################################################################################ # # Makefile.PL -- generate Makefile # ################################################################################ # # Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz. # Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess. # Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # ################################################################################ require 5.003; use strict; BEGIN { $^W = 1; } use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; use vars '%opt'; # needs to be global, and we can't use 'our' unless ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) { $ENV{'PERL_CORE'} = 1 if grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV; } @ARGV = map { /^--with-(apicheck)$/ && ++$opt{$1} ? () : $_ } @ARGV; my %mf = ( NAME => 'Devel::PPPort', VERSION_FROM => 'PPPort_pm.PL', PM => { 'PPPort.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/PPPort.pm' }, H => [ qw(ppport.h) ], OBJECT => 'RealPPPort$(OBJ_EXT) $(O_FILES)', XSPROTOARG => '-noprototypes', CONFIGURE => \&configure, ); WriteMakefile(%mf); sub configure { my @clean = qw{ $(H_FILES) RealPPPort.xs RealPPPort.c PPPort.pm }; my %depend = ( '$(OBJECT)' => '$(H_FILES)', 'Makefile' => '$(VERSION_FROM)', ); my @C_FILES = qw{ module2.c module3.c }, my %PL_FILES = ( 'ppport_h.PL' => 'ppport.h', 'PPPort_pm.PL' => 'PPPort.pm', 'RealPPPort_xs.PL' => 'RealPPPort.xs', 'mktests.PL' => 't/01_test.t', ); my @moreopts; if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6) }) { push @moreopts, AUTHOR => 'Marcus Holland-Moritz '; push @moreopts, ABSTRACT_FROM => 'PPPort_pm.PL'; } if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.30_01) }) { print "Setting license tag...\n"; push @moreopts, LICENSE => 'perl'; } if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION (6.46) }) { open FH, ') { ($version) = $line =~ /^\$VERSION = '([\d.]+)';$/ and last; }; die 'failed to extract $VERSION from PPPort_pm.PL' if not $version; close FH; print "Adding META_MERGE...\n"; push @moreopts, META_MERGE => { 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, provides => { 'Devel::PPPort' => { file => 'PPPort_pm.PL', version => $version, }, }, resources => { bugtracker => { web => 'https://rt.perl.org/rt3/', }, repository => { type => 'git', url => 'git://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git', web => 'https://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git', }, }, }; } if (not $ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) { # Devel::PPPort is in the core since 5.7.3 # 5.11.0+ has site before perl push @moreopts, INSTALLDIRS => ( ("$]" >= 5.007003 and "$]" < 5.011) ? 'perl' : 'site' ); } if ($opt{'apicheck'}) { $PL_FILES{'apicheck_c.PL'} = 'apicheck.c'; push @C_FILES, qw{ apicheck.c }; push @clean, qw{ apicheck.c apicheck.i }; $depend{'apicheck.i'} = 'ppport.h'; } if ($Config{gccversion}) { my $define = '-W -Wall'; $define .= ' -Wdeclaration-after-statement' if $Config{gccversion} =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)\./ && $1 >= 3.4; push @moreopts, DEFINE => $define; } return { C => \@C_FILES, XS => { 'RealPPPort.xs' => 'RealPPPort.c' }, PL_FILES => \%PL_FILES, depend => \%depend, clean => { FILES => "@clean" }, @moreopts, }; } sub MY::postamble { package MY; my $post = shift->SUPER::postamble(@_); $post .= <<'POSTAMBLE'; purge_all: realclean @$(RM_F) PPPort.pm t/*.t regen_pm: $(PERL) -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) PPPort_pm.PL regen_xs: $(PERL) -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) RealPPPort_xs.PL regen_tests: $(PERL) -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) mktests.PL regen_h: $(PERL) -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) ppport_h.PL regen: regen_pm regen_xs regen_tests regen_h POSTAMBLE return $post; } sub MY::processPL { package MY; my $original = shift->SUPER::processPL(@_); require "./parts/ppptools.pl"; my $includes = join ' ', all_files_in_dir('parts/inc'); my $updated = ''; my @rules = split( m{^\s*$}m, $original ); foreach my $rule ( @rules ) { if ( $rule =~ m{^\s*^PPPort\.pm\s+:}m ) { $rule =~ s{^(\s*^PPPort\.pm\s+:.*)}{$1 $includes}m; # PPPort.pm depends on all files from parts/inc $rule =~ s{pm_to_blib}{}m; # PPPort.pm must not depend on built PPPort.pm in blib/ } elsif ( $rule =~ m{^\s*^ppport\.h\s+:}m ) { $rule =~ s{^(\s*^ppport\.h\s+:.*)}{$1 PPPort.pm}m; # ppport.h depends on PPPort.pm $rule =~ s{pm_to_blib}{}m; # ppport.h is used to build RealPPPort.xs so cannot depend on built PPPort in blib/ } elsif ( $rule =~ m{^\s*^RealPPPort\.xs\s+:}m ) { $rule =~ s{^(\s*^RealPPPort\.xs\s+:.*)}{$1 ppport.h}m; # RealPPPort.xs depends on ppport.h $rule =~ s{pm_to_blib}{}m; # RealPPPort.xs is used to build PPPort binary, so it cannot depend on it } elsif ( $rule =~ m{^\s*\S+\b01_test\.t\s+:}m ) { $rule =~ s{^(\s*^\S+\b01_test\.t\s+:.*)}{$1 $includes}m; # all tests in t/ depends on all files from parts/inc $rule =~ s{pm_to_blib}{}m; # Generating test files does not depend on built PPPort in blib/ } $updated .= $rule; } return $updated; } sub MY::dist_core { package MY; my $dist = shift->SUPER::dist_core(@_); my $updated = ''; my @rules = split( m{^\s*$}m, $dist ); foreach my $rule ( @rules ) { if ( $rule =~ m{^\s*^dist\s+:}m ) { $rule =~ s{:}{: manifest}; # make sure we regenerate the manifest $rule .= qq[\t].q[$(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Warning: Please check '__MAX_PERL__' value in PPPort_pm.PL"].qq[\n]; } $updated .= $rule; } return $updated; } sub MY::c_o { package MY; my $co = shift->SUPER::c_o(@_); if ($::opt{'apicheck'} && $co !~ /^\.c\.i:/m) { print "Adding custom rule for preprocessed apicheck file...\n"; $co .= <<'CO' .SUFFIXES: .i .c.i: $(CCCMD) -E -I$(PERL_INC) $(DEFINE) $*.c > $*.i CO } return $co; }