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fix fencepost error in Module::CoreList is_core
[perl5.git] / dist / Module-CoreList / lib / Module /
1 package Module::CoreList;
2 use strict;
3 use vars qw/$VERSION %released %version %families %upstream
4             %bug_tracker %deprecated %delta/;
5 use Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta;
6 use version;
7 $VERSION = '5.20150420';
9 sub _released_order {   # Sort helper, to make '?' sort after everything else
10     (substr($released{$a}, 0, 1) eq "?")
11     ? ((substr($released{$b}, 0, 1) eq "?")
12         ? 0
13         : 1)
14     : ((substr($released{$b}, 0, 1) eq "?")
15         ? -1
16         : $released{$a} cmp $released{$b} )
17 }
19 my $dumpinc = 0;
20 sub import {
21     my $self = shift;
22     my $what = shift || '';
23     if ($what eq 'dumpinc') {
24         $dumpinc = 1;
25     }
26 }
28 END {
29     print "---INC---\n", join "\n" => keys %INC
30       if $dumpinc;
31 }
34 sub first_release_raw {
35     my $module = shift;
36     $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) }
37       and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
38     my $version = shift;
40     my @perls = $version
41         ? grep { defined $version{$_}{ $module } &&
42                         $version{$_}{ $module } ge $version } keys %version
43         : grep { exists $version{$_}{ $module }             } keys %version;
45     return @perls;
46 }
48 sub first_release_by_date {
49     my @perls = &first_release_raw;
50     return unless @perls;
51     return (sort _released_order @perls)[0];
52 }
54 sub first_release {
55     my @perls = &first_release_raw;
56     return unless @perls;
57     return (sort { $a cmp $b } @perls)[0];
58 }
60 sub find_modules {
61     my $regex = shift;
62     $regex = shift if eval { $regex->isa(__PACKAGE__) };
63     my @perls = @_;
64     @perls = keys %version unless @perls;
66     my %mods;
67     foreach (@perls) {
68         while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$version{$_}}) {
69             $mods{$k}++ if $k =~ $regex;
70         }
71     }
72     return sort keys %mods
73 }
75 sub find_version {
76     my $v = shift;
77     $v = shift if eval { $v->isa(__PACKAGE__) };
78     return $version{$v} if defined $version{$v};
79     return undef;
80 }
82 sub is_deprecated {
83     my $module = shift;
84     $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) }
85       and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
86     my $perl_version = shift;
87     $perl_version ||= $];
88     return unless $module && exists $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module};
89     return $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module};
90 }
92 sub deprecated_in {
93     my $module = shift;
94     $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) }
95       and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
96     return unless $module;
97     my @perls = grep { exists $deprecated{$_}{$module} } keys %deprecated;
98     return unless @perls;
99     require List::Util;
100     return List::Util::minstr(@perls);
101 }
103 sub removed_from {
104   my @perls = &removed_raw;
105   return shift @perls;
106 }
108 sub removed_from_by_date {
109   my @perls = sort _released_order &removed_raw;
110   return shift @perls;
111 }
113 sub removed_raw {
114   my $mod = shift;
115   $mod = shift if eval { $mod->isa(__PACKAGE__) }
116       and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
117   return unless my @perls = sort { $a cmp $b } first_release_raw($mod);
118   my $last = pop @perls;
119   my @removed = grep { $_ > $last } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %version;
120   return @removed;
121 }
123 sub changes_between {
124   my $left_ver = shift;
125   $left_ver = shift if eval { $left_ver->isa(__PACKAGE__) };
126   my $right_ver = shift;
128   my $left  = $version{ $left_ver };
129   my $right = $version{ $right_ver };
131   my %uniq = (%$left, %$right);
133   my %changes;
134   for my $lib (keys %uniq) {
135       my $lhs = exists $left->{ $lib }
136               ? (defined $left->{ $lib } ? $left->{ $lib } : '(undef)')
137               : '(absent)';
138       my $rhs = exists $right->{ $lib }
139               ? (defined $right->{ $lib } ? $right->{ $lib } : '(undef)')
140               : '(absent)';
142       next if $lhs eq $rhs;
144       my $change = {
145         (exists $left->{$lib}  ? (left  => $left->{$lib})  : ()),
146         (exists $right->{$lib} ? (right => $right->{$lib}) : ()),
147       };
149       $changes{$lib} = $change;
150   }
152   return %changes;
153 }
155 # When things escaped.
156 # NB. If you put version numbers with trailing zeroes here, you
157 # should also add an alias for the numerical ($]) version; see
158 # just before the __END__ of this module.
159 %released = (
160     5.000    => '1994-10-17',
161     5.001    => '1995-03-14',
162     5.002    => '1996-02-29',
163     5.00307  => '1996-10-10',
164     5.004    => '1997-05-15',
165     5.005    => '1998-07-22',
166     5.00503  => '1999-03-28',
167     5.00405  => '1999-04-29',
168     5.006    => '2000-03-22',
169     5.006001 => '2001-04-08',
170     5.007003 => '2002-03-05',
171     5.008    => '2002-07-19',
172     5.008001 => '2003-09-25',
173     5.009    => '2003-10-27',
174     5.008002 => '2003-11-05',
175     5.006002 => '2003-11-15',
176     5.008003 => '2004-01-14',
177     5.00504  => '2004-02-23',
178     5.009001 => '2004-03-16',
179     5.008004 => '2004-04-21',
180     5.008005 => '2004-07-19',
181     5.008006 => '2004-11-27',
182     5.009002 => '2005-04-01',
183     5.008007 => '2005-05-30',
184     5.009003 => '2006-01-28',
185     5.008008 => '2006-01-31',
186     5.009004 => '2006-08-15',
187     5.009005 => '2007-07-07',
188     5.010000 => '2007-12-18',
189     5.008009 => '2008-12-14',
190     5.010001 => '2009-08-22',
191     5.011000 => '2009-10-02',
192     5.011001 => '2009-10-20',
193     5.011002 => '2009-11-20',
194     5.011003 => '2009-12-20',
195     5.011004 => '2010-01-20',
196     5.011005 => '2010-02-20',
197     5.012000 => '2010-04-12',
198     5.013000 => '2010-04-20',
199     5.012001 => '2010-05-16',
200     5.013001 => '2010-05-20',
201     5.013002 => '2010-06-22',
202     5.013003 => '2010-07-20',
203     5.013004 => '2010-08-20',
204     5.012002 => '2010-09-06',
205     5.013005 => '2010-09-19',
206     5.013006 => '2010-10-20',
207     5.013007 => '2010-11-20',
208     5.013008 => '2010-12-20',
209     5.012003 => '2011-01-21',
210     5.013009 => '2011-01-20',
211     5.013010 => '2011-02-20',
212     5.013011 => '2011-03-20',
213     5.014000 => '2011-05-14',
214     5.012004 => '2011-06-20',
215     5.012005 => '2012-11-10',
216     5.014001 => '2011-06-16',
217     5.015000 => '2011-06-20',
218     5.015001 => '2011-07-20',
219     5.015002 => '2011-08-20',
220     5.014002 => '2011-09-26',
221     5.015003 => '2011-09-20',
222     5.015004 => '2011-10-20',
223     5.015005 => '2011-11-20',
224     5.015006 => '2011-12-20',
225     5.015007 => '2012-01-20',
226     5.015008 => '2012-02-20',
227     5.015009 => '2012-03-20',
228     5.016000 => '2012-05-20',
229     5.016001 => '2012-08-08',
230     5.016002 => '2012-11-01',
231     5.017000 => '2012-05-26',
232     5.017001 => '2012-06-20',
233     5.017002 => '2012-07-20',
234     5.017003 => '2012-08-20',
235     5.017004 => '2012-09-20',
236     5.014003 => '2012-10-12',
237     5.017005 => '2012-10-20',
238     5.017006 => '2012-11-20',
239     5.017007 => '2012-12-18',
240     5.017008 => '2013-01-20',
241     5.017009 => '2013-02-20',
242     5.014004 => '2013-03-10',
243     5.016003 => '2013-03-11',
244     5.017010 => '2013-03-21',
245     5.017011 => '2013-04-20',
246     5.018000 => '2013-05-18',
247     5.019000 => '2013-05-20',
248     5.019001 => '2013-06-21',
249     5.019002 => '2013-07-22',
250     5.018001 => '2013-08-12',
251     5.019003 => '2013-08-20',
252     5.019004 => '2013-09-20',
253     5.019005 => '2013-10-20',
254     5.019006 => '2013-11-20',
255     5.019007 => '2013-12-20',
256     5.018002 => '2014-01-06',
257     5.018003 => '2014-10-01',
258     5.018004 => '2014-10-01',
259     5.019008 => '2014-01-20',
260     5.019009 => '2014-02-20',
261     5.01901  => '2014-03-20',
262     5.019011 => '2014-04-20',
263     5.020000 => '2014-05-27',
264     5.021000 => '2014-05-27',
265     5.021001 => '2014-06-20',
266     5.021002 => '2014-07-20',
267     5.021003 => '2014-08-20',
268     5.020001 => '2014-09-14',
269     5.021004 => '2014-09-20',
270     5.021005 => '2014-10-20',
271     5.021006 => '2014-11-20',
272     5.021007 => '2014-12-20',
273     5.021008 => '2015-01-20',
274     5.020002 => '2015-02-14',
275     5.021009 => '2015-02-21',
276     5.021010 => '2015-03-20',
277     5.021011 => '????-??-??',
278   );
280 for my $version ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %released ) {
281     my $family = int ($version * 1000) / 1000;
282     push @{ $families{ $family }} , $version;
283 }
285 %delta = (
286     5 => {
287         changed => {
288             'AnyDBM_File'           => undef,
289             'AutoLoader'            => undef,
290             'AutoSplit'             => undef,
291             'Benchmark'             => undef,
292             'Carp'                  => undef,
293             'Cwd'                   => undef,
294             'DB_File'               => undef,
295             'DynaLoader'            => undef,
296             'English'               => undef,
297             'Env'                   => undef,
298             'Exporter'              => undef,
299             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => undef,
300             'Fcntl'                 => undef,
301             'File::Basename'        => undef,
302             'File::CheckTree'       => undef,
303             'File::Find'            => undef,
304             'FileHandle'            => undef,
305             'GDBM_File'             => undef,
306             'Getopt::Long'          => undef,
307             'Getopt::Std'           => undef,
308             'I18N::Collate'         => undef,
309             'IPC::Open2'            => undef,
310             'IPC::Open3'            => undef,
311             'Math::BigFloat'        => undef,
312             'Math::BigInt'          => undef,
313             'Math::Complex'         => undef,
314             'NDBM_File'             => undef,
315             'Net::Ping'             => undef,
316             'ODBM_File'             => undef,
317             'POSIX'                 => undef,
318             'SDBM_File'             => undef,
319             'Search::Dict'          => undef,
320             'Shell'                 => undef,
321             'Socket'                => undef,
322             'Sys::Hostname'         => undef,
323             'Sys::Syslog'           => undef,
324             'Term::Cap'             => undef,
325             'Term::Complete'        => undef,
326             'Test::Harness'         => undef,
327             'Text::Abbrev'          => undef,
328             'Text::ParseWords'      => undef,
329             'Text::Soundex'         => undef,
330             'Text::Tabs'            => undef,
331             'TieHash'               => undef,
332             'Time::Local'           => undef,
333             'integer'               => undef,
334             'less'                  => undef,
335             'sigtrap'               => undef,
336             'strict'                => undef,
337             'subs'                  => undef,
338         },
339         removed => {
340         }
341     },
342     5.001 => {
343         delta_from => 5,
344         changed => {
345             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => undef,
346             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => undef,
347             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => undef,
348             'File::Path'            => undef,
349             'SubstrHash'            => undef,
350             'lib'                   => undef,
351         },
352         removed => {
353         }
354     },
355     5.002 => {
356         delta_from => 5.001,
357         changed => {
358             'DB_File'               => '1.01',
359             'Devel::SelfStubber'    => '1.01',
360             'DirHandle'             => undef,
361             'DynaLoader'            => '1.00',
362             'ExtUtils::Install'     => undef,
363             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => undef,
364             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => undef,
365             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => undef,
366             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.21',
367             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.22',
368             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.00',
369             'Fcntl'                 => '1.00',
370             'File::Copy'            => '1.5',
371             'File::Path'            => '1.01',
372             'FileCache'             => undef,
373             'FileHandle'            => '1.00',
374             'GDBM_File'             => '1.00',
375             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.01',
376             'NDBM_File'             => '1.00',
377             'Net::Ping'             => '1',
378             'ODBM_File'             => '1.00',
379             'POSIX'                 => '1.00',
380             'Pod::Functions'        => undef,
381             'Pod::Text'             => undef,
382             'SDBM_File'             => '1.00',
383             'Safe'                  => '1.00',
384             'SelectSaver'           => undef,
385             'SelfLoader'            => '1.06',
386             'Socket'                => '1.5',
387             'Symbol'                => undef,
388             'Term::ReadLine'        => undef,
389             'Test::Harness'         => '1.07',
390             'Text::Wrap'            => undef,
391             'Tie::Hash'             => undef,
392             'Tie::Scalar'           => undef,
393             'Tie::SubstrHash'       => undef,
394             'diagnostics'           => undef,
395             'overload'              => undef,
396             'vars'                  => undef,
397         },
398         removed => {
399             'SubstrHash'            => 1,
400             'TieHash'               => 1,
401         }
402     },
403     5.00307 => {
404         delta_from => 5.002,
405         changed => {
406             'Config'                => undef,
407             'DB_File'               => '1.03',
408             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.18',
409             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.15 ',
410             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.20 ',
411             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.107 ',
412             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.38',
413             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.27',
414             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.13 ',
415             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.12 ',
416             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.11 ',
417             'Fatal'                 => undef,
418             'File::Basename'        => '2.4',
419             'FindBin'               => '1.04',
420             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.04',
421             'IO'                    => undef,
422             'IO::File'              => '1.05',
423             'IO::Handle'            => '1.12',
424             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.07',
425             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.05',
426             'IO::Select'            => '1.09',
427             'IO::Socket'            => '1.13',
428             'Net::Ping'             => '1.01',
429             'OS2::ExtAttr'          => '0.01',
430             'OS2::PrfDB'            => '0.02',
431             'OS2::Process'          => undef,
432             'OS2::REXX'             => undef,
433             'Opcode'                => '1.01',
434             'Safe'                  => '2.06',
435             'Test::Harness'         => '1.13',
436             'Text::Tabs'            => '96.051501',
437             'Text::Wrap'            => '96.041801',
438             'UNIVERSAL'             => undef,
439             'VMS::Filespec'         => undef,
440             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.0',
441             'ops'                   => undef,
442             'sigtrap'               => '1.01',
443         },
444         removed => {
445         }
446     },
447     5.004 => {
448         delta_from => 5.00307,
449         changed => {
450             'Bundle::CPAN'          => '0.02',
451             'CGI'                   => '2.36',
452             'CGI::Apache'           => '1.01',
453             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.06',
454             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.00a',
455             'CGI::Push'             => '1.00',
456             'CGI::Switch'           => '0.05',
457             'CPAN'                  => '1.2401',
458             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.18 ',
459             'CPAN::Nox'             => undef,
460             'Class::Struct'         => undef,
461             'Cwd'                   => '2.00',
462             'DB_File'               => '1.14',
463             'DynaLoader'            => '1.02',
464             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.00',
465             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.2501',
466             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.16 ',
467             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.2201 ',
468             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.114 ',
469             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => undef,
470             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.4002',
471             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.33 ',
472             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.13 ',
473             'ExtUtils::XSSymSet'    => '1.0',
474             'Fcntl'                 => '1.03',
475             'File::Basename'        => '2.5',
476             'File::Compare'         => '1.1001',
477             'File::Copy'            => '2.02',
478             'File::Path'            => '1.04',
479             'File::stat'            => undef,
480             'FileHandle'            => '2.00',
481             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.10',
482             'IO::File'              => '1.0602',
483             'IO::Handle'            => '1.1504',
484             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.0901',
485             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.06',
486             'IO::Select'            => '1.10',
487             'IO::Socket'            => '1.1602',
488             'IPC::Open2'            => '1.01',
489             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0101',
490             'Math::Complex'         => '1.01',
491             'Math::Trig'            => '1',
492             'Net::Ping'             => '2.02',
493             'Net::hostent'          => undef,
494             'Net::netent'           => undef,
495             'Net::protoent'         => undef,
496             'Net::servent'          => undef,
497             'Opcode'                => '1.04',
498             'POSIX'                 => '1.02',
499             'Pod::Html'             => undef,
500             'Pod::Text'             => '1.0203',
501             'SelfLoader'            => '1.07',
502             'Socket'                => '1.6',
503             'Symbol'                => '1.02',
504             'Test::Harness'         => '1.1502',
505             'Text::Tabs'            => '96.121201',
506             'Text::Wrap'            => '97.011701',
507             'Tie::RefHash'          => undef,
508             'Time::gmtime'          => '1.01',
509             'Time::localtime'       => '1.01',
510             'Time::tm'              => undef,
511             'User::grent'           => undef,
512             'User::pwent'           => undef,
513             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.01',
514             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.02',
515             'autouse'               => '1.01',
516             'blib'                  => undef,
517             'constant'              => '1.00',
518             'locale'                => undef,
519             'sigtrap'               => '1.02',
520             'vmsish'                => undef,
521         },
522         removed => {
523             'Fatal'                 => 1,
524         }
525     },
526     5.00405 => {
527         delta_from => 5.004,
528         changed => {
529             'AutoLoader'            => '5.56',
530             'AutoSplit'             => '1.0303',
531             'Bundle::CPAN'          => '0.03',
532             'CGI'                   => '2.42',
533             'CGI::Apache'           => '1.1',
534             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.10',
535             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.06',
536             'CGI::Push'             => '1.01',
537             'CGI::Switch'           => '0.06',
538             'CPAN'                  => '1.40',
539             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.30 ',
540             'Cwd'                   => '2.01',
541             'DB_File'               => '1.15',
542             'DynaLoader'            => '1.03',
543             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.01',
544             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.2505',
545             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.28 ',
546             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.25 ',
547             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.118 ',
548             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.42',
549             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14 ',
550             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.16 ',
551             'File::Basename'        => '2.6',
552             'File::DosGlob'         => undef,
553             'File::Path'            => '1.0402',
554             'File::Spec'            => '0.6',
555             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '1.0',
556             'File::Spec::OS2'       => undef,
557             'File::Spec::Unix'      => undef,
558             'File::Spec::VMS'       => undef,
559             'File::Spec::Win32'     => undef,
560             'FindBin'               => '1.41',
561             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.19',
562             'IO::File'              => '1.06021',
563             'IO::Socket'            => '1.1603',
564             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0103',
565             'Math::Complex'         => '1.25',
566             'NDBM_File'             => '1.01',
567             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0101',
568             'Pod::Text'             => '1.0204',
569             'SelfLoader'            => '1.08',
570             'Socket'                => '1.7',
571             'Test'                  => '1.04',
572             'Test::Harness'         => '1.1602',
573             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.1001',
574             'Text::Wrap'            => '98.112902',
575             'Tie::Handle'           => undef,
576             'attrs'                 => '0.1',
577             'base'                  => undef,
578             'blib'                  => '1.00',
579             're'                    => undef,
580             'strict'                => '1.01',
581         },
582         removed => {
583         }
584     },
585     5.005 => {
586         delta_from => 5.00405,
587         changed => {
588             'AutoLoader'            => undef,
589             'AutoSplit'             => '1.0302',
590             'B'                     => undef,
591             'B::Asmdata'            => undef,
592             'B::Assembler'          => undef,
593             'B::Bblock'             => undef,
594             'B::Bytecode'           => undef,
595             'B::C'                  => undef,
596             'B::CC'                 => undef,
597             'B::Debug'              => undef,
598             'B::Deparse'            => '0.56',
599             'B::Disassembler'       => undef,
600             'B::Lint'               => undef,
601             'B::Showlex'            => undef,
602             'B::Stackobj'           => undef,
603             'B::Terse'              => undef,
604             'B::Xref'               => undef,
605             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.101',
606             'CPAN'                  => '1.3901',
607             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.29 ',
608             'DB_File'               => '1.60',
609             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.09',
610             'Errno'                 => '1.09',
611             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '0.02',
612             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12601 ',
613             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.4301',
614             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.13 ',
615             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.17 ',
616             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '0.03',
617             'Fatal'                 => '1.02',
618             'File::Path'            => '1.0401',
619             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.17',
620             'IO::Handle'            => '1.1505',
621             'IPC::Msg'              => '1.00',
622             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0102',
623             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '1.00',
624             'IPC::SysV'             => '1.03',
625             'O'                     => undef,
626             'OS2::Process'          => '0.2',
627             'Pod::Html'             => '1.01',
628             'Pod::Text'             => '1.0203',
629             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.1',
630             'Text::Wrap'            => '97.02',
631             'Thread'                => '1.0',
632             'Thread::Queue'         => undef,
633             'Thread::Semaphore'     => undef,
634             'Thread::Signal'        => undef,
635             'Thread::Specific'      => undef,
636             'Tie::Array'            => '1.00',
637             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.1',
638             'attrs'                 => '1.0',
639             'fields'                => '0.02',
640             're'                    => '0.02',
641         },
642         removed => {
643             'Bundle::CPAN'          => 1,
644         }
645     },
646     5.00503 => {
647         delta_from => 5.005,
648         changed => {
649             'AutoSplit'             => '1.0303',
650             'CGI'                   => '2.46',
651             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.13',
652             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.01',
653             'CPAN'                  => '1.48',
654             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.36',
655             'CPAN::Nox'             => '1.00',
656             'DB_File'               => '1.65',
657             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.101',
658             'Dumpvalue'             => undef,
659             'Errno'                 => '1.111',
660             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.28',
661             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.25',
662             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12602',
663             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.4302',
664             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.33',
665             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14',
666             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.17',
667             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.11',
668             'FindBin'               => '1.42',
669             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.19',
670             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.01',
671             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.0902',
672             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0103',
673             'Math::Complex'         => '1.26',
674             'Test'                  => '1.122',
675             'Text::Wrap'            => '98.112902',
676         },
677         removed => {
678         }
679     },
680     5.00504 => {
681         delta_from => 5.00503,
682         changed => {
683             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.36 ',
684             'DB_File'               => '1.807',
685             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.28 ',
686             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.25 ',
687             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12602 ',
688             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.33 ',
689             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => undef,
690             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14 ',
691             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.17 ',
692             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.11 ',
693             'File::Compare'         => '1.1002',
694             'File::Spec'            => '0.8',
695             'File::Spec::Functions' => undef,
696             'File::Spec::Mac'       => undef,
697             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.20',
698             'Pod::Html'             => '1.02',
699         },
700         removed => {
701         }
702     },
703     5.006 => {
704         delta_from => 5.00504,
705         changed => {
706             'AutoLoader'            => '5.57',
707             'AutoSplit'             => '1.0305',
708             'B::Deparse'            => '0.59',
709             'B::Stash'              => undef,
710             'Benchmark'             => '1',
711             'ByteLoader'            => '0.03',
712             'CGI'                   => '2.56',
713             'CGI::Apache'           => undef,
714             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.14',
715             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.12',
716             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.02',
717             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1.03',
718             'CGI::Switch'           => undef,
719             'CPAN'                  => '1.52',
720             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.38 ',
721             'Carp::Heavy'           => undef,
722             'Class::Struct'         => '0.58',
723             'Cwd'                   => '2.02',
724             'DB'                    => '1.0',
725             'DB_File'               => '1.72',
726             'Devel::DProf'          => '20000000.00_00',
727             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.00_01',
728             'DynaLoader'            => '1.04',
729             'Exporter'              => '5.562',
730             'Exporter::Heavy'       => undef,
731             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => undef,
732             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12603 ',
733             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.45',
734             'File::Copy'            => '2.03',
735             'File::Glob'            => '0.991',
736             'File::Path'            => '1.0403',
737             'GDBM_File'             => '1.03',
738             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.23',
739             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.02',
740             'IO'                    => '1.20',
741             'IO::Dir'               => '1.03',
742             'IO::File'              => '1.08',
743             'IO::Handle'            => '1.21',
744             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.121',
745             'IO::Poll'              => '0.01',
746             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.08',
747             'IO::Select'            => '1.14',
748             'IO::Socket'            => '1.26',
749             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.25',
750             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.20',
751             'JNI'                   => '0.01',
752             'JPL::AutoLoader'       => undef,
753             'JPL::Class'            => undef,
754             'JPL::Compile'          => undef,
755             'NDBM_File'             => '1.03',
756             'ODBM_File'             => '1.02',
757             'OS2::DLL'              => undef,
758             'POSIX'                 => '1.03',
759             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.098',
760             'Pod::Find'             => '0.12',
761             'Pod::Html'             => '1.03',
762             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.12',
763             'Pod::Man'              => '1.02',
764             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '0.2',
765             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.12',
766             'Pod::Plainer'          => '0.01',
767             'Pod::Select'           => '1.12',
768             'Pod::Text'             => '2.03',
769             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '0.05',
770             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '0.04',
771             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.12',
772             'SDBM_File'             => '1.02',
773             'SelfLoader'            => '1.0901',
774             'Shell'                 => '0.2',
775             'Socket'                => '1.72',
776             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.1',
777             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.01',
778             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.01',
779             'Test'                  => '1.13',
780             'Test::Harness'         => '1.1604',
781             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.2',
782             'Text::Soundex'         => '1.0',
783             'Text::Tabs'            => '98.112801',
784             'Tie::Array'            => '1.01',
785             'Tie::Handle'           => '1.0',
786             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.2',
787             'XSLoader'              => '0.01',
788             'attributes'            => '0.03',
789             'autouse'               => '1.02',
790             'base'                  => '1.01',
791             'bytes'                 => undef,
792             'charnames'             => undef,
793             'constant'              => '1.02',
794             'diagnostics'           => '1.0',
795             'fields'                => '1.01',
796             'filetest'              => undef,
797             'lib'                   => '0.5564',
798             'open'                  => undef,
799             'utf8'                  => undef,
800             'warnings'              => undef,
801             'warnings::register'    => undef,
802         },
803         removed => {
804         }
805     },
806     5.006001 => {
807         delta_from => 5.006,
808         changed => {
809             'AutoLoader'            => '5.58',
810             'B::Assembler'          => '0.02',
811             'B::Concise'            => '0.51',
812             'B::Deparse'            => '0.6',
813             'ByteLoader'            => '0.04',
814             'CGI'                   => '2.752',
815             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.20',
816             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.18',
817             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1.05',
818             'CGI::Push'             => '1.04',
819             'CGI::Util'             => '1.1',
820             'CPAN'                  => '1.59_54',
821             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.53',
822             'Class::Struct'         => '0.59',
823             'Cwd'                   => '2.04',
824             'DB_File'               => '1.75',
825             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.102',
826             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.28',
827             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.26',
828             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12603',
829             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.33',
830             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14',
831             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.17',
832             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.11',
833             'File::Path'            => '1.0404',
834             'File::Spec'            => '0.82',
835             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => undef,
836             'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.1',
837             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '1.2',
838             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '1.1',
839             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '1.2',
840             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '1.1',
841             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.2',
842             'File::Temp'            => '0.12',
843             'GDBM_File'             => '1.05',
844             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.25',
845             'IO::Poll'              => '0.05',
846             'JNI'                   => '0.1',
847             'Math::BigFloat'        => '0.02',
848             'Math::BigInt'          => '0.01',
849             'Math::Complex'         => '1.31',
850             'NDBM_File'             => '1.04',
851             'ODBM_File'             => '1.03',
852             'OS2::REXX'             => '1.00',
853             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.2',
854             'Pod::Find'             => '0.21',
855             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.13',
856             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.53',
857             'Pod::Man'              => '1.15',
858             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '0.22',
859             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.13',
860             'Pod::Select'           => '1.13',
861             'Pod::Text'             => '2.08',
862             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '0.06',
863             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.01',
864             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '1',
865             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.14',
866             'SDBM_File'             => '1.03',
867             'SelfLoader'            => '1.0902',
868             'Shell'                 => '0.3',
869             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.03',
870             'Test'                  => '1.15',
871             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.0131',
872             'Tie::Handle'           => '4.0',
873             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.3',
874         },
875         removed => {
876         }
877     },
878     5.006002 => {
879         delta_from => 5.006001,
880         changed => {
881             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.53 ',
882             'DB_File'               => '1.806',
883             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121',
884             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.05',
885             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03',
886             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.32',
887             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '0.08',
888             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.01',
889             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3',
890             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '0.04',
891             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.07',
892             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.04',
893             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.06',
894             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '0.02',
895             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.07',
896             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.06',
897             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.04',
898             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '0.02',
899             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.42',
900             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.70',
901             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.09',
902             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.03',
903             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '0.01',
904             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.17',
905             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01',
906             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01',
907             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.42',
908             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15',
909             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.19',
910             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '0.04',
911             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.15',
912             'File::Spec'            => '0.86',
913             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '1.1',
914             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '1.1',
915             'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3',
916             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '1.4',
917             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '1.2',
918             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '1.5',
919             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '1.4',
920             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.4',
921             'File::Temp'            => '0.14',
922             'Safe'                  => '2.10',
923             'Test'                  => '1.24',
924             'Test::Builder'         => '0.17',
925             'Test::Harness'         => '2.30',
926             'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01',
927             'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01',
928             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.15',
929             'Test::More'            => '0.47',
930             'Test::Simple'          => '0.47',
931             'Unicode'               => '3.0.1',
932             'if'                    => '0.03',
933             'ops'                   => '1.00',
934         },
935         removed => {
936         }
937     },
938     5.007003 => {
939         delta_from => 5.006001,
940         changed => {
941             'AnyDBM_File'           => '1.00',
942             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.76',
943             'AutoLoader'            => '5.59',
944             'AutoSplit'             => '1.0307',
945             'B'                     => '1.00',
946             'B::Asmdata'            => '1.00',
947             'B::Assembler'          => '0.04',
948             'B::Bblock'             => '1.00',
949             'B::Bytecode'           => '1.00',
950             'B::C'                  => '1.01',
951             'B::CC'                 => '1.00',
952             'B::Concise'            => '0.52',
953             'B::Debug'              => '1.00',
954             'B::Deparse'            => '0.63',
955             'B::Disassembler'       => '1.01',
956             'B::Lint'               => '1.00',
957             'B::Showlex'            => '1.00',
958             'B::Stackobj'           => '1.00',
959             'B::Stash'              => '1.00',
960             'B::Terse'              => '1.00',
961             'B::Xref'               => '1.00',
962             'Benchmark'             => '1.04',
963             'CGI'                   => '2.80',
964             'CGI::Apache'           => '1.00',
965             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.22',
966             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.20',
967             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.04',
968             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1.05_00',
969             'CGI::Switch'           => '1.00',
970             'CGI::Util'             => '1.3',
971             'CPAN'                  => '1.59_56',
972             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.54 ',
973             'CPAN::Nox'             => '1.00_01',
974             'Carp'                  => '1.01',
975             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.01',
976             'Class::ISA'            => '0.32',
977             'Class::Struct'         => '0.61',
978             'Cwd'                   => '2.06',
979             'DB_File'               => '1.804',
980             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.12',
981             'Devel::DProf'          => '20000000.00_01',
982             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.0002',
983             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.00_03',
984             'Devel::SelfStubber'    => '1.03',
985             'Digest'                => '1.00',
986             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.16',
987             'DirHandle'             => '1.00',
988             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.10',
989             'Encode'                => '0.40',
990             'Encode::CN'            => '0.02',
991             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => undef,
992             'Encode::Encoding'      => '0.02',
993             'Encode::Internal'      => '0.30',
994             'Encode::JP'            => '0.02',
995             'Encode::JP::Constants' => '1.02',
996             'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => '0.77',
997             'Encode::JP::ISO_2022_JP'=> undef,
998             'Encode::JP::JIS'       => undef,
999             'Encode::JP::Tr'        => '0.77',
1000             'Encode::KR'            => '0.02',
1001             'Encode::TW'            => '0.02',
1002             'Encode::Tcl'           => '1.01',
1003             'Encode::Tcl::Escape'   => '1.01',
1004             'Encode::Tcl::Extended' => '1.01',
1005             'Encode::Tcl::HanZi'    => '1.01',
1006             'Encode::Tcl::Table'    => '1.01',
1007             'Encode::Unicode'       => '0.30',
1008             'Encode::XS'            => '0.40',
1009             'Encode::iso10646_1'    => '0.30',
1010             'Encode::usc2_le'       => '0.30',
1011             'Encode::utf8'          => '0.30',
1012             'English'               => '1.00',
1013             'Env'                   => '1.00',
1014             'Exporter'              => '5.566',
1015             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.562',
1016             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.02',
1017             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.11',
1018             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.250601',
1019             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.29',
1020             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '0.04',
1021             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.2701',
1022             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.00',
1023             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.00',
1024             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.00',
1025             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.12607',
1026             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.56',
1027             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.00_02',
1028             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '5.48_03',
1029             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.35',
1030             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.1401',
1031             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.18',
1032             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '0.04',
1033             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.1201',
1034             'Fatal'                 => '1.03',
1035             'Fcntl'                 => '1.04',
1036             'File::Basename'        => '2.71',
1037             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.1',
1038             'File::Compare'         => '1.1003',
1039             'File::Copy'            => '2.05',
1040             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.00',
1041             'File::Find'            => '1.04',
1042             'File::Glob'            => '1.01',
1043             'File::Path'            => '1.05',
1044             'File::Spec'            => '0.83',
1045             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '1.0',
1046             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '1.00',
1047             'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.2',
1048             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '1.3',
1049             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '1.4',
1050             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '1.2',
1051             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.3',
1052             'File::Temp'            => '0.13',
1053             'File::stat'            => '1.00',
1054             'FileCache'             => '1.00',
1055             'FileHandle'            => '2.01',
1056             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.77',
1057             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.06',
1058             'FindBin'               => '1.43',
1059             'GDBM_File'             => '1.06',
1060             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.28',
1061             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.03',
1062             'I18N::Collate'         => '1.00',
1063             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.27',
1064             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.25',
1065             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.01',
1066             'IO::Dir'               => '1.03_00',
1067             'IO::File'              => '1.09',
1068             'IO::Handle'            => '1.21_00',
1069             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.122',
1070             'IO::Poll'              => '0.06',
1071             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.08_00',
1072             'IO::Select'            => '1.15',
1073             'IO::Socket'            => '1.27',
1074             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.26',
1075             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.20_00',
1076             'IPC::Msg'              => '1.00_00',
1077             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0104',
1078             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '1.00_00',
1079             'IPC::SysV'             => '1.03_00',
1080             'List::Util'            => '1.06_00',
1081             'Locale::Constants'     => '2.01',
1082             'Locale::Country'       => '2.01',
1083             'Locale::Currency'      => '2.01',
1084             'Locale::Language'      => '2.01',
1085             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.03',
1086             'Locale::Script'        => '2.01',
1087             'MIME::Base64'          => '2.12',
1088             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '2.03',
1089             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.30',
1090             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.54',
1091             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.25',
1092             'Math::Complex'         => '1.34',
1093             'Math::Trig'            => '1.01',
1094             'Memoize'               => '0.66',
1095             'Memoize::AnyDBM_File'  => '0.65',
1096             'Memoize::Expire'       => '0.66',
1097             'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => '0.65',
1098             'Memoize::ExpireTest'   => '0.65',
1099             'Memoize::NDBM_File'    => '0.65',
1100             'Memoize::SDBM_File'    => '0.65',
1101             'Memoize::Storable'     => '0.65',
1102             'NEXT'                  => '0.50',
1103             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.21',
1104             'Net::Config'           => '1.10',
1105             'Net::Domain'           => '2.17',
1106             'Net::FTP'              => '2.64',
1107             'Net::FTP::A'           => '1.15',
1108             'Net::FTP::E'           => '0.01',
1109             'Net::FTP::I'           => '1.12',
1110             'Net::FTP::L'           => '0.01',
1111             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '0.10',
1112             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.21',
1113             'Net::Netrc'            => '2.12',
1114             'Net::POP3'             => '2.23',
1115             'Net::Ping'             => '2.12',
1116             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.21',
1117             'Net::Time'             => '2.09',
1118             'Net::hostent'          => '1.00',
1119             'Net::netent'           => '1.00',
1120             'Net::protoent'         => '1.00',
1121             'Net::servent'          => '1.00',
1122             'O'                     => '1.00',
1123             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.00',
1124             'OS2::Process'          => '1.0',
1125             'OS2::REXX'             => '1.01',
1126             'Opcode'                => '1.05',
1127             'POSIX'                 => '1.05',
1128             'PerlIO'                => '1.00',
1129             'PerlIO::Scalar'        => '0.01',
1130             'PerlIO::Via'           => '0.01',
1131             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.3',
1132             'Pod::Find'             => '0.22',
1133             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.01',
1134             'Pod::Html'             => '1.04',
1135             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.54',
1136             'Pod::Man'              => '1.32',
1137             'Pod::ParseLink'        => '1.05',
1138             'Pod::Text'             => '2.18',
1139             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '1.03',
1140             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.08',
1141             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '1.09',
1142             'Safe'                  => '2.07',
1143             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.06_00',
1144             'Search::Dict'          => '1.02',
1145             'SelectSaver'           => '1.00',
1146             'SelfLoader'            => '1.0903',
1147             'Shell'                 => '0.4',
1148             'Socket'                => '1.75',
1149             'Storable'              => '1.015',
1150             'Switch'                => '2.06',
1151             'Symbol'                => '1.04',
1152             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.02',
1153             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.04',
1154             'Term::Cap'             => '1.07',
1155             'Term::Complete'        => '1.4',
1156             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.00',
1157             'Test'                  => '1.18',
1158             'Test::Builder'         => '0.11',
1159             'Test::Harness'         => '2.01',
1160             'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01',
1161             'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01',
1162             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.08',
1163             'Test::More'            => '0.41',
1164             'Test::Simple'          => '0.41',
1165             'Text::Abbrev'          => '1.00',
1166             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.89',
1167             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.21',
1168             'Text::Soundex'         => '1.01',
1169             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.0929',
1170             'Thread'                => '2.00',
1171             'Thread::Queue'         => '1.00',
1172             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '1.00',
1173             'Thread::Signal'        => '1.00',
1174             'Thread::Specific'      => '1.00',
1175             'Tie::Array'            => '1.02',
1176             'Tie::File'             => '0.17',
1177             'Tie::Handle'           => '4.1',
1178             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.00',
1179             'Tie::Memoize'          => '1.0',
1180             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.3_00',
1181             'Tie::Scalar'           => '1.00',
1182             'Tie::SubstrHash'       => '1.00',
1183             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.20_00',
1184             'Time::Local'           => '1.04',
1185             'Time::gmtime'          => '1.02',
1186             'Time::localtime'       => '1.02',
1187             'Time::tm'              => '1.00',
1188             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.00',
1189             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.10',
1190             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.14',
1191             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.2',
1192             'User::grent'           => '1.00',
1193             'User::pwent'           => '1.00',
1194             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.02',
1195             'VMS::Filespec'         => '1.1',
1196             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.3',
1197             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.01',
1198             'attributes'            => '0.04_01',
1199             'attrs'                 => '1.01',
1200             'autouse'               => '1.03',
1201             'base'                  => '1.02',
1202             'blib'                  => '1.01',
1203             'bytes'                 => '1.00',
1204             'charnames'             => '1.01',
1205             'constant'              => '1.04',
1206             'diagnostics'           => '1.1',
1207             'encoding'              => '1.00',
1208             'fields'                => '1.02',
1209             'filetest'              => '1.00',
1210             'if'                    => '0.01',
1211             'integer'               => '1.00',
1212             'less'                  => '0.01',
1213             'locale'                => '1.00',
1214             'open'                  => '1.01',
1215             'ops'                   => '1.00',
1216             'overload'              => '1.00',
1217             're'                    => '0.03',
1218             'sort'                  => '1.00',
1219             'strict'                => '1.02',
1220             'subs'                  => '1.00',
1221             'threads'               => '0.05',
1222             'threads::shared'       => '0.90',
1223             'utf8'                  => '1.00',
1224             'vars'                  => '1.01',
1225             'vmsish'                => '1.00',
1226             'warnings'              => '1.00',
1227             'warnings::register'    => '1.00',
1228         },
1229         removed => {
1230         }
1231     },
1232     5.008 => {
1233         delta_from => 5.007003,
1234         changed => {
1235             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.77',
1236             'B'                     => '1.01',
1237             'B::Lint'               => '1.01',
1238             'B::Xref'               => '1.01',
1239             'CGI'                   => '2.81',
1240             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.23',
1241             'CPAN'                  => '1.61',
1242             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.56 ',
1243             'CPAN::Nox'             => '1.02',
1244             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.20',
1245             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.11',
1246             'Encode'                => '1.75',
1247             'Encode::Alias'         => '1.32',
1248             'Encode::Byte'          => '1.22',
1249             'Encode::CJKConstants'  => '1.00',
1250             'Encode::CN'            => '1.24',
1251             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '1.04',
1252             'Encode::Config'        => '1.06',
1253             'Encode::EBCDIC'        => '1.21',
1254             'Encode::Encoder'       => '0.05',
1255             'Encode::Encoding'      => '1.30',
1256             'Encode::Guess'         => '1.06',
1257             'Encode::JP'            => '1.25',
1258             'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => '1.02',
1259             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '1.08',
1260             'Encode::KR'            => '1.22',
1261             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '1.05',
1262             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '1.05',
1263             'Encode::Symbol'        => '1.22',
1264             'Encode::TW'            => '1.26',
1265             'Encode::Unicode'       => '1.37',
1266             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.566',
1267             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.04',
1268             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.01',
1269             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.12',
1270             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '0.06',
1271             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.00',
1272             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.29',
1273             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '0.04',
1274             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.04',
1275             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.03',
1276             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.04',
1277             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '0.01',
1278             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.03',
1279             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.05',
1280             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.03',
1281             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '0.01',
1282             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.33',
1283             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.65',
1284             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.05',
1285             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.02',
1286             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '0.01',
1287             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.03',
1288             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.38',
1289             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15',
1290             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.19',
1291             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.15',
1292             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.2',
1293             'FileCache'             => '1.021',
1294             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.78',
1295             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.32',
1296             'Hash::Util'            => '0.04',
1297             'List::Util'            => '1.07_00',
1298             'Locale::Country'       => '2.04',
1299             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.35',
1300             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01',
1301             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.60',
1302             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.30',
1303             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.01',
1304             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.07',
1305             'Memoize'               => '1.01',
1306             'Memoize::Expire'       => '1.00',
1307             'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => '1.01',
1308             'Net::FTP'              => '2.65',
1309             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '0.11',
1310             'Net::Ping'             => '2.19',
1311             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.24',
1312             'PerlIO'                => '1.01',
1313             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.06',
1314             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.01',
1315             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.01',
1316             'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.04',
1317             'Pod::Man'              => '1.33',
1318             'Pod::Text'             => '2.19',
1319             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.07_00',
1320             'Storable'              => '2.04',
1321             'Switch'                => '2.09',
1322             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.03',
1323             'Test'                  => '1.20',
1324             'Test::Builder'         => '0.15',
1325             'Test::Harness'         => '2.26',
1326             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.14',
1327             'Test::More'            => '0.45',
1328             'Test::Simple'          => '0.45',
1329             'Thread::Queue'         => '2.00',
1330             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.00',
1331             'Tie::File'             => '0.93',
1332             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.30',
1333             'Unicode'               => '3.2.0',
1334             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.12',
1335             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.17',
1336             'XS::APItest'           => '0.01',
1337             'attributes'            => '0.05',
1338             'base'                  => '1.03',
1339             'bigint'                => '0.02',
1340             'bignum'                => '0.11',
1341             'bigrat'                => '0.04',
1342             'blib'                  => '1.02',
1343             'encoding'              => '1.35',
1344             'sort'                  => '1.01',
1345             'threads'               => '0.99',
1346         },
1347         removed => {
1348             'Encode::Internal'      => 1,
1349             'Encode::JP::Constants' => 1,
1350             'Encode::JP::ISO_2022_JP'=> 1,
1351             'Encode::JP::JIS'       => 1,
1352             'Encode::JP::Tr'        => 1,
1353             'Encode::Tcl'           => 1,
1354             'Encode::Tcl::Escape'   => 1,
1355             'Encode::Tcl::Extended' => 1,
1356             'Encode::Tcl::HanZi'    => 1,
1357             'Encode::Tcl::Table'    => 1,
1358             'Encode::XS'            => 1,
1359             'Encode::iso10646_1'    => 1,
1360             'Encode::usc2_le'       => 1,
1361             'Encode::utf8'          => 1,
1362             'PerlIO::Scalar'        => 1,
1363             'PerlIO::Via'           => 1,
1364         }
1365     },
1366     5.008001 => {
1367         delta_from => 5.008,
1368         changed => {
1369             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.78',
1370             'AutoLoader'            => '5.60',
1371             'AutoSplit'             => '1.04',
1372             'B'                     => '1.02',
1373             'B::Asmdata'            => '1.01',
1374             'B::Assembler'          => '0.06',
1375             'B::Bblock'             => '1.02',
1376             'B::Bytecode'           => '1.01',
1377             'B::C'                  => '1.02',
1378             'B::Concise'            => '0.56',
1379             'B::Debug'              => '1.01',
1380             'B::Deparse'            => '0.64',
1381             'B::Disassembler'       => '1.03',
1382             'B::Lint'               => '1.02',
1383             'B::Terse'              => '1.02',
1384             'Benchmark'             => '1.051',
1385             'ByteLoader'            => '0.05',
1386             'CGI'                   => '3.00',
1387             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.26',
1388             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.24',
1389             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.041',
1390             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1.07_00',
1391             'CGI::Util'             => '1.31',
1392             'CPAN'                  => '1.76_01',
1393             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '1.60 ',
1394             'CPAN::Nox'             => '1.03',
1395             'Class::Struct'         => '0.63',
1396             'Cwd'                   => '2.08',
1397             'DB_File'               => '1.806',
1398             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121',
1399             'Devel::DProf'          => '20030813.00',
1400             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.007',
1401             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.01',
1402             'Digest'                => '1.02',
1403             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.27',
1404             'Encode'                => '1.9801',
1405             'Encode::Alias'         => '1.38',
1406             'Encode::Byte'          => '1.23',
1407             'Encode::CJKConstants'  => '1.02',
1408             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '1.05',
1409             'Encode::Config'        => '1.07',
1410             'Encode::Encoder'       => '0.07',
1411             'Encode::Encoding'      => '1.33',
1412             'Encode::Guess'         => '1.09',
1413             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '1.12',
1414             'Encode::KR'            => '1.23',
1415             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '1.06',
1416             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '1.09',
1417             'Encode::Unicode'       => '1.40',
1418             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02',
1419             'English'               => '1.01',
1420             'Errno'                 => '1.09_00',
1421             'Exporter'              => '5.567',
1422             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.567',
1423             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.05',
1424             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03',
1425             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.14',
1426             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.32',
1427             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '0.08',
1428             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.01',
1429             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3',
1430             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.07',
1431             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.04',
1432             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.06',
1433             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '0.02',
1434             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.07',
1435             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.06',
1436             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.04',
1437             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '0.02',
1438             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.42',
1439             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.70',
1440             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.09',
1441             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.03',
1442             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.17',
1443             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01',
1444             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01',
1445             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.42',
1446             'Fcntl'                 => '1.05',
1447             'File::Basename'        => '2.72',
1448             'File::Copy'            => '2.06',
1449             'File::Find'            => '1.05',
1450             'File::Glob'            => '1.02',
1451             'File::Path'            => '1.06',
1452             'File::Spec'            => '0.86',
1453             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '1.1',
1454             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '1.1',
1455             'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3',
1456             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '1.4',
1457             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '1.2',
1458             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '1.5',
1459             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '1.4',
1460             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.4',
1461             'File::Temp'            => '0.14',
1462             'FileCache'             => '1.03',
1463             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.0601',
1464             'GDBM_File'             => '1.07',
1465             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.34',
1466             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.04',
1467             'Hash::Util'            => '0.05',
1468             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.28',
1469             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.26',
1470             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.02',
1471             'IO'                    => '1.21',
1472             'IO::Dir'               => '1.04',
1473             'IO::File'              => '1.10',
1474             'IO::Handle'            => '1.23',
1475             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.09',
1476             'IO::Select'            => '1.16',
1477             'IO::Socket'            => '1.28',
1478             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.27',
1479             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.21',
1480             'IPC::Msg'              => '1.02',
1481             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0105',
1482             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '1.02',
1483             'IPC::SysV'             => '1.04',
1484             'JNI'                   => '0.2',
1485             'List::Util'            => '1.13',
1486             'Locale::Country'       => '2.61',
1487             'Locale::Currency'      => '2.21',
1488             'Locale::Language'      => '2.21',
1489             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.06',
1490             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef,
1491             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef,
1492             'Locale::Script'        => '2.21',
1493             'MIME::Base64'          => '2.20',
1494             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '2.20',
1495             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.40',
1496             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.66',
1497             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.36',
1498             'Math::BigInt::Scalar'  => '0.11',
1499             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.10',
1500             'Math::Trig'            => '1.02',
1501             'NDBM_File'             => '1.05',
1502             'NEXT'                  => '0.60',
1503             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.24',
1504             'Net::Domain'           => '2.18',
1505             'Net::FTP'              => '2.71',
1506             'Net::FTP::A'           => '1.16',
1507             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.22',
1508             'Net::POP3'             => '2.24',
1509             'Net::Ping'             => '2.31',
1510             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.26',
1511             'Net::hostent'          => '1.01',
1512             'Net::servent'          => '1.01',
1513             'ODBM_File'             => '1.04',
1514             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.01',
1515             'OS2::ExtAttr'          => '0.02',
1516             'OS2::PrfDB'            => '0.03',
1517             'OS2::Process'          => '1.01',
1518             'OS2::REXX'             => '1.02',
1519             'POSIX'                 => '1.06',
1520             'PerlIO'                => '1.02',
1521             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.07',
1522             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.02',
1523             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.02',
1524             'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.05',
1525             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.41',
1526             'Pod::Find'             => '0.24',
1527             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.02',
1528             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0501',
1529             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.14',
1530             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.55',
1531             'Pod::Man'              => '1.37',
1532             'Pod::ParseLink'        => '1.06',
1533             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '0.3',
1534             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.10',
1535             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => undef,
1536             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef,
1537             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef,
1538             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => undef,
1539             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef,
1540             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => undef,
1541             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => undef,
1542             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => undef,
1543             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => undef,
1544             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => undef,
1545             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.01',
1546             'Pod::Text'             => '2.21',
1547             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '1.04',
1548             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1',
1549             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '1.11',
1550             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.16',
1551             'SDBM_File'             => '1.04',
1552             'Safe'                  => '2.10',
1553             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.13',
1554             'SelfLoader'            => '1.0904',
1555             'Shell'                 => '0.5',
1556             'Socket'                => '1.76',
1557             'Storable'              => '2.08',
1558             'Switch'                => '2.10',
1559             'Symbol'                => '1.05',
1560             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.11',
1561             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.04',
1562             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.07',
1563             'Term::Cap'             => '1.08',
1564             'Term::Complete'        => '1.401',
1565             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.01',
1566             'Test'                  => '1.24',
1567             'Test::Builder'         => '0.17',
1568             'Test::Harness'         => '2.30',
1569             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.15',
1570             'Test::More'            => '0.47',
1571             'Test::Simple'          => '0.47',
1572             'Text::Abbrev'          => '1.01',
1573             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.95',
1574             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.09291',
1575             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.01',
1576             'Tie::Array'            => '1.03',
1577             'Tie::File'             => '0.97',
1578             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.31',
1579             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.51',
1580             'Time::Local'           => '1.07',
1581             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.01',
1582             'Unicode'               => '4.0.0',
1583             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.28',
1584             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.23',
1585             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.21',
1586             'VMS::Filespec'         => '1.11',
1587             'XS::APItest'           => '0.02',
1588             'XSLoader'              => '0.02',
1589             'attributes'            => '0.06',
1590             'base'                  => '2.03',
1591             'bigint'                => '0.04',
1592             'bignum'                => '0.14',
1593             'bigrat'                => '0.06',
1594             'bytes'                 => '1.01',
1595             'charnames'             => '1.02',
1596             'diagnostics'           => '1.11',
1597             'encoding'              => '1.47',
1598             'fields'                => '2.03',
1599             'filetest'              => '1.01',
1600             'if'                    => '0.03',
1601             'lib'                   => '0.5565',
1602             'open'                  => '1.02',
1603             'overload'              => '1.01',
1604             're'                    => '0.04',
1605             'sort'                  => '1.02',
1606             'strict'                => '1.03',
1607             'threads'               => '1.00',
1608             'threads::shared'       => '0.91',
1609             'utf8'                  => '1.02',
1610             'vmsish'                => '1.01',
1611             'warnings'              => '1.03',
1612         },
1613         removed => {
1614         }
1615     },
1616     5.008002 => {
1617         delta_from => 5.008001,
1618         changed => {
1619             'DB_File'               => '1.807',
1620             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.009',
1621             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.30',
1622             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.29',
1623             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.29',
1624             'MIME::Base64'          => '2.21',
1625             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '2.21',
1626             'Net::Domain'           => '2.19',
1627             'Net::FTP'              => '2.72',
1628             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.11',
1629             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.52',
1630             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.30',
1631             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.25',
1632         },
1633         removed => {
1634         }
1635     },
1636     5.008003 => {
1637         delta_from => 5.008002,
1638         changed => {
1639             'Benchmark'             => '1.052',
1640             'CGI'                   => '3.01',
1641             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.27',
1642             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.05',
1643             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1.08',
1644             'CGI::Util'             => '1.4',
1645             'Cwd'                   => '2.12',
1646             'DB_File'               => '1.808',
1647             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.011',
1648             'Digest'                => '1.05',
1649             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.33',
1650             'Digest::base'          => '1.00',
1651             'Encode'                => '1.99',
1652             'Exporter'              => '5.57',
1653             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.3',
1654             'File::Copy'            => '2.07',
1655             'File::Find'            => '1.06',
1656             'File::Spec'            => '0.87',
1657             'FindBin'               => '1.44',
1658             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.05',
1659             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.42',
1660             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.68',
1661             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.38',
1662             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.02',
1663             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.02',
1664             'POSIX'                 => '1.07',
1665             'PerlIO'                => '1.03',
1666             'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06',
1667             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0502',
1668             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.14',
1669             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.12',
1670             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.02',
1671             'Storable'              => '2.09',
1672             'Test::Harness'         => '2.40',
1673             'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02',
1674             'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02',
1675             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19',
1676             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.01',
1677             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.33',
1678             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.28',
1679             'XS::APItest'           => '0.03',
1680             'base'                  => '2.04',
1681             'diagnostics'           => '1.12',
1682             'encoding'              => '1.48',
1683             'threads'               => '1.01',
1684             'threads::shared'       => '0.92',
1685         },
1686         removed => {
1687             'Math::BigInt::Scalar'  => 1,
1688         }
1689     },
1690     5.008004 => {
1691         delta_from => 5.008003,
1692         changed => {
1693             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.78_01',
1694             'B::Assembler'          => '0.07',
1695             'B::Concise'            => '0.60',
1696             'B::Deparse'            => '0.66',
1697             'Benchmark'             => '1.06',
1698             'CGI'                   => '3.04',
1699             'Carp'                  => '1.02',
1700             'Cwd'                   => '2.17',
1701             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.01',
1702             'DBM_Filter::compress'  => '0.01',
1703             'DBM_Filter::encode'    => '0.01',
1704             'DBM_Filter::int32'     => '0.01',
1705             'DBM_Filter::null'      => '0.01',
1706             'DBM_Filter::utf8'      => '0.01',
1707             'Digest'                => '1.06',
1708             'DynaLoader'            => '1.05',
1709             'Encode'                => '1.99_01',
1710             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '1.0501',
1711             'Exporter'              => '5.58',
1712             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.57',
1713             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3001',
1714             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.07_02',
1715             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.0301',
1716             'File::Find'            => '1.07',
1717             'IO::Handle'            => '1.24',
1718             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.123',
1719             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0106',
1720             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.08',
1721             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.01',
1722             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.01',
1723             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.44',
1724             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.70',
1725             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.40',
1726             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.04',
1727             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.12',
1728             'ODBM_File'             => '1.05',
1729             'POSIX'                 => '1.08',
1730             'Shell'                 => '0.5.2',
1731             'Socket'                => '1.77',
1732             'Storable'              => '2.12',
1733             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.05',
1734             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.08',
1735             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.59',
1736             'Unicode'               => '4.0.1',
1737             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.22',
1738             'Win32'                 => '0.23',
1739             'base'                  => '2.05',
1740             'bigint'                => '0.05',
1741             'bignum'                => '0.15',
1742             'charnames'             => '1.03',
1743             'open'                  => '1.03',
1744             'threads'               => '1.03',
1745             'utf8'                  => '1.03',
1746         },
1747         removed => {
1748         }
1749     },
1750     5.008005 => {
1751         delta_from => 5.008004,
1752         changed => {
1753             'B::Concise'            => '0.61',
1754             'B::Deparse'            => '0.67',
1755             'CGI'                   => '3.05',
1756             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.28',
1757             'CGI::Util'             => '1.5',
1758             'Carp'                  => '1.03',
1759             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.03',
1760             'Cwd'                   => '2.19',
1761             'DB_File'               => '1.809',
1762             'Digest'                => '1.08',
1763             'Encode'                => '2.01',
1764             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.00',
1765             'Encode::Byte'          => '2.00',
1766             'Encode::CJKConstants'  => '2.00',
1767             'Encode::CN'            => '2.00',
1768             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.01',
1769             'Encode::Config'        => '2.00',
1770             'Encode::EBCDIC'        => '2.00',
1771             'Encode::Encoder'       => '2.00',
1772             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.00',
1773             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.00',
1774             'Encode::JP'            => '2.00',
1775             'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => '2.00',
1776             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.00',
1777             'Encode::KR'            => '2.00',
1778             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '2.00',
1779             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.00',
1780             'Encode::Symbol'        => '2.00',
1781             'Encode::TW'            => '2.00',
1782             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.00',
1783             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01',
1784             'File::Basename'        => '2.73',
1785             'File::Copy'            => '2.08',
1786             'File::Glob'            => '1.03',
1787             'FileCache'             => '1.04_01',
1788             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.33',
1789             'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03',
1790             'List::Util'            => '1.14',
1791             'Locale::Constants'     => '2.07',
1792             'Locale::Country'       => '2.07',
1793             'Locale::Currency'      => '2.07',
1794             'Locale::Language'      => '2.07',
1795             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.09',
1796             'Locale::Script'        => '2.07',
1797             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.26',
1798             'Net::FTP'              => '2.75',
1799             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.23',
1800             'Net::POP3'             => '2.28',
1801             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.29',
1802             'Net::Time'             => '2.10',
1803             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.42',
1804             'Pod::Find'             => '0.2401',
1805             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.56',
1806             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.2',
1807             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.13',
1808             'Safe'                  => '2.11',
1809             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.14',
1810             'Shell'                 => '0.6',
1811             'Storable'              => '2.13',
1812             'Term::Cap'             => '1.09',
1813             'Test'                  => '1.25',
1814             'Test::Harness'         => '2.42',
1815             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.22',
1816             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.09292',
1817             'Time::Local'           => '1.10',
1818             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.40',
1819             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.30',
1820             'XS::APItest'           => '0.04',
1821             'autouse'               => '1.04',
1822             'base'                  => '2.06',
1823             'charnames'             => '1.04',
1824             'diagnostics'           => '1.13',
1825             'encoding'              => '2.00',
1826             'threads'               => '1.05',
1827             'utf8'                  => '1.04',
1828         },
1829         removed => {
1830         }
1831     },
1832     5.008006 => {
1833         delta_from => 5.008005,
1834         changed => {
1835             'B'                     => '1.07',
1836             'B::C'                  => '1.04',
1837             'B::Concise'            => '0.64',
1838             'B::Debug'              => '1.02',
1839             'B::Deparse'            => '0.69',
1840             'B::Lint'               => '1.03',
1841             'B::Showlex'            => '1.02',
1842             'Cwd'                   => '3.01',
1843             'DB_File'               => '1.810',
1844             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_02',
1845             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.03',
1846             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.02',
1847             'Encode'                => '2.08',
1848             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.02',
1849             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.02',
1850             'Encode::JP'            => '2.01',
1851             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.02',
1852             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.58',
1853             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.1401',
1854             'File::Spec'            => '3.01',
1855             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.5',
1856             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.35',
1857             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.35',
1858             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.05',
1859             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.03',
1860             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.47',
1861             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.73',
1862             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.43',
1863             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.13',
1864             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.23',
1865             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.65',
1866             'XS::APItest'           => '0.05',
1867             'diagnostics'           => '1.14',
1868             'encoding'              => '2.01',
1869             'open'                  => '1.04',
1870             'overload'              => '1.02',
1871         },
1872         removed => {
1873         }
1874     },
1875     5.008007 => {
1876         delta_from => 5.008006,
1877         changed => {
1878             'B'                     => '1.09',
1879             'B::Concise'            => '0.65',
1880             'B::Deparse'            => '0.7',
1881             'B::Disassembler'       => '1.04',
1882             'B::Terse'              => '1.03',
1883             'Benchmark'             => '1.07',
1884             'CGI'                   => '3.10',
1885             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.29',
1886             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.25',
1887             'Carp'                  => '1.04',
1888             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.04',
1889             'Class::ISA'            => '0.33',
1890             'Cwd'                   => '3.05',
1891             'DB_File'               => '1.811',
1892             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_04',
1893             'Devel::DProf'          => '20050310.00',
1894             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.06',
1895             'Digest'                => '1.10',
1896             'Digest::file'          => '0.01',
1897             'Encode'                => '2.10',
1898             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.03',
1899             'Errno'                 => '1.09_01',
1900             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.16',
1901             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.01',
1902             'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01',
1903             'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.01',
1904             'File::Find'            => '1.09',
1905             'File::Glob'            => '1.04',
1906             'File::Path'            => '1.07',
1907             'File::Spec'            => '3.05',
1908             'File::Temp'            => '0.16',
1909             'FileCache'             => '1.05',
1910             'IO::File'              => '1.11',
1911             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.28',
1912             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.51',
1913             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.77',
1914             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.47',
1915             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05',
1916             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.15',
1917             'Pod::Find'             => '1.3',
1918             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0503',
1919             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.3',
1920             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.58',
1921             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.3',
1922             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.3',
1923             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.14',
1924             'Pod::Select'           => '1.3',
1925             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.3',
