[[The UnicodeData-Latest.txt file has NOT (yet) been updated for the Ethiopic additions. You will lose the Ethiopic *.pl files if you run 'make clean' in ./lib/unicode. --GSAR]] This package contains extensions to the property files generated from the UnicodeData-Latest.txt file. The UnicodeData file comes from the Unicode organization's ftp site and has not been included with modifications here. Updates for Ethiopic script to the UnicodeData file under the Unicode 3.0 specification is being discussed at this time with the responsible parties within Unicode. "MakeEthiopicSyllables.PL" will create the series Is/Y0.pl .. Is/Y13.pl files to match the sYllabic class of an Ethiopic character. These tests may be extended to other syllabaries as well. The author would appreciate comments and suggestions on this effort: Daniel Yacob dmulholl@cs.indiana.edu