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1/* handy.h
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000,
4 * 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012 by Larry Wall and others
5 *
6 * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
7 * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
8 *
9 */
11/* IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything whose name begins with an underscore is for
12 * internal core Perl use only. */
14#ifndef PERL_HANDY_H_ /* Guard against nested #inclusion */
15#define PERL_HANDY_H_
17#ifndef PERL_CORE
18# define Null(type) ((type)NULL)
21=head1 Handy Values
23=for apidoc AmU||Nullch
24Null character pointer. (No longer available when C<PERL_CORE> is
27=for apidoc AmU||Nullsv
28Null SV pointer. (No longer available when C<PERL_CORE> is defined.)
33# define Nullch Null(char*)
34# define Nullfp Null(PerlIO*)
35# define Nullsv Null(SV*)
38#ifdef TRUE
39#undef TRUE
41#ifdef FALSE
42#undef FALSE
44#define TRUE (1)
45#define FALSE (0)
47/* The MUTABLE_*() macros cast pointers to the types shown, in such a way
48 * (compiler permitting) that casting away const-ness will give a warning;
49 * e.g.:
50 *
51 * const SV *sv = ...;
52 * AV *av1 = (AV*)sv; <== BAD: the const has been silently cast away
53 * AV *av2 = MUTABLE_AV(sv); <== GOOD: it may warn
54 */
56#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN)
57# define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ({ void *_p = (p); _p; })
59# define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ((void *) (p))
62#define MUTABLE_AV(p) ((AV *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
63#define MUTABLE_CV(p) ((CV *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
64#define MUTABLE_GV(p) ((GV *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
65#define MUTABLE_HV(p) ((HV *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
66#define MUTABLE_IO(p) ((IO *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
67#define MUTABLE_SV(p) ((SV *)MUTABLE_PTR(p))
69#if defined(I_STDBOOL) && !defined(PERL_BOOL_AS_CHAR)
70# include <stdbool.h>
71# ifndef HAS_BOOL
72# define HAS_BOOL 1
73# endif
76/* bool is built-in for g++-2.6.3 and later, which might be used
77 for extensions. <_G_config.h> defines _G_HAVE_BOOL, but we can't
78 be sure _G_config.h will be included before this file. _G_config.h
79 also defines _G_HAVE_BOOL for both gcc and g++, but only g++
80 actually has bool. Hence, _G_HAVE_BOOL is pretty useless for us.
81 g++ can be identified by __GNUG__.
82 Andy Dougherty February 2000
84#ifdef __GNUG__ /* GNU g++ has bool built-in */
85# ifndef PERL_BOOL_AS_CHAR
86# ifndef HAS_BOOL
87# define HAS_BOOL 1
88# endif
89# endif
92#ifndef HAS_BOOL
93# ifdef bool
94# undef bool
95# endif
96# define bool char
97# define HAS_BOOL 1
100/* cast-to-bool. A simple (bool) cast may not do the right thing: if bool is
101 * defined as char for example, then the cast from int is
102 * implementation-defined (bool)!!(cbool) in a ternary triggers a bug in xlc on
103 * AIX */
104#define cBOOL(cbool) ((cbool) ? (bool)1 : (bool)0)
106/* Try to figure out __func__ or __FUNCTION__ equivalent, if any.
107 * XXX Should really be a Configure probe, with HAS__FUNCTION__
108 * and FUNCTION__ as results.
109 * XXX Similarly, a Configure probe for __FILE__ and __LINE__ is needed. */
110#if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C)) /* C99 or close enough. */
111# define FUNCTION__ __func__
112#elif (defined(USING_MSVC6)) || /* MSVC6 has neither __func__ nor __FUNCTION and no good workarounds, either. */ \
113 (defined(__DECC_VER)) /* Tru64 or VMS, and strict C89 being used, but not modern enough cc (in Tur64, -c99 not known, only -std1). */
114# define FUNCTION__ ""
116# define FUNCTION__ __FUNCTION__ /* Common extension. */
119/* XXX A note on the perl source internal type system. The
120 original intent was that I32 be *exactly* 32 bits.
122 Currently, we only guarantee that I32 is *at least* 32 bits.
123 Specifically, if int is 64 bits, then so is I32. (This is the case
124 for the Cray.) This has the advantage of meshing nicely with
125 standard library calls (where we pass an I32 and the library is
126 expecting an int), but the disadvantage that an I32 is not 32 bits.
127 Andy Dougherty August 1996
129 There is no guarantee that there is *any* integral type with
130 exactly 32 bits. It is perfectly legal for a system to have
131 sizeof(short) == sizeof(int) == sizeof(long) == 8.
133 Similarly, there is no guarantee that I16 and U16 have exactly 16
134 bits.
136 For dealing with issues that may arise from various 32/64-bit
137 systems, we will ask Configure to check out
139 SHORTSIZE == sizeof(short)
140 INTSIZE == sizeof(int)
141 LONGSIZE == sizeof(long)
142 LONGLONGSIZE == sizeof(long long) (if HAS_LONG_LONG)
143 PTRSIZE == sizeof(void *)
144 DOUBLESIZE == sizeof(double)
145 LONG_DOUBLESIZE == sizeof(long double) (if HAS_LONG_DOUBLE).
149#ifdef I_INTTYPES /* e.g. Linux has int64_t without <inttypes.h> */
150# include <inttypes.h>
151# ifdef INT32_MIN_BROKEN
152# undef INT32_MIN
153# define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
154# endif
155# ifdef INT64_MIN_BROKEN
156# undef INT64_MIN
157# define INT64_MIN (-9223372036854775807LL-1)
158# endif
161typedef I8TYPE I8;
162typedef U8TYPE U8;
163typedef I16TYPE I16;
164typedef U16TYPE U16;
165typedef I32TYPE I32;
166typedef U32TYPE U32;
168#ifdef HAS_QUAD
169typedef I64TYPE I64;
170typedef U64TYPE U64;
173/* INT64_C/UINT64_C are C99 from <stdint.h> (so they will not be
174 * available in strict C89 mode), but they are nice, so let's define
175 * them if necessary. */
176#if defined(HAS_QUAD)
177# undef PeRl_INT64_C
178# undef PeRl_UINT64_C
179/* Prefer the native integer types (int and long) over long long
180 * (which is not C89) and Win32-specific __int64. */
182# define PeRl_INT64_C(c) (c)
183# define PeRl_UINT64_C(c) CAT2(c,U)
184# endif
186# define PeRl_INT64_C(c) CAT2(c,L)
187# define PeRl_UINT64_C(c) CAT2(c,UL)
188# endif
190# define PeRl_INT64_C(c) CAT2(c,LL)
191# define PeRl_UINT64_C(c) CAT2(c,ULL)
192# endif
193# if QUADKIND == QUAD_IS___INT64
194# define PeRl_INT64_C(c) CAT2(c,I64)
195# define PeRl_UINT64_C(c) CAT2(c,UI64)
196# endif
197# ifndef PeRl_INT64_C
198# define PeRl_INT64_C(c) ((I64)(c)) /* last resort */
199# define PeRl_UINT64_C(c) ((U64)(c))
200# endif
201/* In OS X the INT64_C/UINT64_C are defined with LL/ULL, which will
202 * not fly with C89-pedantic gcc, so let's undefine them first so that
203 * we can redefine them with our native integer preferring versions. */
204# if defined(PERL_DARWIN) && defined(PERL_GCC_PEDANTIC)
205# undef INT64_C
206# undef UINT64_C
207# endif
208# ifndef INT64_C
209# define INT64_C(c) PeRl_INT64_C(c)
210# endif
211# ifndef UINT64_C
212# define UINT64_C(c) PeRl_UINT64_C(c)
213# endif
216#if defined(UINT8_MAX) && defined(INT16_MAX) && defined(INT32_MAX)
218/* I8_MAX and I8_MIN constants are not defined, as I8 is an ambiguous type.
219 Please search CHAR_MAX in perl.h for further details. */
220#define U8_MAX UINT8_MAX
221#define U8_MIN UINT8_MIN
223#define I16_MAX INT16_MAX
224#define I16_MIN INT16_MIN
225#define U16_MAX UINT16_MAX
226#define U16_MIN UINT16_MIN
228#define I32_MAX INT32_MAX
229#define I32_MIN INT32_MIN
230#ifndef UINT32_MAX_BROKEN /* e.g. HP-UX with gcc messes this up */
231# define U32_MAX UINT32_MAX
233# define U32_MAX 4294967295U
235#define U32_MIN UINT32_MIN
239/* I8_MAX and I8_MIN constants are not defined, as I8 is an ambiguous type.
240 Please search CHAR_MAX in perl.h for further details. */
241#define U8_MAX PERL_UCHAR_MAX
242#define U8_MIN PERL_UCHAR_MIN
244#define I16_MAX PERL_SHORT_MAX
245#define I16_MIN PERL_SHORT_MIN
246#define U16_MAX PERL_USHORT_MAX
247#define U16_MIN PERL_USHORT_MIN
249#if LONGSIZE > 4
250# define I32_MAX PERL_INT_MAX
251# define I32_MIN PERL_INT_MIN
252# define U32_MAX PERL_UINT_MAX
253# define U32_MIN PERL_UINT_MIN
255# define I32_MAX PERL_LONG_MAX
256# define I32_MIN PERL_LONG_MIN
257# define U32_MAX PERL_ULONG_MAX
258# define U32_MIN PERL_ULONG_MIN
263/* log(2) (i.e., log base 10 of 2) is pretty close to 0.30103, just in case
264 * anyone is grepping for it */
265#define BIT_DIGITS(N) (((N)*146)/485 + 1) /* log10(2) =~ 146/485 */
266#define TYPE_DIGITS(T) BIT_DIGITS(sizeof(T) * 8)
267#define TYPE_CHARS(T) (TYPE_DIGITS(T) + 2) /* sign, NUL */
269/* Unused by core; should be deprecated */
270#define Ctl(ch) ((ch) & 037)
272#if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT)
273# ifndef MIN
274# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
275# endif
276# ifndef MAX
277# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
278# endif
281/* This is a helper macro to avoid preprocessor issues, replaced by nothing
282 * unless under DEBUGGING, where it expands to an assert of its argument,
283 * followed by a comma (hence the comma operator). If we just used a straight
284 * assert(), we would get a comma with nothing before it when not DEBUGGING.
285 *
286 * We also use empty definition under Coverity since the __ASSERT__
287 * checks often check for things that Really Cannot Happen, and Coverity
288 * detects that and gets all excited. */
290#if defined(DEBUGGING) && !defined(__COVERITY__)
291# define __ASSERT_(statement) assert(statement),
293# define __ASSERT_(statement)
297=head1 SV-Body Allocation
299=for apidoc Ama|SV*|newSVpvs|"literal string" s
300Like C<newSVpvn>, but takes a literal string instead of a
301string/length pair.
303=for apidoc Ama|SV*|newSVpvs_flags|"literal string" s|U32 flags
304Like C<newSVpvn_flags>, but takes a literal string instead of
305a string/length pair.
307=for apidoc Ama|SV*|newSVpvs_share|"literal string" s
308Like C<newSVpvn_share>, but takes a literal string instead of
309a string/length pair and omits the hash parameter.
311=for apidoc Am|void|sv_catpvs_flags|SV* sv|"literal string" s|I32 flags
312Like C<sv_catpvn_flags>, but takes a literal string instead
313of a string/length pair.
315=for apidoc Am|void|sv_catpvs_nomg|SV* sv|"literal string" s
316Like C<sv_catpvn_nomg>, but takes a literal string instead of
317a string/length pair.
319=for apidoc Am|void|sv_catpvs|SV* sv|"literal string" s
320Like C<sv_catpvn>, but takes a literal string instead of a
321string/length pair.
323=for apidoc Am|void|sv_catpvs_mg|SV* sv|"literal string" s
324Like C<sv_catpvn_mg>, but takes a literal string instead of a
325string/length pair.
327=for apidoc Am|void|sv_setpvs|SV* sv|"literal string" s
328Like C<sv_setpvn>, but takes a literal string instead of a
329string/length pair.
331=for apidoc Am|void|sv_setpvs_mg|SV* sv|"literal string" s
332Like C<sv_setpvn_mg>, but takes a literal string instead of a
333string/length pair.
335=for apidoc Am|SV *|sv_setref_pvs|"literal string" s
336Like C<sv_setref_pvn>, but takes a literal string instead of
337a string/length pair.
339=head1 Memory Management
341=for apidoc Ama|char*|savepvs|"literal string" s
342Like C<savepvn>, but takes a literal string instead of a
343string/length pair.
345=for apidoc Ama|char*|savesharedpvs|"literal string" s
346A version of C<savepvs()> which allocates the duplicate string in memory
347which is shared between threads.
349=head1 GV Functions
351=for apidoc Am|HV*|gv_stashpvs|"literal string" name|I32 create
352Like C<gv_stashpvn>, but takes a literal string instead of a
353string/length pair.
355=head1 Hash Manipulation Functions
357=for apidoc Am|SV**|hv_fetchs|HV* tb|"literal string" key|I32 lval
358Like C<hv_fetch>, but takes a literal string instead of a
359string/length pair.
361=for apidoc Am|SV**|hv_stores|HV* tb|"literal string" key|NULLOK SV* val
362Like C<hv_store>, but takes a literal string instead of a
363string/length pair
364and omits the hash parameter.
366=head1 Lexer interface
368=for apidoc Amx|void|lex_stuff_pvs|"literal string" pv|U32 flags
370Like L</lex_stuff_pvn>, but takes a literal string instead of
371a string/length pair.
376/* concatenating with "" ensures that only literal strings are accepted as
377 * argument */
378#define STR_WITH_LEN(s) ("" s ""), (sizeof(s)-1)
380/* note that STR_WITH_LEN() can't be used as argument to macros or functions
381 * that under some configurations might be macros, which means that it requires
382 * the full Perl_xxx(aTHX_ ...) form for any API calls where it's used.
383 */
385/* STR_WITH_LEN() shortcuts */
386#define newSVpvs(str) Perl_newSVpvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str))
387#define newSVpvs_flags(str,flags) \
388 Perl_newSVpvn_flags(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str), flags)
389#define newSVpvs_share(str) Perl_newSVpvn_share(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str), 0)
390#define sv_catpvs_flags(sv, str, flags) \
391 Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str), flags)
392#define sv_catpvs_nomg(sv, str) \
393 Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str), 0)
394#define sv_catpvs(sv, str) \
395 Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str), SV_GMAGIC)
396#define sv_catpvs_mg(sv, str) \
397 Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str), SV_GMAGIC|SV_SMAGIC)
398#define sv_setpvs(sv, str) Perl_sv_setpvn(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str))
399#define sv_setpvs_mg(sv, str) Perl_sv_setpvn_mg(aTHX_ sv, STR_WITH_LEN(str))
400#define sv_setref_pvs(rv, classname, str) \
401 Perl_sv_setref_pvn(aTHX_ rv, classname, STR_WITH_LEN(str))
402#define savepvs(str) Perl_savepvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str))
403#define savesharedpvs(str) Perl_savesharedpvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str))
404#define gv_stashpvs(str, create) \
405 Perl_gv_stashpvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str), create)
406#define gv_fetchpvs(namebeg, add, sv_type) \
407 Perl_gv_fetchpvn_flags(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(namebeg), add, sv_type)
408#define gv_fetchpvn(namebeg, len, add, sv_type) \
409 Perl_gv_fetchpvn_flags(aTHX_ namebeg, len, add, sv_type)
410#define sv_catxmlpvs(dsv, str, utf8) \
411 Perl_sv_catxmlpvn(aTHX_ dsv, STR_WITH_LEN(str), utf8)
414#define lex_stuff_pvs(pv,flags) Perl_lex_stuff_pvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(pv), flags)
416#define get_cvs(str, flags) \
417 Perl_get_cvn_flags(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(str), (flags))
420=head1 Miscellaneous Functions
422=for apidoc Am|bool|strNE|char* s1|char* s2
423Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if they are different. Returns true
424or false.