1926             'SelectSaver'           => '1.01',
1927             'Symbol'                => '1.06',
1928             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.06',
1929             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.09',
1930             'Term::Complete'        => '1.402',
1931             'Test::Builder'         => '0.22',
1932             'Test::Harness'         => '2.48',
1933             'Test::Harness::Point'  => '0.01',
1934             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.23',
1935             'Test::More'            => '0.54',
1936             'Test::Simple'          => '0.54',
1937             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.24',
1938             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.09293',
1939             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.32',
1940             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.66',
1941             'Time::Local'           => '1.11',
1942             'Unicode'               => '4.1.0',
1943             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.32',
1944             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.23',
1945             'Win32'                 => '0.24',
1946             'XS::APItest'           => '0.06',
1947             'base'                  => '2.07',
1948             'bigint'                => '0.07',
1949             'bignum'                => '0.17',
1950             'bigrat'                => '0.08',
1951             'bytes'                 => '1.02',
1952             'constant'              => '1.05',
1953             'overload'              => '1.03',
1954             'threads::shared'       => '0.93',
1955             'utf8'                  => '1.05',
1956         },
1957         removed => {
1958             'JNI'                   => 1,
1959             'JPL::AutoLoader'       => 1,
1960             'JPL::Class'            => 1,
1961             'JPL::Compile'          => 1,
1962         }
1963     },
1964     5.008008 => {
1965         delta_from => 5.008007,
1966         changed => {
1967             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.78_02',
1968             'B'                     => '1.09_01',
1969             'B::Bblock'             => '1.02_01',
1970             'B::Bytecode'           => '1.01_01',
1971             'B::C'                  => '1.04_01',
1972             'B::CC'                 => '1.00_01',
1973             'B::Concise'            => '0.66',
1974             'B::Debug'              => '1.02_01',
1975             'B::Deparse'            => '0.71',
1976             'B::Disassembler'       => '1.05',
1977             'B::Terse'              => '1.03_01',
1978             'ByteLoader'            => '0.06',
1979             'CGI'                   => '3.15',
1980             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.26',
1981             'CPAN'                  => '1.76_02',
1982             'Cwd'                   => '3.12',
1983             'DB'                    => '1.01',
1984             'DB_File'               => '1.814',
1985             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_08',
1986             'Devel::DProf'          => '20050603.00',
1987             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.06_01',
1988             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.03',
1989             'Digest'                => '1.14',
1990             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.36',
1991             'Digest::file'          => '1.00',
1992             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.12',
1993             'Encode'                => '2.12',
1994             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.04',
1995             'Encode::Config'        => '2.01',
1996             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.01',
1997             'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.01',
1998             'English'               => '1.02',
1999             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.09',
2000             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.05',
2001             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.17',
2002             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.26',
2003             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.33',
2004             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3',
2005             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '0.05',
2006             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '0.03',
2007             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.13',
2008             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.05',
2009             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.08',
2010             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.08',
2011             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.08',
2012             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.05',
2013             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '0.02',
2014             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.50',
2015             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.73',
2016             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '0.02',
2017             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.12',
2018             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.04',
2019             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.30',
2020             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.02',
2021             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.46',
2022             'File::Basename'        => '2.74',
2023             'File::Copy'            => '2.09',
2024             'File::Find'            => '1.10',
2025             'File::Glob'            => '1.05',
2026             'File::Path'            => '1.08',
2027             'File::Spec'            => '3.12',
2028             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '1.6',
2029             'FileCache'             => '1.06',
2030             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.82',
2031             'FindBin'               => '1.47',
2032             'GDBM_File'             => '1.08',
2033             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.35',
2034             'IO'                    => '1.22',
2035             'IO::Dir'               => '1.05',
2036             'IO::File'              => '1.13',
2037             'IO::Handle'            => '1.25',
2038             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.13',
2039             'IO::Poll'              => '0.07',
2040             'IO::Seekable'          => '1.10',
2041             'IO::Select'            => '1.17',
2042             'IO::Socket'            => '1.29',
2043             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.29',
2044             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.22',
2045             'IPC::Open2'            => '1.02',
2046             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.02',
2047             'List::Util'            => '1.18',
2048             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.07',
2049             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.07',
2050             'Math::Complex'         => '1.35',
2051             'Math::Trig'            => '1.03',
2052             'NDBM_File'             => '1.06',
2053             'ODBM_File'             => '1.06',
2054             'OS2::PrfDB'            => '0.04',
2055             'OS2::Process'          => '1.02',
2056             'OS2::REXX'             => '1.03',
2057             'Opcode'                => '1.06',
2058             'POSIX'                 => '1.09',
2059             'PerlIO'                => '1.04',
2060             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.09',
2061             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.04',
2062             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.03',
2063             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.43',
2064             'Pod::Find'             => '1.34',
2065             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.03',
2066             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0504',
2067             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.33',
2068             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.32',
2069             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.33',
2070             'SDBM_File'             => '1.05',
2071             'Safe'                  => '2.12',
2072             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.18',
2073             'Socket'                => '1.78',
2074             'Storable'              => '2.15',
2075             'Switch'                => '2.10_01',
2076             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.13',
2077             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.10',
2078             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.02',
2079             'Test::Builder'         => '0.32',
2080             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.02',
2081             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.02',
2082             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef,
2083             'Test::Harness'         => '2.56',
2084             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26',
2085             'Test::More'            => '0.62',
2086             'Test::Simple'          => '0.62',
2087             'Text::Tabs'            => '2005.0824',
2088             'Text::Wrap'            => '2005.082401',
2089             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.02',
2090             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.86',
2091             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.52',
2092             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.24',
2093             'User::grent'           => '1.01',
2094             'Win32'                 => '0.2601',
2095             'XS::APItest'           => '0.08',
2096             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.02',
2097             'XSLoader'              => '0.06',
2098             'attrs'                 => '1.02',
2099             'autouse'               => '1.05',
2100             'blib'                  => '1.03',
2101             'charnames'             => '1.05',
2102             'diagnostics'           => '1.15',
2103             'encoding'              => '2.02',
2104             'if'                    => '0.05',
2105             'open'                  => '1.05',
2106             'ops'                   => '1.01',
2107             'overload'              => '1.04',
2108             're'                    => '0.05',
2109             'threads'               => '1.07',
2110             'threads::shared'       => '0.94',
2111             'utf8'                  => '1.06',
2112             'vmsish'                => '1.02',
2113             'warnings'              => '1.05',
2114             'warnings::register'    => '1.01',
2115         },
2116         removed => {
2117         }
2118     },
2119     5.008009 => {
2120         delta_from => 5.008008,
2121         changed => {
2122             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.78_03',
2123             'AutoLoader'            => '5.67',
2124             'AutoSplit'             => '1.06',
2125             'B'                     => '1.19',
2126             'B::Asmdata'            => '1.02',
2127             'B::Assembler'          => '0.08',
2128             'B::C'                  => '1.05',
2129             'B::Concise'            => '0.76',
2130             'B::Debug'              => '1.05',
2131             'B::Deparse'            => '0.87',
2132             'B::Lint'               => '1.11',
2133             'B::Lint::Debug'        => undef,
2134             'B::Terse'              => '1.05',
2135             'Benchmark'             => '1.1',
2136             'CGI'                   => '3.42',
2137             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.30_01',
2138             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.29',
2139             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.07',
2140             'CGI::Util'             => '1.5_01',
2141             'CPAN'                  => '1.9301',
2142             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.5',
2143             'CPAN::DeferedCode'     => '5.50',
2144             'CPAN::Distroprefs'     => '6',
2145             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5_01',
2146             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5',
2147             'CPAN::Kwalify'         => '5.50',
2148             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.50',
2149             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.5',
2150             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.5',
2151             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.5',
2152             'Carp'                  => '1.10',
2153             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.10',
2154             'Cwd'                   => '3.29',
2155             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.02',
2156             'DBM_Filter::compress'  => '0.02',
2157             'DBM_Filter::encode'    => '0.02',
2158             'DBM_Filter::int32'     => '0.02',
2159             'DBM_Filter::null'      => '0.02',
2160             'DBM_Filter::utf8'      => '0.02',
2161             'DB_File'               => '1.817',
2162             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_17',
2163             'Devel::DProf'          => '20080331.00',
2164             'Devel::InnerPackage'   => '0.3',
2165             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.14',
2166             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.04',
2167             'Digest'                => '1.15',
2168             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.37',
2169             'DirHandle'             => '1.02',
2170             'DynaLoader'            => '1.09',
2171             'Encode'                => '2.26',
2172             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.10',
2173             'Encode::Byte'          => '2.03',
2174             'Encode::CJKConstants'  => '2.02',
2175             'Encode::CN'            => '2.02',
2176             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.05',
2177             'Encode::Config'        => '2.05',
2178             'Encode::EBCDIC'        => '2.02',
2179             'Encode::Encoder'       => '2.01',
2180             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.05',
2181             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.01',
2182             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.02',
2183             'Encode::JP'            => '2.03',
2184             'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => '2.02',
2185             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.04',
2186             'Encode::KR'            => '2.02',
2187             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '2.02',
2188             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.05',
2189             'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03',
2190             'Encode::MIME::Name'    => '1.01',
2191             'Encode::Symbol'        => '2.02',
2192             'Encode::TW'            => '2.02',
2193             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.05',
2194             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04',
2195             'English'               => '1.03',
2196             'Errno'                 => '1.10',
2197             'Exporter'              => '5.63',
2198             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.63',
2199             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.15',
2200             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.48',
2201             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.21',
2202             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04',
2203             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06',
2204             'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02',
2205             'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02',
2206             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.28',
2207             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.50_01',
2208             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.43',
2209             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.48',
2210             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.48',
2211             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.48',
2212             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.48',
2213             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.48',
2214             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.48',
2215             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.48',
2216             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.48',
2217             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.48',
2218             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.48',
2219             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.48',
2220             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.48',
2221             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.48',
2222             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.48',
2223             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.48',
2224             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.48',
2225             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.48',
2226             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.48',
2227             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.48',
2228             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.48',
2229             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.48',
2230             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.48',
2231             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '6.48',
2232             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '6.48',
2233             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.55',
2234             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.48',
2235             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.48',
2236             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.43',
2237             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.19',
2238             'ExtUtils::XSSymSet'    => '1.1',
2239             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.48',
2240             'Fatal'                 => '1.06',
2241             'Fcntl'                 => '1.06',
2242             'File::Basename'        => '2.77',
2243             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.4',
2244             'File::Compare'         => '1.1005',
2245             'File::Copy'            => '2.13',
2246             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.01',
2247             'File::Find'            => '1.13',
2248             'File::Glob'            => '1.06',
2249             'File::Path'            => '2.07_02',
2250             'File::Spec'            => '3.29',
2251             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.29',
2252             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.29',
2253             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.29',
2254             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.29',
2255             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.29',
2256             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.29',
2257             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.29',
2258             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.29',
2259             'File::Temp'            => '0.20',
2260             'File::stat'            => '1.01',
2261             'FileCache'             => '1.07',
2262             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.83',
2263             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.07',
2264             'FindBin'               => '1.49',
2265             'GDBM_File'             => '1.09',
2266             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.37',
2267             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.06',
2268             'Hash::Util'            => '0.06',
2269             'IO'                    => '1.23',
2270             'IO::Dir'               => '1.06',
2271             'IO::File'              => '1.14',
2272             'IO::Handle'            => '1.27',
2273             'IO::Socket'            => '1.30',
2274             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.31',
2275             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.23',
2276             'IPC::Msg'              => '2.00',
2277             'IPC::Open2'            => '1.03',
2278             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.03',
2279             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '2.00',
2280             'IPC::SharedMem'        => '2.00',
2281             'IPC::SysV'             => '2.00',
2282             'List::Util'            => '1.19',
2283             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.13',
2284             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13',
2285             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13',
2286             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.60',
2287             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.89',
2288             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.52',
2289             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.22',
2290             'Math::Complex'         => '1.54',
2291             'Math::Trig'            => '1.18',
2292             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.17',
2293             'Module::Pluggable'     => '3.8',
2294             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.6',
2295             'NDBM_File'             => '1.07',
2296             'NEXT'                  => '0.61',
2297             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.29',
2298             'Net::Config'           => '1.11',
2299             'Net::Domain'           => '2.20',
2300             'Net::FTP'              => '2.77',
2301             'Net::FTP::A'           => '1.18',
2302             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.24',
2303             'Net::POP3'             => '2.29',
2304             'Net::Ping'             => '2.35',
2305             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.31',
2306             'O'                     => '1.01',
2307             'ODBM_File'             => '1.07',
2308             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.03',
2309             'OS2::Process'          => '1.03',
2310             'Opcode'                => '1.0601',
2311             'POSIX'                 => '1.15',
2312             'PerlIO'                => '1.05',
2313             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.11',
2314             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.06',
2315             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.05',
2316             'Pod::Html'             => '1.09',
2317             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.35',
2318             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.35',
2319             'Pod::Select'           => '1.35',
2320             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.35',
2321             'SDBM_File'             => '1.06',
2322             'Safe'                  => '2.16',
2323             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.19',
2324             'SelfLoader'            => '1.17',
2325             'Shell'                 => '0.72',
2326             'Socket'                => '1.81',
2327             'Storable'              => '2.19',
2328             'Switch'                => '2.13',
2329             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.27',
2330             'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef,
2331             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.12',
2332             'Term::Cap'             => '1.12',
2333             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.03',
2334             'Test::Builder'         => '0.80',
2335             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.80',
2336             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.13',
2337             'Test::Harness'         => '2.64',
2338             'Test::Harness::Results'=> '0.01_01',
2339             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26_01',
2340             'Test::Harness::Util'   => '0.01',
2341             'Test::More'            => '0.80',
2342             'Test::Simple'          => '0.80',
2343             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.98',
2344             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.27',
2345             'Text::Soundex'         => '3.03',
2346             'Text::Tabs'            => '2007.1117',
2347             'Text::Wrap'            => '2006.1117',
2348             'Thread'                => '2.01',
2349             'Thread::Queue'         => '2.11',
2350             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.09',
2351             'Tie::Handle'           => '4.2',
2352             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.03',
2353             'Tie::Memoize'          => '1.1',
2354             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.38',
2355             'Tie::Scalar'           => '1.01',
2356             'Tie::StdHandle'        => '4.2',
2357             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9715',
2358             'Time::Local'           => '1.1901',
2359             'Time::gmtime'          => '1.03',
2360             'Unicode'               => '5.1.0',
2361             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.02',
2362             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.25',
2363             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.03',
2364             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.4',
2365             'Win32'                 => '0.38',
2366             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1001_01',
2367             'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1',
2368             'Win32CORE'             => '0.02',
2369             'XS::APItest'           => '0.15',
2370             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.03',
2371             'XSLoader'              => '0.10',
2372             'attributes'            => '0.09',
2373             'autouse'               => '1.06',
2374             'base'                  => '2.13',
2375             'bigint'                => '0.23',
2376             'bignum'                => '0.23',
2377             'bigrat'                => '0.23',
2378             'blib'                  => '1.04',
2379             'charnames'             => '1.06',
2380             'constant'              => '1.17',
2381             'diagnostics'           => '1.16',
2382             'encoding'              => '2.6_01',
2383             'fields'                => '2.12',
2384             'filetest'              => '1.02',
2385             'lib'                   => '0.61',
2386             'open'                  => '1.06',
2387             'ops'                   => '1.02',
2388             'overload'              => '1.06',
2389             're'                    => '0.0601',
2390             'sigtrap'               => '1.04',
2391             'threads'               => '1.71',
2392             'threads::shared'       => '1.27',
2393             'utf8'                  => '1.07',
2394             'warnings'              => '1.05_01',
2395         },
2396         removed => {
2397         }
2398     },
2399     5.009 => {
2400         delta_from => 5.008002,
2401         changed => {
2402             'B'                     => '1.03',
2403             'B::C'                  => '1.03',
2404             'B::Concise'            => '0.57',
2405             'B::Deparse'            => '0.65',
2406             'DB_File'               => '1.806',
2407             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.008',
2408             'English'               => '1.02',
2409             'Fatal'                 => '1.04',
2410             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.02',
2411             'Opcode'                => '1.06',
2412             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.51',
2413             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.28',
2414             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.23',
2415             'XSLoader'              => '0.03',
2416             'assertions'            => '0.01',
2417             'assertions::activate'  => '0.01',
2418             'overload'              => '1.02',
2419             'version'               => '0.29',
2420         },
2421         removed => {
2422         }
2423     },
2424     5.009001 => {
2425         delta_from => 5.008004,
2426         changed => {
2427             'B'                     => '1.05',
2428             'B::Assembler'          => '0.06',
2429             'B::C'                  => '1.04',
2430             'B::Concise'            => '0.59',
2431             'B::Debug'              => '1.02',
2432             'B::Deparse'            => '0.65',
2433             'DB_File'               => '1.808_01',
2434             'Devel::PPPort'         => '2.011_01',
2435             'Digest'                => '1.05',
2436             'DynaLoader'            => '1.04',
2437             'English'               => '1.02',
2438             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.567',
2439             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.07',
2440             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3',
2441             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.0901',
2442             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.07',
2443             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.07_01',
2444             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.45_01',
2445             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.71_01',
2446             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.10_01',
2447             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.03',
2448             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.21_02',
2449             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.43',
2450             'Fatal'                 => '1.04',
2451             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.3401',
2452             'IO::Handle'            => '1.23',
2453             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.122',
2454             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0105',
2455             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.00_01',
2456             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.00',
2457             'Memoize'               => '1.01_01',
2458             'ODBM_File'             => '1.04',
2459             'Opcode'                => '1.06',
2460             'POSIX'                 => '1.07',
2461             'Storable'              => '2.11',
2462             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.56',
2463             'Time::Local'           => '1.07_94',
2464             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.02',
2465             'Unicode'               => '4.0.0',
2466             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.21',
2467             'XSLoader'              => '0.03',
2468             'assertions'            => '0.01',
2469             'assertions::activate'  => '0.01',
2470             'base'                  => '2.04',
2471             'if'                    => '0.0401',
2472             'open'                  => '1.02',
2473             'overload'              => '1.02',
2474             'threads'               => '1.02',
2475             'utf8'                  => '1.02',
2476             'version'               => '0.36',
2477         },
2478         removed => {
2479         }
2480     },
2481     5.009002 => {
2482         delta_from => 5.008007,
2483         changed => {
2484             'B'                     => '1.07',
2485             'B::Concise'            => '0.64',
2486             'B::Deparse'            => '0.69',
2487             'B::Disassembler'       => '1.03',
2488             'B::Terse'              => '1.02',
2489             'CGI'                   => '3.07',
2490             'Config::Extensions'    => '0.01',
2491             'Devel::DProf'          => '20030813.00',
2492             'DynaLoader'            => '1.07',
2493             'Encode'                => '2.09',
2494             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.02',
2495             'English'               => '1.03',
2496             'Exporter'              => '5.59',
2497             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.59',
2498             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.07',
2499             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03_01',
2500             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.26',
2501             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3',
2502             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.10',
2503             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.07',
2504             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.08',
2505             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.07',
2506             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.46_01',
2507             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.71',
2508             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.10',
2509             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.03',
2510             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.25',
2511             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.44',
2512             'Fatal'                 => '1.04',
2513             'File::Path'            => '1.06',
2514             'FileCache'             => '1.04_01',
2515             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.3401',
2516             'IO::File'              => '1.10',
2517             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.27',
2518             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.49',
2519             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.75',
2520             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.45',
2521             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.14',
2522             'Memoize'               => '1.01_01',
2523             'Module::CoreList'      => '1.99',
2524             'NEXT'                  => '0.60_01',
2525             'Opcode'                => '1.06',
2526             'Pod::Html'             => '1.0502',
2527             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.14_1',
2528             'Storable'              => '2.14',
2529             'Symbol'                => '1.05',
2530             'Test::Harness'         => '2.46',
2531             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.20_01',
2532             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.95_01',
2533             'Text::Wrap'            => '2001.09292',
2534             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.02',
2535             'Unicode'               => '4.0.1',
2536             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '0.30',
2537             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.22',
2538             'Win32'                 => '0.23',
2539             'XS::APItest'           => '0.05',
2540             'XSLoader'              => '0.03',
2541             'assertions'            => '0.01',
2542             'assertions::activate'  => '0.01',
2543             'base'                  => '2.06',
2544             'bigint'                => '0.06',
2545             'bignum'                => '0.16',
2546             'bigrat'                => '0.07',
2547             'bytes'                 => '1.01',
2548             'encoding::warnings'    => '0.05',
2549             'if'                    => '0.0401',
2550             're'                    => '0.05',
2551             'threads::shared'       => '0.92',
2552             'utf8'                  => '1.04',
2553             'version'               => '0.42',
2554             'warnings'              => '1.04',
2555         },
2556         removed => {
2557             'Test::Harness::Point'  => 1,
2558         }
2559     },
2560     5.009003 => {
2561         delta_from => 5.008008,
2562         changed => {
2563             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.26_01',
2564             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02',
2565             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '0.02',
2566             'AutoSplit'             => '1.04_01',
2567             'B'                     => '1.10',
2568             'B::Bblock'             => '1.02',
2569             'B::Bytecode'           => '1.01',
2570             'B::C'                  => '1.04',
2571             'B::CC'                 => '1.00',
2572             'B::Concise'            => '0.67',
2573             'B::Debug'              => '1.02',
2574             'B::Deparse'            => '0.73',
2575             'B::Lint'               => '1.04',
2576             'B::Terse'              => '1.03',
2577             'CGI'                   => '3.15_01',
2578             'CPAN'                  => '1.83_58',
2579             'CPAN::Debug'           => '4.44',
2580             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '4.50',
2581             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '4.31',
2582             'CPAN::Nox'             => '2.31',
2583             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '3.36',
2584             'CPAN::Version'         => '2.55',
2585             'Carp'                  => '1.05',
2586             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.05',
2587             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.000_07',
2588             'Compress::Zlib::Common'=> '2.000_07',
2589             'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.000_07',
2590             'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '1.00',
2591             'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Deflate'=> '2.000_05',
2592             'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Identity'=> '2.000_05',
2593             'Compress::Zlib::File::GlobMapper'=> '0.000_02',
2594             'Compress::Zlib::FileConstants'=> '2.000_07',
2595             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Base'=> '2.000_05',
2596             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Deflate'=> '2.000_07',
2597             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Gzip'=> '2.000_07',
2598             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.000_07',
2599             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Zip'=> '2.000_04',
2600             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.000_07',
2601             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.000_05',
2602             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Base'=> '2.000_05',
2603             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.000_07',
2604             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.000_07',
2605             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.000_07',
2606             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Unzip'=> '2.000_05',
2607             'Compress::Zlib::ParseParameters'=> '2.000_07',
2608             'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Identity'=> '2.000_05',
2609             'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Inflate'=> '2.000_05',
2610             'Config::Extensions'    => '0.01',
2611             'Cwd'                   => '3.15',
2612             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.08',
2613             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.32',
2614             'DirHandle'             => '1.01',
2615             'DynaLoader'            => '1.07',
2616             'Encode'                => '2.14',
2617             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.02',
2618             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.02',
2619             'English'               => '1.04',
2620             'Exporter'              => '5.59',
2621             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.59',
2622             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.15',
2623             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.12',
2624             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.12',
2625             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.12',
2626             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.12',
2627             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.12',
2628             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.12',
2629             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.12',
2630             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.01',
2631             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.13',
2632             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.05_01',
2633             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.2',
2634             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.02',
2635             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.01',
2636             'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02',
2637             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.13_01',
2638             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.50_01',
2639             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.30_01',
2640             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.15_02',
2641             'Fatal'                 => '1.04',
2642             'File::Compare'         => '1.1005',
2643             'File::Spec'            => '3.15',
2644             'File::Temp'            => '0.16_01',
2645             'IO::File'              => '1.13_01',
2646             'IO::Handle'            => '1.26',
2647             'IO::Socket'            => '1.29_01',
2648             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.29_02',
2649             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.22_01',
2650             'IO::Zlib'              => '1.04_02',
2651             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.10_01',
2652             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.10',
2653             'Memoize'               => '1.01_01',
2654             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.02',
2655             'Moped::Msg'            => '0.01',
2656             'NEXT'                  => '0.60_01',
2657             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.26_01',
2658             'Net::Domain'           => '2.19_01',
2659             'Net::Ping'             => '2.31_04',
2660             'Opcode'                => '1.08',
2661             'POSIX'                 => '1.10',
2662             'Pod::Escapes'          => '1.04',
2663             'Pod::Man'              => '2.04',
2664             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.14_01',
2665             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.04',
2666             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef,
2667             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '2.02',
2668             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => undef,
2669             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02',
2670             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02',
2671             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.03',
2672             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02',
2673             'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01',
2674             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef,
2675             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '2.02',
2676             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01',
2677             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02',
2678             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef,
2679             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef,
2680             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef,
2681             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02',
2682             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '2.02',
2683             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.04',
2684             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02',
2685             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '2.02',
2686             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02',
2687             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef,
2688             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef,
2689             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02',
2690             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef,
2691             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02',
2692             'Pod::Text'             => '3.01',
2693             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '2.01',
2694             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2',
2695             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.01',
2696             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.33_01',
2697             'SelfLoader'            => '1.0905',
2698             'Storable'              => '2.15_02',
2699             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.03',
2700             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.95_01',
2701             'Tie::File'             => '0.97_01',
2702             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.03',
2703             'XS::APItest'           => '0.09',
2704             'assertions'            => '0.02',
2705             'assertions::activate'  => '0.02',
2706             'assertions::compat'    => undef,
2707             'constant'              => '1.07',
2708             'encoding::warnings'    => '0.05',
2709             'feature'               => '1.00',
2710             're'                    => '0.06',
2711             'sort'                  => '2.00',
2712             'version'               => '0.53',
2713         },
2714         removed => {
2715         }
2716     },
2717     5.009004 => {
2718         delta_from => 5.009003,
2719         changed => {
2720             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.30_01',
2721             'AutoLoader'            => '5.61',
2722             'B'                     => '1.11',
2723             'B::Bytecode'           => '1.02',
2724             'B::C'                  => '1.05',
2725             'B::Concise'            => '0.69',
2726             'B::Deparse'            => '0.76',
2727             'B::Lint'               => '1.08',
2728             'Benchmark'             => '1.08',
2729             'CGI'                   => '3.20',
2730             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.27',
2731             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.07',
2732             'CPAN'                  => '1.87_55',
2733             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.400561',
2734             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.400742',
2735             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.400740',
2736             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.400561',
2737             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.400714',
2738             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.400561',
2739             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.000_13',
2740             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.000_13',
2741             'Cwd'                   => '3.19',
2742             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.10',
2743             'Digest'                => '1.15',
2744             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.43',
2745             'Encode'                => '2.18_01',
2746             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.06',
2747             'Encode::Byte'          => '2.02',
2748             'Encode::CJKConstants'  => '2.02',
2749             'Encode::CN'            => '2.02',
2750             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.04',
2751             'Encode::Config'        => '2.03',
2752             'Encode::EBCDIC'        => '2.02',
2753             'Encode::Encoder'       => '2.01',
2754             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.04',
2755             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.02',
2756             'Encode::JP'            => '2.03',
2757             'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => '2.02',
2758             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.02',
2759             'Encode::KR'            => '2.02',
2760             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '2.02',
2761             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.04',
2762             'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03',
2763             'Encode::Symbol'        => '2.02',
2764             'Encode::TW'            => '2.02',
2765             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.03',
2766             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04',
2767             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.18',
2768             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.12_01',
2769             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.03',
2770             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.03',
2771             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.41',
2772             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.41',
2773             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.13_02',
2774             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.08_01',
2775             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.5003',
2776             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.73_03',
2777             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.12_02',
2778             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.04_01',
2779             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.30_02',
2780             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.46_01',
2781             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15_01',
2782             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.19_01',
2783             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.41',
2784             'File::Basename'        => '2.75',
2785             'File::Find'            => '1.11',
2786             'File::GlobMapper'      => '0.000_02',
2787             'File::Spec'            => '3.19',
2788             'FileCache'             => '1.07',
2789             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.3501',
2790             'Hash::Util'            => '0.07',
2791             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '0.01',
2792             'IO'                    => '1.23_01',
2793             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.000_13',
2794             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.000_13',
2795             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.000_13',
2796             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.000_13',
2797             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.000_13',
2798             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.000_13',
2799             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.000_13',
2800             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.000_13',
2801             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.000_13',
2802             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.000_13',
2803             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.000_13',
2804             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.000_13',
2805             'IO::Dir'               => '1.06',
2806             'IO::File'              => '1.14',
2807             'IO::Handle'            => '1.27',
2808             'IO::Socket'            => '1.30_01',
2809             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.31',
2810             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.23',
2811             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.000_13',
2812             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.000_13',
2813             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.000_13',
2814             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.000_13',
2815             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.000_13',
2816             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.000_13',
2817             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.000_13',
2818             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.000_13',
2819             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.000_13',
2820             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.07_01',
2821             'Math::Complex'         => '1.36',
2822             'Math::Trig'            => '1.04',
2823             'Module::Build'         => '0.2805',
2824             'Module::Build::Base'   => undef,
2825             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.03',
2826             'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef,
2827             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> undef,
2828             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> undef,
2829             'Module::Build::Notes'  => undef,
2830             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> undef,
2831             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> undef,
2832             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> undef,
2833             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> undef,
2834             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> undef,
2835             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> undef,
2836             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> undef,
2837             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> undef,
2838             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> undef,
2839             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> undef,
2840             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> undef,
2841             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> undef,
2842             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> undef,
2843             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> undef,
2844             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> undef,
2845             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> undef,
2846             'Module::Build::Version'=> '0',
2847             'Module::Build::YAML'   => '0.50',
2848             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.08',
2849             'Module::Load'          => '0.10',
2850             'Module::Loaded'        => '0.01',
2851             'Package::Constants'    => '0.01',
2852             'Pod::Html'             => '1.07',
2853             'Pod::Man'              => '2.09',
2854             'Pod::Text'             => '3.07',
2855             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '2.03',
2856             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.03',
2857             'SDBM_File'             => '1.06',
2858             'Shell'                 => '0.7',
2859             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.17',
2860             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.11',
2861             'Test::Builder'         => '0.33',
2862             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.04',
2863             'Test::Harness'         => '2.62',
2864             'Test::Harness::Util'   => '0.01',
2865             'Test::More'            => '0.64',
2866             'Test::Simple'          => '0.64',
2867             'Text::Balanced'        => '1.98_01',
2868             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.25',
2869             'Text::Tabs'            => '2007.071101',
2870             'Text::Wrap'            => '2006.0711',
2871             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.34_01',
2872             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.87',
2873             'Time::Local'           => '1.13',
2874             'Time::gmtime'          => '1.03',
2875             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.04',
2876             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.01',
2877             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1001',
2878             'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1',
2879             'assertions'            => '0.03',
2880             'assertions::compat'    => '0.02',
2881             'autouse'               => '1.06',
2882             'diagnostics'           => '1.16',
2883             'encoding'              => '2.04',
2884             'encoding::warnings'    => '0.10',
2885             'feature'               => '1.01',
2886             're'                    => '0.0601',
2887             'threads'               => '1.38',
2888             'threads::shared'       => '0.94_01',
2889             'version'               => '0.67',
2890         },
2891         removed => {
2892             'Compress::Zlib::Common'=> 1,
2893             'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> 1,
2894             'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> 1,
2895             'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Deflate'=> 1,
2896             'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Identity'=> 1,
2897             'Compress::Zlib::File::GlobMapper'=> 1,
2898             'Compress::Zlib::FileConstants'=> 1,
2899             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Base'=> 1,
2900             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Deflate'=> 1,
2901             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Gzip'=> 1,
2902             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> 1,
2903             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Zip'=> 1,
2904             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> 1,
2905             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> 1,
2906             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Base'=> 1,
2907             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> 1,
2908             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> 1,
2909             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> 1,
2910             'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Unzip'=> 1,
2911             'Compress::Zlib::ParseParameters'=> 1,
2912             'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Identity'=> 1,
2913             'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Inflate'=> 1,
2914         }
2915     },
2916     5.009005 => {
2917         delta_from => 5.009004,
2918         changed => {
2919             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.22_01',
2920             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.32',
2921             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.78_06',
2922             'AutoLoader'            => '5.63',
2923             'AutoSplit'             => '1.05',
2924             'B'                     => '1.16',
2925             'B::Concise'            => '0.72',
2926             'B::Debug'              => '1.05',
2927             'B::Deparse'            => '0.82',
2928             'B::Lint'               => '1.09',
2929             'B::Terse'              => '1.05',
2930             'Benchmark'             => '1.1',
2931             'CGI'                   => '3.29',
2932             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.28',
2933             'CGI::Util'             => '1.5_01',
2934             'CPAN'                  => '1.9102',
2935             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.400955',
2936             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.401669',
2937             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.401744',
2938             'CPAN::Kwalify'         => '5.401418',
2939             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.400844',
2940             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.401704',
2941             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.401717',
2942             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.401387',
2943             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.81_01',
2944             'CPANPLUS::Backend'     => undef,
2945             'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef,
2946             'CPANPLUS::Config'      => undef,
2947             'CPANPLUS::Configure'   => undef,
2948             'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef,
2949             'CPANPLUS::Dist'        => undef,
2950             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base'  => '0.01',
2951             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.06_01',
2952             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.01',
2953             'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM'    => undef,
2954             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef,
2955             'CPANPLUS::Error'       => undef,
2956             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.81_01',
2957             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> '0.01',
2958             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> '0.01',
2959             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef,
2960             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef,
2961             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef,
2962             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef,
2963             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef,
2964             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef,
2965             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef,
2966             'CPANPLUS::Module'      => undef,
2967             'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef,
2968             'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef,
2969             'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef,
2970             'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef,
2971             'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef,
2972             'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate'  => undef,
2973             'CPANPLUS::Shell'       => undef,
2974             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562',
2975             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.81_01',
2976             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef,
2977             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef,
2978             'CPANPLUS::inc'         => undef,
2979             'Carp'                  => '1.07',
2980             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.07',
2981             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.005',
2982             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.005',
2983             'Cwd'                   => '3.25',
2984             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.02',
2985             'DB_File'               => '1.815',
2986             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_13',
2987             'Devel::InnerPackage'   => '0.3',
2988             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.11_01',
2989             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.36_01',
2990             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.44',
2991             'DynaLoader'            => '1.08',
2992             'Encode'                => '2.23',
2993             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.07',
2994             'Encode::Byte'          => '2.03',
2995             'Encode::Config'        => '2.04',
2996             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.05',
2997             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.00',
2998             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.03',
2999             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.05',
3000             'Encode::MIME::Name'    => '1.01',
3001             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.05',
3002             'Errno'                 => '1.10',
3003             'Exporter'              => '5.60',
3004             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.60',
3005             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.19',
3006             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.13',
3007             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.13',
3008             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.07',
3009             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04',
3010             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.41_01',
3011             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '1.03',
3012             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.33',
3013             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '0.07',
3014             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '0.05',
3015             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '0.15',
3016             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '1.07',
3017             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '1.1',
3018             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '0.04',
3019             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '1.1',
3020             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '2.1',
3021             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '1.07',
3022             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '0.04',
3023             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '0.04',
3024             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '1.54_01',
3025             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '5.76',
3026             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '0.04',
3027             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '1.15',
3028             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '0.06',
3029             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '0.03',
3030             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.36',
3031             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.04',
3032             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.03',
3033             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.03',
3034             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.51_01',
3035             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.17',
3036             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '1.21',
3037             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.18',
3038             'ExtUtils::XSSymSet'    => '1.1',
3039             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '1.17',
3040             'Fatal'                 => '1.05',
3041             'Fcntl'                 => '1.06',
3042             'File::Basename'        => '2.76',
3043             'File::Copy'            => '2.10',
3044             'File::Fetch'           => '0.10',
3045             'File::Glob'            => '1.06',
3046             'File::Path'            => '2.01',
3047             'File::Spec'            => '3.25',
3048             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '1.1_01',
3049             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '1.4_01',
3050             'File::Temp'            => '0.18',
3051             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.0602',
3052             'FindBin'               => '1.49',
3053             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.36',
3054             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.01',
3055             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.005',
3056             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.005',
3057             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.005',
3058             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.005',
3059             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.005',
3060             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.005',
3061             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.005',
3062             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.005',
3063             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.005',
3064             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.005',
3065             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.005',
3066             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.005',
3067             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.005',
3068             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.005',
3069             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.005',
3070             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.005',
3071             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.005',
3072             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.005',
3073             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.005',
3074             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.005',
3075             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.005',
3076             'IO::Zlib'              => '1.05_01',
3077             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.36_01',
3078             'List::Util'            => '1.19',
3079             'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.18',
3080             'Log::Message'          => '0.01',
3081             'Log::Message::Config'  => '0.01',
3082             'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef,
3083             'Log::Message::Item'    => undef,
3084             'Log::Message::Simple'  => '0.0201',
3085             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.58',
3086             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.87',
3087             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.51',
3088             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.15_01',
3089             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.19',
3090             'Math::Complex'         => '1.37',
3091             'Memoize'               => '1.01_02',
3092             'Module::Build'         => '0.2808',
3093             'Module::Build::Config' => undef,
3094             'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.7203',
3095             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.12',
3096             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.16',
3097             'Module::Pluggable'     => '3.6',
3098             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.6',
3099             'NDBM_File'             => '1.07',
3100             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.28',
3101             'Net::Config'           => '1.11',
3102             'Net::Domain'           => '2.20',
3103             'Net::FTP'              => '2.77',
3104             'Net::FTP::A'           => '1.18',
3105             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.24',
3106             'Net::POP3'             => '2.29',
3107             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.31',
3108             'ODBM_File'             => '1.07',
3109             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.03',
3110             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.32',
3111             'Opcode'                => '1.09',
3112             'POSIX'                 => '1.13',
3113             'Params::Check'         => '0.26',
3114             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.10',
3115             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.05',
3116             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.04',
3117             'Pod::Html'             => '1.08',
3118             'Pod::Man'              => '2.12',
3119             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.35',
3120             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.35',
3121             'Pod::Select'           => '1.35',
3122             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.05',
3123             'Pod::Text'             => '3.08',
3124             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.35',
3125             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.19',
3126             'SelfLoader'            => '1.11',
3127             'Shell'                 => '0.72_01',
3128             'Socket'                => '1.79',
3129             'Storable'              => '2.16',
3130             'Switch'                => '2.13',
3131             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.18_01',
3132             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '1.12',
3133             'Term::UI'              => '0.14_01',
3134             'Term::UI::History'     => undef,
3135             'Test::Builder'         => '0.70',
3136             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.68',
3137             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.07',
3138             'Test::Harness'         => '2.64',
3139             'Test::Harness::Results'=> '0.01',
3140             'Test::More'            => '0.70',
3141             'Test::Simple'          => '0.70',
3142             'Text::Balanced'        => '2.0.0',
3143             'Text::Soundex'         => '3.02',
3144             'Text::Tabs'            => '2007.1117',
3145             'Text::Wrap'            => '2006.1117',
3146             'Thread'                => '3.02',
3147             'Tie::File'             => '0.97_02',
3148             'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06',
3149             'Tie::Memoize'          => '1.1',
3150             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.37',
3151             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9707',
3152             'Time::Local'           => '1.17',
3153             'Time::Piece'           => '1.11_02',
3154             'Time::Seconds'         => undef,
3155             'Unicode'               => '5.0.0',
3156             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.02',
3157             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.25',
3158             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.03',
3159             'Win32'                 => '0.30',
3160             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1001_01',
3161             'Win32CORE'             => '0.02',
3162             'XS::APItest'           => '0.12',
3163             'XSLoader'              => '0.08',
3164             'attributes'            => '0.08',
3165             'base'                  => '2.12',
3166             'bigint'                => '0.22',
3167             'bignum'                => '0.22',
3168             'bigrat'                => '0.22',
3169             'bytes'                 => '1.03',
3170             'charnames'             => '1.06',
3171             'constant'              => '1.10',
3172             'diagnostics'           => '1.17',
3173             'encoding'              => '2.06',
3174             'encoding::warnings'    => '0.11',
3175             'feature'               => '1.10',
3176             'fields'                => '2.12',
3177             'less'                  => '0.02',
3178             'mro'                   => '1.00',
3179             'overload'              => '1.06',
3180             're'                    => '0.08',
3181             'sigtrap'               => '1.04',
3182             'sort'                  => '2.01',
3183             'strict'                => '1.04',
3184             'threads'               => '1.63',
3185             'threads::shared'       => '1.12',
3186             'utf8'                  => '1.07',
3187             'version'               => '0.7203',
3188             'warnings'              => '1.06',
3189         },
3190         removed => {
3191             'B::Asmdata'            => 1,
3192             'B::Assembler'          => 1,
3193             'B::Bblock'             => 1,
3194             'B::Bytecode'           => 1,
3195             'B::C'                  => 1,
3196             'B::CC'                 => 1,
3197             'B::Disassembler'       => 1,
3198             'B::Stackobj'           => 1,
3199             'B::Stash'              => 1,
3200             'ByteLoader'            => 1,
3201             'Thread::Signal'        => 1,
3202             'Thread::Specific'      => 1,
3203             'assertions'            => 1,
3204             'assertions::activate'  => 1,
3205             'assertions::compat'    => 1,
3206         }
3207     },
3208     5.01 => {
3209         delta_from => 5.009005,
3210         changed => {
3211             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.24',
3212             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.38',
3213             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.79',
3214             'B'                     => '1.17',
3215             'B::Concise'            => '0.74',
3216             'B::Deparse'            => '0.83',
3217             'CPAN'                  => '1.9205',
3218             'CPAN::API::HOWTO'      => undef,
3219             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.402212',
3220             'CPAN::DeferedCode'     => '5.50',
3221             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.402229',
3222             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.402212',
3223             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.402411',
3224             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.402212',
3225             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.402213',
3226             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.5',
3227             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.84',
3228             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.06_02',
3229             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.84',
3230             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.84',
3231             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef,
3232             'Carp'                  => '1.08',
3233             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.08',
3234             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.008',
3235             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.008',
3236             'Cwd'                   => '3.2501',
3237             'DB_File'               => '1.816_1',
3238             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.121_14',
3239             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.13',
3240             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.45',
3241             'Exporter'              => '5.62',
3242             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.62',
3243             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.21',
3244             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.21',
3245             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.21',
3246             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.22',
3247             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.21',
3248             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.21',
3249             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.21',
3250             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.21',
3251             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.21',
3252             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.21',
3253             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.42',
3254             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.05',
3255             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.27',
3256             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.44',
3257             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.43',
3258             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.42',
3259             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.42',
3260             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.42',
3261             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.42',
3262             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.42',
3263             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.42',
3264             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.42',
3265             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.42',
3266             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.42',
3267             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.42',
3268             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.42',
3269             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.42',
3270             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.42',
3271             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.42',
3272             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.42',
3273             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.42',
3274             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.42',
3275             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.42',
3276             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.42',
3277             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.42',
3278             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.42',
3279             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '6.42',
3280             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '6.42',
3281             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.42',
3282             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.42',
3283             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.43',
3284             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.18_02',
3285             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.42',
3286             'File::Copy'            => '2.11',
3287             'File::Fetch'           => '0.14',
3288             'File::Find'            => '1.12',
3289             'File::Path'            => '2.04',
3290             'File::Spec'            => '3.2501',
3291             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.2501',
3292             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.2501',
3293             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.2501',
3294             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.2501',
3295             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.2501',
3296             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.2501',
3297             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.2501',
3298             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.2501',
3299             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.07',
3300             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.37',
3301             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.03',
3302             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.008',
3303             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.008',
3304             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.008',
3305             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.008',
3306             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.008',
3307             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.008',
3308             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.008',
3309             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.008',
3310             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.008',
3311             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.008',
3312             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.008',
3313             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.008',
3314             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.008',
3315             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.008',
3316             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.008',
3317             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.008',
3318             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.008',
3319             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.008',
3320             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.008',
3321             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.008',
3322             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.008',
3323             'IO::Zlib'              => '1.07',
3324             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.40_1',
3325             'IPC::SysV'             => '1.05',
3326             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.12',
3327             'Log::Message::Simple'  => '0.04',
3328             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.59',
3329             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.88',
3330             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.52',
3331             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.16',
3332             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.21',
3333             'Module::Build'         => '0.2808_01',
3334             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.2808_01',
3335             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.2808_01',
3336             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.2808_01',
3337             'Module::Build::Dumper' => undef,
3338             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.2808_01',
3339             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.2808_01',
3340             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.2808_01',
3341             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.2808_01',
3342             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.2808_01',
3343             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.2808_01',
3344             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.2808_01',
3345             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.2808_01',
3346             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.2808_01',
3347             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2808_01',
3348             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2808_01',
3349             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.2808_01',
3350             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2808_01',
3351             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.2808_01',
3352             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2808_01',
3353             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2808_01',
3354             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.2808_01',
3355             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.2808_01',
3356             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.13',
3357             'Module::Load'          => '0.12',
3358             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.22',
3359             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.29',
3360             'Net::Ping'             => '2.33',
3361             'Opcode'                => '1.11',
3362             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.43_01',
3363             'Pod::Man'              => '2.16',
3364             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.14_02',
3365             'Socket'                => '1.80',
3366             'Storable'              => '2.18',
3367             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.22',
3368             'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef,
3369             'Term::Cap'             => '1.12',
3370             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.03',
3371             'Term::UI'              => '0.18',
3372             'Test::Builder'         => '0.72',
3373             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.72',
3374             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.09',
3375             'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26_01',
3376             'Test::More'            => '0.72',
3377             'Test::Simple'          => '0.72',
3378             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.26',
3379             'Text::Soundex'         => '3.03',
3380             'Tie::StdHandle'        => undef,
3381             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9711',
3382             'Time::Local'           => '1.18',
3383             'Time::Piece'           => '1.12',
3384             'VMS::Filespec'         => '1.12',
3385             'Win32'                 => '0.34',
3386             'base'                  => '2.13',
3387             'constant'              => '1.13',
3388             'feature'               => '1.11',
3389             'fields'                => '2.13',
3390             'filetest'              => '1.02',
3391             'open'                  => '1.06',
3392             'threads'               => '1.67',
3393             'threads::shared'       => '1.14',
3394             'version'               => '0.74',
3395         },
3396         removed => {
3397         }
3398     },
3399     5.010001 => {
3400         delta_from => 5.01,
3401         changed => {
3402             'App::Prove'            => '3.17',
3403             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.17',
3404             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17',
3405             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17',
3406             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.34',
3407             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.52',
3408             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.85',
3409             'AutoLoader'            => '5.68',
3410             'AutoSplit'             => '1.06',
3411             'B'                     => '1.22',
3412             'B::Concise'            => '0.76',
3413             'B::Debug'              => '1.11',
3414             'B::Deparse'            => '0.89',
3415             'B::Lint'               => '1.11',
3416             'B::Lint::Debug'        => undef,
3417             'B::Xref'               => '1.02',
3418             'Benchmark'             => '1.11',
3419             'CGI'                   => '3.43',
3420             'CGI::Carp'             => '1.30_01',
3421             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.29',
3422             'CPAN'                  => '1.9402',
3423             'CPAN::Author'          => '5.5',
3424             'CPAN::Bundle'          => '5.5',
3425             'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => '5.5',
3426             'CPAN::Complete'        => '5.5',
3427             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.5',
3428             'CPAN::DeferredCode'    => '5.50',
3429             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.93',
3430             'CPAN::Distroprefs'     => '6',
3431             'CPAN::Distrostatus'    => '5.5',
3432             'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5',
3433             'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0',
3434             'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5',
3435             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5001',
3436             'CPAN::FTP::netrc'      => '1.00',
3437             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.53',
3438             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5',
3439             'CPAN::Index'           => '1.93',
3440             'CPAN::InfoObj'         => '5.5',
3441             'CPAN::Kwalify'         => '5.50',
3442             'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => '1.00',
3443             'CPAN::Module'          => '5.5',
3444             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.50',
3445             'CPAN::Prompt'          => '5.5',
3446             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.5',
3447             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5',
3448             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.501',
3449             'CPAN::URL'             => '5.5',
3450             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.88',
3451             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef,
3452             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base'  => undef,
3453             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.36',
3454             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.36',
3455             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.88',
3456             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef,
3457             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef,
3458             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef,
3459             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef,
3460             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef,
3461             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.88',
3462             'Carp'                  => '1.11',
3463             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.11',
3464             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.020',
3465             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.020',
3466             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.020',
3467             'Cwd'                   => '3.30',
3468             'DB'                    => '1.02',
3469             'DBM_Filter::compress'  => '0.02',
3470             'DBM_Filter::encode'    => '0.02',
3471             'DBM_Filter::int32'     => '0.02',
3472             'DBM_Filter::null'      => '0.02',
3473             'DBM_Filter::utf8'      => '0.02',
3474             'DB_File'               => '1.820',
3475             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.124',
3476             'Devel::DProf'          => '20080331.00',
3477             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.19',
3478             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.04',
3479             'Digest'                => '1.16',
3480             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.39',
3481             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.47',
3482             'Digest::base'          => '1.16',
3483             'Digest::file'          => '1.16',
3484             'DirHandle'             => '1.03',
3485             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.13',
3486             'DynaLoader'            => '1.10',
3487             'Encode'                => '2.35',
3488             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.12',
3489             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.05',
3490             'Encode::Config'        => '2.05',
3491             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.01',
3492             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.03',
3493             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.04',
3494             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.11',
3495             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.06',
3496             'Errno'                 => '1.11',
3497             'Exporter'              => '5.63',
3498             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.63',
3499             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.2602',
3500             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2602',
3501             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2602',
3502             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2602',
3503             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2602',
3504             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2602',
3505             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2602',
3506             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2602',
3507             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2602',
3508             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2602',
3509             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.16',
3510             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.55_02',
3511             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.22',
3512             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06',
3513             'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02',
3514             'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03',
3515             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.28',
3516             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.54',
3517             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.999_001',
3518             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.55_02',
3519             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5502',
3520             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.55_02',
3521             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.55_02',
3522             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.55_02',
3523             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.55_02',
3524             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.55_02',
3525             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.5502',
3526             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.55_02',
3527             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.5502',
3528             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.55_02',
3529             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.55_02',
3530             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.55_02',
3531             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.5502',
3532             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.55_02',
3533             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.55_02',
3534             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.55_02',
3535             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.55_02',
3536             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.55_02',
3537             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.5502',
3538             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.55_02',
3539             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.55_02',
3540             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.56',
3541             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.55_02',
3542             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.55_02',
3543             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2002',
3544             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.5502',
3545             'Fatal'                 => '2.06_01',
