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[metaconfig.git] / dist-3.0at70b / mcon / pl /
1;# $Id:,v 1994/10/29 16:36:52 ram Exp $
3;# Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi
5;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence,
6;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
7;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
8;# that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root
9;# of the source tree for dist 3.0.
11;# $Log:,v $
12;# Revision 1994/10/29 16:36:52 ram
13;# patch36: misspelled a 'closedir' as a 'close' statement
15;# Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:10:25 ram
16;# Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release.
19;# Locate units and put them in the @ARGV array, for later perusal. We first
20;# look in the private U directory, then in the public U library. In each U
21;# directory, units may be gathered in clusters (directories). These clusters
22;# should not have a name ending with .U, as those will never be stat()'ed.
24;# NB: Currently, the clusters are only a practical way of grouping a set of
25;# closely related units. There must not be any name conflicts.
27;# The following variables are used:
28;# $WD is assumed to be the working directory (where the process was spawned)
29;# $MC is the location of metaconfig's public library
30;# @ARGV is the list of all the units full path
31;# %Unit maps an unit name (without final .U) to a path
32;# @myUlist lists the user's units, which will be appended at the end of @ARGV
33;# %myUseen lists the user's units which overwrite public ones
35package locate;
37# Locate the units and push their path in @ARGV (sorted alphabetically)
38sub main'locate_units {
39 print "Locating units...\n" unless $main'opt_s;
40 local(*WD) = *main'WD; # Current working directory
41 local(*MC) = *main'MC; # Public metaconfig library
42 undef %myUlist; # Records private units paths
43 undef %myUseen; # Records private/public conflicts
44 &private_units; # Locate private units in @myUlist
45 &public_units; # Locate public units in @ARGV
46 @ARGV = sort @ARGV; # Sort it alphabetically
47 push(@ARGV, sort @myUlist); # Append user's units sorted
48 &dump_list if $main'opt_v; # Dump the list of units
51# Dump the list of units on stdout
52sub dump_list {
53 print "\t";
54 $, = "\n\t";
55 print @ARGV;
56 $, = '';
57 print "\n";
60# Scan private units
61sub private_units {
62 return unless -d 'U'; # Nothing to be done if no 'U' entry
63 local(*ARGV) = *myUlist; # Really fill in @myUlist
64 local($MC) = $WD; # We are really in the working directory
65 &units_path("U"); # Locate units in the U directory
66 local($unit_name); # Unit's name (without .U)
67 local(@kept); # Array of kept units
68 # Loop over the units and remove duplicates (the first one seen is the one
69 # we keep). Also set the %myUseen H table to record private units seen.
70 foreach (@ARGV) {
71 ($unit_name) = m|^.*/(.*)\.U$|; # Get unit's name from path
72 next if $myUseen{$unit_name}; # Already recorded
73 $myUseen{$unit_name} = 1; # Record pirvate unit
74 push(@kept, $_); # Keep this unit
75 }
76 @ARGV = @kept;
79# Scan public units
80sub public_units {
81 chdir($MC) || die "Can't find directory $MC.\n";
82 &units_path("U"); # Locate units in public U directory
83 chdir($WD) || die "Can't go back to directory $WD.\n";
84 local($path); # Relative path from $WD
85 local($unit_name); # Unit's name (without .U)
86 local(*Unit) = *main'Unit; # Unit is a global from main package
87 local(@kept); # Units kept
88 local(%warned); # Units which have already issued a message
89 # Loop over all the units and keep only the ones that were not found in
90 # the user's U directory. As it is possible two or more units with the same
91 # name be found in
92 foreach (@ARGV) {
93 ($unit_name) = m|^.*/(.*)\.U$|; # Get unit's name from path
94 next if $warned{$unit_name}; # We have already seen this unit
95 $warned{$unit_name} = 1; # Remember we have warned the user
96 if ($myUseen{$unit_name}) { # User already has a private unit
97 $path = $Unit{$unit_name}; # Extract user's unit path
98 next if $path eq $_; # Same path, we must be in mcon/
99 $path =~ s|^$WD/||o; # Weed out leading working dir path
100 print " Your private $path overrides the public one.\n"
101 unless $main'opt_s;
102 } else {
103 push(@kept, $_); # We may keep this one
104 }
105 }
106 @ARGV = @kept;
109# Recursively locate units in the directory. Each file ending with .U has to be
110# a unit. Others are stat()'ed, and if they are a directory, they are also
111# scanned through. The $MC and @ARGV variable are dynamically set by the caller.
112sub units_path {
113 local($dir) = @_; # Directory where units are to be found
114 local(@contents); # Contents of the directory
115 local($unit_name); # Unit's name, without final .U
116 local($path); # Full path of a unit
117 local(*Unit) = *main'Unit; # Unit is a global from main package
118 unless (opendir(DIR, $dir)) {
119 warn("Cannot open directory $dir.\n");
120 return;
121 }
122 print "Locating in $MC/$dir...\n" if $main'opt_v;
123 @contents = readdir DIR; # Slurp the whole thing
124 closedir DIR; # And close dir, ready for recursion
125 foreach (@contents) {
126 next if $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..';
127 if (/\.U$/) { # A unit, definitely
128 ($unit_name) = /^(.*)\.U$/;
129 $path = "$MC/$dir/$_"; # Full path of unit
130 push(@ARGV, $path); # Record its path
131 if (defined $Unit{$unit_name}) { # Already seen this unit
132 if ($main'opt_v) {
133 ($path) = $Unit{$unit_name} =~ m|^(.*)/.*|;
134 print " We've already seen $unit_name.U in $path.\n";
135 }
136 } else {
137 $Unit{$unit_name} = $path; # Map name to path
138 }
139 next;
140 }
141 # We have found a file which does not look like a unit. If it is a
142 # directory, then scan it. Otherwise skip the file.
143 unless (-d "$dir/$_") {
144 print " Skipping file $_ in $dir.\n" if $main'opt_v;
145 next;
146 }
147 &units_path("$dir/$_");
148 print "Back to $MC/$dir...\n" if $main'opt_v;
149 }
152package main;