426=for apidoc Am|bool|strEQ|char* s1|char* s2
427Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if they are equal. Returns true or
430=for apidoc Am|bool|strLT|char* s1|char* s2
431Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if the first, C<s1>, is less than the
432second, C<s2>. Returns true or false.
434=for apidoc Am|bool|strLE|char* s1|char* s2
435Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if the first, C<s1>, is less than or
436equal to the second, C<s2>. Returns true or false.
438=for apidoc Am|bool|strGT|char* s1|char* s2
439Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if the first, C<s1>, is greater than
440the second, C<s2>. Returns true or false.
442=for apidoc Am|bool|strGE|char* s1|char* s2
443Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if the first, C<s1>, is greater than
444or equal to the second, C<s2>. Returns true or false.
446=for apidoc Am|bool|strnNE|char* s1|char* s2|STRLEN len
447Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if they are different. The C<len>
448parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A
449wrapper for C<strncmp>).
451=for apidoc Am|bool|strnEQ|char* s1|char* s2|STRLEN len
452Test two C<NUL>-terminated strings to see if they are equal. The C<len>
453parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A
454wrapper for C<strncmp>).
456=for apidoc Am|bool|memEQ|char* s1|char* s2|STRLEN len
457Test two buffers (which may contain embedded C<NUL> characters, to see if they
458are equal. The C<len> parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare.
459Returns zero if equal, or non-zero if non-equal.
461=for apidoc Am|bool|memNE|char* s1|char* s2|STRLEN len
462Test two buffers (which may contain embedded C<NUL> characters, to see if they
463are not equal. The C<len> parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare.
464Returns zero if non-equal, or non-zero if equal.
468New macros should use the following conventions for their names (which are
469based on the underlying C library functions):
471 (mem | str n? ) (EQ | NE | LT | GT | GE | (( BEGIN | END ) P? )) l? s?
473 Each has two main parameters, string-like operands that are compared
474 against each other, as specified by the macro name. Some macros may
475 additionally have one or potentially even two length parameters. If a length
476 parameter applies to both string parameters, it will be positioned third;
477 otherwise any length parameter immediately follows the string parameter it
478 applies to.
480 If the prefix to the name is 'str', the string parameter is a pointer to a C
481 language string. Such a string does not contain embedded NUL bytes; its
482 length may be unknown, but can be calculated by C<strlen()>, since it is
483 terminated by a NUL, which isn't included in its length.
485 The optional 'n' following 'str' means that that there is a third parameter,
486 giving the maximum number of bytes to look at in each string. Even if both
487 strings are longer than the length parameter, those extra bytes will be
488 unexamined.
490 The 's' suffix means that the 2nd byte string parameter is a literal C
491 double-quoted string. Its length will automatically be calculated by the
492 macro, so no length parameter will ever be needed for it.
494 If the prefix is 'mem', the string parameters don't have to be C strings;
495 they may contain embedded NUL bytes, do not necessarily have a terminating
496 NUL, and their lengths can be known only through other means, which in
497 practice are additional parameter(s) passed to the function. All 'mem'
498 functions have at least one length parameter. Barring any 'l' or 's' suffix,
499 there is a single length parameter, in position 3, which applies to both
500 string parameters. The 's' suffix means, as described above, that the 2nd
501 string is a literal double-quoted C string (hence its length is calculated by
502 the macro, and the length parameter to the function applies just to the first
503 string parameter, and hence is positioned just after it). An 'l' suffix
504 means that the 2nd string parameter has its own length parameter, and the
505 signature will look like memFOOl(s1, l1, s2, l2).
507 BEGIN (and END) are for testing if the 2nd string is an initial (or final)
508 substring of the 1st string. 'P' if present indicates that the substring
509 must be a "proper" one in tha mathematical sense that the first one must be
510 strictly larger than the 2nd.
515#define strNE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) != 0)
516#define strEQ(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) == 0)
517#define strLT(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0)
518#define strLE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) <= 0)
519#define strGT(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0)
520#define strGE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) >= 0)
522#define strnNE(s1,s2,l) (strncmp(s1,s2,l) != 0)
523#define strnEQ(s1,s2,l) (strncmp(s1,s2,l) == 0)
525#define memNE(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) != 0)
526#define memEQ(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) == 0)
528/* memEQ and memNE where second comparand is a string constant */
529#define memEQs(s1, l, s2) \
530 (((sizeof(s2)-1) == (l)) && memEQ((s1), ("" s2 ""), (sizeof(s2)-1)))
531#define memNEs(s1, l, s2) (! memEQs(s1, l, s2))
533/* Keep these private until we decide it was a good idea */
534#if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT) || defined(PERL_EXT_POSIX)
536#define strBEGINs(s1,s2) (strncmp(s1,"" s2 "", sizeof(s2)-1) == 0)
538#define memBEGINs(s1, l, s2) \
539 ( (l) >= sizeof(s2) - 1 \
540 && memEQ(s1, "" s2 "", sizeof(s2)-1))
541#define memBEGINPs(s1, l, s2) \
542 ( (l) > sizeof(s2) - 1 \
543 && memEQ(s1, "" s2 "", sizeof(s2)-1))
544#define memENDs(s1, l, s2) \
545 ( (l) >= sizeof(s2) - 1 \
546 && memEQ(s1 + (l) - (sizeof(s2) - 1), "" s2 "", sizeof(s2)-1))
547#define memENDPs(s1, l, s2) \
548 ( (l) > sizeof(s2) \
549 && memEQ(s1 + (l) - (sizeof(s2) - 1), "" s2 "", sizeof(s2)-1))
550#endif /* End of making macros private */
552#define memLT(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) < 0)
553#define memLE(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) <= 0)
554#define memGT(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) > 0)
555#define memGE(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l) >= 0)
558 * Character classes.
559 *
560 * Unfortunately, the introduction of locales means that we
561 * can't trust isupper(), etc. to tell the truth. And when
562 * it comes to /\w+/ with tainting enabled, we *must* be able
563 * to trust our character classes.
564 *
565 * Therefore, the default tests in the text of Perl will be
566 * independent of locale. Any code that wants to depend on
567 * the current locale will use the tests that begin with "lc".
568 */
570#ifdef HAS_SETLOCALE /* XXX Is there a better test for this? */
571# ifndef CTYPE256
572# define CTYPE256
573# endif
578=head1 Character classification
579This section is about functions (really macros) that classify characters
580into types, such as punctuation versus alphabetic, etc. Most of these are
581analogous to regular expression character classes. (See
582L<perlrecharclass/POSIX Character Classes>.) There are several variants for
583each class. (Not all macros have all variants; each item below lists the
584ones valid for it.) None are affected by C<use bytes>, and only the ones
585with C<LC> in the name are affected by the current locale.
587The base function, e.g., C<isALPHA()>, takes an octet (either a C<char> or a
588C<U8>) as input and returns a boolean as to whether or not the character
589represented by that octet is (or on non-ASCII platforms, corresponds to) an
590ASCII character in the named class based on platform, Unicode, and Perl rules.
591If the input is a number that doesn't fit in an octet, FALSE is returned.
593Variant C<isI<FOO>_A> (e.g., C<isALPHA_A()>) is identical to the base function
594with no suffix C<"_A">. This variant is used to emphasize by its name that
595only ASCII-range characters can return TRUE.
597Variant C<isI<FOO>_L1> imposes the Latin-1 (or EBCDIC equivalent) character set
598onto the platform. That is, the code points that are ASCII are unaffected,
599since ASCII is a subset of Latin-1. But the non-ASCII code points are treated
600as if they are Latin-1 characters. For example, C<isWORDCHAR_L1()> will return
601true when called with the code point 0xDF, which is a word character in both
602ASCII and EBCDIC (though it represents different characters in each).
604Variant C<isI<FOO>_uvchr> is like the C<isI<FOO>_L1> variant, but accepts any UV code
605point as input. If the code point is larger than 255, Unicode rules are used
606to determine if it is in the character class. For example,
607C<isWORDCHAR_uvchr(0x100)> returns TRUE, since 0x100 is LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
608WITH MACRON in Unicode, and is a word character.
610Variant C<isI<FOO>_utf8_safe> is like C<isI<FOO>_uvchr>, but is used for UTF-8
611encoded strings. Each call classifies one character, even if the string
612contains many. This variant takes two parameters. The first, C<p>, is a
613pointer to the first byte of the character to be classified. (Recall that it
614may take more than one byte to represent a character in UTF-8 strings.) The
615second parameter, C<e>, points to anywhere in the string beyond the first
616character, up to one byte past the end of the entire string. The suffix
617C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt to read
618beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is true (this
619is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the input
620character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the function may
621return FALSE, at the discretion of the implementation, and subject to change in
622future releases.
624Variant C<isI<FOO>_utf8> is like C<isI<FOO>_utf8_safe>, but takes just a single
625parameter, C<p>, which has the same meaning as the corresponding parameter does
626in C<isI<FOO>_utf8_safe>. The function therefore can't check if it is reading
627beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take a second
628parameter, becoming a synonym for C<isI<FOO>_utf8_safe>. At that time every
629program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
630meantime, the first runtime call to C<isI<FOO>_utf8> from each call point in the
631program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can convert
632your program now to use C<isI<FOO>_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings, and get an
633extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when you'll be forced
634to add the C<e> parameter.
636Variant C<isI<FOO>_LC> is like the C<isI<FOO>_A> and C<isI<FOO>_L1> variants, but the
637result is based on the current locale, which is what C<LC> in the name stands
638for. If Perl can determine that the current locale is a UTF-8 locale, it uses
639the published Unicode rules; otherwise, it uses the C library function that
640gives the named classification. For example, C<isDIGIT_LC()> when not in a
641UTF-8 locale returns the result of calling C<isdigit()>. FALSE is always
642returned if the input won't fit into an octet. On some platforms where the C
643library function is known to be defective, Perl changes its result to follow
644the POSIX standard's rules.
646Variant C<isI<FOO>_LC_uvchr> is like C<isI<FOO>_LC>, but is defined on any UV. It
647returns the same as C<isI<FOO>_LC> for input code points less than 256, and
648returns the hard-coded, not-affected-by-locale, Unicode results for larger ones.
650Variant C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8_safe> is like C<isI<FOO>_LC_uvchr>, but is used for UTF-8
651encoded strings. Each call classifies one character, even if the string
652contains many. This variant takes two parameters. The first, C<p>, is a
653pointer to the first byte of the character to be classified. (Recall that it
654may take more than one byte to represent a character in UTF-8 strings.) The
655second parameter, C<e>, points to anywhere in the string beyond the first
656character, up to one byte past the end of the entire string. The suffix
657C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt to read
658beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is true (this
659is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the input
660character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the function may
661return FALSE, at the discretion of the implementation, and subject to change in
662future releases.
664Variant C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8> is like C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8_safe>, but takes just a single
665parameter, C<p>, which has the same meaning as the corresponding parameter does
666in C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8_safe>. The function therefore can't check if it is reading
667beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take a second
668parameter, becoming a synonym for C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8_safe>. At that time every
669program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
670meantime, the first runtime call to C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8> from each call point in
671the program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can
672convert your program now to use C<isI<FOO>_LC_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings,
673and get an extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when
674you'll be forced to add the C<e> parameter.
676=for apidoc Am|bool|isALPHA|char ch
677Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is an
678alphabetic character, analogous to C<m/[[:alpha:]]/>.
679See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
681C<isALPHA_A>, C<isALPHA_L1>, C<isALPHA_uvchr>, C<isALPHA_utf8_safe>,
682C<isALPHA_LC>, C<isALPHA_LC_uvchr>, and C<isALPHA_LC_utf8_safe>.
684=for apidoc Am|bool|isALPHANUMERIC|char ch
685Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a either an
686alphabetic character or decimal digit, analogous to C<m/[[:alnum:]]/>.
687See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
691and C<isALPHANUMERIC_LC_utf8_safe>.
693=for apidoc Am|bool|isASCII|char ch
694Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is one of the 128
695characters in the ASCII character set, analogous to C<m/[[:ascii:]]/>.
696On non-ASCII platforms, it returns TRUE iff this
697character corresponds to an ASCII character. Variants C<isASCII_A()> and
698C<isASCII_L1()> are identical to C<isASCII()>.
699See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
701C<isASCII_uvchr>, C<isASCII_utf8_safe>, C<isASCII_LC>, C<isASCII_LC_uvchr>, and
702C<isASCII_LC_utf8_safe>. Note, however, that some platforms do not have the C
703library routine C<isascii()>. In these cases, the variants whose names contain
704C<LC> are the same as the corresponding ones without.
706Also note, that because all ASCII characters are UTF-8 invariant (meaning they
707have the exact same representation (always a single byte) whether encoded in
708UTF-8 or not), C<isASCII> will give the correct results when called with any
709byte in any string encoded or not in UTF-8. And similarly C<isASCII_utf8_safe>
710will work properly on any string encoded or not in UTF-8.
712=for apidoc Am|bool|isBLANK|char ch
713Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
714character considered to be a blank, analogous to C<m/[[:blank:]]/>.
715See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
717C<isBLANK_A>, C<isBLANK_L1>, C<isBLANK_uvchr>, C<isBLANK_utf8_safe>,
718C<isBLANK_LC>, C<isBLANK_LC_uvchr>, and C<isBLANK_LC_utf8_safe>. Note,
719however, that some platforms do not have the C library routine
720C<isblank()>. In these cases, the variants whose names contain C<LC> are
721the same as the corresponding ones without.
723=for apidoc Am|bool|isCNTRL|char ch
724Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
725control character, analogous to C<m/[[:cntrl:]]/>.
726See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
728C<isCNTRL_A>, C<isCNTRL_L1>, C<isCNTRL_uvchr>, C<isCNTRL_utf8_safe>,
729C<isCNTRL_LC>, C<isCNTRL_LC_uvchr>, and C<isCNTRL_LC_utf8_safe> On EBCDIC
730platforms, you almost always want to use the C<isCNTRL_L1> variant.
732=for apidoc Am|bool|isDIGIT|char ch
733Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
734digit, analogous to C<m/[[:digit:]]/>.
735Variants C<isDIGIT_A> and C<isDIGIT_L1> are identical to C<isDIGIT>.
736See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
738C<isDIGIT_uvchr>, C<isDIGIT_utf8_safe>, C<isDIGIT_LC>, C<isDIGIT_LC_uvchr>, and
741=for apidoc Am|bool|isGRAPH|char ch
742Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
743graphic character, analogous to C<m/[[:graph:]]/>.