3546             'File::Basename'        => '2.77',
3547             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.4',
3548             'File::Compare'         => '1.1006',
3549             'File::Copy'            => '2.14',
3550             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.01',
3551             'File::Fetch'           => '0.20',
3552             'File::Find'            => '1.14',
3553             'File::GlobMapper'      => '1.000',
3554             'File::Path'            => '2.07_03',
3555             'File::Spec'            => '3.30',
3556             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.30',
3557             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.30',
3558             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30',
3559             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.30',
3560             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.30',
3561             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.30',
3562             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.30',
3563             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.30',
3564             'File::Temp'            => '0.22',
3565             'File::stat'            => '1.01',
3566             'FileCache'             => '1.08',
3567             'FileHandle'            => '2.02',
3568             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.84',
3569             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.08',
3570             'FindBin'               => '1.50',
3571             'GDBM_File'             => '1.09',
3572             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.38',
3573             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.06',
3574             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04',
3575             'I18N::Collate'         => '1.01',
3576             'IO'                    => '1.25',
3577             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.020',
3578             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.020',
3579             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.020',
3580             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.020',
3581             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.020',
3582             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.020',
3583             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.020',
3584             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.020',
3585             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.020',
3586             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.020',
3587             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.020',
3588             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.020',
3589             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.020',
3590             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.020',
3591             'IO::Dir'               => '1.07',
3592             'IO::Handle'            => '1.28',
3593             'IO::Socket'            => '1.31',
3594             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.020',
3595             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.020',
3596             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.020',
3597             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.020',
3598             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.020',
3599             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.020',
3600             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.020',
3601             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.020',
3602             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.020',
3603             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.020',
3604             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.020',
3605             'IO::Zlib'              => '1.09',
3606             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.46',
3607             'IPC::Msg'              => '2.01',
3608             'IPC::Open2'            => '1.03',
3609             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.04',
3610             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '2.01',
3611             'IPC::SharedMem'        => '2.01',
3612             'IPC::SysV'             => '2.01',
3613             'List::Util'            => '1.21',
3614             'List::Util::PP'        => '1.21',
3615             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.21',
3616             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.13',
3617             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13',
3618             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13',
3619             'Log::Message'          => '0.02',
3620             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.08',
3621             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.08',
3622             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.60',
3623             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.89',
3624             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19',
3625             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.22',
3626             'Math::Complex'         => '1.56',
3627             'Math::Trig'            => '1.2',
3628             'Memoize'               => '1.01_03',
3629             'Module::Build'         => '0.340201',
3630             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.340201',
3631             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.340201',
3632             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.340201',
3633             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.340201',
3634             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.340201',
3635             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.340201',
3636             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.340201',
3637             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.340201',
3638             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.340201',
3639             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.340201',
3640             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.340201',
3641             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.340201',
3642             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.340201',
3643             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.340201',
3644             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.340201',
3645             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.340201',
3646             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.340201',
3647             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.340201',
3648             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.340201',
3649             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.340201',
3650             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.340201',
3651             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.340201',
3652             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.340201',
3653             'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77',
3654             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.18',
3655             'Module::Load'          => '0.16',
3656             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.30',
3657             'Module::Loaded'        => '0.02',
3658             'Module::Pluggable'     => '3.9',
3659             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9',
3660             'NDBM_File'             => '1.08',
3661             'NEXT'                  => '0.64',
3662             'Net::Ping'             => '2.36',
3663             'O'                     => '1.01',
3664             'OS2::Process'          => '1.03',
3665             'OS2::REXX'             => '1.04',
3666             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.34',
3667             'POSIX'                 => '1.17',
3668             'Package::Constants'    => '0.02',
3669             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.39',
3670             'PerlIO'                => '1.06',
3671             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.11',
3672             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.07',
3673             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.07',
3674             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.45',
3675             'Pod::Find'             => '1.35',
3676             'Pod::Html'             => '1.09',
3677             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.31',
3678             'Pod::Man'              => '2.22',
3679             'Pod::ParseLink'        => '1.09',
3680             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.36',
3681             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.37',
3682             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.14_04',
3683             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.04',
3684             'Pod::Select'           => '1.36',
3685             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.07',
3686             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.04',
3687             'Pod::Text'             => '3.13',
3688             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '2.05',
3689             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03',
3690             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.05',
3691             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.36',
3692             'Safe'                  => '2.18',
3693             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.21',
3694             'Scalar::Util::PP'      => '1.21',
3695             'SelectSaver'           => '1.02',
3696             'SelfLoader'            => '1.17',
3697             'Socket'                => '1.82',
3698             'Storable'              => '2.20',
3699             'Switch'                => '2.14',
3700             'Symbol'                => '1.07',
3701             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.27',
3702             'TAP::Base'             => '3.17',
3703             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.17',
3704             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17',
3705             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17',
3706             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17',
3707             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17',
3708             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.17',
3709             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17',
3710             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17',
3711             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.17',
3712             'TAP::Object'           => '3.17',
3713             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.17',
3714             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17',
3715             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.17',
3716             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17',
3717             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17',
3718             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17',
3719             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17',
3720             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17',
3721             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17',
3722             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.17',
3723             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17',
3724             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17',
3725             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17',
3726             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17',
3727             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17',
3728             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17',
3729             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17',
3730             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17',
3731             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17',
3732             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17',
3733             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17',
3734             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17',
3735             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.17',
3736             'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17',
3737             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.17',
3738             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17',
3739             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17',
3740             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '2.00',
3741             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.04',
3742             'Term::UI'              => '0.20',
3743             'Test'                  => '1.25_02',
3744             'Test::Builder'         => '0.92',
3745             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.92',
3746             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18',
3747             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18',
3748             'Test::Harness'         => '3.17',
3749             'Test::More'            => '0.92',
3750             'Test::Simple'          => '0.92',
3751             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.27',
3752             'Text::Tabs'            => '2009.0305',
3753             'Text::Wrap'            => '2009.0305',
3754             'Thread::Queue'         => '2.11',
3755             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.09',
3756             'Tie::Handle'           => '4.2',
3757             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.03',
3758             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.38',
3759             'Tie::Scalar'           => '1.01',
3760             'Tie::StdHandle'        => '4.2',
3761             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9719',
3762             'Time::Local'           => '1.1901',
3763             'Time::Piece'           => '1.15',
3764             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.05',
3765             'Unicode'               => '5.1.0',
3766             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.03',
3767             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.27',
3768             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.4',
3769             'Win32'                 => '0.39',
3770             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1101',
3771             'XS::APItest'           => '0.15',
3772             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.03',
3773             'XSLoader'              => '0.10',
3774             'attributes'            => '0.09',
3775             'attrs'                 => '1.03',
3776             'autodie'               => '2.06_01',
3777             'autodie::exception'    => '2.06_01',
3778             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01',
3779             'autodie::hints'        => '2.06_01',
3780             'base'                  => '2.14',
3781             'bigint'                => '0.23',
3782             'bignum'                => '0.23',
3783             'bigrat'                => '0.23',
3784             'blib'                  => '1.04',
3785             'charnames'             => '1.07',
3786             'constant'              => '1.17',
3787             'encoding'              => '2.6_01',
3788             'feature'               => '1.13',
3789             'fields'                => '2.14',
3790             'lib'                   => '0.62',
3791             'mro'                   => '1.01',
3792             'open'                  => '1.07',
3793             'ops'                   => '1.02',
3794             'overload'              => '1.07',
3795             'overload::numbers'     => undef,
3796             'overloading'           => '0.01',
3797             'parent'                => '0.221',
3798             're'                    => '0.09',
3799             'threads'               => '1.72',
3800             'threads::shared'       => '1.29',
3801             'version'               => '0.77',
3802         },
3803         removed => {
3804             'CPAN::API::HOWTO'      => 1,
3805             'CPAN::DeferedCode'     => 1,
3806             'CPANPLUS::inc'         => 1,
3807             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> 1,
3808             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> 1,
3809             'Test::Harness::Assert' => 1,
3810             'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> 1,
3811             'Test::Harness::Point'  => 1,
3812             'Test::Harness::Results'=> 1,
3813             'Test::Harness::Straps' => 1,
3814             'Test::Harness::Util'   => 1,
3815         }
3816     },
3817     5.011 => {
3818         delta_from => 5.010001,
3819         changed => {
3820             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.54',
3821             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.87',
3822             'AutoLoader'            => '5.70',
3823             'B::Deparse'            => '0.91',
3824             'B::Lint'               => '1.11_01',
3825             'B::Lint::Debug'        => '0.01',
3826             'CGI'                   => '3.45',
3827             'CGI::Apache'           => '1.01',
3828             'CGI::Carp'             => '3.45',
3829             'CGI::Pretty'           => '3.44',
3830             'CGI::Switch'           => '1.01',
3831             'CGI::Util'             => '3.45',
3832             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_51',
3833             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.94',
3834             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5002',
3835             'CPAN::Index'           => '1.94',
3836             'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => '1.94',
3837             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.40',
3838             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.40',
3839             'Carp'                  => '1.12',
3840             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.12',
3841             'Class::ISA'            => '0.36',
3842             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.021',
3843             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.021',
3844             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.021',
3845             'Cwd'                   => '3.3002',
3846             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.125',
3847             'Encode'                => '2.37',
3848             'Exporter'              => '5.64',
3849             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64',
3850             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.200403',
3851             'File::Basename'        => '2.78',
3852             'File::Copy'            => '2.16',
3853             'File::stat'            => '1.02',
3854             'IO'                    => '1.25_01',
3855             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.021',
3856             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.021',
3857             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021',
3858             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.021',
3859             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.021',
3860             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.021',
3861             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.021',
3862             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.021',
3863             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.021',
3864             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.021',
3865             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.021',
3866             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.021',
3867             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.021',
3868             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.021',
3869             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.021',
3870             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021',
3871             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.021',
3872             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.021',
3873             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.021',
3874             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.021',
3875             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.021',
3876             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.021',
3877             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.021',
3878             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.021',
3879             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.021',
3880             'IO::Zlib'              => '1.10',
3881             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.50',
3882             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.05',
3883             'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21',
3884             'Log::Message::Simple'  => '0.06',
3885             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.89_01',
3886             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.24',
3887             'Module::Build'         => '0.35',
3888             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.35',
3889             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.35',
3890             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.35',
3891             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.35',
3892             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.35',
3893             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.35',
3894             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.35',
3895             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.35',
3896             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.35',
3897             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.35',
3898             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.35',
3899             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.35',
3900             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.35',
3901             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.35',
3902             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.35',
3903             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.35',
3904             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.35',
3905             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.35',
3906             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.35',
3907             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.35',
3908             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.35',
3909             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.35',
3910             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.35',
3911             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.19',
3912             'Module::Loaded'        => '0.06',
3913             'Opcode'                => '1.13',
3914             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.08',
3915             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_01',
3916             'Pod::Plainer'          => '1.01',
3917             'Safe'                  => '2.19',
3918             'Socket'                => '1.84',
3919             'Switch'                => '2.14_01',
3920             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '2.02',
3921             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.05',
3922             'Text::Balanced'        => '2.02',
3923             'Text::Soundex'         => '3.03_01',
3924             'Time::Local'           => '1.1901_01',
3925             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.52_01',
3926             'attributes'            => '0.12',
3927             'constant'              => '1.19',
3928             'deprecate'             => '0.01',
3929             'overload'              => '1.08',
3930             'parent'                => '0.223',
3931             're'                    => '0.10',
3932             'threads'               => '1.74',
3933             'threads::shared'       => '1.31',
3934             'warnings'              => '1.07',
3935         },
3936         removed => {
3937             'attrs'                 => 1,
3938         }
3939     },
3940     5.011001 => {
3941         delta_from => 5.011,
3942         changed => {
3943             'B'                     => '1.23',
3944             'B::Concise'            => '0.77',
3945             'B::Deparse'            => '0.92',
3946             'CGI'                   => '3.48',
3947             'CGI::Pretty'           => '3.46',
3948             'CGI::Util'             => '3.48',
3949             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.89_03',
3950             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.89_03',
3951             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.89_03',
3952             'Carp'                  => '1.13',
3953             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.13',
3954             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.260301',
3955             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.260301',
3956             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.260301',
3957             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.260301',
3958             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.260301',
3959             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.260301',
3960             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.260301',
3961             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.260301',
3962             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.260301',
3963             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.260301',
3964             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.55',
3965             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.57',
3966             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.44',
3967             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.21',
3968             'File::Glob'            => '1.07',
3969             'File::Path'            => '2.08',
3970             'IO'                    => '1.25_02',
3971             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.21',
3972             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.04',
3973             'OS2::Process'          => '1.04',
3974             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.36',
3975             'Opcode'                => '1.15',
3976             'POSIX'                 => '1.18',
3977             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.40',
3978             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.09',
3979             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.08',
3980             'Socket'                => '1.85',
3981             'Storable'              => '2.22',
3982             'Switch'                => '2.15',
3983             'Test::Builder'         => '0.94',
3984             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94',
3985             'Test::More'            => '0.94',
3986             'Test::Simple'          => '0.94',
3987             'XS::APItest'           => '0.16',
3988             'mro'                   => '1.02',
3989             'overload'              => '1.09',
3990             'threads::shared'       => '1.32',
3991         },
3992         removed => {
3993         }
3994     },
3995     5.011002 => {
3996         delta_from => 5.011001,
3997         changed => {
3998             'B::Concise'            => '0.78',
3999             'B::Deparse'            => '0.93',
4000             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.89_09',
4001             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.44',
4002             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.44',
4003             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.89_09',
4004             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.89_09',
4005             'Carp'                  => '1.14',
4006             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.14',
4007             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.022',
4008             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.03',
4009             'Encode'                => '2.38',
4010             'Encode::Byte'          => '2.04',
4011             'Encode::CN'            => '2.03',
4012             'Encode::JP'            => '2.04',
4013             'Encode::KR'            => '2.03',
4014             'Encode::TW'            => '2.03',
4015             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.07',
4016             'Env'                   => '1.01',
4017             'Exporter'              => '5.64_01',
4018             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64_01',
4019             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.27',
4020             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27',
4021             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27',
4022             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27',
4023             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27',
4024             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27',
4025             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27',
4026             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27',
4027             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27',
4028             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27',
4029             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27',
4030             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27',
4031             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27',
4032             'File::Fetch'           => '0.22',
4033             'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04',
4034             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.03',
4035             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.022',
4036             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.022',
4037             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022',
4038             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.022',
4039             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.022',
4040             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.022',
4041             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.022',
4042             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.022',
4043             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.022',
4044             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.022',
4045             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.022',
4046             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.022',
4047             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.022',
4048             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.022',
4049             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.022',
4050             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022',
4051             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.022',
4052             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.022',
4053             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.022',
4054             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.022',
4055             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.022',
4056             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.022',
4057             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.022',
4058             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.022',
4059             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.022',
4060             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.54',
4061             'List::Util'            => '1.22',
4062             'List::Util::PP'        => '1.22',
4063             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.22',
4064             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.14',
4065             'Module::Build'         => '0.35_09',
4066             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.35_09',
4067             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.35_09',
4068             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.35_09',
4069             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.35_09',
4070             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.35_09',
4071             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.35_09',
4072             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.35_09',
4073             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.35_09',
4074             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.35_09',
4075             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.35_09',
4076             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.35_09',
4077             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.35_09',
4078             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.35_09',
4079             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.35_09',
4080             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.35_09',
4081             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.35_09',
4082             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.35_09',
4083             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.35_09',
4084             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.35_09',
4085             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.35_09',
4086             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.35_09',
4087             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.35_09',
4088             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.35_09',
4089             'Module::Build::YAML'   => '1.40',
4090             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.23',
4091             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34',
4092             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.10',
4093             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.10',
4094             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.22',
4095             'Scalar::Util::PP'      => '1.22',
4096             'Switch'                => '2.16',
4097             'XS::APItest'           => '0.17',
4098             'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003',
4099             'base'                  => '2.15',
4100             'diagnostics'           => '1.18',
4101             'fields'                => '2.15',
4102             'inc::latest'           => '0.35_09',
4103             'legacy'                => '1.00',
4104             'overload'              => '1.10',
4105         },
4106         removed => {
4107         }
4108     },
4109     5.011003 => {
4110         delta_from => 5.011002,
4111         changed => {
4112             'App::Cpan'             => '1.570001',
4113             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.36',
4114             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_5301',
4115             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5004',
4116             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.530001',
4117             'CPAN::Mirrors'         => '1.770001',
4118             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.90',
4119             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.90',
4120             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90',
4121             'Cwd'                   => '3.31',
4122             'Encode'                => '2.39',
4123             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56',
4124             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.56',
4125             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56',
4126             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.56',
4127             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.56',
4128             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.56',
4129             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.56',
4130             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.56',
4131             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.56',
4132             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.56',
4133             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.56',
4134             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.56',
4135             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.56',
4136             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.56',
4137             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.56',
4138             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.56',
4139             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.56',
4140             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.56',
4141             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.56',
4142             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.56',
4143             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.56',
4144             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.56',
4145             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56',
4146             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56',
4147             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.56',
4148             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.56',
4149             'File::Find'            => '1.15',
4150             'File::Path'            => '2.08_01',
4151             'File::Spec'            => '3.31',
4152             'Module::Build'         => '0.36',
4153             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.36',
4154             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.36',
4155             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.36',
4156             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.36',
4157             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.36',
4158             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.36',
4159             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.36',
4160             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.36',
4161             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.36',
4162             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.36',
4163             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.36',
4164             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.36',
4165             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.36',
4166             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.36',
4167             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.36',
4168             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.36',
4169             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.36',
4170             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.36',
4171             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.36',
4172             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.36',
4173             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.36',
4174             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.36',
4175             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.36',
4176             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.24',
4177             'POSIX'                 => '1.19',
4178             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.13',
4179             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13',
4180             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.13',
4181             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.13',
4182             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13',
4183             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13',
4184             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.13',
4185             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13',
4186             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13',
4187             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.13',
4188             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13',
4189             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13',
4190             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13',
4191             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13',
4192             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13',
4193             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13',
4194             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.13',
4195             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.13',
4196             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13',
4197             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.13',
4198             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13',
4199             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13',
4200             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13',
4201             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13',
4202             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13',
4203             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.13',
4204             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13',
4205             'Safe'                  => '2.20',
4206             'Unicode'               => '5.2.0',
4207             'constant'              => '1.20',
4208             'diagnostics'           => '1.19',
4209             'feature'               => '1.14',
4210             'inc::latest'           => '0.36',
4211             'threads'               => '1.75',
4212             'warnings'              => '1.08',
4213         },
4214         removed => {
4215             'legacy'                => 1,
4216         }
4217     },
4218     5.011004 => {
4219         delta_from => 5.011003,
4220         changed => {
4221             'App::Cpan'             => '1.5701',
4222             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.38',
4223             'B::Deparse'            => '0.94',
4224             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_54',
4225             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.53',
4226             'CPAN::Mirrors'         => '1.77',
4227             'Carp'                  => '1.15',
4228             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.15',
4229             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.024',
4230             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.024',
4231             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.024',
4232             'File::Copy'            => '2.17',
4233             'File::Fetch'           => '0.24',
4234             'GDBM_File'             => '1.10',
4235             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024',
4236             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024',
4237             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024',
4238             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.024',
4239             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024',
4240             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.024',
4241             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024',
4242             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.024',
4243             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024',
4244             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024',
4245             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.024',
4246             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024',
4247             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024',
4248             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024',
4249             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024',
4250             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024',
4251             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024',
4252             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024',
4253             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024',
4254             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.024',
4255             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024',
4256             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024',
4257             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024',
4258             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024',
4259             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024',
4260             'Module::Build'         => '0.3603',
4261             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.3603',
4262             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603',
4263             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603',
4264             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603',
4265             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603',
4266             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603',
4267             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.3603',
4268             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603',
4269             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603',
4270             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603',
4271             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603',
4272             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603',
4273             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603',
4274             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603',
4275             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603',
4276             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603',
4277             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603',
4278             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603',
4279             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603',
4280             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603',
4281             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603',
4282             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603',
4283             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603',
4284             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.25',
4285             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.12',
4286             'Safe'                  => '2.21',
4287             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.06',
4288             'feature'               => '1.15',
4289             'inc::latest'           => '0.3603',
4290             'less'                  => '0.03',
4291             're'                    => '0.11',
4292             'version'               => '0.81',
4293             'warnings'              => '1.09',
4294         },
4295         removed => {
4296         }
4297     },
4298     5.011005 => {
4299         delta_from => 5.011004,
4300         changed => {
4301             'B::Debug'              => '1.12',
4302             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_56',
4303             'CPAN::Debug'           => '5.5001',
4304             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9456',
4305             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5301',
4306             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5001',
4307             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5001',
4308             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.5011',
4309             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46',
4310             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46',
4311             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.26',
4312             'Pod::Man'              => '2.23',
4313             'Pod::ParseLink'        => '1.10',
4314             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_02',
4315             'Pod::Plainer'          => '1.02',
4316             'Pod::Text'             => '3.14',
4317             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '2.06',
4318             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04',
4319             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.06',
4320             'Safe'                  => '2.22',
4321             'Socket'                => '1.86',
4322             'version'               => '0.82',
4323         },
4324         removed => {
4325         }
4326     },
4327     5.012 => {
4328         delta_from => 5.011005,
4329         changed => {
4330             'B::Deparse'            => '0.96',
4331             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9456_01',
4332             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.29',
4333             'Safe'                  => '2.25',
4334             'Socket'                => '1.87',
4335             'Tie::Scalar'           => '1.02',
4336             'Time::Piece'           => '1.15_01',
4337             'bytes'                 => '1.04',
4338             'feature'               => '1.16',
4339             'utf8'                  => '1.08',
4340         },
4341         removed => {
4342         }
4343     },
4344     5.012001 => {
4345         delta_from => 5.012,
4346         changed => {
4347             'B::Deparse'            => '0.97',
4348             'CGI'                   => '3.49',
4349             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.08',
4350             'Carp'                  => '1.16',
4351             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.16',
4352             'File::Copy'            => '2.18',
4353             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.32',
4354             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.04',
4355             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.14',
4356             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14',
4357             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.14',
4358             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.14',
4359             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14',
4360             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14',
4361             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.14',
4362             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14',
4363             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14',
4364             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.14',
4365             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14',
4366             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14',
4367             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14',
4368             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14',
4369             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14',
4370             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14',
4371             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.14',
4372             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.14',
4373             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14',
4374             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.14',
4375             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14',
4376             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14',
4377             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14',
4378             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14',
4379             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14',
4380             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.14',
4381             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14',
4382             'Safe'                  => '2.27',
4383         },
4384         removed => {
4385         }
4386     },
4387     5.012002 => {
4388         delta_from => 5.012001,
4389         changed => {
4390             'Carp'                  => '1.17',
4391             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.17',
4392             'File::Spec'            => '3.31_01',
4393             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.38',
4394             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38',
4395             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.08',
4396         },
4397         removed => {
4398         }
4399     },
4400     5.012003 => {
4401         delta_from => 5.012002,
4402         changed => {
4403             'B::Deparse'            => '0.9701',
4404             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.360301',
4405             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.43',
4406             'Socket'                => '1.87_01',
4407         },
4408         removed => {
4409         }
4410     },
4411     5.012004 => {
4412         delta_from => 5.012003,
4413         changed => {
4414             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.50',
4415         },
4416         removed => {
4417         }
4418     },
4419     5.012005 => {
4420         delta_from => 5.012004,
4421         changed => {
4422             'B::Concise'            => '0.78_01',
4423             'Encode'                => '2.39_01',
4424             'File::Glob'            => '1.07_01',
4425             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.50_02',
4426             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.29',
4427             'charnames'             => '1.07_01',
4428         },
4429         removed => {
4430         }
4431     },
4432     5.013 => {
4433         delta_from => 5.012,
4434         changed => {
4435             'CGI'                   => '3.49',
4436             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.08',
4437             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.126',
4438             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.5601',
4439             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.5601',
4440             'File::Copy'            => '2.18',
4441             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.06',
4442             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.09',
4443             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.09',
4444             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.31',
4445             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.04',
4446             'XS::APItest'           => '0.18',
4447             'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004',
4448             'feature'               => '1.17',
4449             'threads'               => '1.77_01',
4450             'threads::shared'       => '1.33',
4451         },
4452         removed => {
4453         }
4454     },
4455     5.013001 => {
4456         delta_from => 5.012001,
4457         changed => {
4458             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.126',
4459             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.14',
4460             'Errno'                 => '1.12',
4461             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.5601',
4462             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.5601',
4463             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2205',
4464             'File::Find'            => '1.16',
4465             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.58',
4466             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.06',
4467             'List::Util'            => '1.23',
4468             'List::Util::PP'        => '1.23',
4469             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.23',
4470             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.12',
4471             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.12',
4472             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.12',
4473             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.12',
4474             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.12',
4475             'Locale::Constants'     => '3.12',
4476             'Locale::Country'       => '3.12',
4477             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.12',
4478             'Locale::Language'      => '3.12',
4479             'Locale::Script'        => '3.12',
4480             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.09',
4481             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.09',
4482             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.360301',
4483             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.34',
4484             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38',
4485             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.08',
4486             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.23',
4487             'Scalar::Util::PP'      => '1.23',
4488             'Socket'                => '1.88',
4489             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.06',
4490             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.28',
4491             'XS::APItest'           => '0.19',
4492             'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004',
4493             'charnames'             => '1.08',
4494             'feature'               => '1.17',
4495             'threads'               => '1.77_01',
4496             'threads::shared'       => '1.33',
4497         },
4498         removed => {
4499             'Class::ISA'            => 1,
4500             'Pod::Plainer'          => 1,
4501             'Switch'                => 1,
4502         }
4503     },
4504     5.013002 => {
4505         delta_from => 5.013001,
4506         changed => {
4507             'B::Concise'            => '0.79',
4508             'B::Deparse'            => '0.98',
4509             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_57',
4510             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9600',
4511             'Exporter'              => '5.64_02',
4512             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64_02',
4513             'File::Copy'            => '2.19',
4514             'Hash::Util'            => '0.08',
4515             'IO::Socket'            => '1.32',
4516             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.13',
4517             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.13',
4518             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.13',
4519             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.13',
4520             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.13',
4521             'Locale::Constants'     => '3.13',
4522             'Locale::Country'       => '3.13',
4523             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.13',
4524             'Locale::Language'      => '3.13',
4525             'Locale::Script'        => '3.13',
4526             'Search::Dict'          => '1.03',
4527             'Socket'                => '1.89',
4528             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.11',
4529             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.07',
4530             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.04',
4531             'mro'                   => '1.03',
4532             'threads'               => '1.77_02',
4533             'threads::shared'       => '1.33_01',
4534         },
4535         removed => {
4536         }
4537     },
4538     5.013003 => {
4539         delta_from => 5.013002,
4540         changed => {
4541             'App::Prove'            => '3.21',
4542             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.21',
4543             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.21',
4544             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.21',
4545             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.42',
4546             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.64',
4547             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.64',
4548             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.64',
4549             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.88',
4550             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9007',
4551             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9007',
4552             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9007',
4553             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.027',
4554             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.027_01',
4555             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.027',
4556             'DB'                    => '1.03',
4557             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.40',
4558             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.48',
4559             'Exporter'              => '5.64_03',
4560             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64_03',
4561             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.2703',
4562             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01',
4563             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703',
4564             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703',
4565             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703',
4566             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703',
4567             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703',
4568             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703',
4569             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703',
4570             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703',
4571             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703',
4572             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703',
4573             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703',
4574             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.58',
4575             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2206',
4576             'Fatal'                 => '2.10',
4577             'File::Basename'        => '2.79',
4578             'File::Copy'            => '2.20',
4579             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.02',
4580             'File::Find'            => '1.17',
4581             'File::Glob'            => '1.08',
4582             'File::stat'            => '1.03',
4583             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.35_01',
4584             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.35_01',
4585             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.027',
4586             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.027',
4587             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.027',
4588             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.027',
4589             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.027',
4590             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.027',
4591             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.027',
4592             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.027',
4593             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.027',
4594             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.027',
4595             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.027',
4596             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.027',
4597             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.027',
4598             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.027',
4599             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.027',
4600             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.027',
4601             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.027',
4602             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.027',
4603             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.027',
4604             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.027',
4605             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.027',
4606             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.027',
4607             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.027',
4608             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.027',
4609             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.027',
4610             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.60',
4611             'IPC::Msg'              => '2.03',
4612             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '2.03',
4613             'IPC::SharedMem'        => '2.03',
4614             'IPC::SysV'             => '2.03',
4615             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.15',
4616             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef,
4617             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef,
4618             'Module::Build'         => '0.3607',
4619             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.3607',
4620             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607',
4621             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607',
4622             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607',
4623             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607',
4624             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607',
4625             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.3607',
4626             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607',
4627             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607',
4628             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607',
4629             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607',
4630             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607',
4631             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607',
4632             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607',
4633             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607',
4634             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607',
4635             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607',
4636             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607',
4637             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607',
4638             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607',
4639             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607',
4640             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607',
4641             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607',
4642             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.36',
4643             'Module::Load'          => '0.18',
4644             'TAP::Base'             => '3.21',
4645             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.21',
4646             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.21',
4647             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.21',
4648             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.21',
4649             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.21',
4650             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.21',
4651             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.21',
4652             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.21',
4653             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.21',
4654             'TAP::Object'           => '3.21',
4655             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.21',
4656             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.21',
4657             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.21',
4658             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.21',
4659             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.21',
4660             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.21',
4661             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.21',
4662             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.21',
4663             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.21',
4664             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.21',
4665             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.21',
4666             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.21',
4667             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.21',
4668             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.21',
4669             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.21',
4670             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.21',
4671             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.21',
4672             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.21',
4673             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.21',
4674             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.21',
4675             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.21',
4676             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.21',
4677             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.21',
4678             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.21',
4679             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.21',
4680             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.21',
4681             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.21',
4682             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.21',
4683             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.21',
4684             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP'=> '3.21',
4685             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.21',
4686             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.21',
4687             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.21',
4688             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '3.00',
4689             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.07',
4690             'Test::Harness'         => '3.21',
4691             'Tie::Array'            => '1.04',
4692             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9721',
4693             'Time::Piece'           => '1.20_01',
4694             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.53',
4695             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.06',
4696             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.29',
4697             'autodie'               => '2.10',
4698             'autodie::exception'    => '2.10',
4699             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10',
4700             'autodie::hints'        => '2.10',
4701             'blib'                  => '1.05',
4702             'charnames'             => '1.11',
4703             'diagnostics'           => '1.20',
4704             'inc::latest'           => '0.3607',
4705             'lib'                   => '0.63',
4706             're'                    => '0.12',
4707             'threads'               => '1.77_03',
4708             'threads::shared'       => '1.33_02',
4709             'vars'                  => '1.02',
4710             'warnings'              => '1.10',
4711         },
4712         removed => {
4713             'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> 1,
4714         }
4715     },
4716     5.013004 => {
4717         delta_from => 5.013003,
4718         changed => {
4719             'App::Prove'            => '3.22',
4720             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.22',
4721             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22',
4722             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22',
4723             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.68',
4724             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.68',
4725             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.68',
4726             'B::Lint'               => '1.12',
4727             'B::Lint::Debug'        => '1.12',
4728             'Carp'                  => '1.18',
4729             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.18',
4730             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.030',
4731             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.030',
4732             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.030',
4733             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2207',
4734             'File::Spec'            => '3.31_01',
4735             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.04',
4736             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030',
4737             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030',
4738             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030',
4739             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.030',
4740             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030',
4741             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.030',
4742             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030',
4743             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.030',
4744             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030',
4745             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030',
4746             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.030',
4747             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030',
4748             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030',
4749             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030',
4750             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030',
4751             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030',
4752             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030',
4753             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030',
4754             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030',
4755             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.030',
4756             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030',
4757             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030',
4758             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030',
4759             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030',
4760             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030',
4761             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.37',
4762             'TAP::Base'             => '3.22',
4763             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.22',
4764             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22',
4765             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22',
4766             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22',
4767             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22',
4768             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.22',
4769             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22',
4770             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22',
4771             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.22',
4772             'TAP::Object'           => '3.22',
4773             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.22',
4774             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22',
4775             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.22',
4776             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22',
4777             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22',
4778             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22',
4779             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22',
4780             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22',
4781             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22',
4782             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.22',
4783             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22',
4784             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22',
4785             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22',
4786             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22',
4787             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22',
4788             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22',
4789             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22',
4790             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22',
4791             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22',
4792             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22',
4793             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22',
4794             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22',
4795             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.22',
4796             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22',
4797             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22',
4798             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22',
4799             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22',
4800             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22',
4801             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22',
4802             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.22',
4803             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22',
4804             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22',
4805             'Test::Builder'         => '0.96',
4806             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.96',
4807             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.20',
4808             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.20',
4809             'Test::Harness'         => '3.22',
4810             'Test::More'            => '0.96',
4811             'Test::Simple'          => '0.96',
4812             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.56',
4813             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.56',
4814             'XS::APItest'           => '0.20',
4815             'charnames'             => '1.15',
4816             'feature'               => '1.18',
4817         },
4818         removed => {
4819             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP'=> 1,
4820         }
4821     },
4822     5.013005 => {
4823         delta_from => 5.013004,
4824         changed => {
4825             'B::Debug'              => '1.16',
4826             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.48',
4827             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.48',
4828             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.128',
4829             'Encode'                => '2.40',
4830             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.04',
4831             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.12',
4832             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05',
4833             'Errno'                 => '1.13',
4834             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05',
4835             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.57_05',
4836             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705',
4837             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.57_05',
4838             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.57_05',
4839             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.57_05',
4840             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.57_05',
4841             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.57_05',
4842             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.5705',
4843             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.57_05',
4844             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.5705',
4845             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.57_05',
4846             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.57_05',
4847             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.57_05',
4848             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.5705',
4849             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.57_05',
4850             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.57_05',
4851             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.57_05',
4852             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.57_05',
4853             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.57_05',
4854             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.5705',
4855             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.57_05',
4856             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05',
4857             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44',
4858             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05',
4859             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.57_05',
4860             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.5705',
4861             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.85',
4862             'Hash::Util'            => '0.09',
4863             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.62',
4864             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.95',
4865             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.54',
4866             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.06',
4867             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.22',
4868             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.26',
4869             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.39',
4870             'POSIX'                 => '1.20',
4871             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.09',
4872             'Safe'                  => '2.28',
4873             'Test::Builder'         => '0.97_01',
4874             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01',
4875             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01',
4876             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01',
4877             'Test::More'            => '0.97_01',
4878             'Test::Simple'          => '0.97_01',
4879             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.04',
4880             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.59',
4881             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.59',
4882             'XS::APItest'           => '0.21',
4883             'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.005',
4884             'XSLoader'              => '0.11',
4885             'bigint'                => '0.25',
4886             'bignum'                => '0.25',
4887             'bigrat'                => '0.25',
4888             'blib'                  => '1.06',
4889             'open'                  => '1.08',
4890             'threads::shared'       => '1.33_03',
4891             'warnings'              => '1.11',
4892             'warnings::register'    => '1.02',
4893         },
4894         removed => {
4895         }
4896     },
4897     5.013006 => {
4898         delta_from => 5.013005,
4899         changed => {
4900             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.44',
4901             'B'                     => '1.24',
4902             'B::Deparse'            => '0.99',
4903             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_61',
4904             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5005',
4905             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.5001',
4906             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.5001',
4907             'Carp'                  => '1.19',
4908             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.19',
4909             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.031',
4910             'Cwd'                   => '3.34',
4911             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.129',
4912             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.05',
4913             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.51',
4914             'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05',
4915             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.07',
4916             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.29',
4917             'ExtUtils::XSSymSet'    => '1.2',
4918             'Fcntl'                 => '1.09',
4919             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.03',
4920             'File::Find'            => '1.18',
4921             'File::Glob'            => '1.09',
4922             'File::Spec'            => '3.33',
4923             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.33',
4924             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.33',
4925             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33',
4926             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.33',
4927             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.33',
4928             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.33',
4929             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.33',
4930             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.33',
4931             'GDBM_File'             => '1.11',
4932             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.05',
4933             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.06',
4934             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.64',
4935             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.07',
4936             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.14',
4937             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.14',
4938             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.14',
4939             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.14',
4940             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.14',
4941             'Locale::Constants'     => '3.14',
4942             'Locale::Country'       => '3.14',
4943             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.14',
4944             'Locale::Language'      => '3.14',
4945             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.16',
4946             'Locale::Script'        => '3.14',
4947             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.63',
4948             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.97',
4949             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '0.55',
4950             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.07',
4951             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.40',
4952             'NDBM_File'             => '1.09',
4953             'NEXT'                  => '0.65',
4954             'ODBM_File'             => '1.08',
4955             'Opcode'                => '1.16',
4956             'POSIX'                 => '1.21',
4957             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.13',
4958             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.10',
4959             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.10',
4960             'Pod::Man'              => '2.25',
4961             'Pod::Text'             => '3.15',
4962             'SDBM_File'             => '1.07',
4963             'Socket'                => '1.90',
4964             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.13',
4965             'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07',
4966             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.63',
4967             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.63',
4968             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.07',
4969             'XS::APItest'           => '0.23',
4970             'XSLoader'              => '0.13',
4971             'attributes'            => '0.13',
4972             'charnames'             => '1.16',
4973             'if'                    => '0.06',
4974             'mro'                   => '1.04',
4975             'overload'              => '1.11',
4976             're'                    => '0.13',
4977             'sigtrap'               => '1.05',
4978             'threads'               => '1.81_01',
4979             'threads::shared'       => '1.34',
4980         },
4981         removed => {
4982             'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> 1,
4983         }
4984     },
4985     5.013007 => {
4986         delta_from => 5.013006,
4987         changed => {
4988             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.46',
4989             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.72',
4990             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.72',
4991             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.72',
4992             'AutoLoader'            => '5.71',
4993             'B'                     => '1.26',
4994             'B::Concise'            => '0.81',
4995             'B::Deparse'            => '1.01',
4996             'CGI'                   => '3.50',
4997             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_62',
4998             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9010',
4999             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.50',
5000             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.50',
5001             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9010',
5002             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9010',
5003             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.130_01',
5004             'DynaLoader'            => '1.11',
5005             'ExtUtils::Constant'    => '0.23',
5006             'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08',
5007             'Fcntl'                 => '1.10',
5008             'File::Fetch'           => '0.28',
5009             'File::Glob'            => '1.10',
5010             'File::stat'            => '1.04',
5011             'GDBM_File'             => '1.12',
5012             'Hash::Util'            => '0.10',
5013             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.06',
5014             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.07',
5015             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.17',
5016             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17',
5017             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17',
5018             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.10',
5019             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.10',
5020             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.99_01',
5021             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.99_01',
5022             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.99_01',
5023             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.99_01',
5024             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_01',
5025             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.26_01',
5026             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.41',
5027             'NDBM_File'             => '1.10',
5028             'ODBM_File'             => '1.09',
5029             'Opcode'                => '1.17',
5030             'POSIX'                 => '1.22',
5031             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.15',
5032             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.15',
5033             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.15',
5034             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.15',
5035             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.15',
5036             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.15',
5037             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.15',
5038             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.15',
5039             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.15',
5040             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.15',
5041             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.15',
5042             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.15',
5043             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.15',
5044             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.15',
5045             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.15',
5046             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.15',
5047             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.15',
5048             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.15',
5049             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.15',
5050             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.15',
5051             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.15',
5052             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.15',
5053             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.15',
5054             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.15',
5055             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.15',
5056             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.15',
5057             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.15',
5058             'SDBM_File'             => '1.08',
5059             'Safe'                  => '2.29',
5060             'SelfLoader'            => '1.18',
5061             'Socket'                => '1.91',
5062             'Storable'              => '2.24',
5063             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.14',
5064             'Unicode'               => '6.0.0',
5065             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.67',
5066             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65',
5067             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65',
5068             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64',
5069             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66',
5070             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65',
5071             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65',
5072             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.67',
5073             'XS::APItest'           => '0.26',
5074             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.04',
5075             'charnames'             => '1.17',
5076             'mro'                   => '1.05',
5077             'parent'                => '0.224',
5078             're'                    => '0.14',
5079             'threads'               => '1.81_02',
5080         },
5081         removed => {
5082         }
5083     },
5084     5.013008 => {
5085         delta_from => 5.013007,
5086         changed => {
5087             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.74',
5088             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.74',
5089             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.74',
5090             'B'                     => '1.27',
5091             'B::Concise'            => '0.82',
5092             'B::Deparse'            => '1.02',
5093             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.17',
5094             'Cwd'                   => '3.35',
5095             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.130_02',
5096             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.06',
5097             'Devel::SelfStubber'    => '1.05',
5098             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.50',
5099             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.15',
5100             'DynaLoader'            => '1.12',
5101             'Env'                   => '1.02',
5102             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64_01',
5103             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280201',
5104             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280201',
5105             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280201',
5106             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280201',
5107             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280201',
5108             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280201',
5109             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280201',
5110             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280201',
5111             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280201',
5112             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280201',
5113             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280201',
5114             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280201',
5115             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280201',
5116             'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03',
5117             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.30',
5118             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2208',
5119             'Fatal'                 => '2.1001',
5120             'Fcntl'                 => '1.11',
5121             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.41',
5122             'File::Glob'            => '1.11',
5123             'GDBM_File'             => '1.13',
5124             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.07',
5125             'I18N::Collate'         => '1.02',
5126             'IO'                    => '1.25_03',
5127             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.66',
5128             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.08',
5129             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.15',
5130             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.15',
5131             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.15',
5132             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.15',
5133             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.15',
5134             'Locale::Constants'     => '3.15',
5135             'Locale::Country'       => '3.15',
5136             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.15',
5137             'Locale::Language'      => '3.15',
5138             'Locale::Script'        => '3.15',
5139             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.13',
5140             'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => '3.13',
5141             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.99_02',
5142             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.99_02',
5143             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.99_02',
5144             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.99_02',
5145             'Memoize'               => '1.02',
5146             'Memoize::AnyDBM_File'  => '1.02',
5147             'Memoize::Expire'       => '1.02',
5148             'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => '1.02',
5149             'Memoize::ExpireTest'   => '1.02',
