package P5AST; $::herequeue = ''; 1; { my %newkey = qw( ); sub translate { my $class = shift; my $key = shift; $key = $newkey{$key} || "op_$key"; return "P5AST::$key"; } } sub new { my $class = shift; bless {@_}, $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { warn "AUTOLOAD $P5AST::AUTOLOAD(" . join(',', @_) . ")\n"; } sub DESTROY { } sub p5arraytext { my $kid = shift; my $text = ""; for my $subkid (@$kid) { my $type = ref $subkid; if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { if ($dowarn) { warn "Extra array\n"; $text .= '〔 '. p5arraytext($subkid) . ' 〕'; } else { $text .= p5arraytext($subkid); } } elsif ($type =~ /^p5::/) { my $newtext = $subkid->enc(); if ($::herequeue && $newtext =~ s/\n/\n$::herequeue/) { $::herequeue = ''; } $text .= $newtext; } elsif ($type) { $text .= $subkid->text(@_); } else { $text .= $subkid; } } return $text; } sub p5text { my $self = shift; # my $pre = $self->pretext(); # my $post = $self->posttext(); my $text = ""; foreach my $kid (@{$$self{Kids}}) { my $type = ref $kid; if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { $text .= p5arraytext($kid); } elsif ($type =~ /^p5::/) { my $newtext = $kid->enc(); if ($::herequeue && $newtext =~ s/\n/\n$::herequeue/) { $::herequeue = ''; } $text .= $newtext; } elsif ($type eq "chomp") { $text =~ s/\n$//g; } elsif ($type) { $text .= $kid->p5text(@_); } elsif (defined $kid) { $text .= $kid; } else { $text .= '[[[ UNDEF ]]]'; } } return $text; } sub p5subtext { my $self = shift; my @text; foreach my $kid (@{$$self{Kids}}) { my $text = $kid->p5text(@_); push @text, $text if defined $text; } return @text; } sub p6text { return $_[0]->p5text(); # assume it's the same } package P5AST::heredoc; @ISA = 'P5AST'; sub p5text { my $self = shift; my $newdoc; { local $::herequeue; # don't interpolate outer heredoc yet $newdoc = $self->{doc}->p5text(@_) . $self->{end}->enc(); if ($::herequeue) { # heredoc within the heredoc? $newdoc .= $::herequeue; $::herequeue = ''; } } $::herequeue .= $newdoc; my $start = $self->{start}; my $type = ref $start; if ($type =~ /^p5::/) { # XXX too much cut-n-paste here... return $start->enc(); } elsif ($type) { return $start->p5text(@_); } else { return $start; } } package P5AST::BAD; sub p5text { my $self = shift; my $t = ref $t; warn "Shouldn't have a node of type $t"; } package P5AST::baseop; @ISA = 'P5AST'; package P5AST::baseop_unop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::binop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::cop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::filestatop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::listop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::logop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::loop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::loopexop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::padop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::padop_svop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::pmop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::pvop_svop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::unop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; # Nothing. package P5AST::op_null; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_stub; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_scalar; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; # Pushy stuff. package P5AST::op_pushmark; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_wantarray; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_const; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_gvsv; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_gv; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_gelem; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_padsv; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_padav; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_padhv; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_padany; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_pushre; @ISA = 'P5AST::pmop'; package P5AST::op_rv2gv; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_rv2sv; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_av2arylen; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_rv2cv; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_anoncode; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_prototype; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_refgen; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_srefgen; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_ref; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_bless; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_backtick; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_glob; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_readline; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_rcatline; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_regcmaybe; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_regcreset; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_regcomp; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_match; @ISA = 'P5AST::pmop'; package P5AST::op_qr; @ISA = 'P5AST::pmop'; package P5AST::op_subst; @ISA = 'P5AST::pmop'; package P5AST::op_substcont; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_trans; @ISA = 'P5AST::pvop_svop'; package P5AST::op_sassign; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_aassign; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_chop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_schop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_chomp; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_schomp; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_defined; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_undef; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_study; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_pos; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_preinc; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_i_preinc; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_predec; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_i_predec; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_postinc; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_i_postinc; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_postdec; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_i_postdec; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_pow; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_multiply; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_multiply; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_divide; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_divide; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_modulo; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_modulo; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_repeat; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_add; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_add; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_subtract; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_subtract; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_concat; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_stringify; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_left_shift; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_right_shift; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_lt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_lt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_gt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_gt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_le; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_le; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_ge; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_ge; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_eq; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_eq; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_ne; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_ne; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_ncmp; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_i_ncmp; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_slt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_sgt; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_sle; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_sge; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_seq; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_sne; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_scmp; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_bit_and; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_bit_xor; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_bit_or; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_negate; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_i_negate; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_not; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_complement; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_atan2; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sin; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_cos; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_rand; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_srand; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_exp; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_log; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_sqrt; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_int; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_hex; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_oct; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_abs; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_length; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_substr; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_vec; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_index; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_rindex; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sprintf; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_formline; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ord; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_chr; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_crypt; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ucfirst; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_lcfirst; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_uc; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_lc; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_quotemeta; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_rv2av; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_aelemfast; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_aelem; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_aslice; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_each; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_values; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_keys; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_delete; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_exists; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_rv2hv; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_helem; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_hslice; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_unpack; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_pack; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_split; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_join; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_list; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_lslice; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_anonlist; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_anonhash; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_splice; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_push; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_pop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_shift; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_unshift; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sort; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_reverse; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_grepstart; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_grepwhile; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_mapstart; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_mapwhile; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_range; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_flip; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_flop; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_and; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_or; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_xor; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_cond_expr; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_andassign; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_orassign; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_method; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_entersub; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_leavesub; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_leavesublv; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_caller; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_warn; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_die; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_reset; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_lineseq; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_nextstate; @ISA = 'P5AST::BAD'; package P5AST::op_dbstate; @ISA = 'P5AST::cop'; package P5AST::op_unstack; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_enter; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_leave; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_scope; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_enteriter; @ISA = 'P5AST::loop'; package P5AST::op_iter; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_enterloop; @ISA = 'P5AST::loop'; package P5AST::op_leaveloop; @ISA = 'P5AST::binop'; package P5AST::op_return; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_last; @ISA = 'P5AST::loopexop'; package P5AST::op_next; @ISA = 'P5AST::loopexop'; package P5AST::op_redo; @ISA = 'P5AST::loopexop'; package P5AST::op_dump; @ISA = 'P5AST::loopexop'; package P5AST::op_goto; @ISA = 'P5AST::loopexop'; package P5AST::op_exit; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_open; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_close; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_pipe_op; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_fileno; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_umask; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_binmode; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_tie; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_untie; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_tied; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_dbmopen; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_dbmclose; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_sselect; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_select; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_getc; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_read; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_enterwrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_leavewrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_prtf; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_print; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_say; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sysopen; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sysseek; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sysread; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_syswrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_send; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_recv; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_eof; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_tell; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_seek; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_truncate; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_fcntl; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ioctl; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_flock; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_socket; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_sockpair; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_bind; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_connect; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_listen; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_accept; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_shutdown; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_gsockopt; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ssockopt; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_getsockname; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_getpeername; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_lstat; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_stat; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftrread; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftrwrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftrexec; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_fteread; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftewrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_fteexec; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftis; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_fteowned; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftrowned; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftzero; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftsize; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftmtime; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftatime; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftctime; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftsock; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftchr; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftblk; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftfile; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftpipe; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftlink; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftsuid; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftsgid; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftsvtx; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_fttty; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_fttext; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_ftbinary; @ISA = 'P5AST::filestatop'; package P5AST::op_chdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_chown; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_chroot; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_unlink; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_chmod; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_utime; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_rename; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_link; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_symlink; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_readlink; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_mkdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_rmdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_open_dir; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_readdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_telldir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_seekdir; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_rewinddir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_closedir; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_fork; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_wait; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_waitpid; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_system; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_exec; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_kill; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_getppid; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_getpgrp; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_setpgrp; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_getpriority; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_setpriority; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_time; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_tms; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_localtime; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_gmtime; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_alarm; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_sleep; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_shmget; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_shmctl; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_shmread; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_shmwrite; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_msgget; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_msgctl; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_msgsnd; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_msgrcv; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_semget; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_semctl; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_semop; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_require; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_dofile; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_entereval; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_leaveeval; @ISA = 'P5AST::unop'; package P5AST::op_entertry; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_leavetry; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ghbyname; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_ghbyaddr; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_ghostent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_gnbyname; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_gnbyaddr; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_gnetent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_gpbyname; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_gpbynumber; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_gprotoent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_gsbyname; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_gsbyport; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_gservent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_shostent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_snetent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_sprotoent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_sservent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_ehostent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_enetent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_eprotoent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_eservent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_gpwnam; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_gpwuid; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_gpwent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_spwent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_epwent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_ggrnam; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_ggrgid; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_ggrent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_sgrent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_egrent; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_getlogin; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_syscall; @ISA = 'P5AST::listop'; package P5AST::op_lock; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop_unop'; package P5AST::op_threadsv; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::op_setstate; @ISA = 'P5AST::cop'; package P5AST::op_method_named; @ISA = 'P5AST::padop_svop'; package P5AST::op_dor; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_dorassign; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::op_custom; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; # New node types (implicit types within perl) package P5AST::statement; @ISA = 'P5AST::cop'; package P5AST::peg; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::parens; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::bindop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::nothing; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::condstate; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::use; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::ternary; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::sub; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::condmod; @ISA = 'P5AST::logop'; package P5AST::package; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::format; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::qwliteral; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::quote; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::token; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::attrlist; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::listelem; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::preplus; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::doblock; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::cfor; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop'; package P5AST::pmop; @ISA = 'P5AST::baseop';