744See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
745variants C<isGRAPH_A>, C<isGRAPH_L1>, C<isGRAPH_uvchr>, C<isGRAPH_utf8_safe>,
746C<isGRAPH_LC>, C<isGRAPH_LC_uvchr>, and C<isGRAPH_LC_utf8_safe>.
748=for apidoc Am|bool|isLOWER|char ch
749Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
750lowercase character, analogous to C<m/[[:lower:]]/>.
751See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
753C<isLOWER_A>, C<isLOWER_L1>, C<isLOWER_uvchr>, C<isLOWER_utf8_safe>,
754C<isLOWER_LC>, C<isLOWER_LC_uvchr>, and C<isLOWER_LC_utf8_safe>.
756=for apidoc Am|bool|isOCTAL|char ch
757Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is an
758octal digit, [0-7].
759The only two variants are C<isOCTAL_A> and C<isOCTAL_L1>; each is identical to
762=for apidoc Am|bool|isPUNCT|char ch
763Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
764punctuation character, analogous to C<m/[[:punct:]]/>.
765Note that the definition of what is punctuation isn't as
766straightforward as one might desire. See L<perlrecharclass/POSIX Character
767Classes> for details.
768See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
769variants C<isPUNCT_A>, C<isPUNCT_L1>, C<isPUNCT_uvchr>, C<isPUNCT_utf8_safe>,
770C<isPUNCT_LC>, C<isPUNCT_LC_uvchr>, and C<isPUNCT_LC_utf8_safe>.
772=for apidoc Am|bool|isSPACE|char ch
773Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
774whitespace character. This is analogous
775to what C<m/\s/> matches in a regular expression. Starting in Perl 5.18
776this also matches what C<m/[[:space:]]/> does. Prior to 5.18, only the
777locale forms of this macro (the ones with C<LC> in their names) matched
778precisely what C<m/[[:space:]]/> does. In those releases, the only difference,
779in the non-locale variants, was that C<isSPACE()> did not match a vertical tab.
780(See L</isPSXSPC> for a macro that matches a vertical tab in all releases.)
781See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
783C<isSPACE_A>, C<isSPACE_L1>, C<isSPACE_uvchr>, C<isSPACE_utf8_safe>,
784C<isSPACE_LC>, C<isSPACE_LC_uvchr>, and C<isSPACE_LC_utf8_safe>.
786=for apidoc Am|bool|isPSXSPC|char ch
787(short for Posix Space)
788Starting in 5.18, this is identical in all its forms to the
789corresponding C<isSPACE()> macros.
790The locale forms of this macro are identical to their corresponding
791C<isSPACE()> forms in all Perl releases. In releases prior to 5.18, the
792non-locale forms differ from their C<isSPACE()> forms only in that the
793C<isSPACE()> forms don't match a Vertical Tab, and the C<isPSXSPC()> forms do.
794Otherwise they are identical. Thus this macro is analogous to what
795C<m/[[:space:]]/> matches in a regular expression.
796See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
797variants C<isPSXSPC_A>, C<isPSXSPC_L1>, C<isPSXSPC_uvchr>, C<isPSXSPC_utf8_safe>,
798C<isPSXSPC_LC>, C<isPSXSPC_LC_uvchr>, and C<isPSXSPC_LC_utf8_safe>.
800=for apidoc Am|bool|isUPPER|char ch
801Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is an
802uppercase character, analogous to C<m/[[:upper:]]/>.
803See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
804variants C<isUPPER_A>, C<isUPPER_L1>, C<isUPPER_uvchr>, C<isUPPER_utf8_safe>,
805C<isUPPER_LC>, C<isUPPER_LC_uvchr>, and C<isUPPER_LC_utf8_safe>.
807=for apidoc Am|bool|isPRINT|char ch
808Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a
809printable character, analogous to C<m/[[:print:]]/>.
810See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
812C<isPRINT_A>, C<isPRINT_L1>, C<isPRINT_uvchr>, C<isPRINT_utf8_safe>,
813C<isPRINT_LC>, C<isPRINT_LC_uvchr>, and C<isPRINT_LC_utf8_safe>.
815=for apidoc Am|bool|isWORDCHAR|char ch
816Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a character
817that is a word character, analogous to what C<m/\w/> and C<m/[[:word:]]/> match
818in a regular expression. A word character is an alphabetic character, a
819decimal digit, a connecting punctuation character (such as an underscore), or
820a "mark" character that attaches to one of those (like some sort of accent).
821C<isALNUM()> is a synonym provided for backward compatibility, even though a
822word character includes more than the standard C language meaning of
824See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
825variants C<isWORDCHAR_A>, C<isWORDCHAR_L1>, C<isWORDCHAR_uvchr>, and
826C<isWORDCHAR_utf8_safe>. C<isWORDCHAR_LC>, C<isWORDCHAR_LC_uvchr>, and
827C<isWORDCHAR_LC_utf8_safe> are also as described there, but additionally
828include the platform's native underscore.
830=for apidoc Am|bool|isXDIGIT|char ch
831Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character is a hexadecimal
832digit. In the ASCII range these are C<[0-9A-Fa-f]>. Variants C<isXDIGIT_A()>
833and C<isXDIGIT_L1()> are identical to C<isXDIGIT()>.
834See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
836C<isXDIGIT_uvchr>, C<isXDIGIT_utf8_safe>, C<isXDIGIT_LC>, C<isXDIGIT_LC_uvchr>,
837and C<isXDIGIT_LC_utf8_safe>.
839=for apidoc Am|bool|isIDFIRST|char ch
840Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character can be the first
841character of an identifier. This is very close to, but not quite the same as
842the official Unicode property C<XID_Start>. The difference is that this
843returns true only if the input character also matches L</isWORDCHAR>.
844See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for an explanation of
846C<isIDFIRST_A>, C<isIDFIRST_L1>, C<isIDFIRST_uvchr>, C<isIDFIRST_utf8_safe>,
847C<isIDFIRST_LC>, C<isIDFIRST_LC_uvchr>, and C<isIDFIRST_LC_utf8_safe>.
849=for apidoc Am|bool|isIDCONT|char ch
850Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified character can be the
851second or succeeding character of an identifier. This is very close to, but
852not quite the same as the official Unicode property C<XID_Continue>. The
853difference is that this returns true only if the input character also matches
854L</isWORDCHAR>. See the L<top of this section|/Character classification> for
856explanation of variants C<isIDCONT_A>, C<isIDCONT_L1>, C<isIDCONT_uvchr>,
857C<isIDCONT_utf8_safe>, C<isIDCONT_LC>, C<isIDCONT_LC_uvchr>, and
860=head1 Miscellaneous Functions
862=for apidoc Am|U8|READ_XDIGIT|char str*
863Returns the value of an ASCII-range hex digit and advances the string pointer.
864Behaviour is only well defined when isXDIGIT(*str) is true.
866=head1 Character case changing
867Perl uses "full" Unicode case mappings. This means that converting a single
868character to another case may result in a sequence of more than one character.
869For example, the uppercase of C<E<223>> (LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S) is the two
870character sequence C<SS>. This presents some complications The lowercase of
871all characters in the range 0..255 is a single character, and thus
872C<L</toLOWER_L1>> is furnished. But, C<toUPPER_L1> can't exist, as it couldn't
873return a valid result for all legal inputs. Instead C<L</toUPPER_uvchr>> has
874an API that does allow every possible legal result to be returned.) Likewise
875no other function that is crippled by not being able to give the correct
876results for the full range of possible inputs has been implemented here.
878=for apidoc Am|U8|toUPPER|U8 ch
879Converts the specified character to uppercase. If the input is anything but an
880ASCII lowercase character, that input character itself is returned. Variant
881C<toUPPER_A> is equivalent.
883=for apidoc Am|UV|toUPPER_uvchr|UV cp|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
884Converts the code point C<cp> to its uppercase version, and
885stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. The code
886point is interpreted as native if less than 256; otherwise as Unicode. Note
887that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
888bytes since the uppercase version may be longer than the original character.
890The first code point of the uppercased version is returned
891(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
892changing>, that there may be more.)
894=for apidoc Am|UV|toUPPER_utf8_safe|U8* p|U8* e|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
895Converts the first UTF-8 encoded character in the sequence starting at C<p> and
896extending no further than S<C<e - 1>> to its uppercase version, and
897stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. Note
898that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
899bytes since the uppercase version may be longer than the original character.
901The first code point of the uppercased version is returned
902(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
903changing>, that there may be more).
905The suffix C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt
906to read beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is
907true (this is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the
908input character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the
909function may return the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, at the discretion of the
910implementation, and subject to change in future releases.
912=for apidoc Am|UV|toUPPER_utf8|U8* p|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
913This is like C<L</toUPPER_utf8_safe>>, but doesn't have the C<e>
914parameter The function therefore can't check if it is reading
915beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take the C<e>
916parameter, becoming a synonym for C<toUPPER_utf8_safe>. At that time every
917program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
918meantime, the first runtime call to C<toUPPER_utf8> from each call point in the
919program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can convert
920your program now to use C<toUPPER_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings, and get an
921extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when you'll be forced
922to add the C<e> parameter.
924=for apidoc Am|U8|toFOLD|U8 ch
925Converts the specified character to foldcase. If the input is anything but an
926ASCII uppercase character, that input character itself is returned. Variant
927C<toFOLD_A> is equivalent. (There is no equivalent C<to_FOLD_L1> for the full
928Latin1 range, as the full generality of L</toFOLD_uvchr> is needed there.)
930=for apidoc Am|UV|toFOLD_uvchr|UV cp|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
931Converts the code point C<cp> to its foldcase version, and
932stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. The code
933point is interpreted as native if less than 256; otherwise as Unicode. Note
934that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
935bytes since the foldcase version may be longer than the original character.
937The first code point of the foldcased version is returned
938(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
939changing>, that there may be more).
941=for apidoc Am|UV|toFOLD_utf8_safe|U8* p|U8* e|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
942Converts the first UTF-8 encoded character in the sequence starting at C<p> and
943extending no further than S<C<e - 1>> to its foldcase version, and
944stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. Note
945that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
946bytes since the foldcase version may be longer than the original character.
948The first code point of the foldcased version is returned
949(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
950changing>, that there may be more).
952The suffix C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt
953to read beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is
954true (this is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the
955input character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the
956function may return the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, at the discretion of the
957implementation, and subject to change in future releases.
959=for apidoc Am|UV|toFOLD_utf8|U8* p|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
960This is like C<L</toFOLD_utf8_safe>>, but doesn't have the C<e>
961parameter The function therefore can't check if it is reading
962beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take the C<e>
963parameter, becoming a synonym for C<toFOLD_utf8_safe>. At that time every
964program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
965meantime, the first runtime call to C<toFOLD_utf8> from each call point in the
966program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can convert
967your program now to use C<toFOLD_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings, and get an
968extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when you'll be forced
969to add the C<e> parameter.
971=for apidoc Am|U8|toLOWER|U8 ch
972Converts the specified character to lowercase. If the input is anything but an
973ASCII uppercase character, that input character itself is returned. Variant
974C<toLOWER_A> is equivalent.
976=for apidoc Am|U8|toLOWER_L1|U8 ch
977Converts the specified Latin1 character to lowercase. The results are
978undefined if the input doesn't fit in a byte.
980=for apidoc Am|U8|toLOWER_LC|U8 ch
981Converts the specified character to lowercase using the current locale's rules,
982if possible; otherwise returns the input character itself.
984=for apidoc Am|UV|toLOWER_uvchr|UV cp|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
985Converts the code point C<cp> to its lowercase version, and
986stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. The code
987point is interpreted as native if less than 256; otherwise as Unicode. Note
988that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
989bytes since the lowercase version may be longer than the original character.
991The first code point of the lowercased version is returned
992(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
993changing>, that there may be more).
996=for apidoc Am|UV|toLOWER_utf8_safe|U8* p|U8* e|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
997Converts the first UTF-8 encoded character in the sequence starting at C<p> and
998extending no further than S<C<e - 1>> to its lowercase version, and
999stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. Note
1000that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
1001bytes since the lowercase version may be longer than the original character.
1003The first code point of the lowercased version is returned
1004(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
1005changing>, that there may be more).
1007The suffix C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt
1008to read beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is
1009true (this is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the
1010input character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the
1011function may return the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, at the discretion of the
1012implementation, and subject to change in future releases.
1014=for apidoc Am|UV|toLOWER_utf8|U8* p|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
1015This is like C<L</toLOWER_utf8_safe>>, but doesn't have the C<e>
1016parameter The function therefore can't check if it is reading
1017beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take the C<e>
1018parameter, becoming a synonym for C<toLOWER_utf8_safe>. At that time every
1019program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
1020meantime, the first runtime call to C<toLOWER_utf8> from each call point in the
1021program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can convert
1022your program now to use C<toLOWER_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings, and get an
1023extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when you'll be forced
1024to add the C<e> parameter.
1026=for apidoc Am|U8|toTITLE|U8 ch
1027Converts the specified character to titlecase. If the input is anything but an
1028ASCII lowercase character, that input character itself is returned. Variant
1029C<toTITLE_A> is equivalent. (There is no C<toTITLE_L1> for the full Latin1
1030range, as the full generality of L</toTITLE_uvchr> is needed there. Titlecase is
1031not a concept used in locale handling, so there is no functionality for that.)
1033=for apidoc Am|UV|toTITLE_uvchr|UV cp|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
1034Converts the code point C<cp> to its titlecase version, and
1035stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. The code
1036point is interpreted as native if less than 256; otherwise as Unicode. Note
1037that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
1038bytes since the titlecase version may be longer than the original character.
1040The first code point of the titlecased version is returned
1041(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
1042changing>, that there may be more).
1044=for apidoc Am|UV|toTITLE_utf8_safe|U8* p|U8* e|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
1045Converts the first UTF-8 encoded character in the sequence starting at C<p> and
1046extending no further than S<C<e - 1>> to its titlecase version, and
1047stores that in UTF-8 in C<s>, and its length in bytes in C<lenp>. Note
1048that the buffer pointed to by C<s> needs to be at least C<UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE+1>
1049bytes since the titlecase version may be longer than the original character.
1051The first code point of the titlecased version is returned
1052(but note, as explained at L<the top of this section|/Character case
1053changing>, that there may be more).
1055The suffix C<_safe> in the function's name indicates that it will not attempt
1056to read beyond S<C<e - 1>>, provided that the constraint S<C<s E<lt> e>> is
1057true (this is asserted for in C<-DDEBUGGING> builds). If the UTF-8 for the
1058input character is malformed in some way, the program may croak, or the
1059function may return the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, at the discretion of the
1060implementation, and subject to change in future releases.
1062=for apidoc Am|UV|toTITLE_utf8|U8* p|U8* s|STRLEN* lenp
1063This is like C<L</toLOWER_utf8_safe>>, but doesn't have the C<e>
1064parameter The function therefore can't check if it is reading
1065beyond the end of the string. Starting in Perl v5.30, it will take the C<e>
1066parameter, becoming a synonym for C<toTITLE_utf8_safe>. At that time every
1067program that uses it will have to be changed to successfully compile. In the
1068meantime, the first runtime call to C<toTITLE_utf8> from each call point in the
1069program will raise a deprecation warning, enabled by default. You can convert
1070your program now to use C<toTITLE_utf8_safe>, and avoid the warnings, and get an
1071extra measure of protection, or you can wait until v5.30, when you'll be forced
1072to add the C<e> parameter.