5150             'Memoize::NDBM_File'    => '1.02',
5151             'Memoize::SDBM_File'    => '1.02',
5152             'Memoize::Storable'     => '1.02',
5153             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.43',
5154             'NDBM_File'             => '1.11',
5155             'Net::Ping'             => '2.37',
5156             'ODBM_File'             => '1.10',
5157             'Opcode'                => '1.18',
5158             'POSIX'                 => '1.23',
5159             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.14',
5160             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.11',
5161             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.11',
5162             'SDBM_File'             => '1.09',
5163             'Socket'                => '1.92',
5164             'Storable'              => '2.25',
5165             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9721_01',
5166             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.6801',
5167             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.68',
5168             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.08',
5169             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.30',
5170             'Win32'                 => '0.41',
5171             'XS::APItest'           => '0.27',
5172             'autodie'               => '2.1001',
5173             'autodie::exception'    => '2.1001',
5174             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001',
5175             'autodie::hints'        => '2.1001',
5176             'feature'               => '1.19',
5177             'if'                    => '0.0601',
5178             'mro'                   => '1.06',
5179             'overload'              => '1.12',
5180             're'                    => '0.15',
5181             'threads'               => '1.81_03',
5182             'threads::shared'       => '1.35',
5183             'version'               => '0.86',
5184         },
5185         removed => {
5186         }
5187     },
5188     5.013009 => {
5189         delta_from => 5.013008,
5190         changed => {
5191             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.48',
5192             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.76',
5193             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.76',
5194             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.76',
5195             'B::Concise'            => '0.83',
5196             'B::Deparse'            => '1.03',
5197             'B::Lint'               => '1.13',
5198             'Benchmark'             => '1.12',
5199             'CGI'                   => '3.51',
5200             'CGI::Carp'             => '3.51',
5201             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.30',
5202             'CGI::Push'             => '1.05',
5203             'CGI::Util'             => '3.51',
5204             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_63',
5205             'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => '1.94',
5206             'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.94',
5207             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.003',
5208             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9011',
5209             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.52',
5210             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.52',
5211             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9011',
5212             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9011',
5213             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.19',
5214             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.033',
5215             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.033',
5216             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.033',
5217             'Cwd'                   => '3.36',
5218             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.04',
5219             'DB_File'               => '1.821',
5220             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.07',
5221             'DirHandle'             => '1.04',
5222             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.16',
5223             'Encode'                => '2.42',
5224             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.13',
5225             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.13',
5226             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.64_03',
5227             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.56',
5228             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2209',
5229             'File::Basename'        => '2.80',
5230             'File::Copy'            => '2.21',
5231             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.04',
5232             'File::Fetch'           => '0.32',
5233             'File::Find'            => '1.19',
5234             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.34',
5235             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.34',
5236             'File::stat'            => '1.05',
5237             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.009',
5238             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.08',
5239             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.033',
5240             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.033',
5241             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033',
5242             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.033',
5243             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.033',
5244             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.033',
5245             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.033',
5246             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.033',
5247             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.033',
5248             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.033',
5249             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.033',
5250             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.033',
5251             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.033',
5252             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.033',
5253             'IO::Handle'            => '1.29',
5254             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.033',
5255             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033',
5256             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.033',
5257             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.033',
5258             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.033',
5259             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.033',
5260             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.033',
5261             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.033',
5262             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.033',
5263             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.033',
5264             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.033',
5265             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.68',
5266             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.09',
5267             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27103',
5268             'JSON::PP::Boolean'     => undef,
5269             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.18',
5270             'Log::Message'          => '0.04',
5271             'Log::Message::Config'  => '0.04',
5272             'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.04',
5273             'Log::Message::Item'    => '0.04',
5274             'Log::Message::Simple'  => '0.08',
5275             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.99_03',
5276             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.99_03',
5277             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.99_03',
5278             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_02',
5279             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.26_02',
5280             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.42_01',
5281             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.40',
5282             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000003',
5283             'Net::Ping'             => '2.38',
5284             'OS2::Process'          => '1.05',
5285             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.38',
5286             'POSIX'                 => '1.24',
5287             'Params::Check'         => '0.28',
5288             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.002',
5289             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.59',
5290             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_03',
5291             'Socket'                => '1.93',
5292             'Storable'              => '2.26',
5293             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.15',
5294             'Term::UI'              => '0.24',
5295             'Thread::Queue'         => '2.12',
5296             'Thread::Semaphore'     => '2.12',
5297             'Time::Local'           => '1.2000',
5298             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.08',
5299             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.10',
5300             'Win32'                 => '0.44',
5301             'bigint'                => '0.26',
5302             'bignum'                => '0.26',
5303             'bigrat'                => '0.26',
5304             'charnames'             => '1.18',
5305             'diagnostics'           => '1.21',
5306             're'                    => '0.16',
5307             'threads'               => '1.83',
5308             'threads::shared'       => '1.36',
5309             'version'               => '0.88',
5310         },
5311         removed => {
5312         }
5313     },
5314     5.01301 => {
5315         delta_from => 5.013009,
5316         changed => {
5317             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.89',
5318             'B'                     => '1.28',
5319             'B::Showlex'            => '1.03',
5320             'CGI'                   => '3.52',
5321             'CPAN'                  => '1.94_65',
5322             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9601',
5323             'CPAN::FTP::netrc'      => '1.01',
5324             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5303',
5325             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5003',
5326             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.110440',
5327             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110440',
5328             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.110440',
5329             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.110440',
5330             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.110440',
5331             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.110440',
5332             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.110440',
5333             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5002',
5334             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9101',
5335             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9101',
5336             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9101',
5337             'Carp'                  => '1.20',
5338             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.20',
5339             'Cwd'                   => '3.37',
5340             'Devel::DProf'          => '20110217.00',
5341             'DynaLoader'            => '1.13',
5342             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280202',
5343             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280202',
5344             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280202',
5345             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280202',
5346             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280202',
5347             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280202',
5348             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280202',
5349             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280202',
5350             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280202',
5351             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280202',
5352             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280202',
5353             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280202',
5354             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280202',
5355             'File::Copy'            => '2.22',
5356             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.86',
5357             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.010',
5358             'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.05',
5359             'IO::Select'            => '1.18',
5360             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.70',
5361             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.19',
5362             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.992',
5363             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.992',
5364             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.992',
5365             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.992',
5366             'Module::Build'         => '0.37_05',
5367             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.37_05',
5368             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.37_05',
5369             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.37_05',
5370             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.37_05',
5371             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.37_05',
5372             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.37_05',
5373             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.37_05',
5374             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.37_05',
5375             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.37_05',
5376             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.37_05',
5377             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.37_05',
5378             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.37_05',
5379             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.37_05',
5380             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.37_05',
5381             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.37_05',
5382             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.37_05',
5383             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.37_05',
5384             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.37_05',
5385             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.37_05',
5386             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.37_05',
5387             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.37_05',
5388             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.37_05',
5389             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.37_05',
5390             'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.87',
5391             'Module::Build::YAML'   => '1.41',
5392             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.45',
5393             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.44',
5394             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000004',
5395             'OS2::Process'          => '1.06',
5396             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4401',
5397             'Pod::Html'             => '1.1',
5398             'Socket'                => '1.94',
5399             'Term::UI'              => '0.26',
5400             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.72',
5401             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.71',
5402             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.31',
5403             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.05',
5404             'Version::Requirements' => '0.101020',
5405             'bigrat'                => '0.27',
5406             'deprecate'             => '0.02',
5407             'diagnostics'           => '1.22',
5408             'inc::latest'           => '0.37_05',
5409             'overload'              => '1.13',
5410             're'                    => '0.17',
5411             'utf8'                  => '1.09',
5412             'warnings'              => '1.12',
5413         },
5414         removed => {
5415         }
5416     },
5417     5.013011 => {
5418         delta_from => 5.01301,
5419         changed => {
5420             'App::Prove'            => '3.23',
5421             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.23',
5422             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.23',
5423             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.23',
5424             'B'                     => '1.29',
5425             'CPAN'                  => '1.9600',
5426             'CPAN::Author'          => '5.5001',
5427             'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => '5.5001',
5428             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9602',
5429             'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.001',
5430             'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => '1.9600',
5431             'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.9600',
5432             'CPAN::Index'           => '1.9600',
5433             'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => '1.9600',
5434             'CPAN::Mirrors'         => '1.9600',
5435             'CPAN::Module'          => '5.5001',
5436             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9103',
5437             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.54',
5438             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.54',
5439             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9103',
5440             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9103',
5441             'Cwd'                   => '3.36',
5442             'Devel::DProf'          => '20110228.00',
5443             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.61',
5444             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.17',
5445             'File::Basename'        => '2.81',
5446             'File::Copy'            => '2.21',
5447             'File::Glob'            => '1.12',
5448             'GDBM_File'             => '1.14',
5449             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.011',
5450             'Hash::Util'            => '0.11',
5451             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.09',
5452             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.08',
5453             'IO'                    => '1.25_04',
5454             'IO::Dir'               => '1.08',
5455             'IO::File'              => '1.15',
5456             'IO::Handle'            => '1.30',
5457             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.14',
5458             'IO::Poll'              => '0.08',
5459             'IO::Select'            => '1.20',
5460             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27105',
5461             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.16',
5462             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.16',
5463             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.16',
5464             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.16',
5465             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.16',
5466             'Locale::Constants'     => '3.16',
5467             'Locale::Country'       => '3.16',
5468             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.16',
5469             'Locale::Language'      => '3.16',
5470             'Locale::Script'        => '3.16',
5471             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.993',
5472             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.994',
5473             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.993',
5474             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.993',
5475             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.28',
5476             'Module::Build'         => '0.3800',
5477             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.3800',
5478             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3800',
5479             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3800',
5480             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3800',
5481             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3800',
5482             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3800',
5483             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.3800',
5484             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3800',
5485             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3800',
5486             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3800',
5487             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3800',
5488             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3800',
5489             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3800',
5490             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3800',
5491             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3800',
5492             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3800',
5493             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3800',
5494             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3800',
5495             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3800',
5496             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3800',
5497             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3800',
5498             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3800',
5499             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3800',
5500             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.46',
5501             'NDBM_File'             => '1.12',
5502             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.16',
5503             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.16',
5504             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.16',
5505             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.16',
5506             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.16',
5507             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.16',
5508             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.16',
5509             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.16',
5510             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.16',
5511             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.16',
5512             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.16',
5513             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.16',
5514             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.16',
5515             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.16',
5516             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.16',
5517             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.16',
5518             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.16',
5519             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.16',
5520             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.16',
5521             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.16',
5522             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.16',
5523             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.16',
5524             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.16',
5525             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.16',
5526             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.16',
5527             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.16',
5528             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.16',
5529             'Storable'              => '2.27',
5530             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.16',
5531             'TAP::Base'             => '3.23',
5532             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.23',
5533             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.23',
5534             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.23',
5535             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.23',
5536             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.23',
5537             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.23',
5538             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.23',
5539             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.23',
5540             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.23',
5541             'TAP::Object'           => '3.23',
5542             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.23',
5543             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.23',
5544             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.23',
5545             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.23',
5546             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.23',
5547             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.23',
5548             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.23',
5549             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.23',
5550             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.23',
5551             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.23',
5552             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.23',
5553             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.23',
5554             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.23',
5555             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.23',
5556             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.23',
5557             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.23',
5558             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.23',
5559             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.23',
5560             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.23',
5561             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.23',
5562             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.23',
5563             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.23',
5564             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.23',
5565             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.23',
5566             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.23',
5567             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.23',
5568             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.23',
5569             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.23',
5570             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.23',
5571             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.23',
5572             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.23',
5573             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.23',
5574             'Test::Builder'         => '0.98',
5575             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.98',
5576             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.22',
5577             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.22',
5578             'Test::Harness'         => '3.23',
5579             'Test::More'            => '0.98',
5580             'Test::Simple'          => '0.98',
5581             'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.08',
5582             'Tie::RefHash'          => '1.39',
5583             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.73',
5584             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.73',
5585             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.32',
5586             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.05',
5587             'attributes'            => '0.14',
5588             'base'                  => '2.16',
5589             'inc::latest'           => '0.3800',
5590             'mro'                   => '1.07',
5591             'parent'                => '0.225',
5592         },
5593         removed => {
5594         }
5595     },
5596     5.014 => {
5597         delta_from => 5.013011,
5598         changed => {
5599             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280203',
5600             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280203',
5601             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280203',
5602             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280203',
5603             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280203',
5604             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280203',
5605             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280203',
5606             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280203',
5607             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280203',
5608             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280203',
5609             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280203',
5610             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280203',
5611             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280203',
5612             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '2.2210',
5613             'File::Basename'        => '2.82',
5614             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.012',
5615             'IO::Handle'            => '1.31',
5616             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.49',
5617             'PerlIO'                => '1.07',
5618             'Pod::Html'             => '1.11',
5619             'XS::APItest'           => '0.28',
5620             'bigint'                => '0.27',
5621             'bignum'                => '0.27',
5622             'bigrat'                => '0.28',
5623             'constant'              => '1.21',
5624             'feature'               => '1.20',
5625             're'                    => '0.18',
5626             'threads::shared'       => '1.37',
5627         },
5628         removed => {
5629         }
5630     },
5631     5.014001 => {
5632         delta_from => 5.014,
5633         changed => {
5634             'B::Deparse'            => '1.04',
5635             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.49_01',
5636             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_04',
5637         },
5638         removed => {
5639         }
5640     },
5641     5.014002 => {
5642         delta_from => 5.014001,
5643         changed => {
5644             'CPAN'                  => '1.9600_01',
5645             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '1.9602_01',
5646             'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef,
5647             'Encode'                => '2.42_01',
5648             'File::Glob'            => '1.13',
5649             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.49_02',
5650             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.11_01',
5651             'Time::Piece::Seconds'  => undef,
5652         },
5653         removed => {
5654         }
5655     },
5656     5.014003 => {
5657         delta_from => 5.014002,
5658         changed => {
5659             'Digest'                => '1.16_01',
5660             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.09_01',
5661             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.49_04',
5662         },
5663         removed => {
5664         }
5665     },
5666     5.014004 => {
5667         delta_from => 5.014003,
5668         changed => {
5669             'Encode'                => '2.42_02',
5670             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.0901',
5671             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.49_06',
5672         },
5673         removed => {
5674         }
5675     },
5676     5.015 => {
5677         delta_from => 5.014001,
5678         changed => {
5679             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.52',
5680             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.91',
5681             'B'                     => '1.30',
5682             'B::Concise'            => '0.84',
5683             'B::Deparse'            => '1.05',
5684             'Benchmark'             => '1.13',
5685             'CGI'                   => '3.54',
5686             'CGI::Util'             => '3.53',
5687             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.110930',
5688             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110930',
5689             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.110930',
5690             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.110930',
5691             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.110930',
5692             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.110930',
5693             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.110930',
5694             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9105',
5695             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.56',
5696             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.56',
5697             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9105',
5698             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9105',
5699             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.035',
5700             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.035',
5701             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.035',
5702             'DB_File'               => '1.822',
5703             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.131',
5704             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.08',
5705             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.62',
5706             'Encode'                => '2.43',
5707             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.14',
5708             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280204',
5709             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280204',
5710             'Fatal'                 => '2.10',
5711             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.34',
5712             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.87',
5713             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.39',
5714             'FindBin'               => '1.51',
5715             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.10',
5716             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.36',
5717             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.035',
5718             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.035',
5719             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.035',
5720             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.035',
5721             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.035',
5722             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.035',
5723             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.035',
5724             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.035',
5725             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.035',
5726             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.035',
5727             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.035',
5728             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.035',
5729             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.035',
5730             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.035',
5731             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.035',
5732             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.035',
5733             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.035',
5734             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.035',
5735             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.035',
5736             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.035',
5737             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.035',
5738             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.035',
5739             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.035',
5740             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.035',
5741             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.035',
5742             'IPC::Open2'            => '1.04',
5743             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.11',
5744             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27200',
5745             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.994',
5746             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.995',
5747             'Math::Complex'         => '1.57',
5748             'Math::Trig'            => '1.21',
5749             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.51',
5750             'ODBM_File'             => '1.11',
5751             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.42',
5752             'Opcode'                => '1.19',
5753             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.15',
5754             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.12',
5755             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_05',
5756             'Storable'              => '2.28',
5757             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.29',
5758             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9722',
5759             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.76',
5760             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.76',
5761             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.76',
5762             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.76',
5763             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.12',
5764             'XS::APItest'           => '0.29',
5765             'XSLoader'              => '0.15',
5766             'autodie'               => '2.10',
5767             'autodie::exception'    => '2.10',
5768             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10',
5769             'autodie::hints'        => '2.10',
5770             'base'                  => '2.17',
5771             'charnames'             => '1.22',
5772             'constant'              => '1.22',
5773             'feature'               => '1.21',
5774             'mro'                   => '1.08',
5775             'overload'              => '1.14',
5776             'threads::shared'       => '1.38',
5777             'vmsish'                => '1.03',
5778         },
5779         removed => {
5780             'Devel::DProf'          => 1,
5781             'Shell'                 => 1,
5782         }
5783     },
5784     5.015001 => {
5785         delta_from => 5.015,
5786         changed => {
5787             'B::Deparse'            => '1.06',
5788             'CGI'                   => '3.55',
5789             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.110930001',
5790             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110930001',
5791             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9108',
5792             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9108',
5793             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9108',
5794             'Carp'                  => '1.21',
5795             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.21',
5796             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.037',
5797             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.037',
5798             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.037',
5799             'Cwd'                   => '3.37',
5800             'Env'                   => '1.03',
5801             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.58',
5802             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.58',
5803             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.58',
5804             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.58',
5805             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.58',
5806             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.58',
5807             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.58',
5808             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.58',
5809             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.58',
5810             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.58',
5811             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.58',
5812             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.58',
5813             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.58',
5814             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.58',
5815             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.58',
5816             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.58',
5817             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.58',
5818             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.58',
5819             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.58',
5820             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.58',
5821             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.58',
5822             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.58',
5823             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.58',
5824             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.58',
5825             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.58',
5826             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.00_01',
5827             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> undef,
5828             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> undef,
5829             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> undef,
5830             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '1.00',
5831             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> undef,
5832             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> undef,
5833             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '0.05',
5834             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.58',
5835             'File::Basename'        => '2.83',
5836             'File::Find'            => '1.20',
5837             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.013',
5838             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.08_02',
5839             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.037',
5840             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.037',
5841             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.037',
5842             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.037',
5843             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.037',
5844             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.037',
5845             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.037',
5846             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.037',
5847             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.037',
5848             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.037',
5849             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.037',
5850             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.037',
5851             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.037',
5852             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.037',
5853             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.037',
5854             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.037',
5855             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.037',
5856             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.037',
5857             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.037',
5858             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.037',
5859             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.037',
5860             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.037',
5861             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.037',
5862             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.037',
5863             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.037',
5864             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.72',
5865             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.17',
5866             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.17',
5867             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.17',
5868             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.17',
5869             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.17',
5870             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.17',
5871             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.17',
5872             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.17',
5873             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.17',
5874             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.17',
5875             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.17',
5876             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.17',
5877             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.17',
5878             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.17',
5879             'Locale::Country'       => '3.17',
5880             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.17',
5881             'Locale::Language'      => '3.17',
5882             'Locale::Script'        => '3.17',
5883             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.28',
5884             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.29',
5885             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.28',
5886             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.2602',
5887             'Math::Complex'         => '1.58',
5888             'Math::Trig'            => '1.22',
5889             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.54',
5890             'OS2::Process'          => '1.07',
5891             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_06',
5892             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.18',
5893             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.18',
5894             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.18',
5895             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.18',
5896             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.18',
5897             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.18',
5898             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.18',
5899             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.18',
5900             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.18',
5901             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.18',
5902             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.18',
5903             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.18',
5904             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.18',
5905             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.18',
5906             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.18',
5907             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.18',
5908             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.18',
5909             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.18',
5910             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.18',
5911             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.18',
5912             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.18',
5913             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.18',
5914             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.18',
5915             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.18',
5916             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.18',
5917             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.18',
5918             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.18',
5919             'Storable'              => '2.31',
5920             'Sys::Syslog::Win32'    => undef,
5921             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9724',
5922             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.77',
5923             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.33',
5924             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1200',
5925             'XS::APItest'           => '0.30',
5926             'attributes'            => '0.15',
5927             'bigint'                => '0.28',
5928             'bignum'                => '0.28',
5929             'charnames'             => '1.23',
5930             'diagnostics'           => '1.23',
5931             'feature'               => '1.22',
5932             'overload'              => '1.15',
5933             'perlfaq'               => '5.015000',
5934             'threads'               => '1.84',
5935             'version'               => '0.93',
5936         },
5937         removed => {
5938             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> 1,
5939             'Locale::Constants'     => 1,
5940             'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> 1,
5941         }
5942     },
5943     5.015002 => {
5944         delta_from => 5.015001,
5945         changed => {
5946             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.92',
5947             'B'                     => '1.31',
5948             'B::Concise'            => '0.85',
5949             'B::Deparse'            => '1.07',
5950             'B::Terse'              => '1.06',
5951             'B::Xref'               => '1.03',
5952             'CPAN'                  => '1.9800',
5953             'CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error'=> '5.5',
5954             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.112150',
5955             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.112150',
5956             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.112150',
5957             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.112150',
5958             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.112150',
5959             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.112150',
5960             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.112150',
5961             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9109',
5962             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9109',
5963             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9109',
5964             'DB_File'               => '1.824',
5965             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.132',
5966             'Encode'                => '2.44',
5967             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.15',
5968             'Encode::Encoder'       => '2.02',
5969             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.05',
5970             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.59',
5971             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.57',
5972             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.999002',
5973             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.59',
5974             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.59',
5975             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.59',
5976             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.59',
5977             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.59',
5978             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.59',
5979             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.59',
5980             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.59',
5981             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.59',
5982             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.59',
5983             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.59',
5984             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.59',
5985             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.59',
5986             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.59',
5987             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.59',
5988             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.59',
5989             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.59',
5990             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.59',
5991             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.59',
5992             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.59',
5993             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.59',
5994             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.59',
5995             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.60',
5996             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.59',
5997             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.59',
5998             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.03_01',
5999             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '1.01',
6000             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.59',
6001             'File::Spec'            => '3.34',
6002             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.35',
6003             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.34',
6004             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.35',
6005             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.35',
6006             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.37',
6007             'IO'                    => '1.25_05',
6008             'IO::Handle'            => '1.32',
6009             'IO::Socket'            => '1.33',
6010             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.32',
6011             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.12',
6012             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.995',
6013             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.29',
6014             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.996',
6015             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.29',
6016             'Module::Build'         => '0.39_01',
6017             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.39_01',
6018             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.39_01',
6019             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.39_01',
6020             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.39_01',
6021             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.39_01',
6022             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.39_01',
6023             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.39_01',
6024             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.39_01',
6025             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.39_01',
6026             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.39_01',
6027             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.39_01',
6028             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.39_01',
6029             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.39_01',
6030             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.39_01',
6031             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.39_01',
6032             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.39_01',
6033             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.39_01',
6034             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.39_01',
6035             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.39_01',
6036             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.39_01',
6037             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.39_01',
6038             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.39_01',
6039             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.39_01',
6040             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.55',
6041             'Module::Load'          => '0.20',
6042             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000005_01',
6043             'Opcode'                => '1.20',
6044             'Params::Check'         => '0.32',
6045             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.12',
6046             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '3.01',
6047             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.78',
6048             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.13',
6049             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.34',
6050             'bigint'                => '0.29',
6051             'bignum'                => '0.29',
6052             'bigrat'                => '0.29',
6053             'diagnostics'           => '1.24',
6054             'fields'                => '2.16',
6055             'inc::latest'           => '0.39_01',
6056         },
6057         removed => {
6058         }
6059     },
6060     5.015003 => {
6061         delta_from => 5.015002,
6062         changed => {
6063             'AnyDBM_File'           => '1.01',
6064             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.56',
6065             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.78',
6066             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.78',
6067             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.78',
6068             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.93',
6069             'B'                     => '1.32',
6070             'B::Concise'            => '0.86',
6071             'B::Deparse'            => '1.08',
6072             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.112621',
6073             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.112621',
6074             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.112621',
6075             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.112621',
6076             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.112621',
6077             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.112621',
6078             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.112621',
6079             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.004',
6080             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9111',
6081             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.58',
6082             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.58',
6083             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9111',
6084             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9111',
6085             'Carp'                  => '1.23',
6086             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.23',
6087             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.134',
6088             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.20',
6089             'Errno'                 => '1.14',
6090             'Exporter'              => '5.65',
6091             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.65',
6092             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.04_04',
6093             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.04_04',
6094             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.04_04',
6095             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.04_04',
6096             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '1.02',
6097             'File::Glob'            => '1.13',
6098             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.88',
6099             'IO'                    => '1.25_06',
6100             'IO::Handle'            => '1.33',
6101             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.18',
6102             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.18',
6103             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.18',
6104             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.18',
6105             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.18',
6106             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.18',
6107             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.18',
6108             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.18',
6109             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.18',
6110             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.18',
6111             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.18',
6112             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.18',
6113             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.18',
6114             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.18',
6115             'Locale::Country'       => '3.18',
6116             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.18',
6117             'Locale::Language'      => '3.18',
6118             'Locale::Script'        => '3.18',
6119             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.997',
6120             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.997',
6121             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.997',
6122             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.997',
6123             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.30',
6124             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.2603',
6125             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.56',
6126             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.46',
6127             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000007',
6128             'ODBM_File'             => '1.12',
6129             'POSIX'                 => '1.26',
6130             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_07',
6131             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.19',
6132             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.19',
6133             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.19',
6134             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.19',
6135             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.19',
6136             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.19',
6137             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.19',
6138             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.19',
6139             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.19',
6140             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.19',
6141             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.19',
6142             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.19',
6143             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.19',
6144             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.19',
6145             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.19',
6146             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.19',
6147             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.19',
6148             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.19',
6149             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.19',
6150             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.19',
6151             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.19',
6152             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.19',
6153             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.19',
6154             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.19',
6155             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.19',
6156             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.19',
6157             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.19',
6158             'Search::Dict'          => '1.04',
6159             'Socket'                => '1.94_01',
6160             'Storable'              => '2.32',
6161             'Text::Abbrev'          => '1.02',
6162             'Tie::Array'            => '1.05',
6163             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.09',
6164             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.35',
6165             'XS::APItest'           => '0.31',
6166             'XSLoader'              => '0.16',
6167             'attributes'            => '0.16',
6168             'diagnostics'           => '1.25',
6169             'open'                  => '1.09',
6170             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150034',
6171             'threads'               => '1.85',
6172             'threads::shared'       => '1.40',
6173         },
6174         removed => {
6175         }
6176     },
6177     5.015004 => {
6178         delta_from => 5.015003,
6179         changed => {
6180             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.80',
6181             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.80',
6182             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.80',
6183             'Digest'                => '1.17',
6184             'DynaLoader'            => '1.14',
6185             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.61_01',
6186             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.61_01',
6187             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.61_01',
6188             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.61_01',
6189             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.61_01',
6190             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.61_01',
6191             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.61_01',
6192             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.61_01',
6193             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.61_01',
6194             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.61_01',
6195             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.61_01',
6196             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.61_01',
6197             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.61_01',
6198             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.61_01',
6199             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.61_01',
6200             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.61_01',
6201             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.61_01',
6202             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.61_01',
6203             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.61_01',
6204             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.61_01',
6205             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.61_01',
6206             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.61_01',
6207             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.61_01',
6208             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.61_01',
6209             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.61_01',
6210             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.05',
6211             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.05',
6212             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.05',
6213             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.05',
6214             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.61_01',
6215             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.05',
6216             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.57',
6217             'Module::Load'          => '0.22',
6218             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.80',
6219             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.80',
6220             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.36',
6221             'XS::APItest'           => '0.32',
6222             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.07',
6223             'attributes'            => '0.17',
6224             'base'                  => '2.18',
6225             'constant'              => '1.23',
6226             'mro'                   => '1.09',
6227             'open'                  => '1.10',
6228             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150035',
6229         },
6230         removed => {
6231         }
6232     },
6233     5.015005 => {
6234         delta_from => 5.015004,
6235         changed => {
6236             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.58',
6237             'B::Concise'            => '0.87',
6238             'B::Deparse'            => '1.09',
6239             'CGI'                   => '3.58',
6240             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.09',
6241             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9112',
6242             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.60',
6243             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.60',
6244             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9112',
6245             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9112',
6246             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.042',
6247             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.042',
6248             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.042',
6249             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.63',
6250             'Errno'                 => '1.15',
6251             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.63_02',
6252             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.63_02',
6253             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.63_02',
6254             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.63_02',
6255             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.63_02',
6256             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.63_02',
6257             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.63_02',
6258             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.63_02',
6259             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.63_02',
6260             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.63_02',
6261             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.63_02',
6262             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.63_02',
6263             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.63_02',
6264             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.63_02',
6265             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.63_02',
6266             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.63_02',
6267             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.63_02',
6268             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.63_02',
6269             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.63_02',
6270             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.63_02',
6271             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.63_02',
6272             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.63_02',
6273             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.63_02',
6274             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.63_02',
6275             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.63_02',
6276             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.63_02',
6277             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.06',
6278             'File::Glob'            => '1.14',
6279             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.016',
6280             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.042',
6281             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.042',
6282             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.042',
6283             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.042',
6284             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.042',
6285             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.042',
6286             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.042',
6287             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.042',
6288             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.042',
6289             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.042',
6290             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.042',
6291             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.042',
6292             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.042',
6293             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.042',
6294             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.042',
6295             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.042',
6296             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.042',
6297             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.042',
6298             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.042',
6299             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.042',
6300             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.042',
6301             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.042',
6302             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.042',
6303             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.042',
6304             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.042',
6305             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.20',
6306             'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.20',
6307             'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.20',
6308             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.58',
6309             'Opcode'                => '1.21',
6310             'Socket'                => '1.94_02',
6311             'Storable'              => '2.33',
6312             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.10',
6313             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.85',
6314             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.85',
6315             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.85',
6316             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.85',
6317             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.37',
6318             'XS::APItest'           => '0.33',
6319             'arybase'               => '0.01',
6320             'charnames'             => '1.24',
6321             'feature'               => '1.23',
6322             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150036',
6323             'strict'                => '1.05',
6324             'unicore::Name'         => undef,
6325         },
6326         removed => {
6327         }
6328     },
6329     5.015006 => {
6330         delta_from => 5.015005,
6331         changed => {
6332             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.82',
6333             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.82',
6334             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.82',
6335             'AutoLoader'            => '5.72',
6336             'B::Concise'            => '0.88',
6337             'B::Debug'              => '1.17',
6338             'B::Deparse'            => '1.10',
6339             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.005',
6340             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9113',
6341             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9113',
6342             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9113',
6343             'Carp'                  => '1.24',
6344             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.045',
6345             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.045',
6346             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.045',
6347             'Cwd'                   => '3.38',
6348             'DB'                    => '1.04',
6349             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.135_01',
6350             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.70',
6351             'Dumpvalue'             => '1.17',
6352             'Exporter'              => '5.66',
6353             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.66',
6354             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280205',
6355             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280204',
6356             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.45',
6357             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.08',
6358             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.08',
6359             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.08',
6360             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.08',
6361             'File::Basename'        => '2.84',
6362             'File::Glob'            => '1.15',
6363             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.35',
6364             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.07',
6365             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.38',
6366             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.045',
6367             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.045',
6368             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.045',
6369             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.046',
6370             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.045',
6371             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.045',
6372             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.045',
6373             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.045',
6374             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.045',
6375             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.045',
6376             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.046',
6377             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.045',
6378             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.045',
6379             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.045',
6380             'IO::Dir'               => '1.09',
6381             'IO::File'              => '1.16',
6382             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.045',
6383             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.045',
6384             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.045',
6385             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.045',
6386             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.045',
6387             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.046',
6388             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.045',
6389             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.045',
6390             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.045',
6391             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.045',
6392             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.046',
6393             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.20',
6394             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.20',
6395             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.20',
6396             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.20',
6397             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.20',
6398             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.20',
6399             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.20',
6400             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.20',
6401             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.20',
6402             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.20',
6403             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.20',
6404             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.20',
6405             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.20',
6406             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.20',
6407             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.20',
6408             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.20',
6409             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.20',
6410             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.20',
6411             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.20',
6412             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.20',
6413             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.20',
6414             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.20',
6415             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.20',
6416             'Locale::Country'       => '3.20',
6417             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.20',
6418             'Locale::Language'      => '3.20',
6419             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.21',
6420             'Locale::Script'        => '3.20',
6421             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.59',
6422             'Module::Loaded'        => '0.08',
6423             'Opcode'                => '1.22',
6424             'POSIX'                 => '1.27',
6425             'Pod::Html'             => '1.12',
6426             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.60',
6427             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_08',
6428             'Safe'                  => '2.30',
6429             'SelfLoader'            => '1.20',
6430             'Socket'                => '1.97',
6431             'Storable'              => '2.34',
6432             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.11',
6433             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.87',
6434             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.87',
6435             'XS::APItest'           => '0.34',
6436             'arybase'               => '0.02',
6437             'charnames'             => '1.27',
6438             'diagnostics'           => '1.26',
6439             'feature'               => '1.24',
6440             'if'                    => '0.0602',
6441             'overload'              => '1.16',
6442             'sigtrap'               => '1.06',
6443             'strict'                => '1.06',
6444             'threads'               => '1.86',
6445             'version'               => '0.96',
6446         },
6447         removed => {
6448         }
6449     },
6450     5.015007 => {
6451         delta_from => 5.015006,
6452         changed => {
6453             'B'                     => '1.33',
6454             'B::Deparse'            => '1.11',
6455             'CGI'                   => '3.59',
6456             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.113640',
6457             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.113640',
6458             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.113640',
6459             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.113640',
6460             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.113640',
6461             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.113640',
6462             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.113640',
6463             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.113640',
6464             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9116',
6465             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9116',
6466             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9116',
6467             'Cwd'                   => '3.39_01',
6468             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.135_03',
6469             'Devel::InnerPackage'   => '0.4',
6470             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280205',
6471             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280205',
6472             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280205',
6473             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280205',
6474             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280205',
6475             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280205',
6476             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280205',
6477             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280205',
6478             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280205',
6479             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280205',
6480             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280205',
6481             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280205',
6482             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.61',
6483             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.46',
6484             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.12',
6485             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.12',
6486             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.12',
6487             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.12',
6488             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '1.03',
6489             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> undef,
6490             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '0.06',
6491             'File::Glob'            => '1.16',
6492             'File::Spec'            => '3.39_01',
6493             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.39_01',
6494             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.39_01',
6495             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.39_01',
6496             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.39_01',
6497             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.39_01',
6498             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.39_01',
6499             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.39_01',
6500             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.39_01',
6501             'IO::Dir'               => '1.10',
6502             'IO::Pipe'              => '1.15',
6503             'IO::Poll'              => '0.09',
6504             'IO::Select'            => '1.21',
6505             'IO::Socket'            => '1.34',
6506             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.33',
6507             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.24',
6508             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.22',
6509             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.998',
6510             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.60',
6511             'Module::Pluggable'     => '4.0',
6512             'POSIX'                 => '1.28',
6513             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.13',
6514             'Pod::Html'             => '1.13',
6515             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.15_15',
6516             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.15_15',
6517             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.15_15',
6518             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.15_15',
6519             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.15_15',
6520             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.15_15',
6521             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.15_15',
6522             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.15_15',
6523             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.15_15',
6524             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.15_15',
6525             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.15_15',
6526             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.15_15',
6527             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.15_15',
6528             'Term::UI'              => '0.30',
6529             'Tie::File'             => '0.98',
6530             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.39',
6531             'Version::Requirements' => '0.101021',
6532             'XS::APItest'           => '0.35',
6533             '_charnames'            => '1.28',
6534             'arybase'               => '0.03',
6535             'autouse'               => '1.07',
6536             'charnames'             => '1.28',
6537             'diagnostics'           => '1.27',
6538             'feature'               => '1.25',
6539             'overload'              => '1.17',
6540             'overloading'           => '0.02',
6541             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150038',
6542         },
6543         removed => {
6544         }
6545     },
6546     5.015008 => {
6547         delta_from => 5.015007,
6548         changed => {
6549             'B'                     => '1.34',
6550             'B::Deparse'            => '1.12',
6551             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.120351',
6552             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.120351',
6553             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.120351',
6554             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.120351',
6555             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.120351',
6556             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.120351',
6557             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.120351',
6558             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.120351',
6559             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.007',
6560             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9118',
6561             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.62',
6562             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.62',
6563             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9118',
6564             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9118',
6565             'Carp'                  => '1.25',
6566             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.25',
6567             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.048',
6568             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.048',
6569             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.048',
6570             'Cwd'                   => '3.39_02',
6571             'DB_File'               => '1.826',
6572             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.135_05',
6573             'English'               => '1.05',
6574             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.58',
6575             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.16',
6576             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.16',
6577             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.16',
6578             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.16',
6579             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.16',
6580             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.16',
6581             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.16',
6582             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.16',
6583             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.16',
6584             'File::Copy'            => '2.23',
6585             'File::Glob'            => '1.17',
6586             'File::Spec'            => '3.39_02',
6587             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.39_02',
6588             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.39_02',
6589             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.39_02',
6590             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.39_02',
6591             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.39_02',
6592             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.39_02',
6593             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.39_02',
6594             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.39_02',
6595             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.40',
6596             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.048',
6597             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.048',
6598             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.048',
6599             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.048',
6600             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.048',
6601             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.048',
6602             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.048',
6603             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.048',
6604             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.048',
6605             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.048',
6606             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.048',
6607             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.048',
6608             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.048',
6609             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.048',
6610             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.048',
6611             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.048',
6612             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.048',
6613             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.048',
6614             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.048',
6615             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.048',
6616             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.048',
6617             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.048',
6618             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.048',
6619             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.048',
6620             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.048',
6621             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.76',
6622             'Math::Complex'         => '1.59',
6623             'Math::Trig'            => '1.23',
6624             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000009',
6625             'Opcode'                => '1.23',
6626             'POSIX'                 => '1.30',
6627             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4402',
6628             'PerlIO::mmap'          => '0.010',
6629             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.51',
6630             'Pod::Find'             => '1.51',
6631             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.05',
6632             'Pod::Html'             => '1.14',
6633             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.51',
6634             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.51',
6635             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.51',
6636             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.05',
6637             'Pod::Select'           => '1.51',
6638             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.51',
6639             'Safe'                  => '2.31',
6640             'Socket'                => '1.98',
6641             'Term::Cap'             => '1.13',
6642             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.08',
6643             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9725',
6644             'Unicode'               => '6.1.0',
6645             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.41',
6646             'Version::Requirements' => '0.101022',
6647             'XS::APItest'           => '0.36',
6648             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.08',
6649             '_charnames'            => '1.29',
6650             'arybase'               => '0.04',
6651             'charnames'             => '1.29',
6652             'diagnostics'           => '1.28',
6653             'feature'               => '1.26',
6654             'locale'                => '1.01',
6655             'overload'              => '1.18',
6656             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150039',
6657             're'                    => '0.19',
6658             'subs'                  => '1.01',
6659             'warnings'              => '1.13',
6660         },
6661         removed => {
6662         }
6663     },
6664     5.015009 => {
6665         delta_from => 5.015008,
6666         changed => {
6667             'B::Deparse'            => '1.13',
6668             'B::Lint'               => '1.14',
6669             'B::Lint::Debug'        => '1.14',
6670             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.120630',
6671             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.120630',
6672             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.120630',
6673             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.120630',
6674             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.120630',
6675             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.120630',
6676             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.120630',
6677             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.120630',
6678             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9121',
6679             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9121',
6680             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9121',
6681             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.135_06',
6682             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.71',
6683             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280206',
6684             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280206',
6685             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280206',
6686             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280206',
6687             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280206',
6688             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280206',
6689             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280206',
6690             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280206',
6691             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280206',
6692             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280206',
6693             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280206',
6694             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280206',
6695             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280206',
6696             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.017',
6697             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.21',
6698             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.21',
6699             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.21',
6700             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.21',
6701             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.21',
6702             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.21',
6703             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.21',
6704             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.21',
6705             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.21',
