map file). Another break from fix to avoid non-existing PIDs for get_sysinfo(). After @21574: Update import libraries when perl version changes (e.g., due to rsync). New exported symbols dup() and dup2() [the wrappers have workaround for off-by-one error + double fault in the pre-Nov2003 kernels when a (wrong) filedescriptor which is limit+1 is dup()ed]. Enable disabling fd via a FILE* (to avoid close() during fclose()). New dynaloaded entry point DosPerfSysCall(). New function OS2::perfSysCall(cmd = CMD_KI_RDCNT, ulParm1= 0, ulParm2= 0, ulParm3= 0); when called with cmd == CMD_KI_RDCNT = 0x63 and no other parameters, returns: in the scalar context: the tick count of processor 1; in the list context: 4 tick counts per processor: total/idle/busy/interrupt-time. with cmd == CMD_KI_GETQTY == 0x41 and no other parameters, returns the CPU count. Currently in other cases the return is void. New executables perl___ generated with decreased stack size (good when virtual memory is low; e.g. floppy boot).