1076XXX Still undocumented isVERTWS_uvchr and _utf8; it's unclear what their names
1077really should be. Also toUPPER_LC and toFOLD_LC, which are subject to change,
1078and aren't general purpose as they don't work on U+DF, and assert against that.
1080Note that these macros are repeated in Devel::PPPort, so should also be
1081patched there. The file as of this writing is cpan/Devel-PPPort/parts/inc/misc
1085/* Specify the widest unsigned type on the platform. Use U64TYPE because U64
1086 * is known only in the perl core, and this macro can be called from outside
1087 * that */
1088#ifdef HAS_QUAD
1089# define WIDEST_UTYPE U64TYPE
1091# define WIDEST_UTYPE U32
1094/* FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) returns true if c doesn't have a bit set other than in
1095 * the lower 8. It is designed to be hopefully bomb-proof, making sure that no
1096 * bits of information are lost even on a 64-bit machine, but to get the
1097 * compiler to optimize it out if possible. This is because Configure makes
1098 * sure that the machine has an 8-bit byte, so if c is stored in a byte, the
1099 * sizeof() guarantees that this evaluates to a constant true at compile time.
1100 *
1101 * For Coverity, be always true, because otherwise Coverity thinks
1102 * it finds several expressions that are always true, independent
1103 * of operands. Well, they are, but that is kind of the point.
1104 */
1105#ifndef __COVERITY__
1106 /* The '| 0' part ensures a compiler error if c is not integer (like e.g., a
1107 * pointer) */
1108#define FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) ( (sizeof(c) == 1) \
1109 || !(((WIDEST_UTYPE)((c) | 0)) & ~0xFF))
1111#define FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) (1)
1114#ifdef EBCDIC
1115# ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
1116 /* The native libc isascii() functions return the wrong results
1117 * on at least z/OS unless this is defined. */
1118# error _ALL_SOURCE should probably be defined
1119# endif
1121 /* There is a simple definition of ASCII for ASCII platforms. But the
1122 * EBCDIC one isn't so simple, so is defined using table look-up like the
1123 * other macros below.
1124 *
1125 * The cast here is used instead of '(c) >= 0', because some compilers emit
1126 * a warning that that test is always true when the parameter is an
1127 * unsigned type. khw supposes that it could be written as
1128 * && ((c) == '\0' || (c) > 0)
1129 * to avoid the message, but the cast will likely avoid extra branches even
1130 * with stupid compilers.
1131 *
1132 * The '| 0' part ensures a compiler error if c is not integer (like e.g.,
1133 * a pointer) */
1134# define isASCII(c) ((WIDEST_UTYPE)((c) | 0) < 128)
1137/* Take the eight possible bit patterns of the lower 3 bits and you get the
1138 * lower 3 bits of the 8 octal digits, in both ASCII and EBCDIC, so those bits
1139 * can be ignored. If the rest match '0', we have an octal */
1140#define isOCTAL_A(c) (((WIDEST_UTYPE)((c) | 0) & ~7) == '0')
1142#ifdef H_PERL /* If have access to perl.h, lookup in its table */
1144/* Character class numbers. For internal core Perl use only. The ones less
1145 * than 32 are used in PL_charclass[] and the ones up through the one that
1146 * corresponds to <_HIGHEST_REGCOMP_DOT_H_SYNC> are used by regcomp.h and
1147 * related files. PL_charclass ones use names used in l1_char_class_tab.h but
1148 * their actual definitions are here. If that file has a name not used here,
1149 * it won't compile.
1150 *
1151 * The first group of these is ordered in what I (khw) estimate to be the
1152 * frequency of their use. This gives a slight edge to exiting a loop earlier
1153 * (in reginclass() in regexec.c) */
1154# define _CC_WORDCHAR 0 /* \w and [:word:] */
1155# define _CC_DIGIT 1 /* \d and [:digit:] */
1156# define _CC_ALPHA 2 /* [:alpha:] */
1157# define _CC_LOWER 3 /* [:lower:] */
1158# define _CC_UPPER 4 /* [:upper:] */
1159# define _CC_PUNCT 5 /* [:punct:] */
1160# define _CC_PRINT 6 /* [:print:] */
1161# define _CC_ALPHANUMERIC 7 /* [:alnum:] */
1162# define _CC_GRAPH 8 /* [:graph:] */
1163# define _CC_CASED 9 /* [:lower:] or [:upper:] under /i */
1165#define _FIRST_NON_SWASH_CC 10
1166/* The character classes above are implemented with swashes. The second group
1167 * (just below) contains the ones implemented without. These are also sorted
1168 * in rough order of the frequency of their use, except that \v should be last,
1169 * as it isn't a real Posix character class, and some (small) inefficiencies in
1170 * regular expression handling would be introduced by putting it in the middle
1171 * of those that are. Also, cntrl and ascii come after the others as it may be
1172 * useful to group these which have no members that match above Latin1, (or
1173 * above ASCII in the latter case) */
1175# define _CC_SPACE 10 /* \s, [:space:] */
1176# define _CC_PSXSPC _CC_SPACE /* XXX Temporary, can be removed
1177 when the deprecated isFOO_utf8()
1178 functions are removed */
1179# define _CC_BLANK 11 /* [:blank:] */
1180# define _CC_XDIGIT 12 /* [:xdigit:] */
1181# define _CC_CNTRL 13 /* [:cntrl:] */
1182# define _CC_ASCII 14 /* [:ascii:] */
1183# define _CC_VERTSPACE 15 /* \v */
1187/* The members of the third group below do not need to be coordinated with data
1188 * structures in regcomp.[ch] and regexec.c. */
1189# define _CC_IDFIRST 16
1190# define _CC_CHARNAME_CONT 17
1191# define _CC_NONLATIN1_FOLD 18
1192# define _CC_NONLATIN1_SIMPLE_FOLD 19
1193# define _CC_QUOTEMETA 20
1194# define _CC_NON_FINAL_FOLD 21
1195# define _CC_IS_IN_SOME_FOLD 22
1196# define _CC_MNEMONIC_CNTRL 23
1198# define _CC_IDCONT 24 /* XXX Temporary, can be removed when the deprecated
1199 isFOO_utf8() functions are removed */
1201/* This next group is only used on EBCDIC platforms, so theoretically could be
1202 * shared with something entirely different that's only on ASCII platforms */
1204# define _CC_UTF8_IS_START 29
1206# define _CC_UTF8_IS_CONTINUATION 31
1207/* Unused: 24-27
1208 * If more bits are needed, one could add a second word for non-64bit
1209 * QUAD_IS_INT systems, using some #ifdefs to distinguish between having a 2nd
1210 * word or not. The IS_IN_SOME_FOLD bit is the most easily expendable, as it
1211 * is used only for optimization (as of this writing), and differs in the
1212 * Latin1 range from the ALPHA bit only in two relatively unimportant
1213 * characters: the masculine and feminine ordinal indicators, so removing it
1214 * would just cause /i regexes which match them to run less efficiently.
1215 * Similarly the EBCDIC-only bits are used just for speed, and could be
1216 * replaced by other means */
1218#if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT)
1219/* An enum version of the character class numbers, to help compilers
1220 * optimize */
1221typedef enum {
1238} _char_class_number;
1244#if defined(PERL_IN_UTF8_C) \
1245 || defined(PERL_IN_REGCOMP_C) \
1246 || defined(PERL_IN_REGEXEC_C)
1247# if _CC_WORDCHAR != 0 || _CC_DIGIT != 1 || _CC_ALPHA != 2 || _CC_LOWER != 3 \
1248 || _CC_UPPER != 4 || _CC_PUNCT != 5 || _CC_PRINT != 6 \
1249 || _CC_ALPHANUMERIC != 7 || _CC_GRAPH != 8 || _CC_CASED != 9
1250 #error Need to adjust order of swash_property_names[]
1251# endif
1253/* This is declared static in each of the few files that this is #defined for
1254 * to keep them from being publicly accessible. Hence there is a small amount
1255 * of wasted space */
1257static const char* const swash_property_names[] = {
1258 "XPosixWord",
1259 "XPosixDigit",
1260 "XPosixAlpha",
1261 "XPosixLower",
1262 "XPosixUpper",
1263 "XPosixPunct",
1264 "XPosixPrint",
1265 "XPosixAlnum",
1266 "XPosixGraph",
1267 "Cased"
1272# ifdef DOINIT
1273EXTCONST U32 PL_charclass[] = {
1274# include "l1_char_class_tab.h"
1277# else /* ! DOINIT */
1278EXTCONST U32 PL_charclass[];
1279# endif
1282 /* The 1U keeps Solaris from griping when shifting sets the uppermost bit */
1283# define _CC_mask(classnum) (1U << (classnum))
1285 /* For internal core Perl use only: the base macro for defining macros like
1286 * isALPHA */
1287# define _generic_isCC(c, classnum) cBOOL(FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1288 && (PL_charclass[(U8) (c)] & _CC_mask(classnum)))
1290 /* The mask for the _A versions of the macros; it just adds in the bit for
1291 * ASCII. */
1292# define _CC_mask_A(classnum) (_CC_mask(classnum) | _CC_mask(_CC_ASCII))
1294 /* For internal core Perl use only: the base macro for defining macros like
1295 * isALPHA_A. The foo_A version makes sure that both the desired bit and
1296 * the ASCII bit are present */
1297# define _generic_isCC_A(c, classnum) (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1298 && ((PL_charclass[(U8) (c)] & _CC_mask_A(classnum)) \
1299 == _CC_mask_A(classnum)))
1301# define isALPHA_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_ALPHA)
1302# define isALPHANUMERIC_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_ALPHANUMERIC)
1303# define isBLANK_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_BLANK)
1304# define isCNTRL_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_CNTRL)
1305# define isDIGIT_A(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_DIGIT) /* No non-ASCII digits */
1306# define isGRAPH_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_GRAPH)
1307# define isLOWER_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_LOWER)
1308# define isPRINT_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_PRINT)
1309# define isPUNCT_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_PUNCT)
1310# define isSPACE_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_SPACE)
1311# define isUPPER_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_UPPER)
1312# define isWORDCHAR_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_WORDCHAR)
1313# define isXDIGIT_A(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_XDIGIT) /* No non-ASCII xdigits
1314 */
1315# define isIDFIRST_A(c) _generic_isCC_A(c, _CC_IDFIRST)
1316# define isALPHA_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_ALPHA)
1317# define isALPHANUMERIC_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_ALPHANUMERIC)
1318# define isBLANK_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_BLANK)
1320 /* continuation character for legal NAME in \N{NAME} */
1321# define isCHARNAME_CONT(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_CHARNAME_CONT)
1323# define isCNTRL_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_CNTRL)
1324# define isGRAPH_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_GRAPH)
1325# define isLOWER_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_LOWER)
1326# define isPRINT_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_PRINT)
1327# define isPSXSPC_L1(c) isSPACE_L1(c)
1328# define isPUNCT_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_PUNCT)
1329# define isSPACE_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_SPACE)
1330# define isUPPER_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_UPPER)
1331# define isWORDCHAR_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_WORDCHAR)
1332# define isIDFIRST_L1(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_IDFIRST)
1334# ifdef EBCDIC
1335# define isASCII(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_ASCII)
1336# endif
1338 /* Participates in a single-character fold with a character above 255 */
1341 /* Like the above, but also can be part of a multi-char fold */
1344# define _isQUOTEMETA(c) _generic_isCC(c, _CC_QUOTEMETA)
1346 _generic_isCC(c, _CC_NON_FINAL_FOLD)
1348 _generic_isCC(c, _CC_IS_IN_SOME_FOLD)
1350 _generic_isCC(c, _CC_MNEMONIC_CNTRL)
1351#else /* else we don't have perl.h H_PERL */
1353 /* If we don't have perl.h, we are compiling a utility program. Below we
1354 * hard-code various macro definitions that wouldn't otherwise be available
1355 * to it. Most are coded based on first principles. These are written to
1356 * avoid EBCDIC vs. ASCII #ifdef's as much as possible. */
1357# define isDIGIT_A(c) ((c) <= '9' && (c) >= '0')
1358# define isBLANK_A(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
1359# define isSPACE_A(c) (isBLANK_A(c) \
1360 || (c) == '\n' \
1361 || (c) == '\r' \
1362 || (c) == '\v' \
1363 || (c) == '\f')
1364 /* On EBCDIC, there are gaps between 'i' and 'j'; 'r' and 's'. Same for
1365 * uppercase. The tests for those aren't necessary on ASCII, but hurt only
1366 * performance (if optimization isn't on), and allow the same code to be
1367 * used for both platform types */
1368# define isLOWER_A(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z' \
1369 && ( (c) <= 'i' \
1370 || ((c) >= 'j' && (c) <= 'r') \
1371 || (c) >= 's'))
1372# define isUPPER_A(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z' \
1373 && ( (c) <= 'I' \
1374 || ((c) >= 'J' && (c) <= 'R') \
1375 || (c) >= 'S'))
1376# define isALPHA_A(c) (isUPPER_A(c) || isLOWER_A(c))
1377# define isALPHANUMERIC_A(c) (isALPHA_A(c) || isDIGIT_A(c))
1378# define isWORDCHAR_A(c) (isALPHANUMERIC_A(c) || (c) == '_')
1379# define isIDFIRST_A(c) (isALPHA_A(c) || (c) == '_')
1380# define isXDIGIT_A(c) (isDIGIT_A(c) \
1381 || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') \
1382 || ((c) <= 'F' && (c) >= 'A'))
1383# define isPUNCT_A(c) ((c) == '-' || (c) == '!' || (c) == '"' \
1384 || (c) == '#' || (c) == '$' || (c) == '%' \
1385 || (c) == '&' || (c) == '\'' || (c) == '(' \
1386 || (c) == ')' || (c) == '*' || (c) == '+' \
1387 || (c) == ',' || (c) == '.' || (c) == '/' \
1388 || (c) == ':' || (c) == ';' || (c) == '<' \
1389 || (c) == '=' || (c) == '>' || (c) == '?' \
1390 || (c) == '@' || (c) == '[' || (c) == '\\' \
1391 || (c) == ']' || (c) == '^' || (c) == '_' \
1392 || (c) == '`' || (c) == '{' || (c) == '|' \
1393 || (c) == '}' || (c) == '~')
1394# define isGRAPH_A(c) (isALPHANUMERIC_A(c) || isPUNCT_A(c))
1395# define isPRINT_A(c) (isGRAPH_A(c) || (c) == ' ')
1397# ifdef EBCDIC
1398 /* The below is accurate for the 3 EBCDIC code pages traditionally
1399 * supported by perl. The only difference between them in the controls
1400 * is the position of \n, and that is represented symbolically below */
1401# define isCNTRL_A(c) ((c) == '\0' || (c) == '\a' || (c) == '\b' \
1402 || (c) == '\f' || (c) == '\n' || (c) == '\r' \
1403 || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\v' \
1404 || ((c) <= 3 && (c) >= 1) /* SOH, STX, ETX */ \
1405 || (c) == 7 /* U+7F DEL */ \
1406 || ((c) <= 0x13 && (c) >= 0x0E) /* SO, SI */ \
1407 /* DLE, DC[1-3] */ \
1408 || (c) == 0x18 /* U+18 CAN */ \
1409 || (c) == 0x19 /* U+19 EOM */ \
1410 || ((c) <= 0x1F && (c) >= 0x1C) /* [FGRU]S */ \
1411 || (c) == 0x26 /* U+17 ETB */ \
1412 || (c) == 0x27 /* U+1B ESC */ \
1413 || (c) == 0x2D /* U+05 ENQ */ \
1414 || (c) == 0x2E /* U+06 ACK */ \
1415 || (c) == 0x32 /* U+16 SYN */ \
1416 || (c) == 0x37 /* U+04 EOT */ \
1417 || (c) == 0x3C /* U+14 DC4 */ \
1418 || (c) == 0x3D /* U+15 NAK */ \
1419 || (c) == 0x3F)/* U+1A SUB */
1420# define isASCII(c) (isCNTRL_A(c) || isPRINT_A(c))
1421# else /* isASCII is already defined for ASCII platforms, so can use that to
1422 define isCNTRL */
1423# define isCNTRL_A(c) (isASCII(c) && ! isPRINT_A(c))
1424# endif
1426 /* The _L1 macros may be unnecessary for the utilities; I (khw) added them
1427 * during debugging, and it seems best to keep them. We may be called
1428 * without NATIVE_TO_LATIN1 being defined. On ASCII platforms, it doesn't
1429 * do anything anyway, so make it not a problem */
1430# if ! defined(EBCDIC) && ! defined(NATIVE_TO_LATIN1)
1431# define NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(ch) (ch)
1432# endif
1433# define isALPHA_L1(c) (isUPPER_L1(c) || isLOWER_L1(c))