6706             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.21',
6707             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.21',
6708             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.21',
6709             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.21',
6710             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.21',
6711             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.21',
6712             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.21',
6713             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.21',
6714             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.21',
6715             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.21',
6716             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.21',
6717             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.21',
6718             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.21',
6719             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.21',
6720             'Locale::Country'       => '3.21',
6721             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.21',
6722             'Locale::Language'      => '3.21',
6723             'Locale::Script'        => '3.21',
6724             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.65',
6725             'Pod::Html'             => '1.1501',
6726             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.17',
6727             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.17',
6728             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.17',
6729             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.17',
6730             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.17',
6731             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.17',
6732             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.17',
6733             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.17',
6734             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.17',
6735             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.17',
6736             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.17',
6737             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.17',
6738             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.17',
6739             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.20',
6740             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.20',
6741             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.20',
6742             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.20',
6743             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.20',
6744             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.20',
6745             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.20',
6746             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.20',
6747             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.20',
6748             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.20',
6749             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.20',
6750             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.20',
6751             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.20',
6752             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.20',
6753             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.20',
6754             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.20',
6755             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.20',
6756             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.20',
6757             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.20',
6758             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.20',
6759             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.20',
6760             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.20',
6761             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.20',
6762             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.20',
6763             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.20',
6764             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.20',
6765             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.20',
6766             'Socket'                => '2.000',
6767             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.09',
6768             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.89',
6769             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.88',
6770             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.89',
6771             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.14',
6772             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.42',
6773             'XS::APItest'           => '0.37',
6774             'arybase'               => '0.05',
6775             'attributes'            => '0.18',
6776             'charnames'             => '1.30',
6777             'feature'               => '1.27',
6778         },
6779         removed => {
6780         }
6781     },
6782     5.016 => {
6783         delta_from => 5.015009,
6784         changed => {
6785             'B::Concise'            => '0.89',
6786             'B::Deparse'            => '1.14',
6787             'Carp'                  => '1.26',
6788             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.26',
6789             'IO::Socket'            => '1.35',
6790             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.66',
6791             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.14',
6792             'Pod::Html'             => '1.1502',
6793             'Safe'                  => '2.31_01',
6794             'Socket'                => '2.001',
6795             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.43',
6796             'XS::APItest'           => '0.38',
6797             '_charnames'            => '1.31',
6798             'attributes'            => '0.19',
6799             'strict'                => '1.07',
6800             'version'               => '0.99',
6801         },
6802         removed => {
6803         }
6804     },
6805     5.016001 => {
6806         delta_from => 5.016,
6807         changed => {
6808             'B'                     => '1.35',
6809             'B::Deparse'            => '1.14_01',
6810             'List::Util'            => '1.25',
6811             'List::Util::PP'        => '1.25',
6812             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.25',
6813             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.70',
6814             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.14_01',
6815             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.25',
6816             'Scalar::Util::PP'      => '1.25',
6817             're'                    => '0.19_01',
6818         },
6819         removed => {
6820         }
6821     },
6822     5.016002 => {
6823         delta_from => 5.016001,
6824         changed => {
6825             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.76',
6826         },
6827         removed => {
6828         }
6829     },
6830     5.016003 => {
6831         delta_from => 5.016002,
6832         changed => {
6833             'Encode'                => '2.44_01',
6834             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.76_02',
6835             'XS::APItest'           => '0.39',
6836         },
6837         removed => {
6838         }
6839     },
6840     5.017 => {
6841         delta_from => 5.016,
6842         changed => {
6843             'B'                     => '1.35',
6844             'B::Concise'            => '0.90',
6845             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.17',
6846             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.17',
6847             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.07',
6848             'File::Find'            => '1.21',
6849             'File::stat'            => '1.06',
6850             'Hash::Util'            => '0.12',
6851             'IO::Socket'            => '1.34',
6852             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.67',
6853             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.06',
6854             'Storable'              => '2.35',
6855             'XS::APItest'           => '0.39',
6856             'diagnostics'           => '1.29',
6857             'feature'               => '1.28',
6858             'overload'              => '1.19',
6859             'utf8'                  => '1.10',
6860         },
6861         removed => {
6862             'Version::Requirements' => 1,
6863         }
6864     },
6865     5.017001 => {
6866         delta_from => 5.017,
6867         changed => {
6868             'App::Prove'            => '3.25',
6869             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.25',
6870             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.25',
6871             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.25',
6872             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.60',
6873             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.88',
6874             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.88',
6875             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.88',
6876             'B'                     => '1.36',
6877             'B::Deparse'            => '1.15',
6878             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.120921',
6879             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.120921',
6880             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.120921',
6881             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.120921',
6882             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.120921',
6883             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.122',
6884             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.120921',
6885             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.120921',
6886             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.008',
6887             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9130',
6888             'CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv'=> '0.04',
6889             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9130',
6890             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9130',
6891             'Class::Struct'         => '0.64',
6892             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.052',
6893             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.054',
6894             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.052',
6895             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.52',
6896             'DynaLoader'            => '1.15',
6897             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280208',
6898             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280208',
6899             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280208',
6900             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280208',
6901             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280208',
6902             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280208',
6903             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280208',
6904             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280208',
6905             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280208',
6906             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280208',
6907             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280208',
6908             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280208',
6909             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280208',
6910             'Fatal'                 => '2.11',
6911             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.08',
6912             'File::Fetch'           => '0.34',
6913             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.39_03',
6914             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.45',
6915             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.022',
6916             'IO'                    => '1.25_07',
6917             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.052',
6918             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.052',
6919             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.052',
6920             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.052',
6921             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.052',
6922             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.052',
6923             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.052',
6924             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.052',
6925             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.052',
6926             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.052',
6927             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.052',
6928             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.052',
6929             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.052',
6930             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.052',
6931             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.052',
6932             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.052',
6933             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.052',
6934             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.052',
6935             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.052',
6936             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.052',
6937             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.052',
6938             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.052',
6939             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.052',
6940             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.052',
6941             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.052',
6942             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.78',
6943             'List::Util'            => '1.25',
6944             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.25',
6945             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.22',
6946             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.22',
6947             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.22',
6948             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.22',
6949             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.22',
6950             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.22',
6951             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.22',
6952             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.22',
6953             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.22',
6954             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.22',
6955             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.22',
6956             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.22',
6957             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.22',
6958             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.22',
6959             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.22',
6960             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.22',
6961             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.22',
6962             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.22',
6963             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.22',
6964             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.22',
6965             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.22',
6966             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.22',
6967             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.22',
6968             'Locale::Country'       => '3.22',
6969             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.22',
6970             'Locale::Language'      => '3.22',
6971             'Locale::Script'        => '3.22',
6972             'Memoize'               => '1.03',
6973             'Memoize::AnyDBM_File'  => '1.03',
6974             'Memoize::Expire'       => '1.03',
6975             'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => '1.03',
6976             'Memoize::ExpireTest'   => '1.03',
6977             'Memoize::NDBM_File'    => '1.03',
6978             'Memoize::SDBM_File'    => '1.03',
6979             'Memoize::Storable'     => '1.03',
6980             'Module::Build'         => '0.40',
6981             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.40',
6982             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.40',
6983             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.40',
6984             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.40',
6985             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.40',
6986             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.40',
6987             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.40',
6988             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.40',
6989             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.40',
6990             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.40',
6991             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.40',
6992             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.40',
6993             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.40',
6994             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.40',
6995             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.40',
6996             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.40',
6997             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.40',
6998             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.40',
6999             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.40',
7000             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.40',
7001             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.40',
7002             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.40',
7003             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.40',
7004             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.68',
7005             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.50',
7006             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.44',
7007             'POSIX'                 => '1.31',
7008             'Params::Check'         => '0.36',
7009             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4404',
7010             'PerlIO::mmap'          => '0.011',
7011             'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.07',
7012             'Pod::Html'             => '1.16',
7013             'Pod::Man'              => '2.26',
7014             'Pod::Text'             => '3.16',
7015             'Safe'                  => '2.33_01',
7016             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.25',
7017             'Search::Dict'          => '1.07',
7018             'Storable'              => '2.36',
7019             'TAP::Base'             => '3.25',
7020             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.25',
7021             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.25',
7022             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.25',
7023             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.25',
7024             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.25',
7025             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.25',
7026             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.25',
7027             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.25',
7028             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.25',
7029             'TAP::Object'           => '3.25',
7030             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.25',
7031             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.25',
7032             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.25',
7033             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.25',
7034             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.25',
7035             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.25',
7036             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.25',
7037             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.25',
7038             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.25',
7039             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.25',
7040             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.25',
7041             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.25',
7042             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.25',
7043             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.25',
7044             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.25',
7045             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.25',
7046             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.25',
7047             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.25',
7048             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.25',
7049             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.25',
7050             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.25',
7051             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.25',
7052             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.25',
7053             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.25',
7054             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.25',
7055             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.25',
7056             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.25',
7057             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.25',
7058             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.25',
7059             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.25',
7060             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.25',
7061             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.25',
7062             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '3.02',
7063             'Test::Harness'         => '3.25',
7064             'Unicode'               => '6.2.0',
7065             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.44',
7066             'XS::APItest'           => '0.40',
7067             '_charnames'            => '1.32',
7068             'attributes'            => '0.2',
7069             'autodie'               => '2.11',
7070             'autodie::exception'    => '2.11',
7071             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.11',
7072             'autodie::hints'        => '2.11',
7073             'bigint'                => '0.30',
7074             'charnames'             => '1.32',
7075             'feature'               => '1.29',
7076             'inc::latest'           => '0.40',
7077             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150040',
7078             're'                    => '0.20',
7079         },
7080         removed => {
7081             'List::Util::PP'        => 1,
7082             'Scalar::Util::PP'      => 1,
7083         }
7084     },
7085     5.017002 => {
7086         delta_from => 5.017001,
7087         changed => {
7088             'App::Prove'            => '3.25_01',
7089             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.25_01',
7090             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.25_01',
7091             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.25_01',
7092             'B::Concise'            => '0.91',
7093             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.05201',
7094             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.05401',
7095             'Exporter'              => '5.67',
7096             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.67',
7097             'Fatal'                 => '2.12',
7098             'File::Fetch'           => '0.36',
7099             'File::stat'            => '1.07',
7100             'IO'                    => '1.25_08',
7101             'IO::Socket'            => '1.35',
7102             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.69',
7103             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.15',
7104             'Socket'                => '2.002',
7105             'Storable'              => '2.37',
7106             'TAP::Base'             => '3.25_01',
7107             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.25_01',
7108             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.25_01',
7109             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.25_01',
7110             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.25_01',
7111             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.25_01',
7112             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.25_01',
7113             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.25_01',
7114             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.25_01',
7115             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.25_01',
7116             'TAP::Object'           => '3.25_01',
7117             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.25_01',
7118             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.25_01',
7119             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.25_01',
7120             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.25_01',
7121             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.25_01',
7122             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.25_01',
7123             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.25_01',
7124             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.25_01',
7125             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.25_01',
7126             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.25_01',
7127             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.25_01',
7128             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.25_01',
7129             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.25_01',
7130             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.25_01',
7131             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.25_01',
7132             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.25_01',
7133             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.25_01',
7134             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.25_01',
7135             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.25_01',
7136             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.25_01',
7137             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.25_01',
7138             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.25_01',
7139             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.25_01',
7140             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.25_01',
7141             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.25_01',
7142             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.25_01',
7143             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.25_01',
7144             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.25_01',
7145             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.25_01',
7146             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.25_01',
7147             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.25_01',
7148             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.25_01',
7149             'Test::Harness'         => '3.25_01',
7150             'Tie::StdHandle'        => '4.3',
7151             'XS::APItest'           => '0.41',
7152             'autodie'               => '2.12',
7153             'autodie::exception'    => '2.12',
7154             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.12',
7155             'autodie::hints'        => '2.12',
7156             'diagnostics'           => '1.30',
7157             'overload'              => '1.20',
7158             're'                    => '0.21',
7159             'vars'                  => '1.03',
7160         },
7161         removed => {
7162         }
7163     },
7164     5.017003 => {
7165         delta_from => 5.017002,
7166         changed => {
7167             'B'                     => '1.37',
7168             'B::Concise'            => '0.92',
7169             'B::Debug'              => '1.18',
7170             'B::Deparse'            => '1.16',
7171             'CGI'                   => '3.60',
7172             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.055',
7173             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.056',
7174             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.055',
7175             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.135_07',
7176             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.09',
7177             'Encode'                => '2.47',
7178             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.16',
7179             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.02',
7180             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.06',
7181             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.055',
7182             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.055',
7183             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.055',
7184             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.055',
7185             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.055',
7186             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.055',
7187             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.055',
7188             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.055',
7189             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.055',
7190             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.055',
7191             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.055',
7192             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.055',
7193             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.055',
7194             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.055',
7195             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.055',
7196             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.055',
7197             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.055',
7198             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.055',
7199             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.055',
7200             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.055',
7201             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.055',
7202             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.055',
7203             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.055',
7204             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.055',
7205             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.055',
7206             'Module::Build'         => '0.4003',
7207             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4003',
7208             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4003',
7209             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4003',
7210             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4003',
7211             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4003',
7212             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4003',
7213             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4003',
7214             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4003',
7215             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.4003',
7216             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4003',
7217             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.4003',
7218             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.4003',
7219             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4003',
7220             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.4003',
7221             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4003',
7222             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4003',
7223             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4003',
7224             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4003',
7225             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4003',
7226             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4003',
7227             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4003',
7228             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4003',
7229             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4003',
7230             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.71',
7231             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.71',
7232             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.54',
7233             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000011',
7234             'Module::Pluggable'     => '4.3',
7235             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '4.3',
7236             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.23',
7237             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.23',
7238             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.23',
7239             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.23',
7240             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.23',
7241             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.23',
7242             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.23',
7243             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.23',
7244             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.23',
7245             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.23',
7246             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.23',
7247             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.23',
7248             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.23',
7249             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.23',
7250             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.23',
7251             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.23',
7252             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.23',
7253             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.23',
7254             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.23',
7255             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.23',
7256             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.23',
7257             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.23',
7258             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.23',
7259             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.23',
7260             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.23',
7261             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.23',
7262             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.23',
7263             'Socket'                => '2.004',
7264             'Storable'              => '2.38',
7265             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.31',
7266             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.10',
7267             'Text::Tabs'            => '2012.0818',
7268             'Text::Wrap'            => '2012.0818',
7269             'Time::Local'           => '1.2300',
7270             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.45',
7271             'Win32'                 => '0.45',
7272             'Win32CORE'             => '0.03',
7273             'XS::APItest'           => '0.42',
7274             'inc::latest'           => '0.4003',
7275             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150041',
7276             're'                    => '0.22',
7277         },
7278         removed => {
7279         }
7280     },
7281     5.017004 => {
7282         delta_from => 5.017003,
7283         changed => {
7284             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.90',
7285             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.90',
7286             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.90',
7287             'B'                     => '1.38',
7288             'B::Concise'            => '0.93',
7289             'B::Deparse'            => '1.17',
7290             'B::Xref'               => '1.04',
7291             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9131',
7292             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9131',
7293             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9131',
7294             'DB_File'               => '1.827',
7295             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.10',
7296             'DynaLoader'            => '1.16',
7297             'Errno'                 => '1.16',
7298             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.18',
7299             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.18',
7300             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.18',
7301             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.18',
7302             'File::Copy'            => '2.24',
7303             'File::Find'            => '1.22',
7304             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.13',
7305             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.23',
7306             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.23',
7307             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.23',
7308             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.23',
7309             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.23',
7310             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.23',
7311             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.23',
7312             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.23',
7313             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.23',
7314             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.23',
7315             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.23',
7316             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.23',
7317             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.23',
7318             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.23',
7319             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.23',
7320             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.23',
7321             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.23',
7322             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.23',
7323             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.23',
7324             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.23',
7325             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.23',
7326             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.23',
7327             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.23',
7328             'Locale::Country'       => '3.23',
7329             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.23',
7330             'Locale::Language'      => '3.23',
7331             'Locale::Script'        => '3.23',
7332             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.30',
7333             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.30',
7334             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.73',
7335             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.73',
7336             'Opcode'                => '1.24',
7337             'Socket'                => '2.006',
7338             'Storable'              => '2.39',
7339             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.32',
7340             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.46',
7341             'XS::APItest'           => '0.43',
7342             'bignum'                => '0.30',
7343             'bigrat'                => '0.30',
7344             'constant'              => '1.24',
7345             'feature'               => '1.30',
7346             'threads::shared'       => '1.41',
7347             'version'               => '0.9901',
7348             'warnings'              => '1.14',
7349         },
7350         removed => {
7351         }
7352     },
7353     5.017005 => {
7354         delta_from => 5.017004,
7355         changed => {
7356             'AutoLoader'            => '5.73',
7357             'B'                     => '1.39',
7358             'B::Deparse'            => '1.18',
7359             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9133',
7360             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9133',
7361             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9133',
7362             'Carp'                  => '1.27',
7363             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.27',
7364             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.136',
7365             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.72',
7366             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280209',
7367             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280209',
7368             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280209',
7369             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280209',
7370             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280209',
7371             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280209',
7372             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280209',
7373             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280209',
7374             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280209',
7375             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280209',
7376             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280209',
7377             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280209',
7378             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280209',
7379             'File::Copy'            => '2.25',
7380             'File::Glob'            => '1.18',
7381             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.024',
7382             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.75',
7383             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.75',
7384             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.16',
7385             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.90',
7386             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.90',
7387             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.15',
7388             'Win32CORE'             => '0.04',
7389             'XS::APItest'           => '0.44',
7390             'attributes'            => '0.21',
7391             'bigint'                => '0.31',
7392             'bignum'                => '0.31',
7393             'bigrat'                => '0.31',
7394             'feature'               => '1.31',
7395             'threads::shared'       => '1.42',
7396             'warnings'              => '1.15',
7397         },
7398         removed => {
7399         }
7400     },
7401     5.017006 => {
7402         delta_from => 5.017005,
7403         changed => {
7404             'B'                     => '1.40',
7405             'B::Concise'            => '0.94',
7406             'B::Deparse'            => '1.19',
7407             'B::Xref'               => '1.05',
7408             'CGI'                   => '3.63',
7409             'CGI::Util'             => '3.62',
7410             'CPAN'                  => '1.99_51',
7411             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.64',
7412             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.64',
7413             'Carp'                  => '1.28',
7414             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.28',
7415             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.058',
7416             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.058',
7417             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.058',
7418             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.137',
7419             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.73',
7420             'DynaLoader'            => '1.17',
7421             'Env'                   => '1.04',
7422             'Errno'                 => '1.17',
7423             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.62',
7424             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.18',
7425             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.18',
7426             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.18',
7427             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.18',
7428             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.18',
7429             'Fatal'                 => '2.13',
7430             'File::Find'            => '1.23',
7431             'Hash::Util'            => '0.13',
7432             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.058',
7433             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.058',
7434             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.058',
7435             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.058',
7436             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.058',
7437             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.058',
7438             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.058',
7439             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.058',
7440             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.058',
7441             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.058',
7442             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.058',
7443             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.058',
7444             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.058',
7445             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.058',
7446             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.058',
7447             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.058',
7448             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.058',
7449             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.058',
7450             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.058',
7451             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.058',
7452             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.058',
7453             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.058',
7454             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.058',
7455             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.058',
7456             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.058',
7457             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.78',
7458             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.77',
7459             'Module::Pluggable'     => '4.5',
7460             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '4.5',
7461             'Opcode'                => '1.25',
7462             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.17',
7463             'Term::UI'              => '0.32',
7464             'Thread::Queue'         => '3.01',
7465             'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.09',
7466             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.93',
7467             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.93',
7468             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.93',
7469             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.16',
7470             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.47',
7471             'XS::APItest'           => '0.46',
7472             '_charnames'            => '1.33',
7473             'autodie'               => '2.13',
7474             'autodie::exception'    => '2.13',
7475             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.13',
7476             'autodie::hints'        => '2.13',
7477             'charnames'             => '1.33',
7478             're'                    => '0.23',
7479         },
7480         removed => {
7481         }
7482     },
7483     5.017007 => {
7484         delta_from => 5.017006,
7485         changed => {
7486             'B'                     => '1.41',
7487             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.68',
7488             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.68',
7489             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.059',
7490             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.059',
7491             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.059',
7492             'Cwd'                   => '3.39_03',
7493             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.139',
7494             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.11',
7495             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.80',
7496             'DynaLoader'            => '1.18',
7497             'English'               => '1.06',
7498             'Errno'                 => '1.18',
7499             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.64',
7500             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.64',
7501             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.64',
7502             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.64',
7503             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.64',
7504             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.64',
7505             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.64',
7506             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.64',
7507             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.64',
7508             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.64',
7509             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.64',
7510             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.64',
7511             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.64',
7512             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.64',
7513             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.64',
7514             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.64',
7515             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.64',
7516             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.64',
7517             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.64',
7518             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.64',
7519             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.64',
7520             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.64',
7521             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.64',
7522             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.64',
7523             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.64',
7524             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.64',
7525             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.09',
7526             'File::Glob'            => '1.19',
7527             'GDBM_File'             => '1.15',
7528             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.059',
7529             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.059',
7530             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.059',
7531             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.059',
7532             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.059',
7533             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.059',
7534             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.059',
7535             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.059',
7536             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.059',
7537             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.059',
7538             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.059',
7539             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.059',
7540             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.059',
7541             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.059',
7542             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.059',
7543             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.059',
7544             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.059',
7545             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.059',
7546             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.059',
7547             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.059',
7548             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.059',
7549             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.059',
7550             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.059',
7551             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.059',
7552             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.059',
7553             'List::Util'            => '1.26',
7554             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.26',
7555             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.24',
7556             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.24',
7557             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.24',
7558             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.24',
7559             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.24',
7560             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.24',
7561             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.24',
7562             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.24',
7563             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.24',
7564             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.24',
7565             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.24',
7566             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.24',
7567             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.24',
7568             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.24',
7569             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.24',
7570             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.24',
7571             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.24',
7572             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.24',
7573             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.24',
7574             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.24',
7575             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.24',
7576             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.24',
7577             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.24',
7578             'Locale::Country'       => '3.24',
7579             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.24',
7580             'Locale::Language'      => '3.24',
7581             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.23',
7582             'Locale::Script'        => '3.24',
7583             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.79',
7584             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.79',
7585             'POSIX'                 => '1.32',
7586             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.26',
7587             'Socket'                => '2.006_001',
7588             'Storable'              => '2.40',
7589             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.11',
7590             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.96',
7591             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.94',
7592             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> '0.94',
7593             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.96',
7594             'XS::APItest'           => '0.48',
7595             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.09',
7596             '_charnames'            => '1.34',
7597             'charnames'             => '1.34',
7598             'feature'               => '1.32',
7599             'mro'                   => '1.10',
7600             'sigtrap'               => '1.07',
7601             'sort'                  => '2.02',
7602         },
7603         removed => {
7604         }
7605     },
7606     5.017008 => {
7607         delta_from => 5.017007,
7608         changed => {
7609             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.62',
7610             'B'                     => '1.42',
7611             'B::Concise'            => '0.95',
7612             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.060',
7613             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.060',
7614             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.060',
7615             'Cwd'                   => '3.40',
7616             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.141',
7617             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.81',
7618             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.59',
7619             'File::Fetch'           => '0.38',
7620             'File::Path'            => '2.09',
7621             'File::Spec'            => '3.40',
7622             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.40',
7623             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.40',
7624             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.40',
7625             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.40',
7626             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.40',
7627             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.40',
7628             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.40',
7629             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.40',
7630             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.025',
7631             'Hash::Util'            => '0.14',
7632             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.39',
7633             'I18N::LangTags::List'  => '0.39',
7634             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.09',
7635             'IO'                    => '1.26',
7636             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.060',
7637             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.060',
7638             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.060',
7639             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.060',
7640             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.060',
7641             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.060',
7642             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.060',
7643             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.060',
7644             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.060',
7645             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.060',
7646             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.060',
7647             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.060',
7648             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.060',
7649             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.060',
7650             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.060',
7651             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.060',
7652             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.060',
7653             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.060',
7654             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.060',
7655             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.060',
7656             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.060',
7657             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.060',
7658             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.060',
7659             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.060',
7660             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.060',
7661             'List::Util'            => '1.27',
7662             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.27',
7663             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.80',
7664             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.80',
7665             'Pod::Html'             => '1.17',
7666             'Pod::LaTeX'            => '0.61',
7667             'Pod::Man'              => '2.27',
7668             'Pod::Text'             => '3.17',
7669             'Pod::Text::Color'      => '2.07',
7670             'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.05',
7671             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.07',
7672             'Safe'                  => '2.34',
7673             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.27',
7674             'Socket'                => '2.009',
7675             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '4.02',
7676             'Test'                  => '1.26',
7677             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.97',
7678             'XS::APItest'           => '0.51',
7679             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.10',
7680             '_charnames'            => '1.35',
7681             'charnames'             => '1.35',
7682             'constant'              => '1.25',
7683             'diagnostics'           => '1.31',
7684             'threads::shared'       => '1.43',
7685             'warnings'              => '1.16',
7686         },
7687         removed => {
7688         }
7689     },
7690     5.017009 => {
7691         delta_from => 5.017008,
7692         changed => {
7693             'App::Cpan'             => '1.60_02',
7694             'App::Prove'            => '3.26',
7695             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.26',
7696             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.26',
7697             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.26',
7698             'Archive::Extract'      => '0.68',
7699             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.94',
7700             'B::Lint'               => '1.17',
7701             'B::Lint::Debug'        => '1.17',
7702             'Benchmark'             => '1.14',
7703             'CPAN'                  => '2.00',
7704             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '2.00',
7705             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5304',
7706             'CPAN::Nox'             => '5.5001',
7707             'CPANPLUS'              => '0.9135',
7708             'CPANPLUS::Backend'     => '0.9135',
7709             'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => '0.9135',
7710             'CPANPLUS::Config'      => '0.9135',
7711             'CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv'=> '0.9135',
7712             'CPANPLUS::Configure'   => '0.9135',
7713             'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> '0.9135',
7714             'CPANPLUS::Dist'        => '0.9135',
7715             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> '0.9135',
7716             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base'  => '0.9135',
7717             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.70',
7718             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.70',
7719             'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM'    => '0.9135',
7720             'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> '0.9135',
7721             'CPANPLUS::Error'       => '0.9135',
7722             'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => '0.9135',
7723             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> '0.9135',
7724             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> '0.9135',
7725             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> '0.9135',
7726             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> '0.9135',
7727             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> '0.9135',
7728             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> '0.9135',
7729             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> '0.9135',
7730             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> '0.9135',
7731             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> '0.9135',
7732             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> '0.9135',
7733             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> '0.9135',
7734             'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> '0.9135',
7735             'CPANPLUS::Module'      => '0.9135',
7736             'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> '0.9135',
7737             'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> '0.9135',
7738             'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> '0.9135',
7739             'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> '0.9135',
7740             'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> '0.9135',
7741             'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate'  => '0.9135',
7742             'CPANPLUS::Shell'       => '0.9135',
7743             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.9135',
7744             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9135',
7745             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> '0.9135',
7746             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> '0.9135',
7747             'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> '0.9135',
7748             'Config'                => '5.017009',
7749             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.17',
7750             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.05',
7751             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.142',
7752             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.82',
7753             'Encode'                => '2.48',
7754             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.999003',
7755             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.63',
7756             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.19',
7757             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.19',
7758             'File::CheckTree'       => '4.42',
7759             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.10',
7760             'File::Temp'            => '0.22_90',
7761             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.89',
7762             'IO'                    => '1.27',
7763             'Log::Message'          => '0.06',
7764             'Log::Message::Config'  => '0.06',
7765             'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.06',
7766             'Log::Message::Item'    => '0.06',
7767             'Log::Message::Simple'  => '0.10',
7768             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.999',
7769             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.82',
7770             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.82',
7771             'Module::Load'          => '0.24',
7772             'Module::Pluggable'     => '4.6',
7773             'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '4.6',
7774             'OS2::DLL'              => '1.05',
7775             'OS2::ExtAttr'          => '0.03',
7776             'OS2::Process'          => '1.08',
7777             'Object::Accessor'      => '0.46',
7778             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.16',
7779             'Pod::Checker'          => '1.60',
7780             'Pod::Find'             => '1.60',
7781             'Pod::Html'             => '1.18',
7782             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.60',
7783             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.60',
7784             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.60',
7785             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.19',
7786             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.19',
7787             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.19',
7788             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.19',
7789             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.19',
7790             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.19',
7791             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.19',
7792             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.19',
7793             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.19',
7794             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.19',
7795             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.19',
7796             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.19',
7797             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.19',
7798             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.06',
7799             'Pod::Select'           => '1.60',
7800             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.61',
7801             'SelfLoader'            => '1.21',
7802             'TAP::Base'             => '3.26',
7803             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.26',
7804             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.26',
7805             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.26',
7806             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.26',
7807             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.26',
7808             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.26',
7809             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.26',
7810             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.26',
7811             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.26',
7812             'TAP::Object'           => '3.26',
7813             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.26',
7814             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.26',
7815             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.26',
7816             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.26',
7817             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.26',
7818             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.26',
7819             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.26',
7820             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.26',
7821             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.26',
7822             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.26',
7823             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.26',
7824             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.26',
7825             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.26',
7826             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.26',
7827             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.26',
7828             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.26',
7829             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.26',
7830             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.26',
7831             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.26',
7832             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.26',
7833             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.26',
7834             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.26',
7835             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.26',
7836             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.26',
7837             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.26',
7838             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.26',
7839             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.26',
7840             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.26',
7841             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.26',
7842             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.26',
7843             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.26',
7844             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.26',
7845             'Term::UI'              => '0.34',
7846             'Test::Harness'         => '3.26',
7847             'Text::Soundex'         => '3.04',
7848             'Thread::Queue'         => '3.02',
7849             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.50',
7850             'Win32'                 => '0.46',
7851             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1201',
7852             '_charnames'            => '1.36',
7853             'arybase'               => '0.06',
7854             'bigint'                => '0.32',
7855             'bignum'                => '0.32',
7856             'charnames'             => '1.36',
7857             'filetest'              => '1.03',
7858             'locale'                => '1.02',
7859             'overload'              => '1.21',
7860             'warnings'              => '1.17',
7861         },
7862         removed => {
7863         }
7864     },
7865     5.017010 => {
7866         delta_from => 5.017009,
7867         changed => {
7868             'Benchmark'             => '1.15',
7869             'Config'                => '5.017009',
7870             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.145',
7871             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.84',
7872             'Encode'                => '2.49',
7873             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.65_01',
7874             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.65_01',
7875             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.65_01',
7876             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.65_01',
7877             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.65_01',
7878             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.65_01',
7879             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.65_01',
7880             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.65_01',
7881             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.65_01',
7882             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.65_01',
7883             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.65_01',
7884             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.65_01',
7885             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.65_01',
7886             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.65_01',
7887             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.65_01',
7888             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.65_01',
7889             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.65_01',
7890             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.65_01',
7891             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.65_01',
7892             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.65_01',
7893             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.65_01',
7894             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.65_01',
7895             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.65_01',
7896             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.65_01',
7897             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.65_01',
7898             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.65_01',
7899             'File::Copy'            => '2.26',
7900             'File::Temp'            => '0.23',
7901             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.39',
7902             'Hash::Util'            => '0.15',
7903             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.10',
7904             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.80',
7905             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27202',
7906             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.25',
7907             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.25',
7908             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.25',
7909             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.25',
7910             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.25',
7911             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.25',
7912             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.25',
7913             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.25',
7914             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.25',
7915             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.25',
7916             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.25',
7917             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.25',
7918             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.25',
7919             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.25',
7920             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.25',
7921             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.25',
7922             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.25',
7923             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.25',
7924             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.25',
7925             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.25',
7926             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.25',
7927             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.25',
7928             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.25',
7929             'Locale::Country'       => '3.25',
7930             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.25',
7931             'Locale::Language'      => '3.25',
7932             'Locale::Script'        => '3.25',
7933             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.998',
7934             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.32',
7935             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9991',
7936             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.998',
7937             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.32',
7938             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.2604',
7939             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.84',
7940             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.84',
7941             'Module::Pluggable'     => '4.7',
7942             'Net::Ping'             => '2.41',
7943             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.003',
7944             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.26',
7945             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.26',
7946             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.26',
7947             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.26',
7948             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.26',
7949             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.26',
7950             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.26',
7951             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.26',
7952             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.26',
7953             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.26',
7954             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.26',
7955             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.26',
7956             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.26',
7957             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.26',
7958             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.26',
7959             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.26',
7960             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.26',
7961             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.26',
7962             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.26',
7963             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.26',
7964             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.26',
7965             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.26',
7966             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.26',
7967             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.26',
7968             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.26',
7969             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.26',
7970             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.26',
7971             'Safe'                  => '2.35',
7972             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.12',
7973             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.28',
7974             'Tie::File'             => '0.99',
7975             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.51',
7976             'Win32'                 => '0.47',
7977             'bigint'                => '0.33',
7978             'bignum'                => '0.33',
7979             'bigrat'                => '0.33',
7980             'constant'              => '1.27',
7981             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150042',
7982             'version'               => '0.9902',
7983         },
7984         removed => {
7985         }
7986     },
7987     5.017011 => {
7988         delta_from => 5.017010,
7989         changed => {
7990             'App::Cpan'             => '1.61',
7991             'B::Deparse'            => '1.20',
7992             'Config'                => '5.017009',
7993             'Exporter'              => '5.68',
7994             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.68',
7995             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280210',
7996             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.66',
7997             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.66',
7998             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.66',
7999             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.66',
8000             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.66',
8001             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.66',
8002             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.66',
8003             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.66',
8004             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.66',
8005             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.66',
8006             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.66',
8007             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.66',
8008             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.66',
8009             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.66',
8010             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.66',
8011             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.66',
8012             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.66',
8013             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.66',
8014             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.66',
8015             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.66',
8016             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.66',
8017             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.66',
8018             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.66',
8019             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.66',
8020             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.66',
8021             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.66',
8022             'File::Glob'            => '1.20',
8023             'IO'                    => '1.28',
8024             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.87',
8025             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.87',
8026             'Storable'              => '2.41',
8027             'bigint'                => '0.34',
8028             'mro'                   => '1.11',
8029             'overload'              => '1.22',
8030             'warnings'              => '1.18',
8031         },
8032         removed => {
8033         }
8034     },
8035     5.018000 => {
8036         delta_from => 5.017011,
8037         changed => {
8038             'Carp'                  => '1.29',
8039             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.29',
8040             'Config'                => '5.018000',
8041             'Hash::Util'            => '0.16',
8042             'IO::Handle'            => '1.34',
8043             'IO::Socket'            => '1.36',
8044             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.89',
8045             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.89',
8046             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.28',
8047             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.28',
8048             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.28',
8049             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.28',
8050             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.28',
8051             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.28',
8052             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.28',
8053             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.28',
8054             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.28',
8055             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.28',
8056             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.28',
8057             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.28',
8058             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.28',
8059             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.28',
8060             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.28',
8061             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.28',
8062             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.28',
8063             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.28',
8064             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.28',
8065             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.28',
8066             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.28',
8067             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.28',
8068             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.28',
8069             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.28',
8070             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.28',
8071             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.28',
8072             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.28',
8073         },
8074         removed => {
8075         }
8076     },
8077     5.018001 => {
8078         delta_from => 5.018000,
8079         changed => {
8080             'B'                     => '1.42_01',
8081             'Config'                => '5.018001',
8082             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.84_01',
8083             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.96',
8084             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.96',
8085             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '2.96',
8086         },
8087         removed => {
8088            'VMS::Filespec'         => 1,
8089         }
8090     },
8091     5.018002 => {
8092         delta_from => 5.018001,
8093         changed => {
8094             'B'                     => '1.42_02',
8095             'B::Concise'            => '0.95_01',
8096             'Config'                => '5.018002',
8097             'File::Glob'            => '1.20_01',
8098             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.03',
8099             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.03',
8100             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.03',
8101         },
8102     },
8103     5.018003 => {
8104         delta_from => 5.018002,
8105         changed => {
8106             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.12',
8107             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.12',
8108             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.12',
8109         },
8110     },
8111     5.018004 => {
8112         delta_from => 5.018003,
8113         changed => {
8114             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.13',
8115             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.13',
8116             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.13',
8117         },
8118     },
8119     5.019000 => {
8120         delta_from => 5.018000,
8121         changed => {
8122             'Config'                => '5.019000',
8123             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.08',
8124             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.91',
8125             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.91',
8126             'Storable'              => '2.42',
8127             'feature'               => '1.33',
8128             'utf8'                  => '1.11',
8129         },
8130         removed => {
8131            'Archive::Extract'      => 1,
8132            'B::Lint'               => 1,
8133            'B::Lint::Debug'        => 1,
8134            'CPANPLUS'              => 1,
8135            'CPANPLUS::Backend'     => 1,
8136            'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => 1,
8137            'CPANPLUS::Config'      => 1,
8138            'CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv'=> 1,
8139            'CPANPLUS::Configure'   => 1,
8140            'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> 1,
8141            'CPANPLUS::Dist'        => 1,
8142            'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> 1,
8143            'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base'  => 1,
8144            'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => 1,
8145            'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> 1,
8146            'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM'    => 1,
8147            'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> 1,
8148            'CPANPLUS::Error'       => 1,
8149            'CPANPLUS::Internals'   => 1,
8150            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> 1,
8151            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> 1,
8152            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> 1,
8153            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> 1,
8154            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> 1,
8155            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> 1,
8156            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> 1,
8157            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> 1,
8158            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> 1,
8159            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> 1,
8160            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> 1,
8161            'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> 1,
8162            'CPANPLUS::Module'      => 1,
8163            'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> 1,
8164            'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> 1,
8165            'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> 1,
8166            'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> 1,
8167            'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> 1,
8168            'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate'  => 1,
8169            'CPANPLUS::Shell'       => 1,
8170            'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> 1,
8171            'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> 1,
8172            'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> 1,
8173            'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> 1,
8174            'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> 1,
8175            'Devel::InnerPackage'   => 1,
8176            'File::CheckTree'       => 1,
8177            'Log::Message'          => 1,
8178            'Log::Message::Config'  => 1,
8179            'Log::Message::Handlers'=> 1,
8180            'Log::Message::Item'    => 1,
8181            'Log::Message::Simple'  => 1,
8182            'Module::Pluggable'     => 1,
8183            'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> 1,
8184            'Object::Accessor'      => 1,
8185            'Pod::LaTeX'            => 1,
8186            'Term::UI'              => 1,
8187            'Term::UI::History'     => 1,
8188            'Text::Soundex'         => 1,
8189         }
8190     },
8191     5.019001 => {
8192         delta_from => 5.019000,
8193         changed => {
8194             'App::Prove'            => '3.28',
8195             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.28',
8196             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.28',
8197             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.28',
8198             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.92',
8199             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.92',
8200             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.92',
8201             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.95',
8202             'B'                     => '1.43',
8203             'B::Concise'            => '0.96',
8204             'B::Deparse'            => '1.21',
8205             'B::Showlex'            => '1.04',
8206             'Benchmark'             => '1.16',
8207             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.131560',
8208             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.131560',
8209             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.131560',
8210             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.131560',
8211             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.131560',
8212             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.131560',
8213             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.131560',
8214             'Carp'                  => '1.30',
8215             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.30',
8216             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.061',
8217             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.061',
8218             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.061',
8219             'Config'                => '5.019001',
8220             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.18',
8221             'Cwd'                   => '3.41',
8222             'DB'                    => '1.06',
8223             'DB_File'               => '1.828',
8224             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.146',
8225             'Encode'                => '2.51',
8226             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.06',
8227             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.03',
8228             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.07',
8229             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280210',
8230             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280210',
8231             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.68',
8232             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.60',
8233             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.68',
8234             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.68',
8235             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.68',
8236             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.68',
8237             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.68',
8238             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.68',
8239             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.68',
8240             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.68',
8241             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.68',
8242             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.68',
8243             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.68',
8244             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.68',
8245             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.68',
8246             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.68',
8247             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.68',
8248             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.68',
8249             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.68',
8250             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.68',
8251             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.68',
8252             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.68',
8253             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.68',
8254             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.68',
8255             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.68',
8256             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.68',
8257             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.19',
8258             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.68',
8259             'Fatal'                 => '2.19',
8260             'File::Copy'            => '2.27',
8261             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.11',
8262             'File::Fetch'           => '0.42',
8263             'File::Find'            => '1.24',
8264             'File::Spec'            => '3.41',
8265             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.41',
8266             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.41',
8267             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.41',
8268             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.41',
8269             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.41',
8270             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.41',
8271             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.41',
8272             'File::Temp'            => '0.2301',
8273             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.90',
8274             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.49',
8275             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.4',
8276             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.031',
8277             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.11',
8278             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.061',
8279             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.061',
8280             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.061',
8281             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.061',
8282             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.061',
8283             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.061',
8284             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.061',
8285             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.061',
8286             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.061',
8287             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.061',
8288             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.061',
