#!/usr/bin/perl eval "exec perl -S $0 $*" if $running_under_some_shell; # $Id: patmake.SH 20 2008-01-04 23:14:00Z rmanfredi $ # # Copyright (c) 1991-1997, 2004-2006, Raphael Manfredi # # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of # that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root # of the source tree for dist 4.0. # # Original Author: Larry Wall # Contribution by: Graham Stoney # # $Log: patmake.SH,v $ # Revision 1995/09/25 09:21:19 ram # patch59: now calls patsend with -i to add more instructions # # Revision 1994/10/29 16:43:09 ram # patch36: a lot of setup is now performed by patlog # patch36: added various escapes in strings for perl5 support # # Revision 1994/01/24 14:30:55 ram # patch16: now prefix error messages with program's name # patch16: added ~/.dist_profile awareness # # Revision 1993/08/24 12:18:59 ram # patch3: now asks for patch mailing/posting after all patches edited # patch3: patch release notification is done via new patnotify # patch3: random cleanup, removed old RCS logs # # Revision 1993/08/19 06:42:38 ram # patch1: leading config.sh searching was not aborting properly # # Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:10:45 ram # Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. # $defeditor='/usr/bin/vi'; $version = '3.5'; $patchlevel = '0'; $mailer = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $progname = &profile; # Read ~/.dist_profile require 'getopts.pl'; &usage unless &Getopts("hV"); if ($opt_V) { print STDERR "$progname $version PL$patchlevel\n"; exit 0; } elsif ($opt_h) { &usage; } &readpackage; &readusers; $FILEOVERHEAD = 40; # Name of files, Index, Prereq $MAXPATSIZE = 50000; # Maximum allowed size for a patch $PATOVERHEAD = 2500; # Litterature $FIRST_PAT = 3000; # Give space for first patch (descriptions) if (-f 'patchlevel.h') { open(PL,"patchlevel.h") || die "$progname: can't open patchlevel.h: $!\n"; while () { if (/^#define\s+PATCHLEVEL\s+(\d+)/) { $last = $1; $patchline = $.; # Record PATCHLEVEL line } } die "$progname: malformed patchlevel.h file.\n" if $last eq ''; $bnum = $last + 1; } else { $patchline = 1; $bnum = 1; $last = ''; } @ARGV = <[Mm]akefile*>; $mf = ''; if ($#ARGV > 0) { while (<>) { $mf .= $_ if /^[a-z.]+\s*:/; # Rules in makefile } } $after = ''; $after .= "\t\tConfigure -ders\n" if -f 'Configure'; $after .= "\t\tmake depend\n" if $mf =~ /^depend:/m; $after .= "\t\tmake\n" if $mf; $after .= "\t\tmake test\n" if $mf =~ /^test:/m; $after .= "\t\tmake install\n" if $mf =~ /^install:/m; $after .= "\t\tmake install.man\n" if $mf =~ /^install\.man:/m; chdir 'bugs' if -d 'bugs'; die "$progname: patch #$bnum already exists.\n" if -f "patch$bnum"; @patlist=<*.$bnum>; die "$progname: no diff files for patch #$bnum.\n" if $patlist[0] =~ /^\*/ || $patlist[0] eq ''; # Whether they asked for a changelog file or not, call patlog. # This will create at least the .pri and .subj and .clog files that we need. # If a changelog file is needed, it will update it and create the necessary # patch before we go on and put all those patches together. # Note that we make use of the '-r' option, in case they have already # run patlog themselves and made the necessary adjustments. Since -r supersedes # -u, it's safe to allow ~/.dist_profile processing anyway. chdir '..' if -d '../bugs'; system 'perl', '-S', 'patlog', '-r'; # Must be called from top-level dir chdir 'bugs' if -d 'bugs'; @patlist=<*.$bnum>; # Reget it, in case Changes.xx appeared due to patlog # Look for size of each diff file for (@patlist) { ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat($_); $size{$_} = $size; } # Sort the array, biggest sizes first sub revnum { $size{$a} < $size{$b} ? 