1434# define isALPHANUMERIC_L1(c) (isALPHA_L1(c) || isDIGIT_A(c))
1435# define isBLANK_L1(c) (isBLANK_A(c) \
1436 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1437 && NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xA0))
1438# define isCNTRL_L1(c) (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) && (! isPRINT_L1(c)))
1439# define isGRAPH_L1(c) (isPRINT_L1(c) && (! isBLANK_L1(c)))
1440# define isLOWER_L1(c) (isLOWER_A(c) \
1441 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1442 && (( NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) >= 0xDF \
1443 && NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) != 0xF7) \
1444 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xAA \
1445 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xBA \
1446 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xB5)))
1447# define isPRINT_L1(c) (isPRINT_A(c) \
1448 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1449 && NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) >= 0xA0))
1450# define isPUNCT_L1(c) (isPUNCT_A(c) \
1451 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1452 && ( NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xA1 \
1453 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xA7 \
1454 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xAB \
1455 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xB6 \
1456 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xB7 \
1457 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xBB \
1458 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xBF)))
1459# define isSPACE_L1(c) (isSPACE_A(c) \
1460 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1461 && ( NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0x85 \
1462 || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) == 0xA0)))
1463# define isUPPER_L1(c) (isUPPER_A(c) \
1464 || (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1465 && ( NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) >= 0xC0 \
1466 && NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) <= 0xDE \
1467 && NATIVE_TO_LATIN1((U8) c) != 0xD7)))
1468# define isWORDCHAR_L1(c) (isIDFIRST_L1(c) || isDIGIT_A(c))
1469# define isIDFIRST_L1(c) (isALPHA_L1(c) || NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(c) == '_')
1470# define isCHARNAME_CONT(c) (isWORDCHAR_L1(c) \
1471 || isBLANK_L1(c) \
1472 || (c) == '-' \
1473 || (c) == '(' \
1474 || (c) == ')')
1475 /* The following are not fully accurate in the above-ASCII range. I (khw)
1476 * don't think it's necessary to be so for the purposes where this gets
1477 * compiled */
1478# define _isQUOTEMETA(c) (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) && ! isWORDCHAR_L1(c))
1481 /* And these aren't accurate at all. They are useful only for above
1482 * Latin1, which utilities and bootstrapping don't deal with */
1487 /* Many of the macros later in this file are defined in terms of these. By
1488 * implementing them with a function, which converts the class number into
1489 * a call to the desired macro, all of the later ones work. However, that
1490 * function won't be actually defined when building a utility program (no
1491 * perl.h), and so a compiler error will be generated if one is attempted
1492 * to be used. And the above-Latin1 code points require Unicode tables to
1493 * be present, something unlikely to be the case when bootstrapping */
1494# define _generic_isCC(c, classnum) \
1495 (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) && S_bootstrap_ctype((U8) (c), (classnum), TRUE))
1496# define _generic_isCC_A(c, classnum) \
1497 (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) && S_bootstrap_ctype((U8) (c), (classnum), FALSE))
1498#endif /* End of no perl.h H_PERL */
1501#define isALPHA(c) isALPHA_A(c)
1502#define isASCII_A(c) isASCII(c)
1503#define isASCII_L1(c) isASCII(c)
1504#define isBLANK(c) isBLANK_A(c)
1505#define isCNTRL(c) isCNTRL_A(c)
1506#define isDIGIT(c) isDIGIT_A(c)
1507#define isGRAPH(c) isGRAPH_A(c)
1508#define isIDFIRST(c) isIDFIRST_A(c)
1509#define isLOWER(c) isLOWER_A(c)
1510#define isPRINT(c) isPRINT_A(c)
1511#define isPSXSPC_A(c) isSPACE_A(c)
1512#define isPSXSPC(c) isPSXSPC_A(c)
1513#define isPSXSPC_L1(c) isSPACE_L1(c)
1514#define isPUNCT(c) isPUNCT_A(c)
1515#define isSPACE(c) isSPACE_A(c)
1516#define isUPPER(c) isUPPER_A(c)
1517#define isWORDCHAR(c) isWORDCHAR_A(c)
1518#define isXDIGIT(c) isXDIGIT_A(c)
1520/* ASCII casing. These could also be written as
1521 #define toLOWER(c) (isASCII(c) ? toLOWER_LATIN1(c) : (c))
1522 #define toUPPER(c) (isASCII(c) ? toUPPER_LATIN1_MOD(c) : (c))
1523 which uses table lookup and mask instead of subtraction. (This would
1524 work because the _MOD does not apply in the ASCII range) */
1525#define toLOWER(c) (isUPPER(c) ? (U8)((c) + ('a' - 'A')) : (c))
1526#define toUPPER(c) (isLOWER(c) ? (U8)((c) - ('a' - 'A')) : (c))
1528/* In the ASCII range, these are equivalent to what they're here defined to be.
1529 * But by creating these definitions, other code doesn't have to be aware of
1530 * this detail */
1531#define toFOLD(c) toLOWER(c)
1532#define toTITLE(c) toUPPER(c)
1534#define toLOWER_A(c) toLOWER(c)
1535#define toUPPER_A(c) toUPPER(c)
1536#define toFOLD_A(c) toFOLD(c)
1537#define toTITLE_A(c) toTITLE(c)
1539/* Use table lookup for speed; returns the input itself if is out-of-range */
1540#define toLOWER_LATIN1(c) ((! FITS_IN_8_BITS(c)) \
1541 ? (c) \
1542 : PL_latin1_lc[ (U8) (c) ])
1543#define toLOWER_L1(c) toLOWER_LATIN1(c) /* Synonym for consistency */
1545/* Modified uc. Is correct uc except for three non-ascii chars which are
1546 * all mapped to one of them, and these need special handling; returns the
1547 * input itself if is out-of-range */
1548#define toUPPER_LATIN1_MOD(c) ((! FITS_IN_8_BITS(c)) \
1549 ? (c) \
1550 : PL_mod_latin1_uc[ (U8) (c) ])
1551#define IN_UTF8_CTYPE_LOCALE PL_in_utf8_CTYPE_locale
1553/* Use foo_LC_uvchr() instead of these for beyond the Latin1 range */
1555/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macro for defining macros like
1556 * isALPHA_LC, which uses the current LC_CTYPE locale. 'c' is the code point
1557 * (0-255) to check. In a UTF-8 locale, the result is the same as calling
1558 * isFOO_L1(); the 'utf8_locale_classnum' parameter is something like
1559 * _CC_UPPER, which gives the class number for doing this. For non-UTF-8
1560 * locales, the code to actually do the test this is passed in 'non_utf8'. If
1561 * 'c' is above 255, 0 is returned. For accessing the full range of possible
1562 * code points under locale rules, use the macros based on _generic_LC_uvchr
1563 * instead of this. */
1564#define _generic_LC_base(c, utf8_locale_classnum, non_utf8) \
1565 (! FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1566 ? 0 \
1568 ? cBOOL(PL_charclass[(U8) (c)] & _CC_mask(utf8_locale_classnum)) \
1569 : cBOOL(non_utf8))
1571/* For internal core Perl use only: a helper macro for defining macros like
1572 * isALPHA_LC. 'c' is the code point (0-255) to check. The function name to
1573 * actually do this test is passed in 'non_utf8_func', which is called on 'c',
1574 * casting 'c' to the macro _LC_CAST, which should not be parenthesized. See
1575 * _generic_LC_base for more info */
1576#define _generic_LC(c, utf8_locale_classnum, non_utf8_func) \
1577 _generic_LC_base(c,utf8_locale_classnum, \
1578 non_utf8_func( (_LC_CAST) (c)))
1580/* For internal core Perl use only: like _generic_LC, but also returns TRUE if
1581 * 'c' is the platform's native underscore character */
1582#define _generic_LC_underscore(c,utf8_locale_classnum,non_utf8_func) \
1583 _generic_LC_base(c, utf8_locale_classnum, \
1584 (non_utf8_func( (_LC_CAST) (c)) \
1585 || (char)(c) == '_'))
1587/* These next three are also for internal core Perl use only: case-change
1588 * helper macros */
1589#define _generic_toLOWER_LC(c, function, cast) (! FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1590 ? (c) \
1592 ? PL_latin1_lc[ (U8) (c) ] \
1593 : (cast)function((cast)(c)))
1595/* Note that the result can be larger than a byte in a UTF-8 locale. It
1596 * returns a single value, so can't adequately return the upper case of LATIN
1597 * SMALL LETTER SHARP S in a UTF-8 locale (which should be a string of two
1598 * values "SS"); instead it asserts against that under DEBUGGING, and
1599 * otherwise returns its input */
1600#define _generic_toUPPER_LC(c, function, cast) \
1601 (! FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) \
1602 ? (c) \
1603 : ((! IN_UTF8_CTYPE_LOCALE) \
1604 ? (cast)function((cast)(c)) \
1605 : ((((U8)(c)) == MICRO_SIGN) \
1609 : ((((U8)(c)) == LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S) \
1610 ? (__ASSERT_(0) (c)) \
1611 : PL_mod_latin1_uc[ (U8) (c) ])))))
1613/* Note that the result can be larger than a byte in a UTF-8 locale. It
1614 * returns a single value, so can't adequately return the fold case of LATIN
1615 * SMALL LETTER SHARP S in a UTF-8 locale (which should be a string of two
1616 * values "ss"); instead it asserts against that under DEBUGGING, and
1617 * otherwise returns its input */
1618#define _generic_toFOLD_LC(c, function, cast) \
1622 || (c) != LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S) \
1623 _generic_toLOWER_LC(c, function, cast)))
1625/* Use the libc versions for these if available. */
1626#if defined(HAS_ISASCII)
1627# define isASCII_LC(c) (FITS_IN_8_BITS(c) && isascii( (U8) (c)))
1629# define isASCII_LC(c) isASCII(c)
1632#if defined(HAS_ISBLANK)
1633# define isBLANK_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_BLANK, isblank)
1634#else /* Unlike isASCII, varies if in a UTF-8 locale */
1635# define isBLANK_LC(c) ((IN_UTF8_CTYPE_LOCALE) ? isBLANK_L1(c) : isBLANK(c))
1638#define _LC_CAST U8
1640#ifdef WIN32
1641 /* The Windows functions don't bother to follow the POSIX standard, which
1642 * for example says that something can't both be a printable and a control.
1643 * But Windows treats the \t control as a printable, and does such things
1644 * as making superscripts into both digits and punctuation. This tames
1645 * these flaws by assuming that the definitions of both controls and space
1646 * are correct, and then making sure that other definitions don't have
1647 * weirdnesses, by making sure that isalnum() isn't also ispunct(), etc.
1648 * Not all possible weirdnesses are checked for, just the ones that were
1649 * detected on actual Microsoft code pages */
1651# define isCNTRL_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_CNTRL, iscntrl)
1652# define isSPACE_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_SPACE, isspace)
1654# define isALPHA_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_ALPHA, isalpha) \
1655 && isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c))
1656# define isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_ALPHANUMERIC, isalnum) && \
1657 ! isPUNCT_LC(c))
1658# define isDIGIT_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_DIGIT, isdigit) && \
1660# define isGRAPH_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_GRAPH, isgraph) && isPRINT_LC(c))
1661# define isIDFIRST_LC(c) (((c) == '_') \
1662 || (_generic_LC(c, _CC_IDFIRST, isalpha) && ! isPUNCT_LC(c)))
1663# define isLOWER_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_LOWER, islower) && isALPHA_LC(c))
1664# define isPRINT_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_PRINT, isprint) && ! isCNTRL_LC(c))
1665# define isPUNCT_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_PUNCT, ispunct) && ! isCNTRL_LC(c))
1666# define isUPPER_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_UPPER, isupper) && isALPHA_LC(c))
1667# define isWORDCHAR_LC(c) (((c) == '_') || isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c))
1668# define isXDIGIT_LC(c) (_generic_LC(c, _CC_XDIGIT, isxdigit) \
1669 && isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c))
1671# define toLOWER_LC(c) _generic_toLOWER_LC((c), tolower, U8)
1672# define toUPPER_LC(c) _generic_toUPPER_LC((c), toupper, U8)
1673# define toFOLD_LC(c) _generic_toFOLD_LC((c), tolower, U8)
1675#elif defined(CTYPE256) || (!defined(isascii) && !defined(HAS_ISASCII))
1676 /* For most other platforms */
1678# define isALPHA_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_ALPHA, isalpha)
1679# define isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_ALPHANUMERIC, isalnum)
1680# define isCNTRL_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_CNTRL, iscntrl)
1681# define isDIGIT_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_DIGIT, isdigit)
1682# define isGRAPH_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_GRAPH, isgraph)
1683# define isIDFIRST_LC(c) _generic_LC_underscore(c, _CC_IDFIRST, isalpha)
1684# define isLOWER_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_LOWER, islower)
1685# define isPRINT_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_PRINT, isprint)
1686# define isPUNCT_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_PUNCT, ispunct)
1687# define isSPACE_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_SPACE, isspace)
1688# define isUPPER_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_UPPER, isupper)
1689# define isWORDCHAR_LC(c) _generic_LC_underscore(c, _CC_WORDCHAR, isalnum)
1690# define isXDIGIT_LC(c) _generic_LC(c, _CC_XDIGIT, isxdigit)
1693# define toLOWER_LC(c) _generic_toLOWER_LC((c), tolower, U8)
1694# define toUPPER_LC(c) _generic_toUPPER_LC((c), toupper, U8)
1695# define toFOLD_LC(c) _generic_toFOLD_LC((c), tolower, U8)
1697#else /* The final fallback position */
1699# define isALPHA_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isalpha(c))
1700# define isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isalnum(c))
1701# define isCNTRL_LC(c) (isascii(c) && iscntrl(c))
1702# define isDIGIT_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isdigit(c))
1703# define isGRAPH_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isgraph(c))
1704# define isIDFIRST_LC(c) (isascii(c) && (isalpha(c) || (c) == '_'))
1705# define isLOWER_LC(c) (isascii(c) && islower(c))
1706# define isPRINT_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isprint(c))
1707# define isPUNCT_LC(c) (isascii(c) && ispunct(c))
1708# define isSPACE_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isspace(c))
1709# define isUPPER_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
1710# define isWORDCHAR_LC(c) (isascii(c) && (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_'))
1711# define isXDIGIT_LC(c) (isascii(c) && isxdigit(c))
1713# define toLOWER_LC(c) (isascii(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))
1714# define toUPPER_LC(c) (isascii(c) ? toupper(c) : (c))
1715# define toFOLD_LC(c) (isascii(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))
1719#define isIDCONT(c) isWORDCHAR(c)
1720#define isIDCONT_A(c) isWORDCHAR_A(c)
1721#define isIDCONT_L1(c) isWORDCHAR_L1(c)
1722#define isIDCONT_LC(c) isWORDCHAR_LC(c)
1723#define isPSXSPC_LC(c) isSPACE_LC(c)
1725/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macros for defining macros like
1726 * isALPHA_uvchr. 'c' is the code point to check. 'classnum' is the POSIX class
1727 * number defined earlier in this file. _generic_uvchr() is used for POSIX
1728 * classes where there is a macro or function 'above_latin1' that takes the
1729 * single argument 'c' and returns the desired value. These exist for those
1730 * classes which have simple definitions, avoiding the overhead of a hash
1731 * lookup or inversion list binary search. _generic_swash_uvchr() can be used
1732 * for classes where that overhead is faster than a direct lookup.