8289             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.061',
8290             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.061',
8291             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.061',
8292             'IO::Handle'            => '1.35',
8293             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.061',
8294             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.061',
8295             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.061',
8296             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.061',
8297             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.061',
8298             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.061',
8299             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.061',
8300             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.061',
8301             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.061',
8302             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.061',
8303             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.061',
8304             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.14',
8305             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.26',
8306             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.26',
8307             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.26',
8308             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.26',
8309             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.26',
8310             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.26',
8311             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.26',
8312             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.26',
8313             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.26',
8314             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.26',
8315             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.26',
8316             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.26',
8317             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.26',
8318             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.26',
8319             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.26',
8320             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.26',
8321             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.26',
8322             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.26',
8323             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.26',
8324             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.26',
8325             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.26',
8326             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.26',
8327             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.26',
8328             'Locale::Country'       => '3.26',
8329             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.26',
8330             'Locale::Language'      => '3.26',
8331             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.24',
8332             'Locale::Script'        => '3.26',
8333             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.999',
8334             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9992',
8335             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.998',
8336             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.9991',
8337             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.2606',
8338             'Module::Build'         => '0.4005',
8339             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4005',
8340             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4005',
8341             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4005',
8342             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4005',
8343             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4005',
8344             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4005',
8345             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4005',
8346             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4005',
8347             'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.4005',
8348             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4005',
8349             'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.4005',
8350             'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.4005',
8351             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4005',
8352             'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.4005',
8353             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4005',
8354             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4005',
8355             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4005',
8356             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4005',
8357             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4005',
8358             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4005',
8359             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4005',
8360             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4005',
8361             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4005',
8362             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.92',
8363             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.92',
8364             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '2.92',
8365             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000014',
8366             'Net::Ping'             => '2.42',
8367             'OS2::Process'          => '1.09',
8368             'POSIX'                 => '1.33',
8369             'Pod::Find'             => '1.61',
8370             'Pod::Html'             => '1.19',
8371             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.61',
8372             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.61',
8373             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.61',
8374             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.20',
8375             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.20',
8376             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.20',
8377             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.20',
8378             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.20',
8379             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.20',
8380             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.20',
8381             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.20',
8382             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.20',
8383             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.20',
8384             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.20',
8385             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.20',
8386             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.20',
8387             'Pod::Select'           => '1.61',
8388             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.63',
8389             'Safe'                  => '2.36',
8390             'Storable'              => '2.43',
8391             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.18',
8392             'Sys::Syslog'           => '0.33',
8393             'TAP::Base'             => '3.28',
8394             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.28',
8395             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.28',
8396             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.28',
8397             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.28',
8398             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.28',
8399             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.28',
8400             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.28',
8401             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.28',
8402             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.28',
8403             'TAP::Object'           => '3.28',
8404             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.28',
8405             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.28',
8406             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.28',
8407             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.28',
8408             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.28',
8409             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.28',
8410             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.28',
8411             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.28',
8412             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.28',
8413             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.28',
8414             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.28',
8415             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.28',
8416             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.28',
8417             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.28',
8418             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.28',
8419             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.28',
8420             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.28',
8421             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.28',
8422             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.28',
8423             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.28',
8424             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.28',
8425             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.28',
8426             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.28',
8427             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.28',
8428             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.28',
8429             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.28',
8430             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.28',
8431             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.28',
8432             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.28',
8433             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => '3.28',
8434             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.28',
8435             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.28',
8436             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.13',
8437             'Test::Harness'         => '3.28',
8438             'Text::Tabs'            => '2013.0523',
8439             'Text::Wrap'            => '2013.0523',
8440             'Thread'                => '3.04',
8441             'Tie::File'             => '1.00',
8442             'Time::Piece'           => '1.2002',
8443             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.98',
8444             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.53',
8445             'XS::APItest'           => '0.53',
8446             '_charnames'            => '1.37',
8447             'autodie'               => '2.19',
8448             'autodie::exception'    => '2.19',
8449             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.19',
8450             'autodie::hints'        => '2.19',
8451             'autodie::skip'         => '2.19',
8452             'bigint'                => '0.35',
8453             'charnames'             => '1.38',
8454             'encoding'              => '2.12',
8455             'inc::latest'           => '0.4005',
8456             'mro'                   => '1.12',
8457             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150043',
8458             're'                    => '0.25',
8459             'threads'               => '1.87',
8460             'threads::shared'       => '1.44',
8461             'utf8'                  => '1.12',
8462         },
8463         removed => {
8464         }
8465     },
8466     5.019002 => {
8467         delta_from => 5.019001,
8468         changed => {
8469             'B'                     => '1.44',
8470             'B::Concise'            => '0.98',
8471             'B::Deparse'            => '1.22',
8472             'Benchmark'             => '1.17',
8473             'Class::Struct'         => '0.65',
8474             'Config'                => '5.019002',
8475             'DB'                    => '1.07',
8476             'DBM_Filter'            => '0.06',
8477             'DBM_Filter::compress'  => '0.03',
8478             'DBM_Filter::encode'    => '0.03',
8479             'DBM_Filter::int32'     => '0.03',
8480             'DBM_Filter::null'      => '0.03',
8481             'DBM_Filter::utf8'      => '0.03',
8482             'DB_File'               => '1.829',
8483             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.147',
8484             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.12',
8485             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.53',
8486             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.85',
8487             'English'               => '1.07',
8488             'Errno'                 => '1.19',
8489             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.31',
8490             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => '1',
8491             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.21',
8492             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.21',
8493             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.21',
8494             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.19',
8495             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.21',
8496             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.21',
8497             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.21',
8498             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.21',
8499             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.21',
8500             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.21',
8501             'ExtUtils::XSSymSet'    => '1.3',
8502             'Fatal'                 => '2.20',
8503             'File::Basename'        => '2.85',
8504             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.43',
8505             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.42',
8506             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.41',
8507             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.09',
8508             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.034',
8509             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.12',
8510             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.11',
8511             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.34',
8512             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.25',
8513             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.82',
8514             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.14',
8515             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.94',
8516             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.94',
8517             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '2.94',
8518             'POSIX'                 => '1.34',
8519             'Params::Check'         => '0.38',
8520             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4405',
8521             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.07',
8522             'Pod::Html'             => '1.2',
8523             'Safe'                  => '2.37',
8524             'Socket'                => '2.010',
8525             'Storable'              => '2.45',
8526             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.29',
8527             'Tie::Array'            => '1.06',
8528             'Tie::Hash'             => '1.05',
8529             'Tie::Scalar'           => '1.03',
8530             'Time::Piece'           => '1.21',
8531             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.21',
8532             'XS::APItest'           => '0.54',
8533             'autodie'               => '2.20',
8534             'autodie::exception'    => '2.20',
8535             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.20',
8536             'autodie::hints'        => '2.20',
8537             'autodie::skip'         => '2.20',
8538             'base'                  => '2.19',
8539             'deprecate'             => '0.03',
8540             'if'                    => '0.0603',
8541             'integer'               => '1.01',
8542             'strict'                => '1.08',
8543             'subs'                  => '1.02',
8544             'vmsish'                => '1.04',
8545         },
8546         removed => {
8547         }
8548     },
8549     5.019003 => {
8550         delta_from => 5.019002,
8551         changed => {
8552             'B'                     => '1.45',
8553             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.132140',
8554             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.132140',
8555             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.132140',
8556             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.132140',
8557             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.132140',
8558             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.132140',
8559             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.132140',
8560             'Carp'                  => '1.31',
8561             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.31',
8562             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.062',
8563             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.062',
8564             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.062',
8565             'Config'                => '5.019003',
8566             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.19',
8567             'Cwd'                   => '3.44',
8568             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.148',
8569             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.21',
8570             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.13',
8571             'DynaLoader'            => '1.19',
8572             'Encode'                => '2.52',
8573             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.17',
8574             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.06',
8575             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.04',
8576             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.14',
8577             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.08',
8578             'English'               => '1.08',
8579             'Exporter'              => '5.69',
8580             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.69',
8581             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.72',
8582             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.72',
8583             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.72',
8584             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.72',
8585             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.72',
8586             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.72',
8587             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.72',
8588             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.72',
8589             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.72',
8590             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.72',
8591             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.72',
8592             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.72',
8593             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.72',
8594             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.72',
8595             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.72',
8596             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.72',
8597             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.72',
8598             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.72',
8599             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.72',
8600             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.72',
8601             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.72',
8602             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.72',
8603             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.72',
8604             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.72',
8605             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.72',
8606             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.21',
8607             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.72',
8608             'File::Spec'            => '3.44',
8609             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.44',
8610             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.44',
8611             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.44',
8612             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.44',
8613             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.44',
8614             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.44',
8615             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.44',
8616             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.44',
8617             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.10',
8618             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.062',
8619             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.062',
8620             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.062',
8621             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.062',
8622             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.062',
8623             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.062',
8624             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.062',
8625             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.062',
8626             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.062',
8627             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.062',
8628             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.062',
8629             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.062',
8630             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.062',
8631             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.062',
8632             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.062',
8633             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.062',
8634             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.062',
8635             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.062',
8636             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.062',
8637             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.062',
8638             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.062',
8639             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.062',
8640             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.062',
8641             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.062',
8642             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.062',
8643             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.84',
8644             'IPC::Msg'              => '2.04',
8645             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.15',
8646             'IPC::Semaphore'        => '2.04',
8647             'IPC::SharedMem'        => '2.04',
8648             'IPC::SysV'             => '2.04',
8649             'List::Util'            => '1.31',
8650             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.31',
8651             'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.36',
8652             'Math::BigInt::Trace'   => '0.36',
8653             'Module::Build'         => '0.4007',
8654             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4007',
8655             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4007',
8656             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4007',
8657             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4007',
8658             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4007',
8659             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4007',
8660             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4007',
8661             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4007',
8662             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4007',
8663             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4007',
8664             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4007',
8665             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4007',
8666             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4007',
8667             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4007',
8668             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4007',
8669             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4007',
8670             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4007',
8671             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4007',
8672             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4007',
8673             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.97',
8674             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.97',
8675             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '2.97',
8676             'Net::Cmd'              => '2.30',
8677             'Net::Config'           => '1.12',
8678             'Net::Domain'           => '2.22',
8679             'Net::FTP'              => '2.78',
8680             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '0.12',
8681             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.25',
8682             'Net::Netrc'            => '2.14',
8683             'Net::POP3'             => '2.30',
8684             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.32',
8685             'PerlIO'                => '1.08',
8686             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.08',
8687             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.31',
8688             'Socket'                => '2.011',
8689             'Storable'              => '2.46',
8690             'Time::HiRes'           => '1.9726',
8691             'Time::Piece'           => '1.22',
8692             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.22',
8693             'XS::APItest'           => '0.55',
8694             'bigint'                => '0.36',
8695             'bignum'                => '0.36',
8696             'bigrat'                => '0.36',
8697             'constant'              => '1.28',
8698             'diagnostics'           => '1.32',
8699             'inc::latest'           => '0.4007',
8700             'mro'                   => '1.13',
8701             'parent'                => '0.226',
8702             'utf8'                  => '1.13',
8703             'version'               => '0.9903',
8704         },
8705         removed => {
8706            'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> 1,
8707            'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> 1,
8708            'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> 1,
8709            'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> 1,
8710         }
8711     },
8712     5.019004 => {
8713         delta_from => 5.019003,
8714         changed => {
8715             'B'                     => '1.46',
8716             'B::Concise'            => '0.99',
8717             'B::Deparse'            => '1.23',
8718             'CPAN'                  => '2.03',
8719             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.132620',
8720             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.132620',
8721             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.132620',
8722             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.132620',
8723             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.132620',
8724             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.123',
8725             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.132620',
8726             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.132620',
8727             'Carp'                  => '1.32',
8728             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.32',
8729             'Config'                => '5.019004',
8730             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.149',
8731             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.14',
8732             'DynaLoader'            => '1.20',
8733             'Encode'                => '2.55',
8734             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.18',
8735             'Encode::CN::HZ'        => '2.07',
8736             'Encode::Encoder'       => '2.03',
8737             'Encode::Encoding'      => '2.07',
8738             'Encode::GSM0338'       => '2.05',
8739             'Encode::Guess'         => '2.06',
8740             'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => '2.05',
8741             'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => '2.03',
8742             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.15',
8743             'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.04',
8744             'Encode::Unicode'       => '2.09',
8745             'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.08',
8746             'Errno'                 => '1.20',
8747             'Exporter'              => '5.70',
8748             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.70',
8749             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280212',
8750             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280212',
8751             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280212',
8752             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280212',
8753             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280212',
8754             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280212',
8755             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280212',
8756             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280212',
8757             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280212',
8758             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280212',
8759             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280212',
8760             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280212',
8761             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280212',
8762             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.18',
8763             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.76',
8764             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.76',
8765             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.76',
8766             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.76',
8767             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.76',
8768             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.76',
8769             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.76',
8770             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.76',
8771             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.76',
8772             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.76',
8773             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.76',
8774             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.76',
8775             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.76',
8776             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.76',
8777             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.76',
8778             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.76',
8779             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.76',
8780             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.76',
8781             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.76',
8782             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.76',
8783             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.76',
8784             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.76',
8785             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.76',
8786             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.76',
8787             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.76',
8788             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.23',
8789             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.23',
8790             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.23',
8791             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.23',
8792             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.23',
8793             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.23',
8794             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.23',
8795             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.23',
8796             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.23',
8797             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.23',
8798             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.76',
8799             'Fatal'                 => '2.21',
8800             'File::Copy'            => '2.28',
8801             'File::Find'            => '1.25',
8802             'File::Glob'            => '1.21',
8803             'FileCache'             => '1.09',
8804             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.035',
8805             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.13',
8806             'I18N::LangTags'        => '0.40',
8807             'IO'                    => '1.29',
8808             'IO::Socket'            => '1.37',
8809             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.16',
8810             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27202_01',
8811             'List::Util'            => '1.32',
8812             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.32',
8813             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.27',
8814             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.27',
8815             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.27',
8816             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.27',
8817             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.27',
8818             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.27',
8819             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.27',
8820             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.27',
8821             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.27',
8822             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.27',
8823             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.27',
8824             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.27',
8825             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.27',
8826             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.27',
8827             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.27',
8828             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.27',
8829             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.27',
8830             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.27',
8831             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.27',
8832             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.27',
8833             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.27',
8834             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.27',
8835             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.27',
8836             'Locale::Country'       => '3.27',
8837             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.27',
8838             'Locale::Language'      => '3.27',
8839             'Locale::Script'        => '3.27',
8840             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.9991',
8841             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9993',
8842             'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.31',
8843             'Module::CoreList'      => '2.99',
8844             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '2.99',
8845             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '2.99',
8846             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.58',
8847             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000018',
8848             'Opcode'                => '1.26',
8849             'POSIX'                 => '1.35',
8850             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4407',
8851             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.005',
8852             'Pod::Html'             => '1.21',
8853             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.32',
8854             'Socket'                => '2.012',
8855             'Storable'              => '2.47',
8856             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.14',
8857             'Test::Builder'         => '0.98_06',
8858             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.98_06',
8859             'Test::More'            => '0.98_06',
8860             'Test::Simple'          => '0.98_06',
8861             'Time::Piece'           => '1.23',
8862             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.23',
8863             'Unicode::Collate'      => '0.99',
8864             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.54',
8865             'XS::APItest'           => '0.56',
8866             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.11',
8867             '_charnames'            => '1.39',
8868             'autodie'               => '2.21',
8869             'autodie::exception'    => '2.21',
8870             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.21',
8871             'autodie::hints'        => '2.21',
8872             'autodie::skip'         => '2.21',
8873             'charnames'             => '1.39',
8874             'diagnostics'           => '1.33',
8875             'mro'                   => '1.14',
8876             'parent'                => '0.228',
8877             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150044',
8878             're'                    => '0.26',
8879             'version'               => '0.9904',
8880             'warnings'              => '1.19',
8881         },
8882         removed => {
8883         }
8884     },
8885     5.019005 => {
8886         delta_from => 5.019004,
8887         changed => {
8888             'App::Prove'            => '3.29',
8889             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.29',
8890             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.29',
8891             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.29',
8892             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.132830',
8893             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.132830',
8894             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.132830',
8895             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.132830',
8896             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.132830',
8897             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.125',
8898             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.132830',
8899             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.132830',
8900             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.010',
8901             'Config'                => '5.019005',
8902             'Cwd'                   => '3.45',
8903             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.80',
8904             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.61',
8905             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.80',
8906             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.80',
8907             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.80',
8908             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.80',
8909             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.80',
8910             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.80',
8911             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.80',
8912             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.80',
8913             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.80',
8914             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.80',
8915             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.80',
8916             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.80',
8917             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.80',
8918             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.80',
8919             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.80',
8920             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.80',
8921             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.80',
8922             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.80',
8923             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.80',
8924             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.80',
8925             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.80',
8926             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.80',
8927             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.80',
8928             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.80',
8929             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.80',
8930             'Fatal'                 => '2.22',
8931             'File::Fetch'           => '0.44',
8932             'File::Glob'            => '1.22',
8933             'File::Spec'            => '3.45',
8934             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.45',
8935             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.45',
8936             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.45',
8937             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.45',
8938             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.45',
8939             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.45',
8940             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.45',
8941             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.45',
8942             'File::Temp'            => '0.2304',
8943             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.42',
8944             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.036',
8945             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.84_01',
8946             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27203',
8947             'List::Util'            => '1.35',
8948             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.35',
8949             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.00',
8950             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.00',
8951             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.00',
8952             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000019',
8953             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4409',
8954             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.006',
8955             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.17',
8956             'Pod::Man'              => '2.28',
8957             'Pod::Text'             => '3.18',
8958             'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => '2.08',
8959             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.35',
8960             'TAP::Base'             => '3.29',
8961             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.29',
8962             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.29',
8963             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.29',
8964             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.29',
8965             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.29',
8966             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.29',
8967             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.29',
8968             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.29',
8969             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.29',
8970             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.29',
8971             'TAP::Object'           => '3.29',
8972             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.29',
8973             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.29',
8974             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.29',
8975             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.29',
8976             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.29',
8977             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.29',
8978             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.29',
8979             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.29',
8980             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.29',
8981             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.29',
8982             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.29',
8983             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.29',
8984             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.29',
8985             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.29',
8986             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.29',
8987             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.29',
8988             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.29',
8989             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.29',
8990             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.29',
8991             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.29',
8992             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.29',
8993             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.29',
8994             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.29',
8995             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.29',
8996             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.29',
8997             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.29',
8998             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.29',
8999             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.29',
9000             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.29',
9001             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.29',
9002             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.29',
9003             'Test::Builder'         => '0.99',
9004             'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.99',
9005             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.23_002',
9006             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.23_002',
9007             'Test::Harness'         => '3.29',
9008             'Test::More'            => '0.99',
9009             'Test::Simple'          => '0.99',
9010             'Unicode'               => '6.3.0',
9011             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.17',
9012             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.55',
9013             'attributes'            => '0.22',
9014             'autodie'               => '2.22',
9015             'autodie::exception'    => '2.22',
9016             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.22',
9017             'autodie::hints'        => '2.22',
9018             'autodie::skip'         => '2.22',
9019             'feature'               => '1.34',
9020             'threads'               => '1.89',
9021             'warnings'              => '1.20',
9022         },
9023         removed => {
9024             'TAP::Parser::Utils'    => 1,
9025         }
9026     },
9027     5.019006 => {
9028         delta_from => 5.019005,
9029         changed => {
9030             'App::Prove'            => '3.30',
9031             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.30',
9032             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.30',
9033             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.30',
9034             'Archive::Tar'          => '1.96',
9035             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.96',
9036             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '1.96',
9037             'AutoLoader'            => '5.74',
9038             'B'                     => '1.47',
9039             'B::Concise'            => '0.991',
9040             'B::Debug'              => '1.19',
9041             'B::Deparse'            => '1.24',
9042             'Benchmark'             => '1.18',
9043             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.063',
9044             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.063',
9045             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.063',
9046             'Config'                => '5.019006',
9047             'DB_File'               => '1.831',
9048             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.15',
9049             'DynaLoader'            => '1.21',
9050             'Errno'                 => '1.20_01',
9051             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.82',
9052             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.82',
9053             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.82',
9054             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.82',
9055             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.82',
9056             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.82',
9057             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.82',
9058             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.82',
9059             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.82',
9060             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.82',
9061             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.82',
9062             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.82',
9063             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.82',
9064             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.82',
9065             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.82',
9066             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.82',
9067             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.82',
9068             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.82',
9069             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.82',
9070             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.82',
9071             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.82',
9072             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.82',
9073             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.82',
9074             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.82',
9075             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.82',
9076             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.82',
9077             'File::DosGlob'         => '1.12',
9078             'File::Find'            => '1.26',
9079             'File::Glob'            => '1.23',
9080             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.038',
9081             'IO'                    => '1.30',
9082             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.063',
9083             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.063',
9084             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.063',
9085             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.063',
9086             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.063',
9087             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.063',
9088             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.063',
9089             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.063',
9090             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.063',
9091             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.063',
9092             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.063',
9093             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.063',
9094             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.063',
9095             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.063',
9096             'IO::Select'            => '1.22',
9097             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.063',
9098             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.063',
9099             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.063',
9100             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.063',
9101             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.063',
9102             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.063',
9103             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.063',
9104             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.063',
9105             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.063',
9106             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.063',
9107             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.063',
9108             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.90',
9109             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.25',
9110             'Module::Build'         => '0.4202',
9111             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4202',
9112             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4202',
9113             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4202',
9114             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4202',
9115             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4202',
9116             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4202',
9117             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4202',
9118             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4202',
9119             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4202',
9120             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4202',
9121             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4202',
9122             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4202',
9123             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4202',
9124             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4202',
9125             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4202',
9126             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4202',
9127             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4202',
9128             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4202',
9129             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4202',
9130             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.01',
9131             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.01',
9132             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.01',
9133             'Opcode'                => '1.27',
9134             'POSIX'                 => '1.36',
9135             'Package::Constants'    => '0.04',
9136             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.18',
9137             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.13',
9138             'SDBM_File'             => '1.10',
9139             'Socket'                => '2.013',
9140             'TAP::Base'             => '3.30',
9141             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.30',
9142             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.30',
9143             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.30',
9144             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.30',
9145             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.30',
9146             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.30',
9147             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.30',
9148             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.30',
9149             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.30',
9150             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.30',
9151             'TAP::Object'           => '3.30',
9152             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.30',
9153             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.30',
9154             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.30',
9155             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.30',
9156             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.30',
9157             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.30',
9158             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.30',
9159             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.30',
9160             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.30',
9161             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.30',
9162             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.30',
9163             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.30',
9164             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.30',
9165             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.30',
9166             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.30',
9167             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.30',
9168             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.30',
9169             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.30',
9170             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.30',
9171             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.30',
9172             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.30',
9173             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.30',
9174             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.30',
9175             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.30',
9176             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.30',
9177             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.30',
9178             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.30',
9179             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.30',
9180             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.30',
9181             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.30',
9182             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.30',
9183             'Term::Cap'             => '1.15',
9184             'Test::Builder'         => '1.001002',
9185             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.001002',
9186             'Test::Harness'         => '3.30',
9187             'Test::More'            => '1.001002',
9188             'Test::Simple'          => '1.001002',
9189             'Tie::StdHandle'        => '4.4',
9190             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.02',
9191             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '1.02',
9192             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '1.02',
9193             'XS::APItest'           => '0.57',
9194             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.12',
9195             'arybase'               => '0.07',
9196             'bignum'                => '0.37',
9197             'constant'              => '1.29',
9198             'fields'                => '2.17',
9199             'inc::latest'           => '0.4202',
9200             'threads'               => '1.90',
9201             'threads::shared'       => '1.45',
9202         },
9203         removed => {
9204         }
9205     },
9206     5.019007 => {
9207         delta_from => 5.019006,
9208         changed => {
9209             'CGI'                   => '3.64',
9210             'CGI::Apache'           => '1.02',
9211             'CGI::Carp'             => '3.64',
9212             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1.31',
9213             'CGI::Fast'             => '1.10',
9214             'CGI::Pretty'           => '3.64',
9215             'CGI::Push'             => '1.06',
9216             'CGI::Switch'           => '1.02',
9217             'CGI::Util'             => '3.64',
9218             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.133380',
9219             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.133380',
9220             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.133380',
9221             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.133380',
9222             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.133380',
9223             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.133380',
9224             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.133380',
9225             'Config'                => '5.019007',
9226             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.150',
9227             'DynaLoader'            => '1.22',
9228             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.84',
9229             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.84',
9230             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.84',
9231             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.84',
9232             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.84',
9233             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.84',
9234             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.84',
9235             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.84',
9236             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.84',
9237             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.84',
9238             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.84',
9239             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.84',
9240             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.84',
9241             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.84',
9242             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.84',
9243             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.84',
9244             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.84',
9245             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.84',
9246             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.84',
9247             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.84',
9248             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.84',
9249             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.84',
9250             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.84',
9251             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.84',
9252             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.84',
9253             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.84',
9254             'File::Fetch'           => '0.46',
9255             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.039',
9256             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.28',
9257             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.28',
9258             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.28',
9259             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.28',
9260             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.28',
9261             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.28',
9262             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.28',
9263             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.28',
9264             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.28',
9265             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.28',
9266             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.28',
9267             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.28',
9268             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.28',
9269             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.28',
9270             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.28',
9271             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.28',
9272             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.28',
9273             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.28',
9274             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.28',
9275             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.28',
9276             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.28',
9277             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.28',
9278             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.28',
9279             'Locale::Country'       => '3.28',
9280             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.28',
9281             'Locale::Language'      => '3.28',
9282             'Locale::Script'        => '3.28',
9283             'Module::Build'         => '0.4203',
9284             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4203',
9285             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4203',
9286             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4203',
9287             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4203',
9288             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4203',
9289             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4203',
9290             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4203',
9291             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4203',
9292             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4203',
9293             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4203',
9294             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4203',
9295             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4203',
9296             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4203',
9297             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4203',
9298             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4203',
9299             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4203',
9300             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4203',
9301             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4203',
9302             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4203',
9303             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.02',
9304             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.02',
9305             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.02',
9306             'POSIX'                 => '1.37',
9307             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.17',
9308             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.14',
9309             'SDBM_File'             => '1.11',
9310             'Storable'              => '2.48',
9311             'Time::Piece'           => '1.24',
9312             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.24',
9313             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.04',
9314             'Win32'                 => '0.48',
9315             'XS::APItest'           => '0.58',
9316             'base'                  => '2.20',
9317             'constant'              => '1.30',
9318             'inc::latest'           => '0.4203',
9319             'threads'               => '1.91',
9320         },
9321         removed => {
9322         }
9323     },
9324     5.019008 => {
9325         delta_from => 5.019007,
9326         changed => {
9327             'Config'                => '5.019008',
9328             'DynaLoader'            => '1.24',
9329             'Encode'                => '2.57',
9330             'Errno'                 => '1.20_02',
9331             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280213',
9332             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280213',
9333             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280213',
9334             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280213',
9335             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280213',
9336             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280213',
9337             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280213',
9338             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280213',
9339             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280213',
9340             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280213',
9341             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280213',
9342             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280213',
9343             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280213',
9344             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.86',
9345             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.86',
9346             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.86',
9347             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.86',
9348             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.86',
9349             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.86',
9350             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.86',
9351             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.86',
9352             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.86',
9353             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.86',
9354             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.86',
9355             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.86',
9356             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.86',
9357             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.86',
9358             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.86',
9359             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.86',
9360             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.86',
9361             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.86',
9362             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.86',
9363             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.86',
9364             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.86',
9365             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.86',
9366             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.86',
9367             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.86',
9368             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.86',
9369             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.86',
9370             'File::Copy'            => '2.29',
9371             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.14',
9372             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.26',
9373             'IO::Socket::UNIX'      => '1.26',
9374             'List::Util'            => '1.36',
9375             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.36',
9376             'Module::Build'         => '0.4204',
9377             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4204',
9378             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4204',
9379             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4204',
9380             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4204',
9381             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4204',
9382             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4204',
9383             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4204',
9384             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4204',
9385             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4204',
9386             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4204',
9387             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4204',
9388             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4204',
9389             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4204',
9390             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4204',
9391             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4204',
9392             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4204',
9393             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4204',
9394             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4204',
9395             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4204',
9396             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.04',
9397             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.04',
9398             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.04',
9399             'Module::Load'          => '0.28',
9400             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.60',
9401             'Net::Config'           => '1.13',
9402             'Net::FTP::A'           => '1.19',
9403             'POSIX'                 => '1.38_01',
9404             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.007',
9405             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.18',
9406             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.21',
9407             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.21',
9408             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.21',
9409             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.21',
9410             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.21',
9411             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.21',
9412             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.21',
9413             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.21',
9414             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.21',
9415             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.21',
9416             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.21',
9417             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.21',
9418             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.21',
9419             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.36',
9420             'Time::Piece'           => '1.27',
9421             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.27',
9422             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.57',
9423             'XS::APItest'           => '0.59',
9424             'XSLoader'              => '0.17',
9425             'base'                  => '2.21',
9426             'constant'              => '1.31',
9427             'inc::latest'           => '0.4204',
9428             'threads::shared'       => '1.46',
9429             'version'               => '0.9907',
9430             'version::regex'        => '0.9907',
9431             'version::vpp'          => '0.9907',
9432             'warnings'              => '1.21',
9433         },
9434         removed => {
9435         }
9436     },
9437     5.019009 => {
9438         delta_from => 5.019008,
9439         changed => {
9440             'B'                     => '1.48',
9441             'B::Concise'            => '0.992',
9442             'B::Deparse'            => '1.25',
9443             'CGI'                   => '3.65',
9444             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.011',
9445             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.064',
9446             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.065',
9447             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.064',
9448             'Config'                => '5.019009',
9449             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.20',
9450             'Cwd'                   => '3.47',
9451             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.16',
9452             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.87',
9453             'DynaLoader'            => '1.25',
9454             'English'               => '1.09',
9455             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280216',
9456             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280216',
9457             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280216',
9458             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280216',
9459             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280216',
9460             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280216',
9461             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280216',
9462             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280216',
9463             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280216',
9464             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280216',
9465             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280216',
9466             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280216',
9467             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280216',
9468             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280216',
9469             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.88',
9470             'ExtUtils::Embed'       => '1.32',
9471             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.62',
9472             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.999004',
9473             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.88',
9474             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.88',
9475             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.88',
9476             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.88',
9477             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.88',
9478             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.88',
9479             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.88',
9480             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.88',
9481             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.88',
9482             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.88',
9483             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.88',
9484             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.88',
9485             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.88',
9486             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.88',
9487             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.88',
9488             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.88',
9489             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.88',
9490             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.88',
9491             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.88',
9492             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.88',
9493             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.88',
9494             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.88',
9495             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.88',
9496             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.88',
9497             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.47',
9498             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.88',
9499             'Fatal'                 => '2.23',
9500             'File::Fetch'           => '0.48',
9501             'File::Spec'            => '3.47',
9502             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.47',
9503             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.47',
9504             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.47',
9505             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.47',
9506             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.47',
9507             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.47',
9508             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.47',
9509             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.47',
9510             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.042',
9511             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.064',
9512             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.064',
9513             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.064',
9514             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.064',
9515             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.064',
9516             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.064',
9517             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.064',
9518             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.064',
9519             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.064',
9520             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.064',
9521             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.064',
9522             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.064',
9523             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.064',
9524             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.064',
9525             'IO::Socket::INET'      => '1.35',
9526             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.28',
9527             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.064',
9528             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.064',
9529             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.064',
9530             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.064',
9531             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.064',
9532             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.064',
9533             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.064',
9534             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.064',
9535             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.064',
9536             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.064',
9537             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.064',
9538             'IPC::Cmd'              => '0.92',
9539             'List::Util'            => '1.38',
9540             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.38',
9541             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.29',
9542             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.29',
9543             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.29',
9544             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.29',
9545             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.29',
9546             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.29',
9547             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.29',
9548             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.29',
9549             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.29',
9550             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.29',
9551             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.29',
9552             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.29',
9553             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.29',
9554             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.29',
9555             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.29',
9556             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.29',
9557             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.29',
9558             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.29',
9559             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.29',
9560             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.29',
9561             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.29',
9562             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.29',
9563             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.29',
9564             'Locale::Country'       => '3.29',
9565             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.29',
9566             'Locale::Language'      => '3.29',
9567             'Locale::Script'        => '3.29',
9568             'Module::Build'         => '0.4205',
9569             'Module::Build::Base'   => '0.4205',
9570             'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.4205',
9571             'Module::Build::Config' => '0.4205',
9572             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.4205',
9573             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.4205',
9574             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.4205',
9575             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '0.4205',
9576             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.4205',
9577             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.4205',
9578             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.4205',
9579             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.4205',
9580             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.4205',
9581             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.4205',
9582             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.4205',
9583             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.4205',
9584             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.4205',
9585             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.4205',
9586             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.4205',
9587             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.4205',
9588             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.06',
9589             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.06',
9590             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.06',
9591             'Module::Load'          => '0.30',
9592             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.62',
9593             'Net::Domain'           => '2.23',
9594             'Net::FTP'              => '2.79',
9595             'Net::NNTP'             => '2.26',
9596             'Net::POP3'             => '2.31',
9597             'Net::Ping'             => '2.43',
9598             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.33',
9599             'POSIX'                 => '1.38_02',
9600             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4413',
9601             'Pod::Escapes'          => '1.06',
9602             'Pod::Find'             => '1.62',
9603             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.62',
9604             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.62',
9605             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.62',
9606             'Pod::Select'           => '1.62',
9607             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.38',
9608             'autodie'               => '2.23',
9609             'autodie::exception'    => '2.23',
9610             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.23',
9611             'autodie::hints'        => '2.23',
9612             'autodie::skip'         => '2.23',
9613             'diagnostics'           => '1.34',
9614             'feature'               => '1.35',
9615             'inc::latest'           => '0.4205',
9616             'locale'                => '1.03',
9617             'mro'                   => '1.15',
9618             'threads'               => '1.92',
9619             'version'               => '0.9908',
9620             'version::regex'        => '0.9908',
9621             'version::vpp'          => '0.9908',
9622             'warnings'              => '1.22',
9623         },
9624         removed => {
9625         }
9626     },
9627     5.01901 => {
9628         delta_from => 5.019009,
9629         changed => {
9630             'App::Cpan'             => '1.62',
9631             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.96',
9632             'B::Deparse'            => '1.26',
9633             'CPAN'                  => '2.04',
9634             'CPAN::Bundle'          => '5.5001',
9635             'CPAN::Complete'        => '5.5001',
9636             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '2.01',
9637             'CPAN::Distroprefs'     => '6.0001',
9638             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5305',
9639             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.140640',
9640             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.140640',
9641             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.140640',
9642             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.140640',
9643             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.140640',
9644             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.140640',
9645             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.140640',
9646             'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '0.012',
9647             'CPAN::Queue'           => '5.5002',
9648             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5003',
9649             'CPAN::Tarzip'          => '5.5012',
9650             'CPAN::Version'         => '5.5003',
9651             'Carp'                  => '1.33',
9652             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.33',
9653             'Config'                => '5.019010',
9654             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.151',
9655             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.22',
9656             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.88',
9657             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.92',
9658             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.63',
9659             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '1.999005',
9660             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.92',
9661             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.92',
9662             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.92',
9663             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.92',
9664             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.92',
9665             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.92',
9666             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.92',
9667             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.92',
9668             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.92',
9669             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.92',
9670             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.92',
9671             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.92',
9672             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.92',
9673             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.92',
9674             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.92',
9675             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.92',
9676             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.92',
9677             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.92',
9678             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.92',
9679             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.92',
9680             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.92',
9681             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.92',
9682             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.92',
9683             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.92',
9684             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '1.48',
9685             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.24',
9686             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.24',
9687             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.24',
9688             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.24',
9689             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.24',
9690             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.24',
9691             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.24',
9692             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.24',
9693             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.24',
9694             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.24',
9695             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.92',
9696             'File::Find'            => '1.27',
9697             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.91',
9698             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.043',
9699             'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.15',
9700             'IO'                    => '1.31',
9701             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.29',
9702             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.30',
9703             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.30',
9704             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.30',
9705             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.30',
9706             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.30',
9707             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.30',
9708             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.30',
9709             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.30',
9710             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.30',
9711             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.30',
9712             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.30',
9713             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.30',
9714             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.30',
9715             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.30',
9716             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.30',
9717             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.30',
9718             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.30',
9719             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.30',
9720             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.30',
9721             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.30',
9722             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.30',
9723             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.30',
9724             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.30',
9725             'Locale::Country'       => '3.30',
9726             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.30',
9727             'Locale::Language'      => '3.30',
9728             'Locale::Script'        => '3.30',
9729             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.09',
9730             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.09',
9731             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.09',
9732             'Module::Load'          => '0.32',
9733             'POSIX'                 => '1.38_03',
9734             'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '1.4414',
9735             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.23',
9736             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.23',
9737             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.23',
9738             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.23',
9739             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.23',
9740             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.23',
9741             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.23',
9742             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.23',
9743             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.23',
9744             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.23',
9745             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.23',
9746             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.23',
9747             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.23',
9748             'Thread::Queue'         => '3.05',
9749             'XS::APItest'           => '0.60',
9750             'XS::Typemap'           => '0.13',
9751             'autouse'               => '1.08',
9752             'base'                  => '2.22',
9753             'charnames'             => '1.40',
9754             'feature'               => '1.36',
9755             'mro'                   => '1.16',
9756             'threads'               => '1.93',
9757             'warnings'              => '1.23',
9758             'warnings::register'    => '1.03',
9759         },
9760         removed => {
9761         }
9762     },
9763     5.019011 => {
9764         delta_from => 5.01901,
9765         changed => {
9766             'CPAN'                  => '2.05',
9767             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '2.02',
9768             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5306',
9769             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5004',
9770             'Carp'                  => '1.3301',
9771             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.3301',
9772             'Config'                => '5.019011',
9773             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.94',
9774             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.67',
9775             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.94',
9776             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.94',
9777             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.94',
9778             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.94',
9779             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.94',
9780             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.94',
9781             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.94',
9782             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.94',
9783             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.94',
9784             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.94',
9785             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.94',
9786             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.94',
9787             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.94',
9788             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.94',
9789             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.94',
9790             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.94',
9791             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.94',
9792             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.94',
9793             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.94',
9794             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.94',
9795             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.94',
9796             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.94',
9797             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.94',
9798             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.94',
9799             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.94',
9800             'Module::CoreList'      => '3.10',
9801             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '3.10',
9802             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '3.10',
9803             'PerlIO'                => '1.09',
9804             'Storable'              => '2.49',
9805             'Win32'                 => '0.49',
9806             'experimental'          => '0.007',