1 : $size{$a} > $size{$b} ? -1 : 0; } @patlist = sort revnum @patlist; # Put files in a patch for (@patlist) { $i=1; # Find the patch in which the current file can go # Divide size by 15 to count the 3 spaces added in front of each line while (($newtot = int($tot[$i] + $size{$_} + $size{$_}/15 + $FILEOVERHEAD)) > $MAXPATSIZE-$PATOVERHEAD-($i == 1 ? $FIRST_PAT : 0) && $tot[$i]) { $i++; } # Adding $_ to patch $i giving $newtot bytes $tot[$i] = $newtot; # Update size of kit $i $list[$i] .= " $_"; # Add file to the kit $i } $numpat = $#list; # Number of patches to generate if ($numpat > 1) { print "$progname: Warning: generating $numpat patches.\n"; sleep(1); } $hah = " (hah!)" if $bnum == 1; $patbase = $bnum; # First patch generated open(PRIORITY, ".pri$bnum"); chop($priority = ); close PRIORITY; $priority = 'LOW' unless $priority; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numpat; $i++) { # For all patches... open(PATCH,">patch$bnum") || die "Can't create patch #$bnum"; chop($date=`date`); print PATCH "System: $package version $baserev Patch #: $bnum "; print PATCH "Priority: $priority\n" unless $priority eq ''; # Print subjects only for first patch if ($i == 1) { open(SUBJECTS, ".subj$bnum"); print PATCH while ; close SUBJECTS; } else { print PATCH "Subject: patch #$patbase, continued\n"; } print PATCH "Date: $date From: $maintname <$maintloc> Description: "; # Print description and repeat-by only for first patch if ($i == 1) { open(LOGS, ".clog$bnum"); $_ = ; $_ = ; $_ = ; # Skip first three lines print PATCH while ; close LOGS; print PATCH "Repeat-By: \n"; } else { print PATCH "\tSee patch #$patbase.\n\n"; } print PATCH " Fix: From rn, say \"| patch -p -N -d DIR\", where DIR is your $package source directory. Outside of rn, say \"cd DIR; patch -p -N "; if ($mailagent ne 'false') { print PATCH " If you send a mail message of the following form it will greatly speed processing: Subject: Command \@SH mailpatch PATH $package $baserev LIST ^ note the c where PATH is a return path FROM ME TO YOU either in Internet notation, or in bang notation from some well-known host, and LIST is the number of one or more patches you need, separated by spaces, commas, and/or hyphens. Saying 35- says everything from 35 to the end. To get some more detailed instructions, send me the following mail: Subject: Command \@SH mailhelp PATH "; } if ($ftpsite) { print PATCH " You can also get the patches via anonymous FTP from $ftpsite. "; } # Print patchlevel at the top of each patch print PATCH " Index: patchlevel.h "; if ($last eq '') { `echo "#define PATCHLEVEL 1" >patchlevel.h`; `cp /dev/null patchlevel.h.null`; print PATCH `diff -c patchlevel.h.null patchlevel.h`; unlink 'patchlevel.h', 'patchlevel.h.null'; } else { print PATCH "Prereq: $last ${patchline}c${patchline} < #define PATCHLEVEL $last --- > #define PATCHLEVEL $bnum "; } $last = $bnum; # Update last patch push(@patset, $bnum); # Record set of generated patch(es) @ARGV = split(' ', $list[$i]); while (<>) { print PATCH; } print PATCH "\n*** End of Patch $bnum ***\n"; close PATCH; # Update patchlevel.h file $editor = $ENV{'VISUAL'}; $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} unless $editor; $editor = $defeditor unless $editor; $editor = 'vi' unless $editor; system $editor, "patch$bnum"; if (-s "patch$bnum") { system 'chmod', '-w', "patch$bnum"; # Protect newly created patch chdir '..'; `echo "#define PATCHLEVEL 0" >patchlevel.h` unless -f 'patchlevel.h'; open(PL,"patchlevel.h") || die "$progname: can't open patchlevel.h: $!\n"; open(PLN,">patchlevel.h+") || die "$progname: can't create new patchlevel.h: $!\n"; while () { if (/^#define\s+PATCHLEVEL\s+(\d+)/) { $bnum = $1; $bnum++; # Update patch level print PLN "#define PATCHLEVEL $bnum\n"; } else { print PLN; # Simply copy other lines } } close PLN; close PL; `mv -f patchlevel.h+ patchlevel.h`; die "$progname: malformed patchlevel.h file.