1733 * _generic_uvchr() won't compile if 'c' isn't unsigned, as it won't match the
1734 * 'above_latin1' prototype. _generic_isCC() macro does bounds checking, so
1735 * have duplicate checks here, so could create versions of the macros that
1736 * don't, but experiments show that gcc optimizes them out anyway. */
1738/* Note that all ignore 'use bytes' */
1739#define _generic_uvchr(classnum, above_latin1, c) ((c) < 256 \
1740 ? _generic_isCC(c, classnum) \
1741 : above_latin1(c))
1742#define _generic_swash_uvchr(classnum, c) ((c) < 256 \
1743 ? _generic_isCC(c, classnum) \
1744 : _is_uni_FOO(classnum, c))
1745#define isALPHA_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_ALPHA, c)
1746#define isALPHANUMERIC_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_ALPHANUMERIC, c)
1747#define isASCII_uvchr(c) isASCII(c)
1748#define isBLANK_uvchr(c) _generic_uvchr(_CC_BLANK, is_HORIZWS_cp_high, c)
1749#define isCNTRL_uvchr(c) isCNTRL_L1(c) /* All controls are in Latin1 */
1750#define isDIGIT_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_DIGIT, c)
1751#define isGRAPH_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_GRAPH, c)
1752#define isIDCONT_uvchr(c) \
1753 _generic_uvchr(_CC_WORDCHAR, _is_uni_perl_idcont, c)
1754#define isIDFIRST_uvchr(c) \
1755 _generic_uvchr(_CC_IDFIRST, _is_uni_perl_idstart, c)
1756#define isLOWER_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_LOWER, c)
1757#define isPRINT_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_PRINT, c)
1759#define isPUNCT_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_PUNCT, c)
1760#define isSPACE_uvchr(c) _generic_uvchr(_CC_SPACE, is_XPERLSPACE_cp_high, c)
1761#define isPSXSPC_uvchr(c) isSPACE_uvchr(c)
1763#define isUPPER_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_UPPER, c)
1764#define isVERTWS_uvchr(c) _generic_uvchr(_CC_VERTSPACE, is_VERTWS_cp_high, c)
1765#define isWORDCHAR_uvchr(c) _generic_swash_uvchr(_CC_WORDCHAR, c)
1766#define isXDIGIT_uvchr(c) _generic_uvchr(_CC_XDIGIT, is_XDIGIT_cp_high, c)
1768#define toFOLD_uvchr(c,s,l) to_uni_fold(c,s,l)
1769#define toLOWER_uvchr(c,s,l) to_uni_lower(c,s,l)
1770#define toTITLE_uvchr(c,s,l) to_uni_title(c,s,l)
1771#define toUPPER_uvchr(c,s,l) to_uni_upper(c,s,l)
1773/* For backwards compatibility, even though '_uni' should mean official Unicode
1774 * code points, in Perl it means native for those below 256 */
1775#define isALPHA_uni(c) isALPHA_uvchr(c)
1776#define isALPHANUMERIC_uni(c) isALPHANUMERIC_uvchr(c)
1777#define isASCII_uni(c) isASCII_uvchr(c)
1778#define isBLANK_uni(c) isBLANK_uvchr(c)
1779#define isCNTRL_uni(c) isCNTRL_uvchr(c)
1780#define isDIGIT_uni(c) isDIGIT_uvchr(c)
1781#define isGRAPH_uni(c) isGRAPH_uvchr(c)
1782#define isIDCONT_uni(c) isIDCONT_uvchr(c)
1783#define isIDFIRST_uni(c) isIDFIRST_uvchr(c)
1784#define isLOWER_uni(c) isLOWER_uvchr(c)
1785#define isPRINT_uni(c) isPRINT_uvchr(c)
1786#define isPUNCT_uni(c) isPUNCT_uvchr(c)
1787#define isSPACE_uni(c) isSPACE_uvchr(c)
1788#define isPSXSPC_uni(c) isPSXSPC_uvchr(c)
1789#define isUPPER_uni(c) isUPPER_uvchr(c)
1790#define isVERTWS_uni(c) isVERTWS_uvchr(c)
1791#define isWORDCHAR_uni(c) isWORDCHAR_uvchr(c)
1792#define isXDIGIT_uni(c) isXDIGIT_uvchr(c)
1793#define toFOLD_uni(c,s,l) toFOLD_uvchr(c,s,l)
1794#define toLOWER_uni(c,s,l) toLOWER_uvchr(c,s,l)
1795#define toTITLE_uni(c,s,l) toTITLE_uvchr(c,s,l)
1796#define toUPPER_uni(c,s,l) toUPPER_uvchr(c,s,l)
1798/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macros for defining macros like
1799 * isALPHA_LC_uvchr. These are like isALPHA_LC, but the input can be any code
1800 * point, not just 0-255. Like _generic_uvchr, there are two versions, one for
1801 * simple class definitions; the other for more complex. These are like
1802 * _generic_uvchr, so see it for more info. */
1803#define _generic_LC_uvchr(latin1, above_latin1, c) \
1804 (c < 256 ? latin1(c) : above_latin1(c))
1805#define _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(latin1, classnum, c) \
1806 (c < 256 ? latin1(c) : _is_uni_FOO(classnum, c))
1808#define isALPHA_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isALPHA_LC, _CC_ALPHA, c)
1809#define isALPHANUMERIC_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isALPHANUMERIC_LC, \
1811#define isASCII_LC_uvchr(c) isASCII_LC(c)
1812#define isBLANK_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_uvchr(isBLANK_LC, \
1813 is_HORIZWS_cp_high, c)
1814#define isCNTRL_LC_uvchr(c) (c < 256 ? isCNTRL_LC(c) : 0)
1815#define isDIGIT_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isDIGIT_LC, _CC_DIGIT, c)
1816#define isGRAPH_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isGRAPH_LC, _CC_GRAPH, c)
1817#define isIDCONT_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_uvchr(isIDCONT_LC, \
1818 _is_uni_perl_idcont, c)
1819#define isIDFIRST_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_uvchr(isIDFIRST_LC, \
1820 _is_uni_perl_idstart, c)
1821#define isLOWER_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isLOWER_LC, _CC_LOWER, c)
1822#define isPRINT_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isPRINT_LC, _CC_PRINT, c)
1823#define isPSXSPC_LC_uvchr(c) isSPACE_LC_uvchr(c)
1824#define isPUNCT_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isPUNCT_LC, _CC_PUNCT, c)
1825#define isSPACE_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_uvchr(isSPACE_LC, \
1826 is_XPERLSPACE_cp_high, c)
1827#define isUPPER_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isUPPER_LC, _CC_UPPER, c)
1828#define isWORDCHAR_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_swash_uvchr(isWORDCHAR_LC, \
1829 _CC_WORDCHAR, c)
1830#define isXDIGIT_LC_uvchr(c) _generic_LC_uvchr(isXDIGIT_LC, \
1831 is_XDIGIT_cp_high, c)
1833#define isBLANK_LC_uni(c) isBLANK_LC_uvchr(UNI_TO_NATIVE(c))
1835/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macros for defining macros like
1836 * isALPHA_utf8. These are like the earlier defined macros, but take an input
1837 * UTF-8 encoded string 'p'. If the input is in the Latin1 range, use
1838 * the Latin1 macro 'classnum' on 'p'. Otherwise use the value given by the
1839 * 'utf8' parameter. This relies on the fact that ASCII characters have the
1840 * same representation whether utf8 or not. Note that it assumes that the utf8
1841 * has been validated, and ignores 'use bytes' */
1842#define _base_generic_utf8(enum_name, name, p, use_locale ) \
1843 _is_utf8_FOO(CAT2(_CC_, enum_name), \
1844 (const U8 *) p, \
1845 "is" STRINGIFY(name) "_utf8", \
1846 "is" STRINGIFY(name) "_utf8_safe", \
1847 1, use_locale, __FILE__,__LINE__)
1849#define _generic_utf8(name, p) _base_generic_utf8(name, name, p, 0)
1851/* The "_safe" macros make sure that we don't attempt to read beyond 'e', but
1852 * they don't otherwise go out of their way to look for malformed UTF-8. If
1853 * they can return accurate results without knowing if the input is otherwise
1854 * malformed, they do so. For example isASCII is accurate in spite of any
1855 * non-length malformations because it looks only at a single byte. Likewise
1856 * isDIGIT looks just at the first byte for code points 0-255, as all UTF-8
1857 * variant ones return FALSE. But, if the input has to be well-formed in order
1858 * for the results to be accurate, the macros will test and if malformed will
1859 * call a routine to die
1860 *
1861 * Except for toke.c, the macros do assume that e > p, asserting that on
1862 * DEBUGGING builds. Much code that calls these depends on this being true,
1863 * for other reasons. toke.c is treated specially as using the regular
1864 * assertion breaks it in many ways. All strings that these operate on there
1865 * are supposed to have an extra NUL character at the end, so that *e = \0. A
1866 * bunch of code in toke.c assumes that this is true, so the assertion allows
1867 * for that */
1868#ifdef PERL_IN_TOKE_C
1869# define _utf8_safe_assert(p,e) ((e) > (p) || ((e) == (p) && *(p) == '\0'))
1871# define _utf8_safe_assert(p,e) ((e) > (p))
1874#define _generic_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e, above_latin1) \
1875 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) \
1876 (UTF8_IS_INVARIANT(*(p))) \
1877 ? _generic_isCC(*(p), classnum) \
1879 ? ((LIKELY((e) - (p) > 1 && UTF8_IS_CONTINUATION(*((p)+1)))) \
1880 ? _generic_isCC(EIGHT_BIT_UTF8_TO_NATIVE(*(p), *((p)+1 )), \
1881 classnum) \
1882 : (_force_out_malformed_utf8_message( \
1883 (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e), 0, 1), 0)) \
1884 : above_latin1))
1885/* Like the above, but calls 'above_latin1(p)' to get the utf8 value.
1886 * 'above_latin1' can be a macro */
1887#define _generic_func_utf8_safe(classnum, above_latin1, p, e) \
1888 _generic_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e, above_latin1(p, e))
1889#define _generic_non_swash_utf8_safe(classnum, above_latin1, p, e) \
1890 _generic_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e, \
1891 (UNLIKELY((e) - (p) < UTF8SKIP(p)) \
1892 ? (_force_out_malformed_utf8_message( \
1893 (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e), 0, 1), 0) \
1894 : above_latin1(p)))
1895/* Like the above, but passes classnum to _isFOO_utf8(), instead of having an
1896 * 'above_latin1' parameter */
1897#define _generic_swash_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e) \
1898_generic_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e, _is_utf8_FOO_with_len(classnum, p, e))
1900/* Like the above, but should be used only when it is known that there are no
1901 * characters in the upper-Latin1 range (128-255 on ASCII platforms) which the
1902 * class is TRUE for. Hence it can skip the tests for this range.
1903 * 'above_latin1' should include its arguments */
1904#define _generic_utf8_safe_no_upper_latin1(classnum, p, e, above_latin1) \
1905 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) \
1906 (UTF8_IS_INVARIANT(*(p))) \
1907 ? _generic_isCC(*(p), classnum) \
1909 ? 0 /* Note that doesn't check validity for latin1 */ \
1910 : above_latin1)
1912/* NOTE that some of these macros have very similar ones in regcharclass.h.
1913 * For example, there is (at the time of this writing) an 'is_SPACE_utf8()'
1914 * there, differing in name only by an underscore from the one here
1915 * 'isSPACE_utf8(). The difference is that the ones here are probably more
1916 * efficient and smaller, using an O(1) array lookup for Latin1-range code
1917 * points; the regcharclass.h ones are implemented as a series of
1918 * "if-else-if-else ..." */
1920#define isALPHA_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(ALPHA, p)
1921#define isALPHANUMERIC_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(ALPHANUMERIC, p)
1922#define isASCII_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(ASCII, p)
1923#define isBLANK_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(BLANK, p)
1924#define isCNTRL_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(CNTRL, p)
1925#define isDIGIT_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(DIGIT, p)
1926#define isGRAPH_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(GRAPH, p)
1927#define isIDCONT_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(IDCONT, p)
1928#define isIDFIRST_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(IDFIRST, p)
1929#define isLOWER_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(LOWER, p)
1930#define isPRINT_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(PRINT, p)
1931#define isPSXSPC_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(PSXSPC, p)
1932#define isPUNCT_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(PUNCT, p)
1933#define isSPACE_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(SPACE, p)
1934#define isUPPER_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(UPPER, p)
1935#define isVERTWS_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(VERTSPACE, p)
1936#define isWORDCHAR_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(WORDCHAR, p)
1937#define isXDIGIT_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(XDIGIT, p)
1939#define isALPHA_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_ALPHA, p, e)
1940#define isALPHANUMERIC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1941 _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_ALPHANUMERIC, p, e)
1942#define isASCII_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1943 /* Because ASCII is invariant under utf8, the non-utf8 macro \
1944 * works */ \
1945 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) isASCII(*(p)))
1946#define isBLANK_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1947 _generic_non_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_BLANK, is_HORIZWS_high, p, e)
1949#ifdef EBCDIC
1950 /* Because all controls are UTF-8 invariants in EBCDIC, we can use this
1951 * more efficient macro instead of the more general one */
1952# define isCNTRL_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1953 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) isCNTRL_L1(*(p)))
1955# define isCNTRL_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_utf8_safe(_CC_CNTRL, p, e, 0)
1958#define isDIGIT_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1959 _generic_utf8_safe_no_upper_latin1(_CC_DIGIT, p, e, \
1960 _is_utf8_FOO_with_len(_CC_DIGIT, p, e))
1961#define isGRAPH_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_GRAPH, p, e)
1962#define isIDCONT_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_func_utf8_safe(_CC_WORDCHAR, \
1963 _is_utf8_perl_idcont_with_len, p, e)
1965/* To prevent S_scan_word in toke.c from hanging, we have to make sure that
1966 * IDFIRST is an alnum. See
1967 * for more detail than you
1968 * ever wanted to know about. (In the ASCII range, there isn't a difference.)