9807         },
9808         removed => {
9809         }
9810     },
9811     5.020000 => {
9812         delta_from => 5.019011,
9813         changed => {
9814             'Config'                => '5.02',
9815             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.21',
9816             'Encode'                => '2.60',
9817             'Errno'                 => '1.20_03',
9818             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.98',
9819             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '6.98',
9820             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.98',
9821             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '6.98',
9822             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '6.98',
9823             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '6.98',
9824             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '6.98',
9825             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '6.98',
9826             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '6.98',
9827             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '6.98',
9828             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '6.98',
9829             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '6.98',
9830             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '6.98',
9831             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '6.98',
9832             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '6.98',
9833             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '6.98',
9834             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '6.98',
9835             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '6.98',
9836             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '6.98',
9837             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '6.98',
9838             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '6.98',
9839             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.98',
9840             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.98',
9841             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => '1.01',
9842             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.98',
9843             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '6.98',
9844             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '6.98',
9845             'Pod::Functions::Functions'=> '1.08',
9846         },
9847         removed => {
9848         }
9849     },
9850     5.021000 => {
9851         delta_from => 5.020000,
9852         changed => {
9853             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.021001',
9854             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.021001',
9855             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.021001',
9856             'feature'               => '1.37',
9857         },
9858         removed => {
9859             'CGI'                   => 1,
9860             'CGI::Apache'           => 1,
9861             'CGI::Carp'             => 1,
9862             'CGI::Cookie'           => 1,
9863             'CGI::Fast'             => 1,
9864             'CGI::Pretty'           => 1,
9865             'CGI::Push'             => 1,
9866             'CGI::Switch'           => 1,
9867             'CGI::Util'             => 1,
9868             'Module::Build'         => 1,
9869             'Module::Build::Base'   => 1,
9870             'Module::Build::Compat' => 1,
9871             'Module::Build::Config' => 1,
9872             'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> 1,
9873             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> 1,
9874             'Module::Build::Dumper' => 1,
9875             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> 1,
9876             'Module::Build::Notes'  => 1,
9877             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> 1,
9878             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> 1,
9879             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> 1,
9880             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> 1,
9881             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> 1,
9882             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> 1,
9883             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> 1,
9884             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> 1,
9885             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> 1,
9886             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> 1,
9887             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> 1,
9888             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> 1,
9889             'Module::Build::Version'=> 1,
9890             'Module::Build::YAML'   => 1,
9891             'Package::Constants'    => 1,
9892             'Simple'                => 1,
9893             'inc::latest'           => 1,
9894         }
9895     },
9896     5.021001 => {
9897         delta_from => 5.021000,
9898         changed => {
9899             'App::Prove'            => '3.32',
9900             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.32',
9901             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.32',
9902             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.32',
9903             'Archive::Tar'          => '2.00',
9904             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '2.00',
9905             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '2.00',
9906             'B'                     => '1.49',
9907             'B::Deparse'            => '1.27',
9908             'Benchmark'             => '1.19',
9909             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.141520',
9910             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.141520',
9911             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.141520',
9912             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.141520',
9913             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.141520',
9914             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.141520',
9915             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.141520',
9916             'Carp'                  => '1.34',
9917             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.34',
9918             'Config'                => '5.021001',
9919             'Cwd'                   => '3.48',
9920             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.152',
9921             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.24',
9922             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.17',
9923             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.92',
9924             'DynaLoader'            => '1.26',
9925             'Encode'                => '2.62',
9926             'Errno'                 => '1.20_04',
9927             'Exporter'              => '5.71',
9928             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.71',
9929             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '1.68',
9930             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => '1.02',
9931             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.25',
9932             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.25',
9933             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.25',
9934             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.25',
9935             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.25',
9936             'ExtUtils::Typemaps'    => '3.25',
9937             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd'=> '3.25',
9938             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap'=> '3.25',
9939             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap'=> '3.25',
9940             'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type'=> '3.25',
9941             'Fatal'                 => '2.25',
9942             'File::Spec'            => '3.48',
9943             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.48',
9944             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.48',
9945             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.48',
9946             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.48',
9947             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.48',
9948             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.48',
9949             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.48',
9950             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.48',
9951             'Hash::Util'            => '0.17',
9952             'IO'                    => '1.32',
9953             'List::Util'            => '1.39',
9954             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.39',
9955             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.31',
9956             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.31',
9957             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.31',
9958             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.31',
9959             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.31',
9960             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.31',
9961             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.31',
9962             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.31',
9963             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.31',
9964             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.31',
9965             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.31',
9966             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.31',
9967             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.31',
9968             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.31',
9969             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.31',
9970             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.31',
9971             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.31',
9972             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.31',
9973             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.31',
9974             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.31',
9975             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.31',
9976             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.31',
9977             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.31',
9978             'Locale::Country'       => '3.31',
9979             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.31',
9980             'Locale::Language'      => '3.31',
9981             'Locale::Script'        => '3.31',
9982             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.9994',
9983             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9995',
9984             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.9994',
9985             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.9994',
9986             'Math::BigRat'          => '0.2608',
9987             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.021001_01',
9988             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.021001_01',
9989             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.021001_01',
9990             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000024',
9991             'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16BE'=> undef,
9992             'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16LE'=> undef,
9993             'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF8'=> '1',
9994             'NDBM_File'             => '1.13',
9995             'Net::Config'           => '1.14',
9996             'Net::SMTP'             => '2.34',
9997             'Net::Time'             => '2.11',
9998             'OS2::Process'          => '1.10',
9999             'POSIX'                 => '1.40',
10000             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.19',
10001             'PerlIO::mmap'          => '0.013',
10002             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.19',
10003             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.15',
10004             'Pod::Html'             => '1.22',
10005             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.39',
10006             'SelfLoader'            => '1.22',
10007             'Socket'                => '2.014',
10008             'Storable'              => '2.51',
10009             'TAP::Base'             => '3.32',
10010             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.32',
10011             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.32',
10012             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.32',
10013             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.32',
10014             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.32',
10015             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.32',
10016             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.32',
10017             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.32',
10018             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.32',
10019             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.32',
10020             'TAP::Object'           => '3.32',
10021             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.32',
10022             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.32',
10023             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.32',
10024             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.32',
10025             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.32',
10026             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.32',
10027             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.32',
10028             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.32',
10029             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.32',
10030             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.32',
10031             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.32',
10032             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.32',
10033             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.32',
10034             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.32',
10035             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.32',
10036             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.32',
10037             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.32',
10038             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.32',
10039             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.32',
10040             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.32',
10041             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.32',
10042             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.32',
10043             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.32',
10044             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.32',
10045             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.32',
10046             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.32',
10047             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.32',
10048             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.32',
10049             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.32',
10050             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.32',
10051             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.32',
10052             'Term::ANSIColor'       => '4.03',
10053             'Test::Builder'         => '1.001003',
10054             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.001003',
10055             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.23_003',
10056             'Test::Harness'         => '3.32',
10057             'Test::More'            => '1.001003',
10058             'Test::Simple'          => '1.001003',
10059             'Tie::File'             => '1.01',
10060             'Unicode'               => '7.0.0',
10061             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.07',
10062             'Unicode::Normalize'    => '1.18',
10063             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.58',
10064             'XS::APItest'           => '0.61',
10065             '_charnames'            => '1.41',
10066             'autodie'               => '2.25',
10067             'autodie::Scope::Guard' => '2.25',
10068             'autodie::Scope::GuardStack'=> '2.25',
10069             'autodie::ScopeUtil'    => '2.25',
10070             'autodie::exception'    => '2.25',
10071             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.25',
10072             'autodie::hints'        => '2.25',
10073             'autodie::skip'         => '2.25',
10074             'charnames'             => '1.41',
10075             'locale'                => '1.04',
10076             'threads'               => '1.94',
10077             'utf8'                  => '1.14',
10078             'warnings'              => '1.24',
10079         },
10080         removed => {
10081         }
10082     },
10083     5.021002 => {
10084         delta_from => 5.021001,
10085         changed => {
10086             'B'                     => '1.50',
10087             'Config'                => '5.021002',
10088             'Cwd'                   => '3.49',
10089             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.18',
10090             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.64',
10091             'File::Copy'            => '2.30',
10092             'File::Spec'            => '3.49',
10093             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.49',
10094             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.49',
10095             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.49',
10096             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.49',
10097             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.49',
10098             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.49',
10099             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.49',
10100             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.49',
10101             'Filter::Simple'        => '0.92',
10102             'Hash::Util'            => '0.18',
10103             'IO'                    => '1.33',
10104             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.31',
10105             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.17',
10106             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.9996',
10107             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9996',
10108             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.9996',
10109             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.9996',
10110             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.021002',
10111             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.021002',
10112             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.021002',
10113             'POSIX'                 => '1.41',
10114             'Pod::Usage'            => '1.64',
10115             'XS::APItest'           => '0.62',
10116             'arybase'               => '0.08',
10117             'experimental'          => '0.008',
10118             'threads'               => '1.95',
10119             'warnings'              => '1.26',
10120         },
10121         removed => {
10122         }
10123     },
10124     5.021003 => {
10125         delta_from => 5.021002,
10126         changed => {
10127             'B::Debug'              => '1.21',
10128             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.142060',
10129             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.142060',
10130             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.142060',
10131             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.142060',
10132             'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => '2.142060',
10133             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.142060',
10134             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.126',
10135             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.142060',
10136             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.142060',
10137             'Config'                => '5.021003',
10138             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.22',
10139             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280217',
10140             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280217',
10141             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280217',
10142             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280217',
10143             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280217',
10144             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280217',
10145             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280217',
10146             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280217',
10147             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280217',
10148             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280217',
10149             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280217',
10150             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280217',
10151             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280217',
10152             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280217',
10153             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.65',
10154             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.047',
10155             'IPC::Open3'            => '1.18',
10156             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.021003',
10157             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.021003',
10158             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.021003',
10159             'Opcode'                => '1.28',
10160             'POSIX'                 => '1.42',
10161             'Safe'                  => '2.38',
10162             'Socket'                => '2.015',
10163             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.19',
10164             'UNIVERSAL'             => '1.12',
10165             'XS::APItest'           => '0.63',
10166             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150045',
10167         },
10168         removed => {
10169         }
10170     },
10171     5.020001 => {
10172         delta_from => 5.020000,
10173         changed => {
10174             'Config'                => '5.020001',
10175             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.22',
10176             'Cwd'                   => '3.48',
10177             'Exporter'              => '5.71',
10178             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.71',
10179             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280217',
10180             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280217',
10181             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280217',
10182             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280217',
10183             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280217',
10184             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280217',
10185             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280217',
10186             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280217',
10187             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280217',
10188             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280217',
10189             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280217',
10190             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280217',
10191             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280217',
10192             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280217',
10193             'File::Copy'            => '2.30',
10194             'File::Spec'            => '3.48',
10195             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.48',
10196             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.48',
10197             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.48',
10198             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.48',
10199             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.48',
10200             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.48',
10201             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.48',
10202             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.48',
10203             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.020001',
10204             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.020001',
10205             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.020001',
10206             'PerlIO::via'           => '0.15',
10207             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.58',
10208             'XS::APItest'           => '0.60_01',
10209             'utf8'                  => '1.13_01',
10210             'version'               => '0.9909',
10211             'version::regex'        => '0.9909',
10212             'version::vpp'          => '0.9909',
10213         },
10214         removed => {
10215         }
10216     },
10217     5.021004 => {
10218         delta_from => 5.021003,
10219         changed => {
10220             'App::Prove'            => '3.33',
10221             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.33',
10222             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.33',
10223             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.33',
10224             'Archive::Tar'          => '2.02',
10225             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '2.02',
10226             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '2.02',
10227             'Attribute::Handlers'   => '0.97',
10228             'B'                     => '1.51',
10229             'B::Concise'            => '0.993',
10230             'B::Deparse'            => '1.28',
10231             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021004',
10232             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.128',
10233             'Config'                => '5.021004',
10234             'Cwd'                   => '3.50',
10235             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.154',
10236             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280219',
10237             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280219',
10238             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280219',
10239             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280219',
10240             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280219',
10241             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280219',
10242             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280219',
10243             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280219',
10244             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280219',
10245             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280219',
10246             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280219',
10247             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280219',
10248             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280219',
10249             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280219',
10250             'ExtUtils::Install'     => '2.04',
10251             'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '2.04',
10252             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.98_01',
10253             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.68',
10254             'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '2.04',
10255             'File::Find'            => '1.28',
10256             'File::Spec'            => '3.50',
10257             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.50',
10258             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.50',
10259             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.50',
10260             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.50',
10261             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.50',
10262             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.50',
10263             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.50',
10264             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.50',
10265             'Getopt::Std'           => '1.11',
10266             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.049',
10267             'IO'                    => '1.34',
10268             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.32',
10269             'List::Util'            => '1.41',
10270             'List::Util::XS'        => '1.41',
10271             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.32',
10272             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.32',
10273             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.32',
10274             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.32',
10275             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.32',
10276             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.32',
10277             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.32',
10278             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.32',
10279             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.32',
10280             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.32',
10281             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.32',
10282             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.32',
10283             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.32',
10284             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.32',
10285             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.32',
10286             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.32',
10287             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.32',
10288             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.32',
10289             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.32',
10290             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.32',
10291             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.32',
10292             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.32',
10293             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.32',
10294             'Locale::Country'       => '3.32',
10295             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.32',
10296             'Locale::Language'      => '3.32',
10297             'Locale::Script'        => '3.32',
10298             'Math::BigFloat'        => '1.9997',
10299             'Math::BigInt'          => '1.9997',
10300             'Math::BigInt::Calc'    => '1.9997',
10301             'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.9997',
10302             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20140920',
10303             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20140920',
10304             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20140920',
10305             'POSIX'                 => '1.43',
10306             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.24',
10307             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.24',
10308             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.24',
10309             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.24',
10310             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.24',
10311             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.24',
10312             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.24',
10313             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.24',
10314             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.24',
10315             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.24',
10316             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.24',
10317             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.24',
10318             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.24',
10319             'Scalar::Util'          => '1.41',
10320             'Sub::Util'             => '1.41',
10321             'TAP::Base'             => '3.33',
10322             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.33',
10323             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.33',
10324             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.33',
10325             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.33',
10326             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.33',
10327             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.33',
10328             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.33',
10329             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.33',
10330             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.33',
10331             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.33',
10332             'TAP::Object'           => '3.33',
10333             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.33',
10334             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.33',
10335             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.33',
10336             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.33',
10337             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.33',
10338             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.33',
10339             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.33',
10340             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.33',
10341             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.33',
10342             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.33',
10343             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.33',
10344             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.33',
10345             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.33',
10346             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.33',
10347             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.33',
10348             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.33',
10349             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.33',
10350             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.33',
10351             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.33',
10352             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.33',
10353             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.33',
10354             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.33',
10355             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.33',
10356             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.33',
10357             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.33',
10358             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.33',
10359             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.33',
10360             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.33',
10361             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.33',
10362             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.33',
10363             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.33',
10364             'Term::ReadLine'        => '1.15',
10365             'Test::Builder'         => '1.001006',
10366             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.001006',
10367             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.24',
10368             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.24',
10369             'Test::Harness'         => '3.33',
10370             'Test::More'            => '1.001006',
10371             'Test::Simple'          => '1.001006',
10372             'Time::Piece'           => '1.29',
10373             'Time::Seconds'         => '1.29',
10374             'XS::APItest'           => '0.64',
10375             '_charnames'            => '1.42',
10376             'attributes'            => '0.23',
10377             'bigint'                => '0.37',
10378             'bignum'                => '0.38',
10379             'bigrat'                => '0.37',
10380             'constant'              => '1.32',
10381             'experimental'          => '0.010',
10382             'overload'              => '1.23',
10383             'threads'               => '1.96',
10384             'version'               => '0.9909',
10385             'version::regex'        => '0.9909',
10386             'version::vpp'          => '0.9909',
10387         },
10388         removed => {
10389         }
10390     },
10391     5.021005 => {
10392         delta_from => 5.021004,
10393         changed => {
10394             'B'                     => '1.52',
10395             'B::Concise'            => '0.994',
10396             'B::Debug'              => '1.22',
10397             'B::Deparse'            => '1.29',
10398             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021005',
10399             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.142690',
10400             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.142690',
10401             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.142690',
10402             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.142690',
10403             'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => '2.142690',
10404             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.142690',
10405             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.142690',
10406             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.142690',
10407             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.066',
10408             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.066',
10409             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.066',
10410             'Config'                => '5.021005',
10411             'Cwd'                   => '3.51',
10412             'DynaLoader'            => '1.27',
10413             'Errno'                 => '1.21',
10414             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280220',
10415             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280220',
10416             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280220',
10417             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280220',
10418             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280220',
10419             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280220',
10420             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280220',
10421             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280220',
10422             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280220',
10423             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280220',
10424             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280220',
10425             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280220',
10426             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280220',
10427             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280220',
10428             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => '1.03',
10429             'Fcntl'                 => '1.13',
10430             'File::Find'            => '1.29',
10431             'File::Spec'            => '3.51',
10432             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.51',
10433             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.51',
10434             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.51',
10435             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.51',
10436             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.51',
10437             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.51',
10438             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.51',
10439             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.51',
10440             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.050',
10441             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.066',
10442             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.066',
10443             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.066',
10444             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.066',
10445             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.066',
10446             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.066',
10447             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.066',
10448             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.066',
10449             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.066',
10450             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.066',
10451             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.066',
10452             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.066',
10453             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.066',
10454             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.066',
10455             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.066',
10456             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.066',
10457             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.066',
10458             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.066',
10459             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.066',
10460             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.066',
10461             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.066',
10462             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.066',
10463             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.066',
10464             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.066',
10465             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.066',
10466             'JSON::PP'              => '2.27300',
10467             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20141020',
10468             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20141020',
10469             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20141020',
10470             'Net::Cmd'              => '3.02',
10471             'Net::Config'           => '3.02',
10472             'Net::Domain'           => '3.02',
10473             'Net::FTP'              => '3.02',
10474             'Net::FTP::A'           => '3.02',
10475             'Net::FTP::E'           => '3.02',
10476             'Net::FTP::I'           => '3.02',
10477             'Net::FTP::L'           => '3.02',
10478             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '3.02',
10479             'Net::NNTP'             => '3.02',
10480             'Net::Netrc'            => '3.02',
10481             'Net::POP3'             => '3.02',
10482             'Net::SMTP'             => '3.02',
10483             'Net::Time'             => '3.02',
10484             'Opcode'                => '1.29',
10485             'POSIX'                 => '1.45',
10486             'Socket'                => '2.016',
10487             'Test::Builder'         => '1.001008',
10488             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.001008',
10489             'Test::More'            => '1.001008',
10490             'Test::Simple'          => '1.001008',
10491             'XS::APItest'           => '0.65',
10492             'XSLoader'              => '0.18',
10493             'attributes'            => '0.24',
10494             'experimental'          => '0.012',
10495             'feature'               => '1.38',
10496             'perlfaq'               => '5.0150046',
10497             're'                    => '0.27',
10498             'threads::shared'       => '1.47',
10499             'warnings'              => '1.28',
10500             'warnings::register'    => '1.04',
10501         },
10502         removed => {
10503         }
10504     },
10505     5.021006 => {
10506         delta_from => 5.021005,
10507         changed => {
10508             'App::Prove'            => '3.34',
10509             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.34',
10510             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.34',
10511             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.34',
10512             'B'                     => '1.53',
10513             'B::Concise'            => '0.995',
10514             'B::Deparse'            => '1.30',
10515             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021006',
10516             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.143240',
10517             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.143240',
10518             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.143240',
10519             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.143240',
10520             'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => '2.143240',
10521             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.143240',
10522             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.130',
10523             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.143240',
10524             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.143240',
10525             'Config'                => '5.021006',
10526             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.19',
10527             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.93',
10528             'DynaLoader'            => '1.28',
10529             'Encode'                => '2.64',
10530             'Exporter'              => '5.72',
10531             'Exporter::Heavy'       => '5.72',
10532             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '7.02',
10533             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '7.02',
10534             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '7.02',
10535             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '7.02',
10536             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '7.02',
10537             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '7.02',
10538             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '7.02',
10539             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '7.02',
10540             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '7.02',
10541             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '7.02',
10542             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '7.02',
10543             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '7.02',
10544             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '7.02',
10545             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '7.02',
10546             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '7.02',
10547             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '7.02',
10548             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '7.02',
10549             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '7.02',
10550             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '7.02',
10551             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '7.02',
10552             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '7.02',
10553             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '7.02',
10554             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '7.02',
10555             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale'=> '7.02',
10556             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version'=> '7.02',
10557             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex'=> '7.02',
10558             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp'=> '7.02',
10559             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.69',
10560             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '7.02',
10561             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '7.02',
10562             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.26',
10563             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.26',
10564             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.26',
10565             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.26',
10566             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.26',
10567             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '7.02',
10568             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.52',
10569             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.051',
10570             'I18N::Langinfo'        => '0.12',
10571             'IO::Socket'            => '1.38',
10572             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20141120',
10573             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20141120',
10574             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20141120',
10575             'POSIX'                 => '1.46',
10576             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.20',
10577             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.20',
10578             'TAP::Base'             => '3.34',
10579             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.34',
10580             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.34',
10581             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.34',
10582             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.34',
10583             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.34',
10584             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.34',
10585             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.34',
10586             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.34',
10587             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.34',
10588             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.34',
10589             'TAP::Object'           => '3.34',
10590             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.34',
10591             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.34',
10592             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.34',
10593             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.34',
10594             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.34',
10595             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.34',
10596             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.34',
10597             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.34',
10598             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.34',
10599             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.34',
10600             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.34',
10601             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.34',
10602             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.34',
10603             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.34',
10604             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.34',
10605             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.34',
10606             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.34',
10607             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.34',
10608             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.34',
10609             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.34',
10610             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.34',
10611             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.34',
10612             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.34',
10613             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.34',
10614             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.34',
10615             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.34',
10616             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.34',
10617             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.34',
10618             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.34',
10619             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.34',
10620             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.34',
10621             'Test::Builder'         => '1.301001_075',
10622             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.301001_075',
10623             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.301001_075',
10624             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.301001_075',
10625             'Test::Harness'         => '3.34',
10626             'Test::More'            => '1.301001_075',
10627             'Test::More::DeepCheck' => undef,
10628             'Test::More::DeepCheck::Strict'=> undef,
10629             'Test::More::DeepCheck::Tolerant'=> undef,
10630             'Test::More::Tools'     => undef,
10631             'Test::MostlyLike'      => undef,
10632             'Test::Simple'          => '1.301001_075',
10633             'Test::Stream'          => '1.301001_075',
10634             'Test::Stream::ArrayBase'=> undef,
10635             'Test::Stream::ArrayBase::Meta'=> undef,
10636             'Test::Stream::Carp'    => undef,
10637             'Test::Stream::Context' => undef,
10638             'Test::Stream::Event'   => undef,
10639             'Test::Stream::Event::Bail'=> undef,
10640             'Test::Stream::Event::Child'=> undef,
10641             'Test::Stream::Event::Diag'=> undef,
10642             'Test::Stream::Event::Finish'=> undef,
10643             'Test::Stream::Event::Note'=> undef,
10644             'Test::Stream::Event::Ok'=> undef,
10645             'Test::Stream::Event::Plan'=> undef,
10646             'Test::Stream::Event::Subtest'=> undef,
10647             'Test::Stream::ExitMagic'=> undef,
10648             'Test::Stream::ExitMagic::Context'=> undef,
10649             'Test::Stream::Exporter'=> undef,
10650             'Test::Stream::Exporter::Meta'=> undef,
10651             'Test::Stream::IOSets'  => undef,
10652             'Test::Stream::Meta'    => undef,
10653             'Test::Stream::PackageUtil'=> undef,
10654             'Test::Stream::Tester'  => undef,
10655             'Test::Stream::Tester::Checks'=> undef,
10656             'Test::Stream::Tester::Checks::Event'=> undef,
10657             'Test::Stream::Tester::Events'=> undef,
10658             'Test::Stream::Tester::Events::Event'=> undef,
10659             'Test::Stream::Tester::Grab'=> undef,
10660             'Test::Stream::Threads' => undef,
10661             'Test::Stream::Toolset' => undef,
10662             'Test::Stream::Util'    => undef,
10663             'Test::Tester'          => '1.301001_075',
10664             'Test::Tester::Capture' => undef,
10665             'Test::use::ok'         => '1.301001_075',
10666             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.59',
10667             'XS::APItest'           => '0.68',
10668             'XSLoader'              => '0.19',
10669             'experimental'          => '0.013',
10670             'locale'                => '1.05',
10671             'ok'                    => '1.301001_075',
10672             'overload'              => '1.24',
10673             're'                    => '0.28',
10674             'warnings'              => '1.29',
10675         },
10676         removed => {
10677         }
10678     },
10679     5.021007 => {
10680         delta_from => 5.021006,
10681         changed => {
10682             'Archive::Tar'          => '2.04',
10683             'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '2.04',
10684             'Archive::Tar::File'    => '2.04',
10685             'B'                     => '1.54',
10686             'B::Concise'            => '0.996',
10687             'B::Deparse'            => '1.31',
10688             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021007',
10689             'B::Showlex'            => '1.05',
10690             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.067',
10691             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.067',
10692             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.067',
10693             'Config'                => '5.021007',
10694             'Cwd'                   => '3.54',
10695             'DB_File'               => '1.834',
10696             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.155',
10697             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.25',
10698             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.20',
10699             'DynaLoader'            => '1.29',
10700             'Encode'                => '2.67',
10701             'Errno'                 => '1.22',
10702             'ExtUtils::CBuilder'    => '0.280221',
10703             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280221',
10704             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280221',
10705             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280221',
10706             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280221',
10707             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280221',
10708             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android'=> '0.280221',
10709             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280221',
10710             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280221',
10711             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280221',
10712             'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280221',
10713             'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '7.04',
10714             'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '7.04',
10715             'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '7.04',
10716             'ExtUtils::MM'          => '7.04',
10717             'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '7.04',
10718             'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '7.04',
10719             'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '7.04',
10720             'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '7.04',
10721             'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '7.04',
10722             'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '7.04',
10723             'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '7.04',
10724             'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '7.04',
10725             'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '7.04',
10726             'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '7.04',
10727             'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '7.04',
10728             'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '7.04',
10729             'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '7.04',
10730             'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '7.04',
10731             'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '7.04',
10732             'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '7.04',
10733             'ExtUtils::MY'          => '7.04',
10734             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '7.04',
10735             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '7.04',
10736             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale'=> '7.04',
10737             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version'=> '7.04',
10738             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex'=> '7.04',
10739             'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp'=> '7.04',
10740             'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '7.04',
10741             'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '7.04',
10742             'ExtUtils::ParseXS'     => '3.27',
10743             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants'=> '3.27',
10744             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'=> '3.27',
10745             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval'=> '3.27',
10746             'ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities'=> '3.27',
10747             'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '7.04',
10748             'File::Spec'            => '3.53',
10749             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.54',
10750             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.54',
10751             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.54',
10752             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.54',
10753             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.54',
10754             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.54',
10755             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.54',
10756             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.54',
10757             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.51',
10758             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.053',
10759             'IO'                    => '1.35',
10760             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.067',
10761             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.067',
10762             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.067',
10763             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.067',
10764             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.067',
10765             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.067',
10766             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.067',
10767             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.067',
10768             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.067',
10769             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.067',
10770             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.067',
10771             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.067',
10772             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.067',
10773             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.067',
10774             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.34',
10775             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.067',
10776             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.067',
10777             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.067',
10778             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.067',
10779             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.067',
10780             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.067',
10781             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.067',
10782             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.067',
10783             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.067',
10784             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.067',
10785             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.067',
10786             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.33',
10787             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.33',
10788             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.33',
10789             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.33',
10790             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.33',
10791             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.33',
10792             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.33',
10793             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.33',
10794             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.33',
10795             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.33',
10796             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.33',
10797             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.33',
10798             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.33',
10799             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.33',
10800             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.33',
10801             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.33',
10802             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.33',
10803             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.33',
10804             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.33',
10805             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.33',
10806             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.33',
10807             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.33',
10808             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.33',
10809             'Locale::Country'       => '3.33',
10810             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.33',
10811             'Locale::Language'      => '3.33',
10812             'Locale::Maketext'      => '1.26',
10813             'Locale::Script'        => '3.33',
10814             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20141220',
10815             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20141220',
10816             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20141220',
10817             'NDBM_File'             => '1.14',
10818             'Net::Cmd'              => '3.04',
10819             'Net::Config'           => '3.04',
10820             'Net::Domain'           => '3.04',
10821             'Net::FTP'              => '3.04',
10822             'Net::FTP::A'           => '3.04',
10823             'Net::FTP::E'           => '3.04',
10824             'Net::FTP::I'           => '3.04',
10825             'Net::FTP::L'           => '3.04',
10826             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '3.04',
10827             'Net::NNTP'             => '3.04',
10828             'Net::Netrc'            => '3.04',
10829             'Net::POP3'             => '3.04',
10830             'Net::SMTP'             => '3.04',
10831             'Net::Time'             => '3.04',
10832             'Opcode'                => '1.30',
10833             'POSIX'                 => '1.48',
10834             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.21',
10835             'Pod::Escapes'          => '1.07',
10836             'SDBM_File'             => '1.12',
10837             'Storable'              => '2.52',
10838             'Sys::Hostname'         => '1.20',
10839             'Test::Builder'         => '1.301001_090',
10840             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.301001_090',
10841             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.301001_090',
10842             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.301001_090',
10843             'Test::CanFork'         => undef,
10844             'Test::CanThread'       => undef,
10845             'Test::More'            => '1.301001_090',
10846             'Test::Simple'          => '1.301001_090',
10847             'Test::Stream'          => '1.301001_090',
10848             'Test::Stream::API'     => undef,
10849             'Test::Stream::ForceExit'=> undef,
10850             'Test::Stream::Subtest' => undef,
10851             'Test::Tester'          => '1.301001_090',
10852             'Test::use::ok'         => '1.301001_090',
10853             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.09',
10854             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '1.09',
10855             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '1.09',
10856             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '1.09',
10857             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '1.09',
10858             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '1.09',
10859             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '1.09',
10860             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> '1.09',
10861             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '1.09',
10862             'XS::APItest'           => '0.69',
10863             'XSLoader'              => '0.20',
10864             '_charnames'            => '1.43',
10865             'arybase'               => '0.09',
10866             'charnames'             => '1.43',
10867             'feature'               => '1.39',
10868             'mro'                   => '1.17',
10869             'ok'                    => '1.301001_090',
10870             'strict'                => '1.09',
10871             'threads'               => '1.96_001',
10872         },
10873         removed => {
10874         }
10875     },
10876     5.021008 => {
10877         delta_from => 5.021007,
10878         changed => {
10879             'App::Prove'            => '3.35',
10880             'App::Prove::State'     => '3.35',
10881             'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.35',
10882             'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.35',
10883             'B'                     => '1.55',
10884             'B::Deparse'            => '1.32',
10885             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021008',
10886             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.131',
10887             'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => '2.068',
10888             'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => '2.068',
10889             'Compress::Zlib'        => '2.068',
10890             'Config'                => '5.021008',
10891             'DB_File'               => '1.835',
10892             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.156',
10893             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.28',
10894             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.21',
10895             'Digest::MD5'           => '2.54',
10896             'Digest::SHA'           => '5.95',
10897             'DynaLoader'            => '1.30',
10898             'ExtUtils::Command'     => '1.20',
10899             'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '1.70',
10900             'Fatal'                 => '2.26',
10901             'File::Glob'            => '1.24',
10902             'Filter::Util::Call'    => '1.54',
10903             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.43',
10904             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.068',
10905             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.068',
10906             'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.068',
10907             'IO::Compress::Base'    => '2.068',
10908             'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.068',
10909             'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => '2.068',
10910             'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.068',
10911             'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => '2.068',
10912             'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.068',
10913             'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.068',
10914             'IO::Compress::Zip'     => '2.068',
10915             'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.068',
10916             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.068',
10917             'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.068',
10918             'IO::Socket::IP'        => '0.36',
10919             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.068',
10920             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.068',
10921             'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.068',
10922             'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.068',
10923             'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.068',
10924             'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => '2.068',
10925             'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.068',
10926             'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.068',
10927             'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.068',
10928             'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.068',
10929             'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.068',
10930             'MIME::Base64'          => '3.15',
10931             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20150220',
10932             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20150220',
10933             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20150220',
10934             'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.64',
10935             'Module::Metadata'      => '1.000026',
10936             'Net::Cmd'              => '3.05',
10937             'Net::Config'           => '3.05',
10938             'Net::Domain'           => '3.05',
10939             'Net::FTP'              => '3.05',
10940             'Net::FTP::A'           => '3.05',
10941             'Net::FTP::E'           => '3.05',
10942             'Net::FTP::I'           => '3.05',
10943             'Net::FTP::L'           => '3.05',
10944             'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => '3.05',
10945             'Net::NNTP'             => '3.05',
10946             'Net::Netrc'            => '3.05',
10947             'Net::POP3'             => '3.05',
10948             'Net::SMTP'             => '3.05',
10949             'Net::Time'             => '3.05',
10950             'Opcode'                => '1.31',
10951             'POSIX'                 => '1.49',
10952             'PerlIO::encoding'      => '0.21',
10953             'Pod::Simple'           => '3.29',
10954             'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.29',
10955             'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => '3.29',
10956             'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => '3.29',
10957             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.29',
10958             'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.29',
10959             'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => '3.29',
10960             'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.29',
10961             'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.29',
10962             'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => '3.29',
10963             'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.29',
10964             'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.29',
10965             'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.29',
10966             'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.29',
10967             'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.29',
10968             'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.29',
10969             'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => '3.29',
10970             'Pod::Simple::Search'   => '3.29',
10971             'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.29',
10972             'Pod::Simple::Text'     => '3.29',
10973             'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.29',
10974             'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.29',
10975             'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.29',
10976             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.29',
10977             'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.29',
10978             'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => '3.29',
10979             'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.29',
10980             'SDBM_File'             => '1.13',
10981             'Safe'                  => '2.39',
10982             'TAP::Base'             => '3.35',
10983             'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '3.35',
10984             'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.35',
10985             'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.35',
10986             'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.35',
10987             'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.35',
10988             'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '3.35',
10989             'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.35',
10990             'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.35',
10991             'TAP::Harness'          => '3.35',
10992             'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '3.35',
10993             'TAP::Object'           => '3.35',
10994             'TAP::Parser'           => '3.35',
10995             'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.35',
10996             'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '3.35',
10997             'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.35',
10998             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.35',
10999             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.35',
11000             'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.35',
11001             'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.35',
11002             'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.35',
11003             'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '3.35',
11004             'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.35',
11005             'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.35',
11006             'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.35',
11007             'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.35',
11008             'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.35',
11009             'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.35',
11010             'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.35',
11011             'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.35',
11012             'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.35',
11013             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.35',
11014             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.35',
11015             'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.35',
11016             'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '3.35',
11017             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.35',
11018             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.35',
11019             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.35',
11020             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.35',
11021             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.35',
11022             'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.35',
11023             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.35',
11024             'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.35',
11025             'Test::Builder'         => '1.301001_097',
11026             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.301001_097',
11027             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.301001_097',
11028             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.301001_097',
11029             'Test::Harness'         => '3.35',
11030             'Test::More'            => '1.301001_097',
11031             'Test::Simple'          => '1.301001_097',
11032             'Test::Stream'          => '1.301001_097',
11033             'Test::Stream::Block'   => undef,
11034             'Test::Tester'          => '1.301001_097',
11035             'Test::Tester::CaptureRunner'=> undef,
11036             'Test::Tester::Delegate'=> undef,
11037             'Test::use::ok'         => '1.301001_097',
11038             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.10',
11039             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '1.10',
11040             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '1.10',
11041             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '1.10',
11042             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '1.10',
11043             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '1.10',
11044             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '1.10',
11045             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> '1.10',
11046             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '1.10',
11047             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.06',
11048             'XS::APItest'           => '0.70',
11049             'arybase'               => '0.10',
11050             'attributes'            => '0.25',
11051             'autodie'               => '2.26',
11052             'autodie::Scope::Guard' => '2.26',
11053             'autodie::Scope::GuardStack'=> '2.26',
11054             'autodie::ScopeUtil'    => '2.26',
11055             'autodie::exception'    => '2.26',
11056             'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.26',
11057             'autodie::hints'        => '2.26',
11058             'autodie::skip'         => '2.26',
11059             'ok'                    => '1.301001_097',
11060             're'                    => '0.30',
11061             'warnings'              => '1.30',
11062         },
11063         removed => {
11064         }
11065     },
11066     5.020002 => {
11067         delta_from => 5.020001,
11068         changed => {
11069             'CPAN::Author'          => '5.5002',
11070             'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => '5.5002',
11071             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5006',
11072             'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => '1.9601',
11073             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5005',
11074             'CPAN::Index'           => '1.9601',
11075             'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => '1.9601',
11076             'CPAN::Mirrors'         => '1.9601',
11077             'Config'                => '5.020002',
11078             'Cwd'                   => '3.48_01',
11079             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.151_01',
11080             'Errno'                 => '1.20_05',
11081             'File::Spec'            => '3.48_01',
11082             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.48_01',
11083             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.48_01',
11084             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.48_01',
11085             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.48_01',
11086             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.48_01',
11087             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.48_01',
11088             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.48_01',
11089             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.48_01',
11090             'IO::Socket'            => '1.38',
11091             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20150214',
11092             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20150214',
11093             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20150214',
11094             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.18_01',
11095             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.07',
11096             'Storable'              => '2.49_01',
11097             'VMS::DCLsym'           => '1.05_01',
11098             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.41',
11099             'attributes'            => '0.23',
11100             'feature'               => '1.36_01',
11101         },
11102         removed => {
11103         }
11104     },
11105     5.021009 => {
11106         delta_from => 5.021008,
11107         changed => {
11108             'B'                     => '1.56',
11109             'B::Debug'              => '1.23',
11110             'B::Deparse'            => '1.33',
11111             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021009',
11112             'Benchmark'             => '1.20',
11113             'CPAN::Author'          => '5.5002',
11114             'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => '5.5002',
11115             'CPAN::FTP'             => '5.5006',
11116             'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => '1.9601',
11117             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5005',
11118             'CPAN::Index'           => '1.9601',
11119             'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => '1.9601',
11120             'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '2.132',
11121             'CPAN::Mirrors'         => '1.9601',
11122             'Carp'                  => '1.35',
11123             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.35',
11124             'Config'                => '5.021009',
11125             'Config::Perl::V'       => '0.23',
11126             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.157',
11127             'Devel::Peek'           => '1.22',
11128             'DynaLoader'            => '1.31',
11129             'Encode'                => '2.70',
11130             'Encode::MIME::Header'  => '2.16',
11131             'Errno'                 => '1.23',
11132             'ExtUtils::Miniperl'    => '1.04',
11133             'HTTP::Tiny'            => '0.054',
11134             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20150220',
11135             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20150220',
11136             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20150220',
11137             'Opcode'                => '1.32',
11138             'POSIX'                 => '1.51',
11139             'Perl::OSType'          => '1.008',
11140             'PerlIO::scalar'        => '0.22',
11141             'Pod::Find'             => '1.63',
11142             'Pod::InputObjects'     => '1.63',
11143             'Pod::ParseUtils'       => '1.63',
11144             'Pod::Parser'           => '1.63',
11145             'Pod::Perldoc'          => '3.25',
11146             'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => '3.25',
11147             'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> '3.25',
11148             'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => '3.25',
11149             'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> '3.25',
11150             'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => '3.25',
11151             'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => '3.25',
11152             'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => '3.25',
11153             'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => '3.25',
11154             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => '3.25',
11155             'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => '3.25',
11156             'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => '3.25',
11157             'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => '3.25',
11158             'Pod::PlainText'        => '2.07',
11159             'Pod::Select'           => '1.63',
11160             'Socket'                => '2.018',
11161             'Storable'              => '2.53',
11162             'Test::Builder'         => '1.301001_098',
11163             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.301001_098',
11164             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.301001_098',
11165             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.301001_098',
11166             'Test::More'            => '1.301001_098',
11167             'Test::Simple'          => '1.301001_098',
11168             'Test::Stream'          => '1.301001_098',
11169             'Test::Tester'          => '1.301001_098',
11170             'Test::use::ok'         => '1.301001_098',
11171             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.11',
11172             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '1.11',
11173             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '1.11',
11174             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '1.11',
11175             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '1.11',
11176             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '1.11',
11177             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '1.11',
11178             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> '1.11',
11179             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '1.11',
11180             'Unicode::UCD'          => '0.61',
11181             'VMS::Stdio'            => '2.41',
11182             'Win32'                 => '0.51',
11183             'Win32API::File'        => '0.1202',
11184             'attributes'            => '0.26',
11185             'bigint'                => '0.39',
11186             'bignum'                => '0.39',
11187             'bigrat'                => '0.39',
11188             'constant'              => '1.33',
11189             'encoding'              => '2.13',
11190             'feature'               => '1.40',
11191             'ok'                    => '1.301001_098',
11192             'overload'              => '1.25',
11193             'perlfaq'               => '5.021009',
11194             're'                    => '0.31',
11195             'threads::shared'       => '1.48',
11196             'warnings'              => '1.31',
11197         },
11198         removed => {
11199         }
11200     },
11201     5.021010 => {
11202         delta_from => 5.021009,
11203         changed => {
11204             'App::Cpan'             => '1.63',
11205             'B'                     => '1.57',
11206             'B::Deparse'            => '1.34',
11207             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021010',
11208             'Benchmark'             => '1.2',
11209             'CPAN'                  => '2.10',
11210             'CPAN::Distribution'    => '2.04',
11211             'CPAN::FirstTime'       => '5.5307',
11212             'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.9601',
11213             'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => '5.5006',
11214             'CPAN::Meta'            => '2.150001',
11215             'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.150001',
11216             'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '2.150001',
11217             'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '2.150001',
11218             'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => '2.150001',
11219             'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '2.150001',
11220             'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '2.150001',
11221             'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.150001',
11222             'CPAN::Module'          => '5.5002',
11223             'CPAN::Plugin'          => '0.95',
11224             'CPAN::Plugin::Specfile'=> '0.01',
11225             'CPAN::Shell'           => '5.5005',
11226             'Carp'                  => '1.36',
11227             'Carp::Heavy'           => '1.36',
11228             'Config'                => '5.02101',
11229             'Cwd'                   => '3.55',
11230             'DB'                    => '1.08',
11231             'Data::Dumper'          => '2.158',
11232             'Devel::PPPort'         => '3.31',
11233             'DynaLoader'            => '1.32',
11234             'Encode'                => '2.72',
11235             'Encode::Alias'         => '2.19',
11236             'File::Spec'            => '3.55',
11237             'File::Spec::Cygwin'    => '3.55',
11238             'File::Spec::Epoc'      => '3.55',
11239             'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.55',
11240             'File::Spec::Mac'       => '3.55',
11241             'File::Spec::OS2'       => '3.55',
11242             'File::Spec::Unix'      => '3.55',
11243             'File::Spec::VMS'       => '3.55',
11244             'File::Spec::Win32'     => '3.55',
11245             'Getopt::Long'          => '2.45',
11246             'Locale::Codes'         => '3.34',
11247             'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> '3.34',
11248             'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.34',
11249             'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> '3.34',
11250             'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> '3.34',
11251             'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.34',
11252             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> '3.34',
11253             'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> '3.34',
11254             'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> '3.34',
11255             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> '3.34',
11256             'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> '3.34',
11257             'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> '3.34',
11258             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> '3.34',
11259             'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> '3.34',
11260             'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> '3.34',
11261             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> '3.34',
11262             'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> '3.34',
11263             'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.34',
11264             'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> '3.34',
11265             'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> '3.34',
11266             'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.34',
11267             'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> '3.34',
11268             'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> '3.34',
11269             'Locale::Country'       => '3.34',
11270             'Locale::Currency'      => '3.34',
11271             'Locale::Language'      => '3.34',
11272             'Locale::Script'        => '3.34',
11273             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20150320',
11274             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20150320',
11275             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20150320',
11276             'POSIX'                 => '1.52',
11277             'Pod::Functions'        => '1.09',
11278             'Pod::Functions::Functions'=> '1.09',
11279             'Term::Complete'        => '1.403',
11280             'Test::Builder'         => '1.001014',
11281             'Test::Builder::IO::Scalar'=> '2.113',
11282             'Test::Builder::Module' => '1.001014',
11283             'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.28',
11284             'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.290001',
11285             'Test::More'            => '1.001014',
11286             'Test::Simple'          => '1.001014',
11287             'Test::Tester'          => '0.114',
11288             'Test::use::ok'         => '0.16',
11289             'Text::Balanced'        => '2.03',
11290             'Text::ParseWords'      => '3.30',
11291             'Unicode::Collate'      => '1.12',
11292             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '1.12',
11293             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '1.12',
11294             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '1.12',
11295             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '1.12',
11296             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '1.12',
11297             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '1.12',
11298             'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> '1.12',
11299             'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '1.12',
11300             'XS::APItest'           => '0.71',
11301             'encoding'              => '2.14',
11302             'locale'                => '1.06',
11303             'meta_notation'         => undef,
11304             'ok'                    => '0.16',
11305             'parent'                => '0.232',
11306             're'                    => '0.32',
11307             'sigtrap'               => '1.08',
11308             'threads'               => '2.01',
11309             'utf8'                  => '1.15',
11310         },
11311         removed => {
11312             'Test::CanFork'         => 1,
11313             'Test::CanThread'       => 1,
11314             'Test::More::DeepCheck' => 1,
11315             'Test::More::DeepCheck::Strict'=> 1,
11316             'Test::More::DeepCheck::Tolerant'=> 1,
11317             'Test::More::Tools'     => 1,
11318             'Test::MostlyLike'      => 1,
11319             'Test::Stream'          => 1,
11320             'Test::Stream::API'     => 1,
11321             'Test::Stream::ArrayBase'=> 1,
11322             'Test::Stream::ArrayBase::Meta'=> 1,
11323             'Test::Stream::Block'   => 1,
11324             'Test::Stream::Carp'    => 1,
11325             'Test::Stream::Context' => 1,
11326             'Test::Stream::Event'   => 1,
11327             'Test::Stream::Event::Bail'=> 1,
11328             'Test::Stream::Event::Child'=> 1,
11329             'Test::Stream::Event::Diag'=> 1,
11330             'Test::Stream::Event::Finish'=> 1,
11331             'Test::Stream::Event::Note'=> 1,
11332             'Test::Stream::Event::Ok'=> 1,
11333             'Test::Stream::Event::Plan'=> 1,
11334             'Test::Stream::Event::Subtest'=> 1,
11335             'Test::Stream::ExitMagic'=> 1,
11336             'Test::Stream::ExitMagic::Context'=> 1,
11337             'Test::Stream::Exporter'=> 1,
11338             'Test::Stream::Exporter::Meta'=> 1,
11339             'Test::Stream::ForceExit'=> 1,
11340             'Test::Stream::IOSets'  => 1,
11341             'Test::Stream::Meta'    => 1,
11342             'Test::Stream::PackageUtil'=> 1,
11343             'Test::Stream::Subtest' => 1,
11344             'Test::Stream::Tester'  => 1,
11345             'Test::Stream::Tester::Checks'=> 1,
11346             'Test::Stream::Tester::Checks::Event'=> 1,
11347             'Test::Stream::Tester::Events'=> 1,
11348             'Test::Stream::Tester::Events::Event'=> 1,
11349             'Test::Stream::Tester::Grab'=> 1,
11350             'Test::Stream::Threads' => 1,
11351             'Test::Stream::Toolset' => 1,
11352             'Test::Stream::Util'    => 1,
11353         }
11354     },
11355     5.021011 => {
11356         delta_from => 5.02101,
11357         changed => {
11358             'B::Op_private'         => '5.021011',
11359             'Config'                => '5.021011',
11360             'Module::CoreList'      => '5.20150420',
11361             'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> '5.20150420',
11362             'Module::CoreList::Utils'=> '5.20150420',
11363         },
11364         removed => {
11365         }
11366     },
11367 );
11369 sub is_core
11370 {
11371     my $module = shift;
11372     $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) } && @_ > 0 && defined($_[0]) && $_[0] =~ /^\w/;
11373     my ($module_version, $perl_version);
11375     $module_version = shift if @_ > 0;
11376     $perl_version   = @_ > 0 ? shift : $];
11378     my $first_release = first_release($module);
11380     return 0 if !defined($first_release) || $first_release > $perl_version;
11382     my $final_release = removed_from($module);
11384     return 0 if defined($final_release) && $perl_version >= $final_release;
11386     # If a minimum version of the module was specified:
11387     # Step through all perl releases ($prn)
11388     # so we can find what version of the module
11389     # was included in the specified version of perl.
11390     # On the way if we pass the required module version, we can
11391     # short-circuit and return true
11392     if (defined($module_version)) {
11393         # The Perl releases aren't a linear sequence, but a tree. We need to build the path
11394         # of releases from 5 to the specified release, and follow the module's version(s)
11395         # along that path.