\n" if $bnum eq ''; } else { unlink "patch$bnum"; die "$progname: aborted.\n"; } chdir 'bugs' || die "$progname: cannot cd to bugs: $!\n"; # Find priority for next patch in loop $priority=''; open(PATCH, "patch$bnum") || die "Cannot re-open patch #$bnum !\n"; while () { /^Priority:\s*(\S+)\s*$/ && ($priority = $1); } close PATCH; $bnum++; # For next patch in loop } utime time, time, 'patchlevel.h'; # Reset timestamp on patchlevel if (@patset == 1) { $bnum = pop(@patset); $patch = "patch #$bnum"; } else { $bmin = shift(@patset); $bmax = pop(@patset); $bnum = "$bmin-$bmax"; $patch = "patches #$bmin thru #$bmax"; } # Post generated patches if ($newsgroups) { print "\nDo you wish to post $patch to $newsgroups? [y] "; $ans = ; system 'patpost', $bnum unless $ans =~ /^n/i; } # Mail generated patches if ($recipients) { print "\n"; if (0 == ($recipients =~ tr/ //)) { print "Do you wish to send $patch to $recipients? [y] "; } else { print "The following people are on the recipient list:\n\n"; foreach $addr (split(' ', $recipients)) { print "\t$addr\n"; } print "\nDo you wish to send $patch to them? [y] "; } $ans = ; system 'patsend', '-i', $bnum, $recipients unless $ans =~ /^n/i; } # Copy patches to FTP directory if ($ftpdir) { print "\nDo you wish to copy $patch to $ftpdir? [y] "; $ans = ; system 'patftp', $bnum unless $ans =~ /^n/i; } # Notify people about it. if ($notify) { print "\n"; if (0 == ($notify =~ tr/ //)) { print "Do you wish to notify $notify? [y] "; } else { print "The following people are on the notify list:\n\n"; foreach $addr (split(' ', $notify)) { print "\t$addr\n"; } print "\nDo you wish to notify them? [y] "; } $ans = ; system 'patnotify', $notify unless $ans =~ /^n/i; } sub usage { print STDERR <) { next if /^:/; next if /^#/; if (($var,$val) = /^\s*(\w+)=(.*)/) { $val = "\"$val\"" unless $val =~ /^['"]/; eval "\$$var = $val;"; } } close PACKAGE; } sub readusers { return unless open(USERS, 'users'); local($_); local($status, $name, $pl); while () { next if /^#/; chop if /\n$/; # Emacs may leave final line without \n ($status, $pl, $name) = split; # Handle oldstyle two-field user file format (PL13 and before) $name = $pl unless defined $name; if ($status eq 'M') { $recipients = $recipients ? "$recipients $name" : $name; } elsif ($status eq 'N') { $notify = $notify ? "$notify $name" : $name; } } close USERS; } # Perform ~name expansion ala ksh... # (banish csh from your vocabulary ;-) sub tilda_expand { local($path) = @_; return $path unless $path =~ /^~/; $path =~ s:^~([^/]+):(getpwnam($1))[$[+7]:e; # ~name $path =~ s:^~:$ENV{'HOME'} || (getpwuid($<))[$[+7]:e; # ~ $path; } # Set up profile components into %Profile, add any profile-supplied options # into @ARGV and return the command invocation name. sub profile { local($profile) = &tilda_expand($ENV{'DIST'} || '~/.dist_profile'); local($me) = $0; # Command name $me =~ s|.*/(.*)|$1|; # Keep only base name return $me unless -s $profile; local(*PROFILE); # Local file descriptor local($options) = ''; # Options we get back from profile unless (open(PROFILE, $profile)) { warn "$me: cannot open $profile: $!\n"; return; } local($_); local($component); while () { next if /^\s*#/; # Skip comments next unless /^$me/o; if (s/^$me://o) { # progname: options chop; $options .= $_; # Merge options if more than one line } elsif (s/^$me-([^:]+)://o) { # progname-component: value $component = $1; chop; s/^\s+//; # Trim leading and trailing spaces s/\s+$//; $Profile{$component} = $_; } } close PROFILE; return unless $options; require 'shellwords.pl'; local(@opts); eval '@opts = &shellwords($options)'; # Protect against mismatched quotes unshift(@ARGV, @opts); return $me; # Return our invocation name }