1969 * This used to be not the XID version, but we decided to go with the more
1970 * modern Unicode definition */
1971#define isIDFIRST_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1972 _generic_func_utf8_safe(_CC_IDFIRST, \
1973 _is_utf8_perl_idstart_with_len, (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e))
1975#define isLOWER_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_LOWER, p, e)
1976#define isPRINT_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_PRINT, p, e)
1977#define isPSXSPC_utf8_safe(p, e) isSPACE_utf8_safe(p, e)
1978#define isPUNCT_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_PUNCT, p, e)
1979#define isSPACE_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1980 _generic_non_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_SPACE, is_XPERLSPACE_high, p, e)
1981#define isUPPER_utf8_safe(p, e) _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_UPPER, p, e)
1982#define isVERTWS_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1983 _generic_non_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_VERTSPACE, is_VERTWS_high, p, e)
1984#define isWORDCHAR_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1985 _generic_swash_utf8_safe(_CC_WORDCHAR, p, e)
1986#define isXDIGIT_utf8_safe(p, e) \
1987 _generic_utf8_safe_no_upper_latin1(_CC_XDIGIT, p, e, \
1988 (UNLIKELY((e) - (p) < UTF8SKIP(p)) \
1989 ? (_force_out_malformed_utf8_message( \
1990 (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e), 0, 1), 0) \
1991 : is_XDIGIT_high(p)))
1993#define toFOLD_utf8(p,s,l) to_utf8_fold(p,s,l)
1994#define toLOWER_utf8(p,s,l) to_utf8_lower(p,s,l)
1995#define toTITLE_utf8(p,s,l) to_utf8_title(p,s,l)
1996#define toUPPER_utf8(p,s,l) to_utf8_upper(p,s,l)
1998/* For internal core use only, subject to change */
1999#define _toFOLD_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l,f) _to_utf8_fold_flags (p,e,s,l,f, "", 0)
2000#define _toLOWER_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l,f) _to_utf8_lower_flags(p,e,s,l,f, "", 0)
2001#define _toTITLE_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l,f) _to_utf8_title_flags(p,e,s,l,f, "", 0)
2002#define _toUPPER_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l,f) _to_utf8_upper_flags(p,e,s,l,f, "", 0)
2004#define toFOLD_utf8_safe(p,e,s,l) _toFOLD_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l, FOLD_FLAGS_FULL)
2005#define toLOWER_utf8_safe(p,e,s,l) _toLOWER_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l, 0)
2006#define toTITLE_utf8_safe(p,e,s,l) _toTITLE_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l, 0)
2007#define toUPPER_utf8_safe(p,e,s,l) _toUPPER_utf8_flags(p,e,s,l, 0)
2009/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macros for defining macros like
2010 * isALPHA_LC_utf8. These are like _generic_utf8, but if the first code point
2011 * in 'p' is within the 0-255 range, it uses locale rules from the passed-in
2012 * 'macro' parameter */
2013#define _generic_LC_utf8(name, p) _base_generic_utf8(name, name, p, 1)
2015#define isALPHA_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(ALPHA, p)
2016#define isALPHANUMERIC_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(ALPHANUMERIC, p)
2017#define isASCII_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(ASCII, p)
2018#define isBLANK_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(BLANK, p)
2019#define isCNTRL_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(CNTRL, p)
2020#define isDIGIT_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(DIGIT, p)
2021#define isGRAPH_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(GRAPH, p)
2022#define isIDCONT_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(IDCONT, p)
2023#define isIDFIRST_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(IDFIRST, p)
2024#define isLOWER_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(LOWER, p)
2025#define isPRINT_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(PRINT, p)
2026#define isPSXSPC_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(PSXSPC, p)
2027#define isPUNCT_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(PUNCT, p)
2028#define isSPACE_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(SPACE, p)
2029#define isUPPER_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(UPPER, p)
2030#define isWORDCHAR_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(WORDCHAR, p)
2031#define isXDIGIT_LC_utf8(p) _generic_LC_utf8(XDIGIT, p)
2033/* For internal core Perl use only: the base macros for defining macros like
2034 * isALPHA_LC_utf8_safe. These are like _generic_utf8, but if the first code
2035 * point in 'p' is within the 0-255 range, it uses locale rules from the
2036 * passed-in 'macro' parameter */
2037#define _generic_LC_utf8_safe(macro, p, e, above_latin1) \
2038 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) \
2039 (UTF8_IS_INVARIANT(*(p))) \
2040 ? macro(*(p)) \
2042 ? ((LIKELY((e) - (p) > 1 && UTF8_IS_CONTINUATION(*((p)+1)))) \
2043 ? macro(EIGHT_BIT_UTF8_TO_NATIVE(*(p), *((p)+1))) \
2044 : (_force_out_malformed_utf8_message( \
2045 (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e), 0, 1), 0)) \
2046 : above_latin1))
2048#define _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(macro, classnum, p, e) \
2049 _generic_LC_utf8_safe(macro, p, e, \
2050 _is_utf8_FOO_with_len(classnum, p, e))
2052#define _generic_LC_func_utf8_safe(macro, above_latin1, p, e) \
2053 _generic_LC_utf8_safe(macro, p, e, above_latin1(p, e))
2055#define _generic_LC_non_swash_utf8_safe(classnum, above_latin1, p, e) \
2056 _generic_LC_utf8_safe(classnum, p, e, \
2057 (UNLIKELY((e) - (p) < UTF8SKIP(p)) \
2058 ? (_force_out_malformed_utf8_message( \
2059 (U8 *) (p), (U8 *) (e), 0, 1), 0) \
2060 : above_latin1(p)))
2062#define isALPHANUMERIC_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2063 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isALPHANUMERIC_LC, \
2064 _CC_ALPHANUMERIC, p, e)
2065#define isALPHA_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2066 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isALPHA_LC, _CC_ALPHA, p, e)
2067#define isASCII_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2068 (__ASSERT_(_utf8_safe_assert(p, e)) isASCII_LC(*(p)))
2069#define isBLANK_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2070 _generic_LC_non_swash_utf8_safe(isBLANK_LC, is_HORIZWS_high, p, e)
2071#define isCNTRL_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2072 _generic_LC_utf8_safe(isCNTRL_LC, p, e, 0)
2073#define isDIGIT_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2074 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isDIGIT_LC, _CC_DIGIT, p, e)
2075#define isGRAPH_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2076 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isGRAPH_LC, _CC_GRAPH, p, e)
2077#define isIDCONT_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2078 _generic_LC_func_utf8_safe(isIDCONT_LC, \
2079 _is_utf8_perl_idcont_with_len, p, e)
2080#define isIDFIRST_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2081 _generic_LC_func_utf8_safe(isIDFIRST_LC, \
2082 _is_utf8_perl_idstart_with_len, p, e)
2083#define isLOWER_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2084 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isLOWER_LC, _CC_LOWER, p, e)
2085#define isPRINT_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2086 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isPRINT_LC, _CC_PRINT, p, e)
2087#define isPSXSPC_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) isSPACE_LC_utf8_safe(p, e)
2088#define isPUNCT_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2089 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isPUNCT_LC, _CC_PUNCT, p, e)
2090#define isSPACE_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2091 _generic_LC_non_swash_utf8_safe(isSPACE_LC, is_XPERLSPACE_high, p, e)
2092#define isUPPER_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2093 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isUPPER_LC, _CC_UPPER, p, e)
2094#define isWORDCHAR_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2095 _generic_LC_swash_utf8_safe(isWORDCHAR_LC, _CC_WORDCHAR, p, e)
2096#define isXDIGIT_LC_utf8_safe(p, e) \
2097 _generic_LC_non_swash_utf8_safe(isXDIGIT_LC, is_XDIGIT_high, p, e)
2099/* Macros for backwards compatibility and for completeness when the ASCII and
2100 * Latin1 values are identical */
2101#define isALPHAU(c) isALPHA_L1(c)
2102#define isDIGIT_L1(c) isDIGIT_A(c)
2103#define isOCTAL(c) isOCTAL_A(c)
2104#define isOCTAL_L1(c) isOCTAL_A(c)
2105#define isXDIGIT_L1(c) isXDIGIT_A(c)
2106#define isALNUM(c) isWORDCHAR(c)
2107#define isALNUMU(c) isWORDCHAR_L1(c)
2108#define isALNUM_LC(c) isWORDCHAR_LC(c)
2109#define isALNUM_uni(c) isWORDCHAR_uni(c)
2110#define isALNUM_LC_uvchr(c) isWORDCHAR_LC_uvchr(c)
2111#define isALNUM_utf8(p) isWORDCHAR_utf8(p)
2112#define isALNUM_LC_utf8(p) isWORDCHAR_LC_utf8(p)
2113#define isALNUMC_A(c) isALPHANUMERIC_A(c) /* Mnemonic: "C's alnum" */
2114#define isALNUMC_L1(c) isALPHANUMERIC_L1(c)
2115#define isALNUMC(c) isALPHANUMERIC(c)
2116#define isALNUMC_LC(c) isALPHANUMERIC_LC(c)
2117#define isALNUMC_uni(c) isALPHANUMERIC_uni(c)
2118#define isALNUMC_LC_uvchr(c) isALPHANUMERIC_LC_uvchr(c)
2119#define isALNUMC_utf8(p) isALPHANUMERIC_utf8(p)
2120#define isALNUMC_LC_utf8(p) isALPHANUMERIC_LC_utf8(p)
2122/* On EBCDIC platforms, CTRL-@ is 0, CTRL-A is 1, etc, just like on ASCII,
2123 * except that they don't necessarily mean the same characters, e.g. CTRL-D is
2124 * 4 on both systems, but that is EOT on ASCII; ST on EBCDIC.
2125 * '?' is special-cased on EBCDIC to APC, which is the control there that is
2126 * the outlier from the block that contains the other controls, just like
2127 * toCTRL('?') on ASCII yields DEL, the control that is the outlier from the C0
2128 * block. If it weren't special cased, it would yield a non-control.
2129 * The conversion works both ways, so toCTRL('D') is 4, and toCTRL(4) is D,
2130 * etc. */
2131#ifndef EBCDIC
2132# define toCTRL(c) (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(c)) toUPPER(((U8)(c))) ^ 64)
2134# define toCTRL(c) (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(c)) \
2135 ((isPRINT_A(c)) \
2136 ? (UNLIKELY((c) == '?') \
2138 : (NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(toUPPER((U8) (c))) ^ 64)) \
2140 ? '?' \
2141 : (LATIN1_TO_NATIVE(((U8) (c)) ^ 64)))))
2144/* Line numbers are unsigned, 32 bits. */
2145typedef U32 line_t;
2146#define NOLINE ((line_t) 4294967295UL) /* = FFFFFFFF */
2148/* Helpful alias for version prescan */
2149#define is_LAX_VERSION(a,b) \
2150 (a != Perl_prescan_version(aTHX_ a, FALSE, b, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
2152#define is_STRICT_VERSION(a,b) \
2153 (a != Perl_prescan_version(aTHX_ a, TRUE, b, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
2155#define BADVERSION(a,b,c) \
2156 if (b) { \
2157 *b = c; \
2158 } \
2159 return a;
2161/* Converts a character known to represent a hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F, or
2162 * a-f) to its numeric value. READ_XDIGIT's argument is a string pointer,
2163 * which is advanced. The input is validated only by an assert() in DEBUGGING
2164 * builds. In both ASCII and EBCDIC the last 4 bits of the digits are 0-9; and
2165 * the last 4 bits of A-F and a-f are 1-6, so adding 9 yields 10-15 */
2166#define XDIGIT_VALUE(c) (__ASSERT_(isXDIGIT(c)) (0xf & (isDIGIT(c) \
2167 ? (c) \
2168 : ((c) + 9))))
2169#define READ_XDIGIT(s) (__ASSERT_(isXDIGIT(*s)) (0xf & (isDIGIT(*(s)) \
2170 ? (*(s)++) \
2171 : (*(s)++ + 9))))
2173/* Converts a character known to represent an octal digit (0-7) to its numeric
2174 * value. The input is validated only by an assert() in DEBUGGING builds. In
2175 * both ASCII and EBCDIC the last 3 bits of the octal digits range from 0-7. */
2176#define OCTAL_VALUE(c) (__ASSERT_(isOCTAL(c)) (7 & (c)))
2178/* Efficiently returns a boolean as to if two native characters are equivalent
2179 * case-insenstively. At least one of the characters must be one of [A-Za-z];
2180 * the ALPHA in the name is to remind you of that. This is asserted() in
2181 * DEBUGGING builds. Because [A-Za-z] are invariant under UTF-8, this macro
2182 * works (on valid input) for both non- and UTF-8-encoded bytes.
2183 *
2184 * When one of the inputs is a compile-time constant and gets folded by the
2185 * compiler, this reduces to an AND and a TEST. On both EBCDIC and ASCII
2186 * machines, 'A' and 'a' differ by a single bit; the same with the upper and
2187 * lower case of all other ASCII-range alphabetics. On ASCII platforms, they
2188 * are 32 apart; on EBCDIC, they are 64. At compile time, this uses an
2189 * exclusive 'or' to find that bit and then inverts it to form a mask, with
2190 * just a single 0, in the bit position where the upper- and lowercase differ.
2191 * */
2192#define isALPHA_FOLD_EQ(c1, c2) \
2193 (__ASSERT_(isALPHA_A(c1) || isALPHA_A(c2)) \
2194 ((c1) & ~('A' ^ 'a')) == ((c2) & ~('A' ^ 'a')))
2195#define isALPHA_FOLD_NE(c1, c2) (! isALPHA_FOLD_EQ((c1), (c2)))
2198=head1 Memory Management
2200=for apidoc Am|void|Newx|void* ptr|int nitems|type
2201The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<malloc> function.
2203Memory obtained by this should B<ONLY> be freed with L</"Safefree">.
2205In 5.9.3, Newx() and friends replace the older New() API, and drops
2206the first parameter, I<x>, a debug aid which allowed callers to identify
2207themselves. This aid has been superseded by a new build option,
2208PERL_MEM_LOG (see L<perlhacktips/PERL_MEM_LOG>). The older API is still
2209there for use in XS modules supporting older perls.