11396         my @releases = ($perl_version);
11397         my $rel = $perl_version;
11398         while (defined($rel)) {
11399             $rel = $delta{$rel}->{delta_from};
11400             unshift(@releases, $rel) if defined($rel);
11401         }
11402         RELEASE:
11403         foreach my $prn (@releases) {
11404             next RELEASE if $prn <= $first_release;
11405             last RELEASE if $prn > $perl_version;
11406             next unless defined(my $next_module_version
11407                                    = $delta{$prn}->{changed}->{$module});
11408             return 1 if version->parse($next_module_version) >= version->parse($module_version);
11409         }
11410         return 0;
11411     }
11413     return 1 if !defined($final_release);
11415     return $perl_version <= $final_release;
11416 }
11418 for my $version (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %delta) {
11419     my $data = $delta{$version};
11421     tie %{$version{$version}}, 'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta',
11422         $data->{changed}, $data->{removed},
11423         $data->{delta_from} ? $version{$data->{delta_from}} : undef;
11424 }
11426 %deprecated = (
11427     5.011    => {
11428         changed => { map { $_ => 1 } qw/
11429             Class::ISA
11430             Pod::Plainer
11431             Shell
11432             Switch
11433         /},
11434     },
11435     5.011001 => { delta_from => 5.011 },
11436     5.011002 => { delta_from => 5.011001 },
11437     5.011003 => { delta_from => 5.011002 },
11438     5.011004 => { delta_from => 5.011003 },
11439     5.011005 => { delta_from => 5.011004 },
11441     5.012    => { delta_from => 5.011005 },
11442     5.012001 => { delta_from => 5.012 },
11443     5.012002 => { delta_from => 5.012001 },
11444     5.012003 => { delta_from => 5.012002 },
11445     5.012004 => { delta_from => 5.012003 },
11446     5.012005 => { delta_from => 5.012004 },
11448     5.013    => { delta_from => 5.012005 },
11449     5.013001 => {
11450         delta_from => 5.013,
11451         removed => { map { $_ => 1 } qw/
11452             Class::ISA
11453             Pod::Plainer
11454             Switch
11455         /},
11456     },
11457     5.013002 => { delta_from => 5.013001 },
11458     5.013003 => { delta_from => 5.013002 },
11459     5.013004 => { delta_from => 5.013003 },
11460     5.013005 => { delta_from => 5.013004 },
11461     5.013006 => { delta_from => 5.013005 },
11462     5.013007 => { delta_from => 5.013006 },
11463     5.013008 => { delta_from => 5.013007 },
11464     5.013009 => { delta_from => 5.013008 },
11465     5.01301  => { delta_from => 5.013009 },
11466     5.013011 => { delta_from => 5.01301  },
11468     5.014    => { delta_from => 5.013011 },
11469     5.014001 => { delta_from => 5.014    },
11470     5.014002 => { delta_from => 5.014001 },
11471     5.014003 => { delta_from => 5.014002 },
11472     5.014004 => { delta_from => 5.014003 },
11474     5.015    => {
11475         delta_from => 5.014004,
11476         removed => { Shell => 1 },
11477     },
11478     5.015001 => { delta_from => 5.015    },
11479     5.015002 => { delta_from => 5.015001 },
11480     5.015003 => { delta_from => 5.015002 },
11481     5.015004 => { delta_from => 5.015003 },
11482     5.015005 => { delta_from => 5.015004 },
11483     5.015006 => { delta_from => 5.015005 },
11484     5.015007 => { delta_from => 5.015006 },
11485     5.015008 => { delta_from => 5.015007 },
11486     5.015009 => { delta_from => 5.015008 },
11488     5.016    => { delta_from => 5.015009 },
11489     5.016001 => { delta_from => 5.016    },
11490     5.016002 => { delta_from => 5.016001 },
11491     5.016003 => { delta_from => 5.016002 },
11493     5.017    => { delta_from => 5.016003 },
11494     5.017001 => { delta_from => 5.017    },
11495     5.017002 => { delta_from => 5.017001 },
11496     5.017003 => { delta_from => 5.017002 },
11497     5.017004 => { delta_from => 5.017003 },
11498     5.017005 => { delta_from => 5.017004 },
11499     5.017006 => { delta_from => 5.017005 },
11500     5.017007 => { delta_from => 5.017006 },
11501     5.017008 => {
11502         delta_from => 5.017007,
11503         changed => { 'Pod::LaTeX' => 1 },
11504     },
11505     5.017009 => {
11506         delta_from => 5.017008,
11507         changed => { map { $_ => 1 } qw/
11508             Archive::Extract
11509             B::Lint
11510             B::Lint::Debug
11511             CPANPLUS
11512             CPANPLUS::Backend
11513             CPANPLUS::Backend::RV
11514             CPANPLUS::Config
11515             CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv
11516             CPANPLUS::Configure
11517             CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup
11518             CPANPLUS::Dist
11519             CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle
11520             CPANPLUS::Dist::Base
11521             CPANPLUS::Dist::Build
11522             CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants
11523             CPANPLUS::Dist::MM
11524             CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample
11525             CPANPLUS::Error
11526             CPANPLUS::Internals
11527             CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants
11528             CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report
11529             CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract
11530             CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch
11531             CPANPLUS::Internals::Report
11532             CPANPLUS::Internals::Search
11533             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source
11534             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory
11535             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite
11536             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie
11537             CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils
11538             CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush
11539             CPANPLUS::Module
11540             CPANPLUS::Module::Author
11541             CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake
11542             CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums
11543             CPANPLUS::Module::Fake
11544             CPANPLUS::Module::Signature
11545             CPANPLUS::Selfupdate
11546             CPANPLUS::Shell
11547             CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic
11548             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default
11549             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource
11550             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote
11551             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source
11552             Devel::InnerPackage
11553             File::CheckTree
11554             Log::Message
11555             Log::Message::Config
11556             Log::Message::Handlers
11557             Log::Message::Item
11558             Log::Message::Simple
11559             Module::Pluggable
11560             Module::Pluggable::Object
11561             Object::Accessor
11562             Term::UI
11563             Term::UI::History
11564             Text::Soundex
11565         /},
11566     },
11567     5.01701  => { delta_from => 5.017009 },
11568     5.017011 => { delta_from => 5.01701  },
11569     5.017012 => { delta_from => 5.017011 },
11571     5.018    => { delta_from => 5.017012 },
11572     5.018001 => {
11573         delta_from => 5.018,
11574         changed => {
11575         },
11576         removed => {
11577         }
11578     },
11579     5.018002 => {
11580         delta_from => 5.018001,
11581         changed => {
11582         },
11583         removed => {
11584         }
11585     },
11586     5.018003 => {
11587         delta_from => 5.018,
11588         changed => {
11589         },
11590         removed => {
11591         }
11592     },
11593     5.018004 => {
11594         delta_from => 5.018,
11595         changed => {
11596         },
11597         removed => {
11598         }
11599     },
11601     5.019    => {
11602         delta_from => 5.018,
11603         changed => { 'Module::Build' => 1 },
11604         removed => { map { $_ => 1 } qw/
11605             Archive::Extract
11606             B::Lint
11607             B::Lint::Debug
11608             CPANPLUS
11609             CPANPLUS::Backend
11610             CPANPLUS::Backend::RV
11611             CPANPLUS::Config
11612             CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv
11613             CPANPLUS::Configure
11614             CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup
11615             CPANPLUS::Dist
11616             CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle
11617             CPANPLUS::Dist::Base
11618             CPANPLUS::Dist::Build
11619             CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants
11620             CPANPLUS::Dist::MM
11621             CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample
11622             CPANPLUS::Error
11623             CPANPLUS::Internals
11624             CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants
11625             CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report
11626             CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract
11627             CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch
11628             CPANPLUS::Internals::Report
11629             CPANPLUS::Internals::Search
11630             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source
11631             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory
11632             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite
11633             CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie
11634             CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils
11635             CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush
11636             CPANPLUS::Module
11637             CPANPLUS::Module::Author
11638             CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake
11639             CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums
11640             CPANPLUS::Module::Fake
11641             CPANPLUS::Module::Signature
11642             CPANPLUS::Selfupdate
11643             CPANPLUS::Shell
11644             CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic
11645             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default
11646             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource
11647             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote
11648             CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source
11649             Devel::InnerPackage
11650             File::CheckTree
11651             Log::Message
11652             Log::Message::Config
11653             Log::Message::Handlers
11654             Log::Message::Item
11655             Log::Message::Simple
11656             Module::Pluggable
11657             Module::Pluggable::Object
11658             Object::Accessor
11659             Pod::LaTeX
11660             Term::UI
11661             Term::UI::History
11662             Text::Soundex
11663         /}
11664     },
11665     5.019001 => {
11666         delta_from => 5.019,
11667         changed => {
11668         },
11669         removed => {
11670         }
11671     },
11672     5.019002 => {
11673         delta_from => 5.019001,
11674         changed => {
11675         },
11676         removed => {
11677         }
11678     },
11679     5.019003 => {
11680         delta_from => 5.019002,
11681         changed => {
11682         },
11683         removed => {
11684         }
11685     },
11686     5.019004 => {
11687         delta_from => 5.019003,
11688         changed => {
11689             'Module::Build::Base'   => '1',
11690             'Module::Build::Compat' => '1',
11691             'Module::Build::Config' => '1',
11692             'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> '1',
11693             'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '1',
11694             'Module::Build::Dumper' => '1',
11695             'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '1',
11696             'Module::Build::Notes'  => '1',
11697             'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '1',
11698             'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '1',
11699             'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '1',
11700             'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '1',
11701             'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '1',
11702             'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '1',
11703             'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '1',
11704             'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '1',
11705             'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '1',
11706             'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '1',
11707             'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '1',
11708             'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '1',
11709             'Module::Build::Version'=> '1',
11710             'Module::Build::YAML'   => '1',
11711             'inc::latest'           => '1',
11712         },
11713         removed => {
11714         }
11715     },
11716     5.019005 => {
11717         delta_from => 5.019004,
11718         changed => {
11719         },
11720         removed => {
11721         }
11722     },
11723     5.019006 => {
11724         delta_from => 5.019005,
11725         changed => {
11726             'Package::Constants'    => '1',
11727         },
11728         removed => {
11729         }
11730     },
11731     5.019007 => {
11732         delta_from => 5.019006,
11733         changed => {
11734             'CGI'                   => '1',
11735             'CGI::Apache'           => '1',
11736             'CGI::Carp'             => '1',
11737             'CGI::Cookie'           => '1',
11738             'CGI::Fast'             => '1',
11739             'CGI::Pretty'           => '1',
11740             'CGI::Push'             => '1',
11741             'CGI::Switch'           => '1',
11742             'CGI::Util'             => '1',
11743         },
11744         removed => {
11745         }
11746     },
11747     5.019008 => {
11748         delta_from => 5.019007,
11749         changed => {
11750         },
11751         removed => {
11752         }
11753     },
11754     5.019009 => {
11755         delta_from => 5.019008,
11756         changed => {
11757         },
11758         removed => {
11759         }
11760     },
11761     5.01901 => {
11762         delta_from => 5.019009,
11763         changed => {
11764         },
11765         removed => {
11766         }
11767     },
11768     5.019011 => {
11769         delta_from => 5.019010,
11770         changed => {
11771         },
11772         removed => {
11773         }
11774     },
11775     5.020000 => {
11776         delta_from => 5.019011,
11777         changed => {
11778         },
11779         removed => {
11780         }
11781     },
11782     5.021000 => {
11783         delta_from => 5.020000,
11784         changed => {
11785         },
11786         removed => {
11787         }
11788     },
11789     5.021001 => {
11790         delta_from => 5.017007,
11791         changed => {
11792         },
11793         removed => {
11794         }
11795     },
11796     5.021002 => {
11797         delta_from => 5.021001,
11798         changed => {
11799         },
11800         removed => {
11801         }
11802     },
11803     5.021003 => {
11804         delta_from => 5.021002,
11805         changed => {
11806         },
11807         removed => {
11808         }
11809     },
11810     5.020001 => {
11811         delta_from => 5.020000,
11812         changed => {
11813         },
11814         removed => {
11815         }
11816     },
11817     5.021004 => {
11818         delta_from => 5.021003,
11819         changed => {
11820         },
11821         removed => {
11822         }
11823     },
11824     5.021005 => {
11825         delta_from => 5.021004,
11826         changed => {
11827         },
11828         removed => {
11829         }
11830     },
11831     5.021006 => {
11832         delta_from => 5.021005,
11833         changed => {
11834         },
11835         removed => {
11836         }
11837     },
11838     5.021007 => {
11839         delta_from => 5.021006,
11840         changed => {
11841         },
11842         removed => {
11843         }
11844     },
11845     5.021008 => {
11846         delta_from => 5.021007,
11847         changed => {
11848         },
11849         removed => {
11850         }
11851     },
11852     5.020002 => {
11853         delta_from => 5.020001,
11854         changed => {
11855         },
11856         removed => {
11857         }
11858     },
11859     5.021009 => {
11860         delta_from => 5.021008,
11861         changed => {
11862         },
11863         removed => {
11864         }
11865     },
11866     5.021010 => {
11867         delta_from => 5.021009,
11868         changed => {
11869         },
11870         removed => {
11871         }
11872     },
11873     5.021011 => {
11874         delta_from => 5.02101,
11875         changed => {
11876         },
11877         removed => {
11878         }
11879     },
11880 );
11882 for my $version (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %deprecated) {
11883     my $data = $deprecated{$version};
11885     tie %{ $deprecated{$version} }, 'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta',
11886         $data->{changed}, $data->{removed},
11887         $data->{delta_from} ? $deprecated{ $data->{delta_from} } : undef;
11888 }
11890 %upstream = (
11891     'App::Cpan'             => 'cpan',
11892     'App::Prove'            => 'cpan',
11893     'App::Prove::State'     => 'cpan',
11894     'App::Prove::State::Result'=> 'cpan',
11895     'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> 'cpan',
11896     'Archive::Tar'          => 'cpan',
11897     'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> 'cpan',
11898     'Archive::Tar::File'    => 'cpan',
11899     'AutoLoader'            => 'cpan',
11900     'AutoSplit'             => 'cpan',
11901     'B::Debug'              => 'cpan',
11902     'CPAN'                  => 'cpan',
11903     'CPAN::Author'          => 'cpan',
11904     'CPAN::Bundle'          => 'cpan',
11905     'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => 'cpan',
11906     'CPAN::Complete'        => 'cpan',
11907     'CPAN::Debug'           => 'cpan',
11908     'CPAN::DeferredCode'    => 'cpan',
11909     'CPAN::Distribution'    => 'cpan',
11910     'CPAN::Distroprefs'     => 'cpan',
11911     'CPAN::Distrostatus'    => 'cpan',
11912     'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> 'cpan',
11913     'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> 'cpan',
11914     'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> 'cpan',
11915     'CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error'=> 'cpan',
11916     'CPAN::FTP'             => 'cpan',
11917     'CPAN::FTP::netrc'      => 'cpan',
11918     'CPAN::FirstTime'       => 'cpan',
11919     'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => 'cpan',
11920     'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> 'cpan',
11921     'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => 'cpan',
11922     'CPAN::Index'           => 'cpan',
11923     'CPAN::InfoObj'         => 'cpan',
11924     'CPAN::Kwalify'         => 'cpan',
11925     'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => 'cpan',
11926     'CPAN::Meta'            => 'cpan',
11927     'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => 'cpan',
11928     'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => 'cpan',
11929     'CPAN::Meta::History'   => 'cpan',
11930     'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => 'cpan',
11931     'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => 'cpan',
11932     'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> 'cpan',
11933     'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => 'cpan',
11934     'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => 'cpan',
11935     'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => 'cpan',
11936     'CPAN::Mirrors'         => 'cpan',
11937     'CPAN::Module'          => 'cpan',
11938     'CPAN::Nox'             => 'cpan',
11939     'CPAN::Plugin'          => 'cpan',
11940     'CPAN::Plugin::Specfile'=> 'cpan',
11941     'CPAN::Prompt'          => 'cpan',
11942     'CPAN::Queue'           => 'cpan',
11943     'CPAN::Shell'           => 'cpan',
11944     'CPAN::Tarzip'          => 'cpan',
11945     'CPAN::URL'             => 'cpan',
11946     'CPAN::Version'         => 'cpan',
11947     'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => 'cpan',
11948     'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => 'cpan',
11949     'Compress::Zlib'        => 'cpan',
11950     'Config::Perl::V'       => 'cpan',
11951     'DB_File'               => 'cpan',
11952     'Devel::PPPort'         => 'cpan',
11953     'Digest'                => 'cpan',
11954     'Digest::MD5'           => 'cpan',
11955     'Digest::SHA'           => 'cpan',
11956     'Digest::base'          => 'cpan',
11957     'Digest::file'          => 'cpan',
11958     'Encode'                => 'cpan',
11959     'Encode::Alias'         => 'cpan',
11960     'Encode::Byte'          => 'cpan',
11961     'Encode::CJKConstants'  => 'cpan',
11962     'Encode::CN'            => 'cpan',
11963     'Encode::CN::HZ'        => 'cpan',
11964     'Encode::Config'        => 'cpan',
11965     'Encode::EBCDIC'        => 'cpan',
11966     'Encode::Encoder'       => 'cpan',
11967     'Encode::Encoding'      => 'cpan',
11968     'Encode::GSM0338'       => 'cpan',
11969     'Encode::Guess'         => 'cpan',
11970     'Encode::JP'            => 'cpan',
11971     'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => 'cpan',
11972     'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => 'cpan',
11973     'Encode::KR'            => 'cpan',
11974     'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => 'cpan',
11975     'Encode::MIME::Header'  => 'cpan',
11976     'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> 'cpan',
11977     'Encode::MIME::Name'    => 'cpan',
11978     'Encode::Symbol'        => 'cpan',
11979     'Encode::TW'            => 'cpan',
11980     'Encode::Unicode'       => 'cpan',
11981     'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => 'cpan',
11982     'ExtUtils::Command'     => 'cpan',
11983     'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => 'cpan',
11984     'ExtUtils::Constant'    => 'cpan',
11985     'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> 'cpan',
11986     'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> 'cpan',
11987     'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> 'cpan',
11988     'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> 'cpan',
11989     'ExtUtils::Install'     => 'cpan',
11990     'ExtUtils::Installed'   => 'cpan',
11991     'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => 'cpan',
11992     'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> 'cpan',
11993     'ExtUtils::MM'          => 'cpan',
11994     'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => 'cpan',
11995     'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => 'cpan',
11996     'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => 'cpan',
11997     'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => 'cpan',
11998     'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => 'cpan',
11999     'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => 'cpan',
12000     'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => 'cpan',
12001     'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => 'cpan',
12002     'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => 'cpan',
12003     'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => 'cpan',
12004     'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => 'cpan',
12005     'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => 'cpan',
12006     'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => 'cpan',
12007     'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => 'cpan',
12008     'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => 'cpan',
12009     'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => 'cpan',
12010     'ExtUtils::MY'          => 'cpan',
12011     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 'cpan',
12012     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> 'cpan',
12013     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale'=> 'cpan',
12014     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version'=> 'cpan',
12015     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex'=> 'cpan',
12016     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp'=> 'cpan',
12017     'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => 'cpan',
12018     'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => 'cpan',
12019     'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => 'cpan',
12020     'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => 'cpan',
12021     'ExtUtils::testlib'     => 'cpan',
12022     'Fatal'                 => 'cpan',
12023     'File::Fetch'           => 'cpan',
12024     'File::GlobMapper'      => 'cpan',
12025     'File::Path'            => 'cpan',
12026     'File::Temp'            => 'cpan',
12027     'Filter::Util::Call'    => 'cpan',
12028     'Getopt::Long'          => 'cpan',
12029     'HTTP::Tiny'            => 'cpan',
12030     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> 'cpan',
12031     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> 'cpan',
12032     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> 'cpan',
12033     'IO::Compress::Base'    => 'cpan',
12034     'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> 'cpan',
12035     'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => 'cpan',
12036     'IO::Compress::Deflate' => 'cpan',
12037     'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => 'cpan',
12038     'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> 'cpan',
12039     'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> 'cpan',
12040     'IO::Compress::Zip'     => 'cpan',
12041     'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> 'cpan',
12042     'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> 'cpan',
12043     'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> 'cpan',
12044     'IO::Socket::IP'        => 'cpan',
12045     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> 'cpan',
12046     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> 'cpan',
12047     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> 'cpan',
12048     'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> 'cpan',
12049     'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> 'cpan',
12050     'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => 'cpan',
12051     'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> 'cpan',
12052     'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> 'cpan',
12053     'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> 'cpan',
12054     'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> 'cpan',
12055     'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => 'cpan',
12056     'IO::Zlib'              => 'cpan',
12057     'IPC::Cmd'              => 'cpan',
12058     'IPC::Msg'              => 'cpan',
12059     'IPC::Semaphore'        => 'cpan',
12060     'IPC::SharedMem'        => 'cpan',
12061     'IPC::SysV'             => 'cpan',
12062     'JSON::PP'              => 'cpan',
12063     'JSON::PP::Boolean'     => 'cpan',
12064     'List::Util'            => 'cpan',
12065     'List::Util::XS'        => 'cpan',
12066     'Locale::Codes'         => 'cpan',
12067     'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> 'cpan',
12068     'Locale::Codes::Country'=> 'cpan',
12069     'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12070     'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12071     'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> 'cpan',
12072     'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12073     'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12074     'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> 'cpan',
12075     'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12076     'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12077     'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> 'cpan',
12078     'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12079     'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12080     'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> 'cpan',
12081     'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12082     'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12083     'Locale::Codes::Language'=> 'cpan',
12084     'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12085     'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12086     'Locale::Codes::Script' => 'cpan',
12087     'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> 'cpan',
12088     'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> 'cpan',
12089     'Locale::Country'       => 'cpan',
12090     'Locale::Currency'      => 'cpan',
12091     'Locale::Language'      => 'cpan',
12092     'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> 'cpan',
12093     'Locale::Script'        => 'cpan',
12094     'MIME::Base64'          => 'cpan',
12095     'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => 'cpan',
12096     'Math::Complex'         => 'cpan',
12097     'Math::Trig'            => 'cpan',
12098     'Memoize'               => 'cpan',
12099     'Memoize::AnyDBM_File'  => 'cpan',
12100     'Memoize::Expire'       => 'cpan',
12101     'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => 'cpan',
12102     'Memoize::ExpireTest'   => 'cpan',
12103     'Memoize::NDBM_File'    => 'cpan',
12104     'Memoize::SDBM_File'    => 'cpan',
12105     'Memoize::Storable'     => 'cpan',
12106     'Module::Load'          => 'cpan',
12107     'Module::Load::Conditional'=> 'cpan',
12108     'Module::Loaded'        => 'cpan',
12109     'Module::Metadata'      => 'cpan',
12110     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16BE'=> 'cpan',
12111     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16LE'=> 'cpan',
12112     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF8'=> 'cpan',
12113     'NEXT'                  => 'cpan',
12114     'Net::Cmd'              => 'cpan',
12115     'Net::Config'           => 'cpan',
12116     'Net::Domain'           => 'cpan',
12117     'Net::FTP'              => 'cpan',
12118     'Net::FTP::A'           => 'cpan',
12119     'Net::FTP::E'           => 'cpan',
12120     'Net::FTP::I'           => 'cpan',
12121     'Net::FTP::L'           => 'cpan',
12122     'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => 'cpan',
12123     'Net::NNTP'             => 'cpan',
12124     'Net::Netrc'            => 'cpan',
12125     'Net::POP3'             => 'cpan',
12126     'Net::SMTP'             => 'cpan',
12127     'Net::Time'             => 'cpan',
12128     'Params::Check'         => 'cpan',
12129     'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => 'cpan',
12130     'Perl::OSType'          => 'cpan',
12131     'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> 'cpan',
12132     'Pod::Checker'          => 'cpan',
12133     'Pod::Escapes'          => 'cpan',
12134     'Pod::Find'             => 'cpan',
12135     'Pod::InputObjects'     => 'cpan',
12136     'Pod::Man'              => 'cpan',
12137     'Pod::ParseLink'        => 'cpan',
12138     'Pod::ParseUtils'       => 'cpan',
12139     'Pod::Parser'           => 'cpan',
12140     'Pod::Perldoc'          => 'cpan',
12141     'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => 'cpan',
12142     'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> 'cpan',
12143     'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => 'cpan',
12144     'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> 'cpan',
12145     'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => 'cpan',
12146     'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => 'cpan',
12147     'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => 'cpan',
12148     'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => 'cpan',
12149     'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => 'cpan',
12150     'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => 'cpan',
12151     'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => 'cpan',
12152     'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => 'cpan',
12153     'Pod::PlainText'        => 'cpan',
12154     'Pod::Select'           => 'cpan',
12155     'Pod::Simple'           => 'cpan',
12156     'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => 'cpan',
12157     'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => 'cpan',
12158     'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => 'cpan',
12159     'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> 'cpan',
12160     'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> 'cpan',
12161     'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => 'cpan',
12162     'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> 'cpan',
12163     'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> 'cpan',
12164     'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> 'cpan',
12165     'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => 'cpan',
12166     'Pod::Simple::Progress' => 'cpan',
12167     'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> 'cpan',
12168     'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> 'cpan',
12169     'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> 'cpan',
12170     'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> 'cpan',
12171     'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> 'cpan',
12172     'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => 'cpan',
12173     'Pod::Simple::Search'   => 'cpan',
12174     'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> 'cpan',
12175     'Pod::Simple::Text'     => 'cpan',
12176     'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> 'cpan',
12177     'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> 'cpan',
12178     'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> 'cpan',
12179     'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> 'cpan',
12180     'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> 'cpan',
12181     'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => 'cpan',
12182     'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> 'cpan',
12183     'Pod::Text'             => 'cpan',
12184     'Pod::Text::Color'      => 'cpan',
12185     'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => 'cpan',
12186     'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => 'cpan',
12187     'Pod::Usage'            => 'cpan',
12188     'Scalar::Util'          => 'cpan',
12189     'Socket'                => 'cpan',
12190     'Sub::Util'             => 'cpan',
12191     'Sys::Syslog'           => 'cpan',
12192     'Sys::Syslog::Win32'    => 'cpan',
12193     'TAP::Base'             => 'cpan',
12194     'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => 'cpan',
12195     'TAP::Formatter::Color' => 'cpan',
12196     'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> 'cpan',
12197     'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> 'cpan',
12198     'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> 'cpan',
12199     'TAP::Formatter::File'  => 'cpan',
12200     'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> 'cpan',
12201     'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> 'cpan',
12202     'TAP::Harness'          => 'cpan',
12203     'TAP::Harness::Env'     => 'cpan',
12204     'TAP::Object'           => 'cpan',
12205     'TAP::Parser'           => 'cpan',
12206     'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> 'cpan',
12207     'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => 'cpan',
12208     'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => 'cpan',
12209     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> 'cpan',
12210     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> 'cpan',
12211     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> 'cpan',
12212     'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> 'cpan',
12213     'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> 'cpan',
12214     'TAP::Parser::Result'   => 'cpan',
12215     'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> 'cpan',
12216     'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> 'cpan',
12217     'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> 'cpan',
12218     'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> 'cpan',
12219     'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> 'cpan',
12220     'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> 'cpan',
12221     'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> 'cpan',
12222     'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> 'cpan',
12223     'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> 'cpan',
12224     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> 'cpan',
12225     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> 'cpan',
12226     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> 'cpan',
12227     'TAP::Parser::Source'   => 'cpan',
12228     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> 'cpan',
12229     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> 'cpan',
12230     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> 'cpan',
12231     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> 'cpan',
12232     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> 'cpan',
12233     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> 'cpan',
12234     'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> 'cpan',
12235     'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> 'cpan',
12236     'Term::ANSIColor'       => 'cpan',
12237     'Term::Cap'             => 'cpan',
12238     'Test'                  => 'cpan',
12239     'Test::Builder'         => 'cpan',
12240     'Test::Builder::IO::Scalar'=> 'cpan',
12241     'Test::Builder::Module' => 'cpan',
12242     'Test::Builder::Tester' => 'cpan',
12243     'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> 'cpan',
12244     'Test::Harness'         => 'cpan',
12245     'Test::More'            => 'cpan',
12246     'Test::Simple'          => 'cpan',
12247     'Test::Tester'          => 'cpan',
12248     'Test::Tester::Capture' => 'cpan',
12249     'Test::Tester::CaptureRunner'=> 'cpan',
12250     'Test::Tester::Delegate'=> 'cpan',
12251     'Test::use::ok'         => 'cpan',
12252     'Text::Balanced'        => 'cpan',
12253     'Text::ParseWords'      => 'cpan',
12254     'Text::Tabs'            => 'cpan',
12255     'Text::Wrap'            => 'cpan',
12256     'Tie::RefHash'          => 'cpan',
12257     'Time::HiRes'           => 'cpan',
12258     'Time::Local'           => 'cpan',
12259     'Time::Piece'           => 'cpan',
12260     'Time::Seconds'         => 'cpan',
12261     'Unicode::Collate'      => 'cpan',
12262     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> 'cpan',
12263     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> 'cpan',
12264     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> 'cpan',
12265     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> 'cpan',
12266     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> 'cpan',
12267     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> 'cpan',
12268     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> 'cpan',
12269     'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> 'cpan',
12270     'Unicode::Normalize'    => 'cpan',
12271     'Win32'                 => 'cpan',
12272     'Win32API::File'        => 'cpan',
12273     'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> 'cpan',
12274     'autodie'               => 'cpan',
12275     'autodie::Scope::Guard' => 'cpan',
12276     'autodie::Scope::GuardStack'=> 'cpan',
12277     'autodie::ScopeUtil'    => 'cpan',
12278     'autodie::exception'    => 'cpan',
12279     'autodie::exception::system'=> 'cpan',
12280     'autodie::hints'        => 'cpan',
12281     'autodie::skip'         => 'cpan',
12282     'encoding'              => 'cpan',
12283     'encoding::warnings'    => 'cpan',
12284     'experimental'          => 'cpan',
12285     'ok'                    => 'cpan',
12286     'parent'                => 'cpan',
12287     'perlfaq'               => 'cpan',
12288     'version'               => 'cpan',
12289     'version::regex'        => 'cpan',
12290     'version::vpp'          => 'cpan',
12291 );
12293 %bug_tracker = (
12294     'App::Cpan'             => undef,
12295     'App::Prove'            => '',
12296     'App::Prove::State'     => '',
12297     'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '',
12298     'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '',
12299     'Archive::Tar'          => undef,
12300     'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> undef,
12301     'Archive::Tar::File'    => undef,
12302     'B::Debug'              => undef,
12303     'CPAN'                  => undef,
12304     'CPAN::Author'          => undef,
12305     'CPAN::Bundle'          => undef,
12306     'CPAN::CacheMgr'        => undef,
12307     'CPAN::Complete'        => undef,
12308     'CPAN::Debug'           => undef,
12309     'CPAN::DeferredCode'    => undef,
12310     'CPAN::Distribution'    => undef,
12311     'CPAN::Distroprefs'     => undef,
12312     'CPAN::Distrostatus'    => undef,
12313     'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> undef,
12314     'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> undef,
12315     'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> undef,
12316     'CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error'=> undef,
12317     'CPAN::FTP'             => undef,
12318     'CPAN::FTP::netrc'      => undef,
12319     'CPAN::FirstTime'       => undef,
12320     'CPAN::HTTP::Client'    => undef,
12321     'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> undef,
12322     'CPAN::HandleConfig'    => undef,
12323     'CPAN::Index'           => undef,
12324     'CPAN::InfoObj'         => undef,
12325     'CPAN::Kwalify'         => undef,
12326     'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent'  => undef,
12327     'CPAN::Meta'            => '',
12328     'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '',
12329     'CPAN::Meta::Feature'   => '',
12330     'CPAN::Meta::History'   => '',
12331     'CPAN::Meta::Merge'     => '',
12332     'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs'   => '',
12333     'CPAN::Meta::Requirements'=> '',
12334     'CPAN::Meta::Spec'      => '',
12335     'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '',
12336     'CPAN::Meta::YAML'      => '',
12337     'CPAN::Mirrors'         => undef,
12338     'CPAN::Module'          => undef,
12339     'CPAN::Nox'             => undef,
12340     'CPAN::Plugin'          => undef,
12341     'CPAN::Plugin::Specfile'=> undef,
12342     'CPAN::Prompt'          => undef,
12343     'CPAN::Queue'           => undef,
12344     'CPAN::Shell'           => undef,
12345     'CPAN::Tarzip'          => undef,
12346     'CPAN::URL'             => undef,
12347     'CPAN::Version'         => undef,
12348     'Compress::Raw::Bzip2'  => undef,
12349     'Compress::Raw::Zlib'   => undef,
12350     'Compress::Zlib'        => undef,
12351     'Config::Perl::V'       => undef,
12352     'DB_File'               => undef,
12353     'Devel::PPPort'         => '',
12354     'Digest'                => undef,
12355     'Digest::MD5'           => undef,
12356     'Digest::SHA'           => undef,
12357     'Digest::base'          => undef,
12358     'Digest::file'          => undef,
12359     'Encode'                => undef,
12360     'Encode::Alias'         => undef,
12361     'Encode::Byte'          => undef,
12362     'Encode::CJKConstants'  => undef,
12363     'Encode::CN'            => undef,
12364     'Encode::CN::HZ'        => undef,
12365     'Encode::Config'        => undef,
12366     'Encode::EBCDIC'        => undef,
12367     'Encode::Encoder'       => undef,
12368     'Encode::Encoding'      => undef,
12369     'Encode::GSM0338'       => undef,
12370     'Encode::Guess'         => undef,
12371     'Encode::JP'            => undef,
12372     'Encode::JP::H2Z'       => undef,
12373     'Encode::JP::JIS7'      => undef,
12374     'Encode::KR'            => undef,
12375     'Encode::KR::2022_KR'   => undef,
12376     'Encode::MIME::Header'  => undef,
12377     'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> undef,
12378     'Encode::MIME::Name'    => undef,
12379     'Encode::Symbol'        => undef,
12380     'Encode::TW'            => undef,
12381     'Encode::Unicode'       => undef,
12382     'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => undef,
12383     'ExtUtils::Command'     => '',
12384     'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '',
12385     'ExtUtils::Constant'    => undef,
12386     'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> undef,
12387     'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> undef,
12388     'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> undef,
12389     'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> undef,
12390     'ExtUtils::Install'     => '',
12391     'ExtUtils::Installed'   => '',
12392     'ExtUtils::Liblist'     => '',
12393     'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '',
12394     'ExtUtils::MM'          => '',
12395     'ExtUtils::MM_AIX'      => '',
12396     'ExtUtils::MM_Any'      => '',
12397     'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS'     => '',
12398     'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin'   => '',
12399     'ExtUtils::MM_DOS'      => '',
12400     'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin'   => '',
12401     'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS'    => '',
12402     'ExtUtils::MM_NW5'      => '',
12403     'ExtUtils::MM_OS2'      => '',
12404     'ExtUtils::MM_QNX'      => '',
12405     'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN'     => '',
12406     'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'     => '',
12407     'ExtUtils::MM_VMS'      => '',
12408     'ExtUtils::MM_VOS'      => '',
12409     'ExtUtils::MM_Win32'    => '',
12410     'ExtUtils::MM_Win95'    => '',
12411     'ExtUtils::MY'          => '',
12412     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '',
12413     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '',
12414     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale'=> '',
12415     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version'=> '',
12416     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex'=> '',
12417     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp'=> '',
12418     'ExtUtils::Manifest'    => '',
12419     'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '',
12420     'ExtUtils::Mksymlists'  => '',
12421     'ExtUtils::Packlist'    => '',
12422     'ExtUtils::testlib'     => '',
12423     'Fatal'                 => '',
12424     'File::Fetch'           => undef,
12425     'File::GlobMapper'      => undef,
12426     'File::Path'            => undef,
12427     'File::Temp'            => '',
12428     'Filter::Util::Call'    => undef,
12429     'Getopt::Long'          => undef,
12430     'HTTP::Tiny'            => '',
12431     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> undef,
12432     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> undef,
12433     'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> undef,
12434     'IO::Compress::Base'    => undef,
12435     'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> undef,
12436     'IO::Compress::Bzip2'   => undef,
12437     'IO::Compress::Deflate' => undef,
12438     'IO::Compress::Gzip'    => undef,
12439     'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> undef,
12440     'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> undef,
12441     'IO::Compress::Zip'     => undef,
12442     'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> undef,
12443     'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> undef,
12444     'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> undef,
12445     'IO::Socket::IP'        => undef,
12446     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> undef,
12447     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> undef,
12448     'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> undef,
12449     'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> undef,
12450     'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> undef,
12451     'IO::Uncompress::Base'  => undef,
12452     'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> undef,
12453     'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> undef,
12454     'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> undef,
12455     'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> undef,
12456     'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => undef,
12457     'IO::Zlib'              => undef,
12458     'IPC::Cmd'              => undef,
12459     'IPC::Msg'              => undef,
12460     'IPC::Semaphore'        => undef,
12461     'IPC::SharedMem'        => undef,
12462     'IPC::SysV'             => undef,
12463     'JSON::PP'              => undef,
12464     'JSON::PP::Boolean'     => undef,
12465     'List::Util'            => undef,
12466     'List::Util::XS'        => undef,
12467     'Locale::Codes'         => undef,
12468     'Locale::Codes::Constants'=> undef,
12469     'Locale::Codes::Country'=> undef,
12470     'Locale::Codes::Country_Codes'=> undef,
12471     'Locale::Codes::Country_Retired'=> undef,
12472     'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> undef,
12473     'Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes'=> undef,
12474     'Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired'=> undef,
12475     'Locale::Codes::LangExt'=> undef,
12476     'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes'=> undef,
12477     'Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired'=> undef,
12478     'Locale::Codes::LangFam'=> undef,
12479     'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes'=> undef,
12480     'Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired'=> undef,
12481     'Locale::Codes::LangVar'=> undef,
12482     'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes'=> undef,
12483     'Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired'=> undef,
12484     'Locale::Codes::Language'=> undef,
12485     'Locale::Codes::Language_Codes'=> undef,
12486     'Locale::Codes::Language_Retired'=> undef,
12487     'Locale::Codes::Script' => undef,
12488     'Locale::Codes::Script_Codes'=> undef,
12489     'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired'=> undef,
12490     'Locale::Country'       => undef,
12491     'Locale::Currency'      => undef,
12492     'Locale::Language'      => undef,
12493     'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> undef,
12494     'Locale::Script'        => undef,
12495     'MIME::Base64'          => undef,
12496     'MIME::QuotedPrint'     => undef,
12497     'Math::Complex'         => undef,
12498     'Math::Trig'            => undef,
12499     'Memoize'               => undef,
12500     'Memoize::AnyDBM_File'  => undef,
12501     'Memoize::Expire'       => undef,
12502     'Memoize::ExpireFile'   => undef,
12503     'Memoize::ExpireTest'   => undef,
12504     'Memoize::NDBM_File'    => undef,
12505     'Memoize::SDBM_File'    => undef,
12506     'Memoize::Storable'     => undef,
12507     'Module::Load'          => undef,
12508     'Module::Load::Conditional'=> undef,
12509     'Module::Loaded'        => undef,
12510     'Module::Metadata'      => '',
12511     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16BE'=> undef,
12512     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF16LE'=> undef,
12513     'Module::Metadata::corpus::BOMTest::UTF8'=> undef,
12514     'NEXT'                  => undef,
12515     'Net::Cmd'              => undef,
12516     'Net::Config'           => undef,
12517     'Net::Domain'           => undef,
12518     'Net::FTP'              => undef,
12519     'Net::FTP::A'           => undef,
12520     'Net::FTP::E'           => undef,
12521     'Net::FTP::I'           => undef,
12522     'Net::FTP::L'           => undef,
12523     'Net::FTP::dataconn'    => undef,
12524     'Net::NNTP'             => undef,
12525     'Net::Netrc'            => undef,
12526     'Net::POP3'             => undef,
12527     'Net::SMTP'             => undef,
12528     'Net::Time'             => undef,
12529     'Params::Check'         => undef,
12530     'Parse::CPAN::Meta'     => '',
12531     'Perl::OSType'          => '',
12532     'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> undef,
12533     'Pod::Checker'          => undef,
12534     'Pod::Escapes'          => undef,
12535     'Pod::Find'             => undef,
12536     'Pod::InputObjects'     => undef,
12537     'Pod::Man'              => undef,
12538     'Pod::ParseLink'        => undef,
12539     'Pod::ParseUtils'       => undef,
12540     'Pod::Parser'           => undef,
12541     'Pod::Perldoc'          => undef,
12542     'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo'  => undef,
12543     'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef,
12544     'Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI'  => undef,
12545     'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef,
12546     'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan'   => undef,
12547     'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef,
12548     'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'   => undef,
12549     'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf'   => undef,
12550     'Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm'  => undef,
12551     'Pod::Perldoc::ToText'  => undef,
12552     'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk'    => undef,
12553     'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml'   => undef,
12554     'Pod::PlainText'        => undef,
12555     'Pod::Select'           => undef,
12556     'Pod::Simple'           => undef,
12557     'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef,
12558     'Pod::Simple::Checker'  => undef,
12559     'Pod::Simple::Debug'    => undef,
12560     'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> undef,
12561     'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> undef,
12562     'Pod::Simple::HTML'     => undef,
12563     'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> undef,
12564     'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> undef,
12565     'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef,
12566     'Pod::Simple::Methody'  => undef,
12567     'Pod::Simple::Progress' => undef,
12568     'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> undef,
12569     'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef,
12570     'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef,
12571     'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef,
12572     'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> undef,
12573     'Pod::Simple::RTF'      => undef,
12574     'Pod::Simple::Search'   => undef,
12575     'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> undef,
12576     'Pod::Simple::Text'     => undef,
12577     'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> undef,
12578     'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef,
12579     'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef,
12580     'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> undef,
12581     'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef,
12582     'Pod::Simple::XHTML'    => undef,
12583     'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> undef,
12584     'Pod::Text'             => undef,
12585     'Pod::Text::Color'      => undef,
12586     'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => undef,
12587     'Pod::Text::Termcap'    => undef,
12588     'Pod::Usage'            => undef,
12589     'Scalar::Util'          => undef,
12590     'Socket'                => undef,
12591     'Sub::Util'             => undef,
12592     'Sys::Syslog'           => undef,
12593     'Sys::Syslog::Win32'    => undef,
12594     'TAP::Base'             => '',
12595     'TAP::Formatter::Base'  => '',
12596     'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '',
12597     'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '',
12598     'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '',
12599     'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '',
12600     'TAP::Formatter::File'  => '',
12601     'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '',
12602     'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '',
12603     'TAP::Harness'          => '',
12604     'TAP::Harness::Env'     => '',
12605     'TAP::Object'           => '',
12606     'TAP::Parser'           => '',
12607     'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '',
12608     'TAP::Parser::Grammar'  => '',
12609     'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '',
12610     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '',
12611     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '',
12612     'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '',
12613     'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '',
12614     'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '',
12615     'TAP::Parser::Result'   => '',
12616     'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '',
12617     'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '',
12618     'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '',
12619     'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '',
12620     'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '',
12621     'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '',
12622     'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '',
12623     'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '',
12624     'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '',
12625     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '',
12626     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '',
12627     'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '',
12628     'TAP::Parser::Source'   => '',
12629     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '',
12630     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '',
12631     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '',
12632     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '',
12633     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '',
12634     'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '',
12635     'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '',
12636     'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '',
12637     'Term::ANSIColor'       => '',
12638     'Term::Cap'             => undef,
12639     'Test'                  => undef,
12640     'Test::Builder'         => '',
12641     'Test::Builder::IO::Scalar'=> '',
12642     'Test::Builder::Module' => '',
12643     'Test::Builder::Tester' => '',
12644     'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '',
12645     'Test::Harness'         => '',
12646     'Test::More'            => '',
12647     'Test::Simple'          => '',
12648     'Test::Tester'          => '',
12649     'Test::Tester::Capture' => '',
12650     'Test::Tester::CaptureRunner'=> '',
12651     'Test::Tester::Delegate'=> '',
12652     'Test::use::ok'         => '',
12653     'Text::Balanced'        => undef,
12654     'Text::ParseWords'      => undef,
12655     'Text::Tabs'            => undef,
12656     'Text::Wrap'            => undef,
12657     'Tie::RefHash'          => undef,
12658     'Time::HiRes'           => undef,
12659     'Time::Local'           => '',
12660     'Time::Piece'           => undef,
12661     'Time::Seconds'         => undef,
12662     'Unicode::Collate'      => undef,
12663     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> undef,
12664     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> undef,
12665     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> undef,
12666     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> undef,
12667     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> undef,
12668     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> undef,
12669     'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin'=> undef,
12670     'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> undef,
12671     'Unicode::Normalize'    => undef,
12672     'Win32'                 => undef,
12673     'Win32API::File'        => undef,
12674     'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> undef,
12675     'autodie'               => '',
12676     'autodie::Scope::Guard' => '',
12677     'autodie::Scope::GuardStack'=> '',
12678     'autodie::ScopeUtil'    => '',
12679     'autodie::exception'    => '',
12680     'autodie::exception::system'=> '',
12681     'autodie::hints'        => '',
12682     'autodie::skip'         => '',
12683     'encoding'              => undef,
12684     'encoding::warnings'    => undef,
12685     'experimental'          => '',
12686     'ok'                    => '',
12687     'parent'                => undef,
12688     'perlfaq'               => '',
12689     'version'               => '',
12690     'version::regex'        => '',
12691     'version::vpp'          => '',
12692 );
12694 # Create aliases with trailing zeros for $] use
12696 $released{'5.000'} = $released{5};
12697 $version{'5.000'} = $version{5};
12699 _create_aliases(\%delta);
12700 _create_aliases(\%released);
12701 _create_aliases(\%version);
12702 _create_aliases(\%deprecated);
12704 sub _create_aliases {
12705     my ($hash) = @_;
12707     for my $version (keys %$hash) {
12708         next unless $version >= 5.006;
12710         my $padded = sprintf "%0.6f", $version;
12712         # If the version in string form isn't the same as the numeric version,
12713         # alias it.
12714         if ($padded ne $version && $version == $padded) {
12715             $hash->{$padded} = $hash->{$version};
12716         }
12717     }
12718 }
12720 1;
12721 __END__