2211=for apidoc Am|void|Newxc|void* ptr|int nitems|type|cast
2212The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<malloc> function, with
2213cast. See also C<L</Newx>>.
2215Memory obtained by this should B<ONLY> be freed with L</"Safefree">.
2217=for apidoc Am|void|Newxz|void* ptr|int nitems|type
2218The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<malloc> function. The allocated
2219memory is zeroed with C<memzero>. See also C<L</Newx>>.
2221Memory obtained by this should B<ONLY> be freed with L</"Safefree">.
2223=for apidoc Am|void|Renew|void* ptr|int nitems|type
2224The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<realloc> function.
2226Memory obtained by this should B<ONLY> be freed with L</"Safefree">.
2228=for apidoc Am|void|Renewc|void* ptr|int nitems|type|cast
2229The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<realloc> function, with
2232Memory obtained by this should B<ONLY> be freed with L</"Safefree">.
2234=for apidoc Am|void|Safefree|void* ptr
2235The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<free> function.
2237This should B<ONLY> be used on memory obtained using L</"Newx"> and friends.
2239=for apidoc Am|void|Move|void* src|void* dest|int nitems|type
2240The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<memmove> function. The C<src> is the
2241source, C<dest> is the destination, C<nitems> is the number of items, and
2242C<type> is the type. Can do overlapping moves. See also C<L</Copy>>.
2244=for apidoc Am|void *|MoveD|void* src|void* dest|int nitems|type
2245Like C<Move> but returns C<dest>. Useful
2246for encouraging compilers to tail-call
2249=for apidoc Am|void|Copy|void* src|void* dest|int nitems|type
2250The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<memcpy> function. The C<src> is the
2251source, C<dest> is the destination, C<nitems> is the number of items, and
2252C<type> is the type. May fail on overlapping copies. See also C<L</Move>>.
2254=for apidoc Am|void *|CopyD|void* src|void* dest|int nitems|type
2256Like C<Copy> but returns C<dest>. Useful
2257for encouraging compilers to tail-call
2260=for apidoc Am|void|Zero|void* dest|int nitems|type
2262The XSUB-writer's interface to the C C<memzero> function. The C<dest> is the
2263destination, C<nitems> is the number of items, and C<type> is the type.
2265=for apidoc Am|void *|ZeroD|void* dest|int nitems|type
2267Like C<Zero> but returns dest. Useful
2268for encouraging compilers to tail-call
2271=for apidoc Am|void|StructCopy|type *src|type *dest|type
2272This is an architecture-independent macro to copy one structure to another.
2274=for apidoc Am|void|PoisonWith|void* dest|int nitems|type|U8 byte
2276Fill up memory with a byte pattern (a byte repeated over and over
2277again) that hopefully catches attempts to access uninitialized memory.
2279=for apidoc Am|void|PoisonNew|void* dest|int nitems|type
2281PoisonWith(0xAB) for catching access to allocated but uninitialized memory.
2283=for apidoc Am|void|PoisonFree|void* dest|int nitems|type
2285PoisonWith(0xEF) for catching access to freed memory.
2287=for apidoc Am|void|Poison|void* dest|int nitems|type
2289PoisonWith(0xEF) for catching access to freed memory.
2291=cut */
2293/* Maintained for backwards-compatibility only. Use newSV() instead. */
2294#ifndef PERL_CORE
2295#define NEWSV(x,len) newSV(len)
2298#define MEM_SIZE_MAX ((MEM_SIZE)-1)
2304/* This expression will be constant-folded at compile time. It checks
2305 * whether or not the type of the count n is so small (e.g. U8 or U16, or
2306 * U32 on 64-bit systems) that there's no way a wrap-around could occur.
2307 * As well as avoiding the need for a run-time check in some cases, it's
2308 * designed to avoid compiler warnings like:
2309 * comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
2310 * It's mathematically equivalent to
2311 * max(n) * sizeof(t) > MEM_SIZE_MAX
2312 */
2314# define _MEM_WRAP_NEEDS_RUNTIME_CHECK(n,t) \
2315 ( sizeof(MEM_SIZE) < sizeof(n) \
2316 || sizeof(t) > ((MEM_SIZE)1 << 8*(sizeof(MEM_SIZE) - sizeof(n))))
2318/* This is written in a slightly odd way to avoid various spurious
2319 * compiler warnings. We *want* to write the expression as
2320 * _MEM_WRAP_NEEDS_RUNTIME_CHECK(n,t) && (n > C)
2321 * (for some compile-time constant C), but even when the LHS
2322 * constant-folds to false at compile-time, g++ insists on emitting
2323 * warnings about the RHS (e.g. "comparison is always false"), so instead
2324 * we write it as
2325 *
2326 * (cond ? n : X) > C
2327 *
2328 * where X is a constant with X > C always false. Choosing a value for X
2329 * is tricky. If 0, some compilers will complain about 0 > C always being
2330 * false; if 1, Coverity complains when n happens to be the constant value
2331 * '1', that cond ? 1 : 1 has the same value on both branches; so use C
2332 * for X and hope that nothing else whines.
2333 */
2335# define _MEM_WRAP_WILL_WRAP(n,t) \
2337 MEM_SIZE_MAX/sizeof(t)) > MEM_SIZE_MAX/sizeof(t))
2339# define MEM_WRAP_CHECK(n,t) \
2340 (void)(UNLIKELY(_MEM_WRAP_WILL_WRAP(n,t)) \
2341 && (croak_memory_wrap(),0))
2343# define MEM_WRAP_CHECK_1(n,t,a) \
2344 (void)(UNLIKELY(_MEM_WRAP_WILL_WRAP(n,t)) \
2345 && (Perl_croak_nocontext("%s",(a)),0))
2347#define MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) MEM_WRAP_CHECK(n,t),
2349#define PERL_STRLEN_ROUNDUP(n) ((void)(((n) > MEM_SIZE_MAX - 2 * PERL_STRLEN_ROUNDUP_QUANTUM) ? (croak_memory_wrap(),0) : 0), _PERL_STRLEN_ROUNDUP_UNCHECKED(n))
2352#define MEM_WRAP_CHECK(n,t)
2353#define MEM_WRAP_CHECK_1(n,t,a)
2354#define MEM_WRAP_CHECK_2(n,t,a,b)
2355#define MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t)
2361#ifdef PERL_MEM_LOG
2363 * If PERL_MEM_LOG is defined, all Newx()s, Renew()s, and Safefree()s
2364 * go through functions, which are handy for debugging breakpoints, but
2365 * which more importantly get the immediate calling environment (file and
2366 * line number, and C function name if available) passed in. This info can
2367 * then be used for logging the calls, for which one gets a sample
2368 * implementation unless -DPERL_MEM_LOG_NOIMPL is also defined.
2369 *
2370 * Known problems:
2371 * - not all memory allocs get logged, only those
2372 * that go through Newx() and derivatives (while all
2373 * Safefrees do get logged)
2374 * - __FILE__ and __LINE__ do not work everywhere
2375 * - __func__ or __FUNCTION__ even less so
2376 * - I think more goes on after the perlio frees but
2377 * the thing is that STDERR gets closed (as do all
2378 * the file descriptors)
2379 * - no deeper calling stack than the caller of the Newx()
2380 * or the kind, but do I look like a C reflection/introspection
2381 * utility to you?
2382 * - the function prototypes for the logging functions
2383 * probably should maybe be somewhere else than handy.h
2384 * - one could consider inlining (macrofying) the logging
2385 * for speed, but I am too lazy
2386 * - one could imagine recording the allocations in a hash,
2387 * (keyed by the allocation address?), and maintain that
2388 * through reallocs and frees, but how to do that without
2389 * any News() happening...?
2390 * - lots of -Ddefines to get useful/controllable output
2391 * - lots of ENV reads
2392 */
2394# ifdef PERL_CORE
2395# ifndef PERL_MEM_LOG_NOIMPL
2396enum mem_log_type {
2399 MLT_FREE,
2400 MLT_NEW_SV,
2403# endif
2404# if defined(PERL_IN_SV_C) /* those are only used in sv.c */
2405void Perl_mem_log_new_sv(const SV *sv, const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *funcname);
2406void Perl_mem_log_del_sv(const SV *sv, const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *funcname);
2407# endif
2408# endif
2412#ifdef PERL_MEM_LOG
2413#define MEM_LOG_ALLOC(n,t,a) Perl_mem_log_alloc(n,sizeof(t),STRINGIFY(t),a,__FILE__,__LINE__,FUNCTION__)
2414#define MEM_LOG_REALLOC(n,t,v,a) Perl_mem_log_realloc(n,sizeof(t),STRINGIFY(t),v,a,__FILE__,__LINE__,FUNCTION__)
2415#define MEM_LOG_FREE(a) Perl_mem_log_free(a,__FILE__,__LINE__,FUNCTION__)
2418#ifndef MEM_LOG_ALLOC
2419#define MEM_LOG_ALLOC(n,t,a) (a)
2421#ifndef MEM_LOG_REALLOC
2422#define MEM_LOG_REALLOC(n,t,v,a) (a)
2424#ifndef MEM_LOG_FREE
2425#define MEM_LOG_FREE(a) (a)
2428#define Newx(v,n,t) (v = (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (t*)MEM_LOG_ALLOC(n,t,safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)((n)*sizeof(t))))))
2429#define Newxc(v,n,t,c) (v = (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (c*)MEM_LOG_ALLOC(n,t,safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)((n)*sizeof(t))))))
2430#define Newxz(v,n,t) (v = (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (t*)MEM_LOG_ALLOC(n,t,safecalloc((n),sizeof(t)))))
2432#ifndef PERL_CORE
2433/* pre 5.9.x compatibility */
2434#define New(x,v,n,t) Newx(v,n,t)
2435#define Newc(x,v,n,t,c) Newxc(v,n,t,c)
2436#define Newz(x,v,n,t) Newxz(v,n,t)
2439#define Renew(v,n,t) \
2440 (v = (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (t*)MEM_LOG_REALLOC(n,t,v,saferealloc((Malloc_t)(v),(MEM_SIZE)((n)*sizeof(t))))))
2441#define Renewc(v,n,t,c) \
2442 (v = (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (c*)MEM_LOG_REALLOC(n,t,v,saferealloc((Malloc_t)(v),(MEM_SIZE)((n)*sizeof(t))))))
2444#ifdef PERL_POISON
2445#define Safefree(d) \
2446 ((d) ? (void)(safefree(MEM_LOG_FREE((Malloc_t)(d))), Poison(&(d), 1, Malloc_t)) : (void) 0)
2448#define Safefree(d) safefree(MEM_LOG_FREE((Malloc_t)(d)))
2451#define perl_assert_ptr(p) assert( ((void*)(p)) != 0 )
2454#define Move(s,d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), perl_assert_ptr(s), (void)memmove((char*)(d),(const char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2455#define Copy(s,d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), perl_assert_ptr(s), (void)memcpy((char*)(d),(const char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2456#define Zero(d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), (void)memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2458#define MoveD(s,d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), perl_assert_ptr(s), memmove((char*)(d),(const char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2459#define CopyD(s,d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), perl_assert_ptr(s), memcpy((char*)(d),(const char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2460#define ZeroD(d,n,t) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) perl_assert_ptr(d), memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2462#define PoisonWith(d,n,t,b) (MEM_WRAP_CHECK_(n,t) (void)memset((char*)(d), (U8)(b), (n) * sizeof(t)))
2463#define PoisonNew(d,n,t) PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xAB)
2464#define PoisonFree(d,n,t) PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xEF)
2465#define Poison(d,n,t) PoisonFree(d,n,t)
2467#ifdef PERL_POISON
2468# define PERL_POISON_EXPR(x) x
2470# define PERL_POISON_EXPR(x)
2473#define StructCopy(s,d,t) (*((t*)(d)) = *((t*)(s)))
2475/* C_ARRAY_LENGTH is the number of elements in the C array (so you
2476 * want your zero-based indices to be less than but not equal to).
2477 *
2478 * C_ARRAY_END is one past the last: half-open/half-closed range,
2479 * not last-inclusive range. */
2480#define C_ARRAY_LENGTH(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
2481#define C_ARRAY_END(a) ((a) + C_ARRAY_LENGTH(a))
2483#ifdef NEED_VA_COPY
2484# ifdef va_copy
2485# define Perl_va_copy(s, d) va_copy(d, s)
2486# elif defined(__va_copy)
2487# define Perl_va_copy(s, d) __va_copy(d, s)
2488# else
2489# define Perl_va_copy(s, d) Copy(s, d, 1, va_list)
2490# endif
2493/* convenience debug macros */
2494#ifdef USE_ITHREADS
2495#define pTHX_FORMAT "Perl interpreter: 0x%p"
2496#define pTHX__FORMAT ", Perl interpreter: 0x%p"
2497#define pTHX_VALUE_ (void *)my_perl,
2498#define pTHX_VALUE (void *)my_perl
2499#define pTHX__VALUE_ ,(void *)my_perl,
2500#define pTHX__VALUE ,(void *)my_perl
2502#define pTHX_FORMAT
2503#define pTHX__FORMAT
2504#define pTHX_VALUE_
2505#define pTHX_VALUE
2506#define pTHX__VALUE_
2507#define pTHX__VALUE
2508#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
2510/* Perl_deprecate was not part of the public API, and did not have a deprecate()
2511 shortcut macro defined without -DPERL_CORE. Neither nor
2512 CPAN::Unpack show any users outside the core. */
2513#ifdef PERL_CORE
2514# define deprecate(s) Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED), \
2515 "Use of " s " is deprecated")
2516# define deprecate_disappears_in(when,message) \
2517 Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED), \
2518 message ", and will disappear in Perl " when)
2519# define deprecate_fatal_in(when,message) \
2520 Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED), \
2521 message ". Its use will be fatal in Perl " when)
2524/* Internal macros to deal with gids and uids */
2525#ifdef PERL_CORE
2527# if Uid_t_size > IVSIZE
2528# define sv_setuid(sv, uid) sv_setnv((sv), (NV)(uid))
2529# define SvUID(sv) SvNV(sv)
2530# elif Uid_t_sign <= 0
2531# define sv_setuid(sv, uid) sv_setiv((sv), (IV)(uid))
2532# define SvUID(sv) SvIV(sv)
2533# else
2534# define sv_setuid(sv, uid) sv_setuv((sv), (UV)(uid))
2535# define SvUID(sv) SvUV(sv)
2536# endif /* Uid_t_size */
2538# if Gid_t_size > IVSIZE
2539# define sv_setgid(sv, gid) sv_setnv((sv), (NV)(gid))
2540# define SvGID(sv) SvNV(sv)
2541# elif Gid_t_sign <= 0
2542# define sv_setgid(sv, gid) sv_setiv((sv), (IV)(gid))
2543# define SvGID(sv) SvIV(sv)
2544# else
2545# define sv_setgid(sv, gid) sv_setuv((sv), (UV)(gid))
2546# define SvGID(sv) SvUV(sv)
2547# endif /* Gid_t_size */
2551#endif /* PERL_HANDY_H_ */
2554 * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
2555 */